Dating Arab girl

>dating Arab girl
>she's now going to mass with me every week
Am I the cuck or the bull?

depends on whether or not you actually believe in your religion

You're a cuck. You're bringing in a blasphemer into the house of God. Do us all a favor and go to her mosque instead.

Is she Muslim or Christian? I know alot of Arab Christians. Chaldeans, Assyrians, etc.

Buddy. As long as she accepts Christ into her soul and casts out the devil that is islam


Congrats, you just converted her into an Italian.


you are neither a cuck nor a bull, you sir are a moron

she is infiltrating the target and collecting valuable intel you moron

She's a Christian Arab, but grew up as a baptist.

She has froglike features


You’re a cuck. Thanks for contributing to white genocide, I’m sure your new shitskin friends are just thrilled. Now go kill yourself

Yes, I'm a Catholic and a believer. But I pretty much only go to traditional masses.


>dating Arab girl
seems like only yesterday her dad was banging her
>they blow up so fast

Cuck. She's exchanging her mud genes for your white DNA.

if she's really been converted, and catholic is what you claim above all else, then you can consider yourself the bull in this situation.

Christianity is actually very prevalent in the Mid East, especially before the muzzies took over and started killing them. Christianity is prevalent in all corners of the war. There is actually an Assyrian Christian army fighting ISIS. And not long ago, there was a civil war in Lebanon between Christians and Muslims.

no big deal OP, you are just a race traitor :)

>not Divine Liturgy
I'll pray for both of you.

They may not be white, but they are the same race. Better a Christian middle easterner than a leaf desu.

not that big of an accomplishment to get a christian roastie you're bedding to come to a different denomination's mass but either way i wouldn't consider you a cuck in this situation

Shes cute, and they aren't ALL evil. They are just taught to be evil.

Most people don't do a good job of following their religions anyways.

Aren't there millions of Arab Christians?

Neither of you really believe in anything, just stop pretending and go atheist.

>Converting the Muslims
Doing God's work user. She must like you a lot. Her family may ostracize her over this and she surely knows it.


I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

a christian middle easterner is not white or even remotely the same race. A pakistani has more in common racially than an Arab.

Your children will look Hispanic and have brown eyes

I'm Italian but have blue eyes. Whatever.

White is not a race. There are white people, but no white race. Middle Eastern countries are Caucasian, like white people. Like how Italians are not white, but are the same race as us. Unlike you chinks.

If she converts, then you are the man.
But then you'll have to deal with her family when they try to honor kill her.

I dated a (white) Muslim girl for 2 years and wanted to marry her.
But her parents threatened her and me so we dissolved our relationship.
It's not worth it, will never do this again. But they are good women otherwise, far more conservative and cleanlier than our useless bitches, who often can't even fucking cook.

Marry her

OP here. This is the deal. My gf is only half Arab. She's unitonically a rape baby. The mother, who is Christian, does not believe in abortion so she kept her. She's met her """dad""" and he basically wants nothing to do with her (he's also had family killed in drone strike kek).

Otherwise, she cooks and cleans for me and gives me massages every night.

If mostly women came to Europe during the crisis I'd have no problem with immigration.
In fact I believe they would be the most favoured type of women in the West among men.

mostly in mexico or brazil but there are a lot in usa & canada and they are some of the least religious people i've ever met (on par with persian expats)... i think there might be some more religious ones in dearborn but east coast 2nd generation syrian/lebanese christian people are completely rootless hedons


>bringing a heretic in your religion
top fucking kek enjoy your bombings mate

If she comes willingly thats good, hopefully she'll become a christian. you are a Bull

Fuck off CIA niggers with all the shit tier threads, Sup Forums is not dead.

Well you are lucky then bro. If her father is not around then maybe it can work out for both of you.
But if he or her brothers were around you'd probably run into big problems like I did.

Ive dated like 4 or 5 arab girls, its my fetish. 2 said i needed to convert or we needed to break up, I said bye. Currently dating an athiest and it is good. Shes still afraid of moral shaming but not a believer.

>Interracial breeding
>Not even following the religion that lets you beat your wife or stone your daughter for being a slut
You are a cuck.

Says the jungle nigger

Unfortunately for her "family" I'm a veteran and have dabbled in the kebab removing arts.

The Christcuck

Nice try Mohammed. Getting sneakier by the day...

I think our generation are attracted to sand nigs like the old generation had asian brides, and before them the boomers taking european women.

The conqueror chad
The normal girl beta

Well, you still want both families supporting you if you start a family with her. In my case there were the threats and she wanting to keep contact with her family, which would have been impossible if we stayed together, so we made this decision.
And also I was tired of being afraid that some day she might disappear because her father kidnaps her to the shithole he came from.
But since the father of your gf is not around and her mother is a Christian there's no problem anyways. Good luck to both of you!

So, you're dating a girl who's christian?
and is middle eastern, which is where Jesus is from...
you're ok, except you're mentioning your relationship status and asking relationship advice on Sup Forums, which makes you an attention whore and a cuck.
you also created a non Sup Forums related thread, which makes you a fagot.

No, our women are just mostly worthless gold digging whores who can't even get the basics of family life right.
Like cleaning, cooking, taking care of many children or even wanting any children at all.
That's also the reason why Western men were into asian brides.
It's not because they couldn't find a girl here, the women here couldn't satisfy the basic requirements for starting a family.

>attention whore
>literally completely anonymous

its more like therapy where you get to release your thoughts to random strangers and they might respond

Europe is the motherland, the middle east is not. Jesus's disciples spreading Christianity to Europe were the ancient equivalent of an Arab crossing the Mediterranean to spread Islam through Europe.
P.S pretty sure Canada is still more white than your country, mr 56. pick related is you.

There is an advice board

>She's a Christian Arab, but grew up as a baptist.

How'd she wind up a Baptist? Also what kind of Baptist?

>all this unrelated nonsense
None of that has to do with being Caucasian.

I had to turn my brightness uo to see that pepe. Top tier shitskin user

Except Jesus only sent apostle to white tribes.

At least it's not "tonight's sermon"

What?they went all over the place


TFW I miss my muslim ex gf

if a german marries a syrian they are a race traitor, doesn't matter if they are both caucasian.
>pic related is mr.56

>if two people of the same race marry they are race traitors

Depends.. When Father O-pedophile rapes you, are you on top or bottom?

The fact that you even started this thread proves you're a low-test beta.

Think about the men out there that are confident with their lives and are striving towards success. Now imagine them sitting at their desks starting this thread.

Of course you can't, because real men don't say shit like this.

Grow up.

By your logic a Libyan and a native Icelander are both the same and there is nothing wrong with them marrying as long as they share the same arbitrary beliefs in regards to which Jew they worship. That's worse than the civic nationalists who want to be cucks for based black men rather than average black men,
>pic related is mr. 56


Which kind of Baptist? You might have just ruined her by converting an already based person into a pagan who's going to hell.

Pick one, assuming you are white (as in actual white, since Italians and Greeks don't count), the only real christians in my book are European whites (Germans, Scandinavians, Nords, and to some extent, Anglos).

so Jesus wasn't a real Christian?

You bring up a good point. Muzzies train their girls to obey their man. However until you marry her, she is officially the property of her father. If he transfers ownership (they call it guardianship) to you as a husband, then she is a legit Catholic and will not be subject of an intifada.

We'll put the fear of God into you both.


thats wrong, middle eastern people are actually caucasian, pakistanis are dravidian

Not that big of an achievement.
Post when you bang a muslim and convert her.

Arab from where, Yemen? I heard those ones are real monkeys, even as far as Arabs go.

you and me both, leaf

Arabs are basically white in relation to the other races on the planet. Genetic distances are miniscule by comparison


That’s getting into ancient technicalities though that don’t matter when it comes down to it. You’re more likely to have a child that phenotypically reads as white with an Arab than a Paki.

It doesn't matter you aren't even going to heaven because you do not believe in Jesus Christ

That's even worse, blue eyes are dying out and your wasting them on her

She's a shitskin
You're a race traitor

It's a good thing in all cases:

-If she goes for the love of catholicism, you have converted a muzzie

-If she goes for the love of you, she shows her submissiveness. Arab girls have been bred and trained for obedience for generations.

The majority of burger Arabs are Catholic or Orthodox faget

Are you fucking retarded?

Apperantly %60+ of ayrabs in the US are Christians.
Jesus was never a christian.

Arab also doesn't mean Arab. It means Arab speaker or from culture that has Arabic speaking majority. Lebanese aren't Arabic but they count as "Arabs" because the language ended up imposed on them in the last 100 years.

> the only real christians in my book are European whites
So the twelve disciples weren't real Christians, then? Mary and Joseph weren't real Christians? You really didn't think this through, did you?

She's probably "whiter" than he is.

You're the man, that's what you are.

If she’s a Christian (thus probably from the Levant) that’s not even really Arab to begin with. Lots of them around anglicize their names and you wouldn’t even realize.

Yeah I have a bunch of friends who found out they were Maronite when they thought they were just Hispanic.

You're the cuck. She's just waiting until you stop going and convert you - or as she'll say, REVERT you - to Islam.

Dump her.

I want to bury my ICBM in a qt314 desert girl. :(

Yes you are a cuck, go to a real church

Sorry but you can't convert a Muslim. If a"Muslim" converts, they were never a believer to begin with. Good way to take out the trashy sluts and leave the pure waifus for us.