Same sex "marriage" : still voting no

cheers for your valued input, cunt

Bit of a coincidence that when even the lefty ABC (Australia) is now admitting today that the NO vote could win, we have the other side of the fucking world weigh in.

>b-but the polls are showing yuge Yes support!!
On this "new analysis" it's apparently the silent voters' fault - you know, those pesky old people that ruin all the feels and stacked polls like with brexit.

At this point old/msm is literally

>Our shilling has failed but we better pretend we were balanced and saw this coming so the goyim keep handing over their shekels and don't lose all faith in us!

Other urls found in this thread:

Your country maybe the ONLY Anglo COUNTRY WITH A LICK OF SENSE!

he's not wrong, it's an extremely expensive poll essentially, the result is non-binding, and anyone who thinks the government should make laws based on popular demand probably has some form of severe communism

>A Brit living in America crying about Australian politics

what year is it?

literally who?

And why do we give a fuck what he says?

pooftas fuck off

It's not the first time he's done this
I hate him so much...

Honestly they're fucking lucky they're even getting a vote. 3000 years of history and suddenly I have to convince gays why they can't exist? Fuck off. They're the ones seeking acceptance, so the earnest is on them to prove to me being an uphill shit gardener is normal.

We don't. But he should still fuck off because we don't need a whole bunch of "even American media says..." shilling to generate false consensus when clearly the No vote is not struggling as the msm keeps saying (until today)

wow taking away rights from people I don't like is making a LICK OF SENSE.

Fags don't have "the right" to marry in Australia. You can't take away a right they don't have.

>anyone who thinks the government should make laws based on popular demand

I'm glad you let other people tell you what to do

>when even the lefty ABC (Australia) is now admitting today that the NO vote could win
Really? That'd be fucking hilarious, finally a damper for the "hurr durr everyone wants this" crowd in that field.

Slimy Limey

Can you try and explain tangibly what you mean. I feel like I should be offended but your statement doesn't mean anything.

Any gays reading this. Not all of Sup Forums posters and lurkers are homophobes

In 99% of cases, diaspora is fucking cancer. The reason they are so willing to move to another country is because they are total shitbags and as consequence of that failed to form any social bonds of relevance with their environment.

Wow, this could actually fail? Good job cunts.

We know cunt
This survey is dildos tho

They don't lose or gain any rights - they've got them all here except to legally call their union a marriage because the law defines marriage as being between one man and one woman. The gay minority has a problem with the dictionary and want that changed through altering the entire nation's law.
From that perspective what they want is completely absurd, from the perspective of their Marxist backers this is a test case to push ideology and gimp moral objection to it - and that is dangerous.

>it costs 122 mln AUD
Faggots should pay

Salt collection is always worth a gander

No vote would win pretty much anywhere but a (((court))) will just legalize it anyway.


I don't have a fear of idiots that can't handle that language changes organically and not by brute force statutory wrangling. I'm also no afraid of those that want a free pass to indoctrinate or censor and think that the afore mentione farce will give them some right to do so.

So no, no phobia here. Wanna try for bigot or racist or double down straight to "nazi"?

Shouldn't have had the vote in the first place. Government just wants to get it out of the way so all the gay cunts will shut up. Even if the vote comes back 'yes' i doubt they will change the law anyway.

>even American media says
I wish everyone hated America again to save themselves from the commie shit we're exporting

To be clear I know what you were asking/saying but homophobe and islamaphobe are the two stupidest labels to come from the left in the past decade

Have you seen any "yes" ads on TV? I've only seen "no" ads and they're always targeted to parents about muh education, as if telling kids that gays have sex as part of sex ed is horrible and destroying their innocence

They are intentionally used incorrectly. It's supposed to paint the other side as irrational craven at the mental development stage of a child.
It's not "stupid" as in people using the wrong term because they don't understand what it means, it's done with malicious intent.

>lefty ABC (Australia) is now admitting today that the NO vote could win

The poofters at SportsBet better honour My bet.

Wouldn't save anyone. The progressives are quite capable of intellectual dishonestly and both "love" and "hate" America at the same time. Not like they actually do feel either of those, they just use what fits their current narrative.

>other side of the world weighing in

Gee, I wonder what that must be like.

This cunt really needs a punch to the face

Might this help influence people to vote no? A lot of older people didn't like when Obama came and told us to vote remain, but John Oliver doesn't seem famous enough for anyone to care what he says

Can you Brits take your faggot back please? If his rights is so glorious that his Low-T self should be staying in Londonstan.

John Oliver has no culture, and thus is not entitled to an opinion on any subject whatsoever.

Votes have to be received by the ABS in canberra in 5 days so it's really pushing it
The votes were sent out over a month ago so john oliver's a bit late on the issue

My hat off to the straya cunts that voted no. Keep fighting the good fight against the eternal chink, Romanian man from halfway across the world.

I'm more or less in favour of gay marriage being legal but I'd vote against it just because I can't stand insufferable assholes like this guy.

>waste of Australian money
I'm surprised he actually said something I agree with, but when has our retarded government ever been known to not waste money?

Damn. If only he'd said something sooner. People hate preachy cunts making fun of others for having a different opinion

Can we just trend this motherfucker that he interfere with sovereign cuntry elections?

Do you know what a right is? They are self-evident and given by God. Marriage, in any sense, is not a right but a privilege. One that AIDS infested, non child producing, polygamous fags do not deserve.

Faggot spotted.

John Oliver has bad teeth.

Huge waste of money, but at least we can say we had a vote.

>but when has our retarded government ever been known to not waste money?
The Growlers were a pretty good purchase.

John Oliver is hiding out here but he is not one of us, thank the Bongs for that faggot.

better to invest the money one time and ask the population so you can lay the topic to rest
than to have parliament waste month after month on the topic with their discussion basis being nothing but biased polls

The latest statistic is something like 77% of votes have already been received
Chances are that anyone who would vote yes would have already done it by now because they were motivated to, so the only people left are those either on the fence or indifferent. The only ads I've seen are from the no side, and they focus on shit like gender theory which was taught to kids in the safe school programs - "don't be fooled, they ARE a package deal"


I don't understand why cunts get upset over this it comes down to your own opinion of whether you support individual liberty or what benefits society.

Statistically children are worse of with gay parents, like how they perform worse with only a single mother. Additionally the only reason the state gets involved with marriage is to promote child rearing. If gay people are statistically worse parents and cannot have children of their own why should they be allowed to have a tax benefit?

Nah you'll get shirtfronted if you try, Vlad

>Americans complain about foreign influence in their elections
>Faggots in American media allowed to do this
>anyone who thinks the government should make laws based on popular demand probably has some form of severe communism

What exactly do you think elections and democracy are? While we don't expressly vote for individual laws, we do vote for the parties that draft the laws and push them through.

Who the fuck cares what John Oliver has to say about this, or Confederate statues or anything else he rants about?

Why does YouTube insist on trying to make me watch Oliver's videos?

>waste of money

I don't seem to remember this cunt screeching when this bullshit was being put out there during the brexit referendum.

Nice. That ad would probably be a hate crime over here

The poll already is biased, it's not mandatory so the majority of people who are going to vote will be those most affected by whether or not gay marriage goes through. There are people who would other wise vote no if it were compulsory but seeing as they don't have to vote they probably won't vote at all.

because Youtube is run by the jews.

>What exactly do you think elections and democracy are?
>implying there are any democracies
wow cool story kid

I got a pamphlet in the post about a month back talking about how a yes vote will take away your free speech rights to criticise the SJW lgbt/gender agenda. I also think it might have mentioned the bakers in US who are being sued into oblivion for not wanting to bake a gay marriage cake and how it will mean losing your right to have a negative opinion/religious belief of homosexuality.

It's a pretty shocking coincidence when John Oliver is talking about fags. Or just a day ending in y.

they have the same right as everyone else. they can marry a person of the opposite sex.
there has never been a right to "marry the person you love".

individual liberty.


>but muh bus had LIES on it!
Leftists are still butthurt over that fucking bus. They genuinely think it cost them the referendum

I just don't like homosexuality. It doesn't scare me though.

If I weren't gay I probably would be a homophobe. Gay culture is vile and is the only way we get any publicity. The media thinks they're being "tolerant" and virtuous with their laser focus on shit like this but all it does is make us all look like deviants. Well, moreso

dont know why i put myself through this lefty bullshit on sbs viceland. if anyone caught it tonight they were politicizing children with an obvious bias opinion. to be honest i couldnt give a crap. but dont come to mw trying to take a child from those who cant bare children. and when they ask for my tax payers money to fund there aids treatment and i refuse to have a bar.

Same reason Twitter sends me "round-ups of content I'd be interested in" which is all smug leftists like JK Rowling spouting socialist shit, when I've never even used the account let alone followed one of these gronks.

>whether you support individual liberty
With Australia's anti-descrimination laws, gay marriage is an assault on individual liberty as well through freedom of religion. You will be forced by law to accept and participate in homosexual weddings even if your religion is against them as governments withold the right to suspend any religios practice if they contrivine Federal or State law.

Besides, the only personal liberty Gay marriages achieve is being allows to call it marriage and allowing homosexuals to force churches/mosques to marry them. All rights and privliges marriage provides are cover by Civil Unions already.

It would be better to kill them but all we get is this vote thing.

Faggots should remain in the closet. Keep their faggotry in private

Guys enough, it's the current year already

>Australia paid $70 million compensation earlier in the year to a bunch of sandniggers who tried to enter the country illegally
>people call this, direct democracy, of all things, a waste of money

Anyway, the government is probably going to make their money back tenfold when the nu-male and tumblr cucks who got in the electoral roll for the fag vote get fined for not voting in elections.


> probably has some form of severe communism

not bad odds. good luck

please vote yes

I want to marry my Australian bf

This postal vote was a shit show from the first time Malcom mentioned it going into the election. Not like labour was any better, half of them voted against it when it came up in the lower house like 6-7 years ago.

I don't know why people give a shit if gays want to marry. In 10 years they will probably be the only ones keeping the marriage industry alive.

But Mohammad can go and marry you in Germany amongst people of his own race and religion.


You're right. They give so little of a shit why even put in the effort to change the law to let it happen?

>anyone who thinks the government should make laws based on popular demand
It's called "democracy", and it's shit.

Do any strayans actually like John Oliver? He's such a condescending prick trying to actively sway the public by hiding behind the excuse he is a "comedian" while pushing views that are word for word talking points the liberals and democrats use.

I know many Brits can't stand this limey Faggot but how about Straya and the other countries? Do you guys actually listen and like this snobby elitist Faggot?


probably why it's not enacted anywhere

>failed leftist comedian says leftist shit on the platform afforded him by jews
wow what a shock, almost as much of a shock as these fucking sick digits.

I've never seen anyone watching him on tv or heard anyone talk about him in casual conversation. He seems to just be an American thing.

Everyone has a right to marry the opposite sex. They want a new right of marrying the same sex.

I'm about to move to straya then. Besides you guys having the most amazing progressive metal bands ever to come from your country, almost all Strayans I have met online in games, in person or on the internet are cheeky fucks that don't give 2 shits about political correctness.

Fucking hate John Oliver by the way. I think it's just a millenial thing because millenials were raised with Obama and he indoctrinated almost half the country to away more left, Adobe socialism and communism. And I don't think John Oliver has ever made fun of Obama either, cause he is a crooked tooth Faggot.

He seems to exclusively appeal to American leftists who think that hearing their views stated in a foreign accent means that those views are sophisticated and cultured, and therefore infinitely better than the "dumb", "backwards" views of rural and suburban retards.

I suspect it's not even about gays for most people; I think everyone is just sick of the PC fuckwits telling us all what to do. If the media had just shut their mouths and not taken a side I reckon 'yes' would have won by a landslide.

Being a faggot is lame. Evolutionarily and socially

It's time for John Oliver to throw you lot a bone and acknowledge once again you exist.

So many cock lovers not enough rooftops

Keep your boner faggat
All social problems can be fixed with a big stick not a big dick

My brother does. Back when brexit was a thing and I mentioned that I don't see how they benefit from staying in the EU, he went and brought up the john oliver video about it and put it next to me while I was eating my lunch

Last christmas lunch he outright asked me "so do you still think brexit was a good idea". It hasn't even happened yet so it was an idiotic question that was quickly discarded

A couple of months ago he asked "do you still think trump should have won" - I responded with "what's one thing trump's done that actually had negative consequences?" and he cut off the conversation there because he could tell he was going to get mad

>amazing progressive metal bands
Go on

Nice strayan user! I noticed that too that the John Oliver fans force you to watch at least one of his videos then those condecending prices constantly ask "so you still think ________ is good?"

Idk how some slimey British cunt who Fucking tells other countries how they should think will sway my opinion. Especially when half his arguements is literally calling the opposing side "uneducated" or "stupid" or just name calling.

Fuck John Oliver and Fuck the rest of these comedians that push the liberal agenda through their comedy.