White Libertarians/Ancaps, how do you justify becoming a minority in your own country?

I never understood this. I used to be one of you, but the more i thought about it, the more i realized that culture is the flower and race is the root. The more i realized that I don't want to be the only white person in my school/neighborhood/workplace. I don't hate non-white people, i just love my own people and my own country enough to not want it to turn into Africa/South America/Middle East.

There's nothing wrong with just wanting to leave other people alone, and have them leave you alone. But don't you realize that the left will NEVER leave you alone BECAUSE you are white? They hate your very existence and want you and your people gone from the face of the Earth. A libertarian society would be ideal in a white nation, but it can never work in a non-white nation.

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also pic related

you can form white only communities in memeball ideology. no one will care

Read this and then kys

How will niggers survive in an ancap society? I thought they wouldn't get gibs anymore, essentially wiping out half of the population.

So basically ethnostates? But how do you enforce the ethnonationalism? It can only be done through force.

Most libertarians believe in open borders though. Look only to the libertarian party for proof.

Once they lose gibs, they will organize and attack whites to get gibs by force. They're gonna try to get the white man's stuff one way or another.

closed communities. like a piece of land where you and only white folks live. also this

You don’t have to renounce ancappery, just join the Hans Hermann Hoppe side of the libertarian philosophy. Monarchy, anti egalitarianism, traditionalism, etc are all compatible with the NAP and property rights.

The Libertarian Party isn't Libertarian.

>Once they lose gibs, they will organize and attack whites

and every good white person has a massive arsenal which they BOUGHT with their OWN money

hunting niggers with truck mounted 50cals and burning their ghettos down with privatly owned napalm will be a lot of fun

So it's okay to be surrounded by all the shitskins in the world, who will most likely just organize and invade, as long as I have my little community with no organization or relative strength to stand up to larger organized nations? Doesn't seem like a recipe for success. It sounds like a good opportunity to weaken yourself & get invaded.

This whole ideology is just more ridiculous when you have to presume that outsiders will be libertarian and follow the NAP just like you.

>that hoppe quote
Holy shit how does this madman get away with it

Nothing he said was factually wrong.

idk man. maybe racism is wrong

How will individuals be able to afford waging a war against non-whites who vastly outnumber them? People have to maintain their home lives, provide for their families, work, etc....War is very expensive:

Arms, ammunition, food, clothing, protective equipment, miscellaneous tactical gear, vehicles, etc...The average man would have to give up his entire livelihood just to fight in this war.

> But that wasn't real libertarianism, so you try it again.

This is not just a problem for ancapistan, it’s a problem for any small state. If surrounded any small state can be invaded. Ancapistan can remove any trespasser by force and still be within the NAP.

>wanting to live with your own tribe, your own race, your own people, is wrong

I would expect nothing less from Brazil.

>This whole ideology is just more ridiculous when you have to presume that outsiders will be libertarian and follow the NAP just like you.

this. Libertarianism would require a strict homogeous society.

>this. Libertarianism would require a strict homogeous society.
The only society that doesn’t is a monarchy or other dictatorship, which is a form of libertarianism.

a party leader never having heard of Murray Rothbard, let alone having read him, indeed is no libertarian though.

Combine hope with darwinian thinking, and stoicism, and you have my political views.

Closed borders are necessary to the protection of private property. Objectively verifiable data indicates that nonwhites cannot respect the NAP or private property and as such immigration of any individual into the country should be limited severely. Standards for entering the US must be high, and any individual found to be a repeat border hopper should simply be shot.

It is necessary to the maintenance of a Libertarian society for individuals accepted into that society to demonstrate that they are willing to follow the basic rules.

libertarianism doesn't mean open borders. there's just a fuckload of pot smoking retards and lefty subversives in the "libertarian" movement right now, trying to co-opt it into something that they want to use to help destroy the west. picture related

im a libertarian and believe firmly in white ethnostate. liberty for us. liberty for our people. let other pieces of shit sort themselves out IMO. or bomb them and take their lands, i honestly don't really give a shit as long as we do good.

we have no monarchy and still live under a tyranny pretending to be a republic. Hoppe as German remembers the times of the German monarchy, which were very lenient, granting freedoms and liberties, personal and economical, superiour to anything we have these days. The real feudalism came after the implementation

How do you address the people who say "Enforcing all these rules on how people in your nation are to live? Well that sounds pretty authoritarian to me"?

Sounds nice, if it can be achieved. I just don't foresee a white ethnostate being achieved AND maintained without the use of force (violating the NAP).

>no true scotsman fallacy

Three things:
> 1. I believe my preservation as a person, attacked for being white can be accomplished in different/better ways
> 2. I don't like a society that see's people through an identity politics lens just because other people are looking at us that way, if Muslims hate our freedom, I don't think implementing anti-freedom spying laws is a solution for example.
> 3. Looking at people as collectives has similar problems whether you're looking at "class" and "race", it ignores a humans actual actions. You can have rich & poor leeches, rich and poor producers. Just like you can have brown & white degenerates, brown & white leaders.
I don't like being hated for my skin, but at the same time I don't want to be the one looking at the next Thomas Sowell or Ayn Rand and telling them they should fuck off an die for something arbitrary regardless of their actual individual actions, I'd rather see grubby whites and grubby blacks all punished for being grubby cunts.

They'd be enforcing rules on people who want to enter the nation, just as a libertarian may enforce rules on those who want to enter their private property.

>without the use of force (violating the NAP)
Use of force doesn't always violate the NAP. Choosing who and what comes onto your land is fundamental.

It literally isn't. Gary "gay wedding cake" Johnson was literally a neoliberal calling himself a libertarian.

Respectable. Admirable. But how do you feel about becoming a minority in your own country? That is assuming you're white and American. If not, please post flag and explain how you can compromise between Anarcho-capitalism and the preservation of your race.

This is a triangle, and I don't care if you think it's not a "true" triangle.

lol decent meme

>Use of force doesn't always violate the NAP. Choosing who and what comes onto your land is fundamental.

Let me clarify: I'm not talking about BEFORE ancapistan or some new Libertarian nation is formed. I'm talking about what do we do in the here and now? In [Current Year] in the current United States?

what the pic is describing sounds more like right wing populism with free market economics.

>your country
Your country is the land around your own two feet which you secure with your capital and influence. If you do not own land, you are a (barely) autonomous part of someone else's capital.
If you don't desire X in your Zaibatsu, so be it. If you are property, you don't get to have an opinion.
At least be familiar with the meme ideology

No we don't. Minorities and Jews have broken the NAP time and time again. This is not immigration but and an invasion, and invaders shall be dealt with accordingly.

Hence "right-wing libertarianism".

NAP only applies to humans

*shrug* I have based black friends and don't want them actually deported to Liberia or some shit. I just want the left to kill themselves and all of our race problems will magically vanish.

The majority of these so called "minorities" do not follow our laws, do not believe in our constitution or way of being, nor do they believe in our history. Whenever they do become the majority in a community, they warp it to their own twisted version to their own liking - Los Angeles becomes basically Mexico, Miami basically South America, Detroit becomes Armageddon, and Jew York becomes a vipers den. (((They))) and their pet minorities have violated the NAP forty fold, they're not entitled to fuck.

I vote since I don't think it's an NAP violation to specify how the NAP should be violated if it's going to be violated anyway. If someone is holding you and another person at gunpoint and the gunman asks you what should be stolen from the other person, it's not an NAP violation to give an answer.

At this point it's best to try and support a government that will bring about the most liberty. Voting to restrict immigration will do that.

I hold "freedom" as a higher priority and don't believe that supporting it excludes fighting back against the anti-white brigade and declining birth rates. I don't necessarily see it as a compromise even though one is more of a priority than the other, I think I can fight for both without one necessarily leading to the complete expulsion of the other, unless I place race above freedom in which case that becomes the case.

Although one side note, I don't go for the open/closed border dichotomy either, I actually quite enjoy the middle route of personal/business sponsors + visas + long citizenship & integration paths before ever touching a cent of welfare or breeding up a storm.

I don't know if it's just a difference in values or a misunderstanding or disagreement in strategy, priority & consequence.

because being a libertarian has nothing to do about race dumbass

in fact race arguments are most likely used to prop up shitty statist/nationalist ideas.

>reasonable person
>driven to nazism

>magically vanish
Based on magic, like your entire ideology

>falling for the lolbertian meme in current year

lolberts will never gain traction, dw.

Not so. Brush up on your logical fallacies. If a "communist" espouses ideals that align with National Sociaslism, then by definition, they aren't a communist.

Constitutional republicanism, and a government limited in scope, not size. Close the borders except to foreigners who clearly respect our way of life, and make sure that they completely assimilate. And protect the environment.

You're gonna have that one "le based black/hispanic man" out of a thousand niggers and commie spics. Even non-literal Nazis would rather live next to a Ben Carson type black family that causes no trouble and acts American, rather than some wigger trash scum who's dealing crack in his basement. We'd rather live by a mestizo Texan who drives a truck, speaks with a Southern accent, waves a Dixie flag, and invites you to good BBQs, then some snake-y, faggot (((Brooklyn Boi))) who organizes Antifa meetings in his living room.
Again, you're not likely to find "le based black man" or "le libertarian hispanic" - and those few anomalies are welcome to stay. Even Hitler had non Aryans in the SS.

where did this meme that libertarians are anti-white or don't care about racial demographics come from?

This is the work of the government bringing these niggers in and giving them gibs.

Seems that Gary Johnson has made libertarians ashamed to call themselves that.

The Hegelian right is on the rise using the mask of the alt-right. Read some Ironmarch posts and it's like a bunch of serious Fascists sitting the background whispering some lies about their opponents which people just take on board and meme because it's fun, without serious thought to the overarching ideological struggle going on right now.

Not saying it's not a warranted concern, just a little obfuscated atm.

> le based black man meme
> race problems will magically vanish

kill yourself you fucking cuckold. Nothing is going to make niggers equal to whites

Lolbergtarianism and anarchocrapitalism are babbies first entry into politics. They are afraid to hurt people's feelings and go for the "to each their own" mentality, remaining willfully ignorant to reality. It's no surprise the most influential (((libertarians))) were all kikes.
Accurate, add a jew in the middle of the white group ready to backstab the white goyim.

I believe in IQ stats too man I just don't care about white identity.

Hmm shit dude I think I was wrong lmao


>legitimate ideology that deserve to be discussed

This picture has gotten me rethinking my entire belief system & worldview. I thought the red pill ended with the fascist worldview; but i'm beginning to question whether i'm wrong or missing something.

Only advantage I can think of would be to easily change "countries" if the current one is fucked. The governments of the world suck because their people have little to no choice. But anarcho-capitalism would quickly descend into tyranny, it would just be a transition system.

I remember reading this last year at stage 2 and thinking it was stupid but I've completely followed it. I don't think much of libertarianism is incompatible with traditionalism though.

Every system of social organization has ground rules. Even in libertarian societies things like theft, rape, murder, assault, intimidation, con-artistry, etc would still be illegal just not for exactly the same reasons as they are now. Since it is objectively verifiable that certain groups of people are extremely likely to constantly and consistently violate these rules, it goes without saying that barring extenuating circumstances they should be barred en-masse from importing their bad behavior into a libertarian country. Neverending reminder that Libertarian does not mean lawless or even stateless, only that the state cannot redistribute (read steal) wealth or resources from it's citizens, interfere in contracts between consenting adults, regulate or otherwise interfere in the functions of a free market, etc.
To some greater or lesser extent traditionalism of some form is necessary to a libertarian state. If your citizens are not instilled with self-responsibility, respect for voluntary interaction between citizens, distrust of the government and rejection of government growth, etc then a libertarian society will regress to a disgusting Dem-Soc shithole as the government essentially uses welfare to bribe society into giving it back power.

Every libertarian I know supports open borders and one of them even said straight up that Mexicans deserve to come here because they have a better work ethic.

I bet they also support private property?

Show them how Mexicans tend to vote so that they know to kiss their few remaining rights goodbye when America turns into another corrupt Latin American country with California leading the way.
>because they have a better work ethic
Are these the ones taking money from the government, flooding our cities with crime, or doing ordinary work for much less (fun fact: they can afford to work for much less when USDs turn into more money when it goes south).

I think you're right about this. The most redpilled state is a homogeneous traditionalist monarchy.

Libertarian is most commonly used to mean "fiscally conservative, socially liberal" which can mean basically anything.

I think 2017, thinks are a lot different than 2012.
Liberals are Fascists, conservatives are Nazis, Libertarians are 1/3 liberals, 1/3 conservatives & 1/3 anarchists, everythings a bit weird

i believe in free market eugenics. so everyone will become intelligent enough not to care about race anymore.

As do I, but I'd prefer if there weren't tens of millions or potentially hundreds of millions of foreigners in my country who think that my private property should belong to them.

>which can mean basically anything
The SJWs have already gotten to it.

I've always been a minority in my country. I've never met another anarcho-capitalist in real life. White people don't share my ideology, so America becoming less white makes no difference as far as I'm concerned.

It's in my opinion a poor way to describe libertarianism. Any real libertarian should at the very least:
Recognize the right to own private property (the most basic example being sovereignty of one's own body)
Recognize the right of individuals of consenting age to engage in voluntary contracts without interference from the state.
Recognize that socialism in all forms is both non-functional and immoral/unethical.
Recognize that taxation is state sanctioned theft because it is backed by a threat of aggression.
Recognize the value in a market free from interference by the state and it's multitude of pointless regulations.
Recognize that at the very least government should be limited to the absolute minimum necessary to maintain the borders of a nation, ensure that contracts are fulfilled within a nation, defend the nation from external threats, and defend the constitutional guarantees in a nation's founding documents.

If a person cannot or does not recognize all of these things, I would strongly question whether or not they are a libertarian and not just a filthy Democratic Socialist (essentially a pussy communist).

How much of an exaggeration are the ancapball memes?

Just poking in here to say I'm a libertarian who doesn't support open borders. That being said, if we did have open borders, if we stopped giving out state welfare minorities would have no incentive to come here, or procreate at the high rate the tend to.

It's so funny, the free markets incentives produce amazing behavioral eugenics, yet it's the other two ideologies that were founded with a strong thick eugenics base that is the somewhat the opposite of what their current supporters espouse. Everything is weird.

This, a significant reduction or complete elimination of welfare programs would eliminate what I'd guess to be a significant portion of all illegal immigrants. Also the mayors and administrators directly involved in the establishment of a sanctuary city should be charged as co-conspirators in any crimes committed by illegals within their state's borders.

You should actually understand the Ideology before you mount a refutation. With a true free market there is freedom of association. It is through discrimination and voluntary separation that this CAN occur.

Libertarianism doesn't take a moral stance on many things. Both the left half and right half could fall under libertarian thought.

There is nothing stopping someone from having a multicult society and another from having an ethno-based society.

>Lolbergtarianism and anarchocrapitalism are babbies first entry into politics. They are afraid to hurt people's feelings and go for the "to each their own" mentality, remaining willfully ignorant to reality. It's no surprise the most influential (((libertarians))) were all kikes.
If a Jew said 2+2=4 would you disagree with them? Also, degeneracy is fucking meme. Superior values will always rise to the top even in a libertarian society. But yes, a white ethnostate would be ideal.

>minorities would have no incentive to come here, or procreate at the high rate the tend to.
What do you mean, they would flood into the country, set up shantytowns, and businesses would hire them at $4/hour. And once they started voting, goodbye US Constitution, hello Communist Chinese-American Party.

Exactly, freedom is a framework for your personal preferences to fit in with like minded people. That doesn't stop some people from feeling threatened but I like it.

>All libertarians are anarchists.

>I just love my people!
Culture is a fucking spook.

Ethnonationalist minarchism is the greatest ideology ever conceived.

So people have the "freedom" to form communist communities? You don't see how that poses a danger to everyone around them, assuming that everyone is going to value ancap ideals equally?

Also assuming all people who magically believe in Ancapistan and at the same time have opposing ideological communities, will join forces to defend each other. Sounds like a pipe dream my dude.

>most libertarians
>libertarian party

I'll tell you what happens under lolbergtarianism. All the kikes get filthy rich and you become a indebted wageslave. Then they use their money and power to suck this nation dry and fuck you over. Literally the most Jewish ideology. Go back to plebbit with your BASED JEWISH buddies, you'll fit in better.

It hurts me to think of how disappointed they would be in the great experiment. I hope that it can be returned to the original vision before it's destroyed permanently.

I think it's less explicit than than, a little more blended and a little less extreme than that in reality.

At the end of the day though, it depends on how the transition is done and the culture of the people living in any given scenario. If the US culture continued to shift over time in a Libertarian direction more explicitly, what are the chances of having a large volume of Marxists in the end?

Or if there were and they did split off, then surely it's for the better no? Surely you'd want them out of your community and focussing on themselves, failing themselves and not forcing it on you? They'll end up starving anyway and they can't be a free market in a war anyways. But the main thing is the culture is the precursor to the prevailing system, the politics and its aesthetic. We don't get a Libertarian society until we have enough people with a libertarian leaning.

So long as they do not practice violence against other people and do not seek to subvert, destroy, or impinge upon the freedom of other citizens then yes. Of course both you and I know that would never happen because communists by their very nature are subversive, destructive, and anti-freedom. The whole point of Communistic Socialism is to implement socialism through violent revolution and the overturn of the body politic, while Democratic Socialism by it's very nature seeks to peacefully subvert natural freedoms and through manipulation similarly overturn the body politic.

Both of these actions are naked threats to liberty and society as socialism has objectively proven itself to be a harmful practice and as such anyone knowingly trying to implement socialism understanding its ramifications is no different from a thief knowingly breaking into your house.

They would then be physically removed.

Does it hurt being this retarded? Or does your semi-sentience inhibit your ability to feel shame?

Spotted the Communist.
>Then they use their money and power to suck this nation dry and fuck you over. Literally the most Jewish ideology. Go back to plebbit with your BASED JEWISH buddies, you'll fit in better.
You write like a child. Ethnonationalist minarchism would take care of any theoretical threat of a Jewish takeover. However, even in a non-ethnonationalist libertarian society, Jews would not be a threat because the tools they use to control society wouldn't exist. No central bank, no FCC, no Civil Rights Act, no corporate welfare, etc. Did you know there are Jewish monarchists and Jewish fascists? Does that mean those ideologies are corrupted too because there are Jews that adhere to them?


who let you off the collar cuck?

>Current society
Feed, house and protect subspecies.
>Libertarian society
The nigger is malnourished, and begging for work because the government doesn't give him my money, doesn't force him into the work place and he evolves to civilization or dies.

The Irish man is now the nigger, then the Anglo, then who?

Can't we all just let the problem starve together?

Beautiful, I was looking for a new political "home" after becoming disgusted with open-borders LGBTQ libertarianism. Thanks user, that image describes me.

One day...one day.