Nick "Countersignal" Fuentes Permanently Destroyed

> be charismatic 18-year-old youtube eceleb who is brighter than most
> forced to drop out of college and move into parents' basement
> gain wider audience after partnering with premier Chad Nationalist James Allsup
> start publicly countersignaling every IRL alt-right activist over autistic minutia, get thrown out of advocacy organization
> partner makes connections with major alt-right figures like Jared Taylor, Eli Mosley, and McFeels
> your only plan is to literally become a JWOKE Tea Party
> finally get public "debate" with de facto alt-right leader Richard Spencer
> Spencer BTFOs you catastrophically, even your partner admits that you're being a faggot
> later that night try to suck Mike Enoch's cock while backpedaling all of your earlier criticism
> Enoch gently shreds all of your countersignaling and you descend into autistic mumbling
> tfw you become just another virgin NEET making youtube videos in your parents' basement while the world passes you by

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>7 retweets 63 likes
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Really? This is what you kikes are going with now?

Reminder that this is kike tactics 101



The Spencer "Debate"

Enoch hugfest

> Fuentes attempts to divide the alt-right by relentlessly criticizing IRL activists, who are by far the most important members of the movement

He just talked with two of the most influential people in the alt-right and he had good conversations with both.

Sup Forums is not alt-right. Are you lost, TRSodomite?

control yourself nigger

What did they even disagree on?

He accused Spencer of wanting to run for President and claimed that the alt-right was trying to go full Turner Diaries. Even Allsup was criticizing Fuentes by the end of the show. Bad faith debating.

Enoch might have been less aggressive about it (he's such a friendly guy), but he total dismantled Fuentes' retarded defense of public countersignaling. Apparently Fuentes genuinely didn't appreciate how unproductive public criticism of IRL events is - he thought that he could just shout whatever he wanted as long as he was "right." I doubt he has many friends.

Well hopefully Fuentes learned something and won't be so aggressive in the future.

Basically Fuentes argues against public rallies and thinks that the best way forward for the alt-right is to just take over the Republican Party. He was unable to come up with an answer to what happens after changing demographics make the election of Republicans or any pro-white candidate impossible. He really did strawman Spencer hard.

Spencer didn't disagree, but felt that development of a "white consciousness," including an IRL white identity movement, was necessary for the longterm survival of the movement.

Spencer is right - you're not going to save society with Tea Party 2.0 when the Dems are going to legalize 10 million illegal immigrants as soon as they take back the Presidency. More long-term planning is necessary, even if you can support the Republicans in the short-term.

Lolbertarians fuck off


>claimed that the alt-right was trying to go full Turner Diaries
Will it though?

No. Spencer and Mosley repeatedly tell their members to avoid confrontation and not to bring weapons to events.

As professional groups like IE become more prominent in the alt-right, violence will decline because events can be preplanned and attendees can be prescreened.

No highly doubt it, Anti-fa is actually mirroring the turner diaries much more in their own way.

I doubt Antifa will be much of a threat beyond the next few months. The real threat is creeping demographic change.

In the next few years, it will be impossible for conservatives (or even white people) to meet on college campuses

How do any of those corporations hurt the people without government help, you fuckin nimrod? And how does Nike and Coca Cola control your life, you fuckin nigger? You fuckin NatSoc and Commies are two sides of the same retarded coin.

> Nazis are the real Communists!

Hahahahha, and people wonder why Randlet got rekt on the stage. Libertarianism is a dying, discredited philosophy that totally subverted the western world.

Who do you think pays for political campaigns to import massive amounts of third world labor (low wages)?

Really? That is a real question? Holy shit buddy.

link to convo with spencer?

Spencer also basically conceded that the "ethno state" is just a meme he's using to push his "right-wing" version of Marxism and basically he just wants us to become Jews ruling over hordes of negroes. No thanks Spencer I'll pass.

Its useless to take over a consistently loosing party. Boomer cucks and thier unrelenting egalitarianism would cause way too much infighting, and the teacucks will have an even less coherent platform. Take overs are retarded, reinvention is the way forward.

Optics debate begins a little bit before the 2hr mark, though honestly its nice to listen to the rest of show only because it's abundantly clear that Fuentes is used to being a big fish in a small pond. When he goes up against an actual intellectual (Spencer has a BA in English Lit from UVA and an MA in the Humanities from UChicago), he's totally outclassed. Allsup can keep up because he's a chad and doesn't pretend to dive deep into philosophy, but Fuentes is ultimately a college dropout who was good at Model UN with a big mouth. It's entertaining to see him so humbled.

>I doubt he has many friends.
The RSIDF shill posting is out of control tonight.

Nick had an opinion and voiced it, they had a good debate and everyone will be better off because of it

It's not a meme, it's a longterm ideal and goal to strive towards - like Zionism was for Jews. The ethnostate is not a realistic possibility in the next 10 years, but it could be in the next 100 or even 50.

Shared goals are important for building collective identity.

Spencer made it clear that political power in the current system isn't even the goal of their whole LARP. His goals are barely even connected with reality. A pan-european white 'awakening' is cosmically retarded. Whites have never worked that way.

>alt-right factions
This is the dumbest dogshit I've ever allowed my eyeballs to read.

>When he goes up against an actual intellectual (Spencer has a BA in English Lit from UVA and an MA in the Humanities from UChicago), he's totally outclassed.
holy shit I was just memeing before about the RSIDF but it might be real

Link faggot

Nick is actually an amazing debater Spencer would be 140 IQ if he managed to assrape him

>le likes and retweets determines relevancy
back to plebbic ,leafcuck

We used to have higher levels of NRx and Libertarians, both of which are really crypto-WN.

>Antifa are the REAL fascists!!1!

You understand that there have already been several attempts from corporations like Nestle to buy up all water right in America, right? They've literally tried to buy streams and monopolize a natural resource that you can't live without. I don't hate everything against free markets, I have everything against atomized individualistic consumerism that makes you slaves to bullshit, until some serious shit, like water, gets bought up.

holy shit I was just memeing before about the ARSIDF but it might be real

> mischaracterize your opponent's views so badly that your co-host and friend steps in and confirms that you're making a strawman
> your entire argument against IRL activism (the most important aspect of the current movement) is that weirdos (actually feds) might show up with Nazi flags and start fights even though you asked them not to

There are some opinions that are best kept to yourself

What is wrong with white identity?
It's okay to be white.

It checks all the boxes of a meme my dude. He's peddling memes.

What's more important is that he doesn't actually recognize that the white country he's choosing to peddle his memes in (probably the only country he can do so and avoid jail long term) is the least fertile ground for some kind of white identity movement because U.S. whites are such an outlier in the white world.

That was the gayest thing I’ve ever read. Sage

> Whites have never worked that way.

They did when "Christendom" was an implicitly white and European movement as opposed to Arab Muslims

"Whiteness" (largely divorced from ethnic/natioanl divisions) in the modern sense didn't really exist until the US provided a melting pot for white Europeans. That's not a problem. Whiteness needs to exist in the same way "Blackness" does. We must move beyond ethnic consciousness into racial consciousness.

Much more likely that we work on several nationalistic fronts without a grand white identity, which is a colonial thing. No pan whiteness is probably going to occurs, but the consciousness of whites in those countries, in relation to those countries, are possible and even likely.

I was more thinking along the lines of a literal DOTR.

>Shareblue runs another character assassination

>the water isnt already bought
You naive little girl

I felt the same way while listening. Fuentes kept trying to strawman Spencer and demand some grand "plan of action" from him.... which Spencer never claimed to have in the first place. Not a good look for Fuentes

> Much more likely that we work on several nationalistic fronts without a grand white identity, which is a colonial thing


Once you recognize that this movement will not take the same form in every country I don't understand why Spencer basically advocates for giving up on the demographics in the U.S. We've got probably 2 generations worth of wiggle room to at minimum put legal safeguards in place. It's not like once we can demonstrate a demographic decline it's a foregone conclusion that shit will end up like South Africa.

I don't think that's what the poster you're responding to is making fun of, rather the idea that there are "alt-right" factions. The alt-right in and of itself is so nebulous that it essentially encompasses anybody with pro-white views. I think what the poster is actually referring to is the fact that while most people here agree on core values (niggers, Jews... Bad news) they disagree on implementation. This is why you have Strasserists/NazBols, Fascists, Traditionalists, Monarchists, libertarians and AnCaps and so forth all at each other's throats over what exactly should and shouldn't be turned into a national utility, and whether democracy should stay or go and what should replace it. I wouldn't call it a "faction" because these groups in and of themselves are too disorganized to exist on their own currently outside the umbrella of the "alt-right" and I don't think they need to, first thing on the list is changing people's way of thinking about race and culture, if you don't get that out of the way the chance of effecting real change via a cohesive movement is nil.

Spencer isn't the ideal leader - but he's definitely what the alt-right needed to undo the horrible optics of WN 1.0: a well-spoken, handsome, even dainty, intellectual who can stand his ground against the left's pop philosophers.

OKAY JEW KIKE SHILL. Why is Nick Fuentes getting flack for bringing up Zionism, Israel, and Jewish Supremacy? Because the kikes that criticize him are KIKES! Or kike shills

> We've got probably 2 generations worth of wiggle room to at minimum put legal safeguards in place

Not really - the Democrats will have a permanent national electoral majority (from illegal immigrants they legalize) sometime in the next 10 years. They aren't going to respect the Constitution or the Supreme Court, so we can't expect to be able to meet as openly as we do now. An IRL component of white identity (like that advocated by Spencer), will be necessary to ensure that we have longevity in spite of government suppression (and believe me, we will be actively suppressed).

> It's not like once we can demonstrate a demographic decline it's a foregone conclusion that shit will end up like South Africa.

If current population growth patterns remain unchanged the US becomes 40% white in 2050. Population graph patterns aren't going to remain unchanged. The non-white population is going to explode as soon as the Dems legalize illegal immigrants and create an open borrders situation.

We might not be South Africa-tier fucked, but without pretty radical changes we're going to have to deal with being a hated minority group pretty soon - and even then we won't be able to count on many whites to represent their own interests.

>an actual intellectual (Spencer has a BA in English Lit from UVA and an MA in the Humanities from UChicago)
>being so bluepilled that you're impressed by these credentials
Even by your own "alt-right" academic standards Spencer is no intellectual. Where are his refereed publications? What books has he written? Back to PHALANX, sodomite.

>Democrats will have a permanent national electoral majority sometime in the next 10 years
>If current population growth patterns remain unchanged
So change them? There are tons of things that can be tweaked before 2050 that can stem this tide and even turn it back.

Never heard of Fuentes, but Spencer could certainly do better on optics and gatekeeping. Fat people should absolutely not be allowed to march with the alt right. They should wear clothes nice clothes but not have a color requirement in the dress code since it makes it seem like a violent militant group. Wearing suits would also be better.

Also, whenever he's asked about the third reich or the holocaust he dodges the question. I think he's a natsoc holocaust skeptic but won't say it outright, which is ultimately not a good thing.

Well if you want to get autistic about it he is the Executive Director of Washington Summit Publishers, founder of Radix Journal, and previously served as an editor of The American Conservative and Taki's Magazine.

He's pretty clearly conversant with critical theory, philosophy, and the arts in a way that previous modern figureheads of rightwing movements are not.

I think he gets black pilled on it because we're at the low end, demographically, and probably wants to have the majority of focus on Europe, since its for better or worse, the root system of whites. I think he gets too black pilled on the US, but it's not as though that's baseless. A lot can happen within 2 generations either which way. With all the racial tensions, I wouldn't say a future Rhodesia or SA is impossible, and even that possibility should be avoided as much as possible.

They're both missing the point and talking past eachother.

I actually agree with Nick about the rallies, every single one has been an disaster imo. But we do need irl activism.

I don't think Spencer is enough of those things to be effective, especially long term. His "intellectualism" is especially overrated.

I feel like I'm kinda coming across as too much of le middle ground as far as this "optics" debate goes, and I should probably stop posting, but I do think the discussions they all had tonight are important.
But "the movement", so to speak, needs a fantastical and a practical side and I think both Spencer and Nick are both extremely focused on their respective sides.

In other words, he has no peer-reviewed publications and has written no books -- a laughable track record for an academic literary intellectual. What he does have is a record of accomplishing absolutely nothing in a series of sinecures funded by a (likely gay) wealthy benefactor.

No, I think Spencer and Enoch both understand that being a political vanguard means challenging "normal" peoples' beliefs, not presenting them with something they're entirely confortable with (like 1950s Americana). Someone like Spencer, who represents white identitarianism, can't honestly cloak himself in symbols of America because he's speaking about racial consciousness. Instead, he just dresses in conventional, even decadent, suits.

Fuentes can't really argue against this, or come up with a plan beyond becoming Alt Light 2.0, so he just pretends that everyone he disagrees with is a Nazi LARPer with nordic runes tattooed on their face.

I get the impression that Fuentes' ultra-traditional views on women is a cover for a deep insecurity he has. Meme's aside, it's pretty telling that he doesn't think women should have any post-high school education, nor should they have any sort of job outside of motherhood and homemaking.

I'm thinking that not only does Fuentes not have many friends, but he probably hasn't had much luck with women.

>peer review

What's wrong with white supremacy?


>California Santa Cruz, home of the "fighting" Banana Slugs

I think the solution is Calexit. Unironically. Let's let them have their Latin American Communist state, and the rest of us will be better off for it, once more Wall is built.

>later that night try to suck Mike Enoch's cock while backpedaling all of your earlier criticism

I'm a TRS paying subscriber and I don't care one bit for Nick Fuentes, but to be honest, I didn't hear that. All I heard was a friendly, civil conversation in the Enoch and Fuentes talk.

> If you don't have support from the academy you're not a real intellectual!

Lmao just quit kid

I am excited for his manuscript though

the alt right is not a movement it is a creature of the media, a paper tiger for them to slander

The whole point that Fuentes keeps trying to get around to is that there need to be /ourguy/s who remain somewhat untainted by this whole shit storm so there can be a marketable product that results from all this radicalism.

If all we end up with is an obese guy in a plaid shirt with a bad hair cut with 50,000 hours of media ranting about kikes we're fucked.

I think there is a middle ground. We do need to get *some* of the aforementioned WIsconsin Catholic auto-mechanics, etc.

Although the Left's continually accelerating blatant (is it all because of trump? I fell they've tried to cram five years of cultural Marxism in the last eleven months) anti-White agenda will redpill some. Will it be enough? We need a bigger, wider appeal so we can stop ourselves from becoming South Africa.

I agree that Spencer and Enoch are not the end goal of the movement, but they're doing a lot more than Fuentes who just sits at home and makes youtube videos criticizing people doing actual work. That's not leadership, or even particularly productive.

Someone like Allsup, who combines activism with bants, is necessary.

>Fuentes attempts to divide the alt-right by relentlessly criticizing IRL activists, who are by far the most important members of the movement

Yeah, I bet normies are DYING to join the alt-kike after seeing pic related.

>academic credentials make Spencer an intellectual
>academic publications aren't relevant to whether Spencer is an intellectual
Having trouble keeping your shill narrative straight?


Was this guy ever ID'd? It seems ever tikitorcher was, but this obvious plant ever identified? If not, then that's further evidence of planted "bad optics."

This. He pretty clearly misjudged the situation with Identity Evropa and ended up being ejected from the group. It seems like he doesn't have a lot of social fluency, despite his intelligence. Very difficult to find a romantic partner with that level of immaturity. When he speaks about women, he's not speaking from a place of experience but rather longing.

Tough to take his talk of traditional familes seriously when he can't even get a gf, much less a wife and children.

Kys you pathetic faggot

Fuentes is a tiny little kid talking about some pretty adult stuff.

He is like 19. His pre-frontal cortex is not even fully developed.

Also, Fuentes is asking some good questions and I've heard some great suggestions from him.

To this very day, no one knows who this guy is. Not even the guys at Charlottesville.

Fuentes is okay desu. I believe in a diversity of tactics anyways. But that faggot R. Cam on twitter is high off his own farts 24/7

Is Fuente really a college dropout?

Are you from 8gag or islammarch?

Yes, he dropped out of BU because of "harassment" or something. I feel bad for him.

He was probably already socially isolated and getting "doxxed" at Charlottesville was a good excuse to leave due to safety concerns. He applied to Auburn, but I don't think he's attending next year.

I hope he goes back - he has a lot of talent that needs to be tempered with the experience that college gives you. Could be one of the greats.

I think he had to dropout because the shitlibs and red scum in college were creating a hostile learning environment

Allsup is going to end up just as tainted as Spencer and Enoch. He'll be totally unmarketable the moment he gets on the mic and just starts chaining memes. Kid is already unwatchable.

As I thought. Thanks Nordbro.

Opinion instantly discarded out of hand for 8gag buzzwords.

He was basically kicked out for heresy against the ((((powers that be)))).

Ugh. Santa Cruz is such a shithole.

Who is better, Sup Forums, Alt Hype or Allsup?

I fucked a ginger with dreadlocks from UCSC once. It was amazing she was super wiggly and fit from all the yoga. Don't worry I got an STD test afterwards.

please return to r donald

I'm alt right.

I like Spencer, but I would back this guy over him.

Also why was he kicked?

id prefer neither, but ill take the 40 year old over the 15 year old anyday

What happened between him and IE? I've never heard that before.

Unfortunately, I agree. Allsup is a god speaker and he's smart enough to handle himself well in a discussion, but over the past motnth or so he's descended completely into memery. He'll always be good for people already on our side, but any hopes of him bringing in a wider audience are pretty much nil.

*good speaker.

Happened just today

It turns out that when you're a member of an organization you can't repeatedly, publicly, call other members of that organization "faggots" for attending an event sponsored by the organization.

This rule applies even if you're a super smart virgin NEET college drop out who lives in your parents basement but who has the 100% only truth to how to run a sucessful activist movement despite having no substanitive real world accomplishments other than a mildly popular youtube channel.

I know, pretty radical stuff.

Sounds fair, I guess, but not necessarily a good look for IE. Wonder what he'll do next.