If race mixing is bad, is ethnicity mixing bad as well...

If race mixing is bad, is ethnicity mixing bad as well? Is it ok for a Western European to have kids with a Slavic person, because they are both white, or is it bad, because they are different ethnicity? Does ethnic mixing cause the same problems as race mixing? Pic not related

No it's not as bad because of lesser genetic distance and the fact that they look more closely alike so the offspring look more like actual humans instead of unrecognizable aliens.


You can't guess the answer to most of these questions yourself?

no. Unlike the a fucking african and a german the kids will acutally look like the parents (White skin and white skin make.... white skin)
Also the cultures of europe are much closer then europe with outside of europe, so instead of the kid being alienated with not knowing what their families are know for, they end up generic crimanles. Also the Iq difference is much much smaller (like 3-5 points up or down) meaning the kid will not be retarded.
So it's okay ethnicitis if from the same content to mix

Slav + British mixing gave us Baron Trump

there is nothing actually wrong with racemixing, that is a Sup Forums meme
these days, white women have more chemistry with black males, it's not a big deal

There is no racial or intelligence differences between western and eastern Europeans as shown by intelligence and DNA tests.

Say's the only nigger on /pol.

Ha, good one Abdul.

Anything other than inbreeding is degenerate.

Its worse. Slavs are fucking insects. Remember World War II when they only stood a chance against germany by sending a fucking swarm? The child could easily come out as a semi-human with an ant-brain

might actually be good for some Eastern Europeans to mix with Westerners/Balts/Nords, just to stave off genetic degeneration.
Arabs used to be civilized but inbreeding over the course of thousands of years has ruined them.
We should not let this happen to European groups/subgroups.

fpbp, race isn't always necessarily genetic (which it is), it's more of a feeling or collective understanding. There are civilizational umbrellas we cognitively group ourselves under. You don't even need science to back this as we have collectively done this ourselves. In the past going 50 miles was a big deal for intermarrying, we have broadened that obviously, but what is being pushed on us now is not natural, or perhaps, we are not ready yet. Anyway, white people are still an existing thing worth fighting for, and at this point in time, it is quite evident who is white, and who is not.

He's a dorky kid now, but he has good genetics and will probably be a chad once he goes through puberty.

No. It's not bad at all. Gibs med wimmen now pls.

Drumpf is German.

Trump is Germaninc Leafy friend.

it's bad

You just end up with this situation

source now

And this too

His mom is from the outer hebrides lol

It is not bad if you avoid mixing with niggers.

Why would it be bad? It should happen more.

I would NEVER mix with a SLAV(E)
It would be tainting my pure anglo bloodline...disgusting...slavs accomplished even less than sandniggers in history...and they're "white" according to this board....wtf

You say Slav + British, but Trump is of mostly German ancestry, and Melania is Slovenian which along with Croatia was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire so there is probably some Germanic or Gothic admixture there. Perhaps Illyrian as well, so they're Slavs, but as far as Slavs go they're not pure Slavic they're more a bit of a mix of Slav ancestry and culture with the local population.

Yes, ethnic mixing is just as bad. Ethnic cleansing is needed.