Why should I be loyal to my country and nation if I didn't choose to be born as a part of it?

Why should I be loyal to my country and nation if I didn't choose to be born as a part of it?

Because nationalism is the key to saving the white race faggot

Loyalty to your country is only for faggots who can't think for themselves.

Because your forefathers worked for it.

you use world like faggots not to accentuate a point but just to make a retarded comment like they can't think for themselves.

Although i'm pretty sure thats just your white guilt and cuckholdry from being shammed for being white in a muslim country

My country isn't as retarded as yours m8. I never got called for being white by anyone. Not does any Muslim hate white people here. And only 8% of our population is Muslim so we're not really a Muslim country.

But I guess it doesn't matter to you you're just spamming the same phrases over and over like the obedient sheep you are.

Individualist cuck.

You chose to stick around didn't you? Care to explain?

>disregarding billions of years worth of genetic destiny to be edgy
go ahead


Kek it's only 2% here, you guys are infested.

>Implying they are a disease

>t. non-country
Gib rightful clay

Unlike the Netherlands who are amazingly relevant

>The protagonist finds themselves on a leaking sinking boat.
>"Not muh boat not muh problem".
>Boat sinks.
>The lifeboats get smashed in a panic as order fell apart a while ago.
>Only the rich could get lifeboats anyway.
>Boat sinks, the Ocean doesn't care if it was your boat it not it's gonna drown your ass.
Hope this illustrates why user.

>I didn't choose to be born as a part of it


Fuck off then. We didn't choose to be stuck here with faggots like you.
If you don't understand why we have the values we do, then you don't deserve to live in a country that enshrines them.

The selfish, self-involved crybaby piece of shit you are now? You chose *that* for yourself. Cunt.

did you choose to be born alive? i don't think so. why should you be loyal to your exstence? suicide is the edgiest of thoughts. the only thing edgier is to actually do it. what do you think?

always a problem. you think you talk to some effete euro, but in truth it's a fucking roach.

The idea that you CHOOSE your loyalties is a consumerist marketing ploy.

It used to be that you woke up in the world, and simply looked at yourself in the mirror. Wow, I'm a man, because I look like a man and I have a masculine penis. Wow, I'm white, because that's my skin color. Wow, I'm American, because I live in America. Wow, I'm Christian, because that's the household I was born into.

You defended these things out of loyalty because they are innate to you. They are the only things you are born with, the only things that are truly YOURS.

Now, identity is bought and sold. You're an antifa numale soyboy? Better prove it by buying $200 worth of commie swag and cuck eyeglasses from Jeff Bezos Amazon. You're a feminist? Better spend all day on Zuckerberg's Facebook indoctrination chamber to prove your zealotry.

It's all just marketing. They want you to abandon your identity and "choose" because it's impossible to express a wholly-acquired identity without buying consumer goods, and it's a huge market. Identity is a massive industry now. You're buying in to the consumerist industrialization of identity itself.

Then leave and never come back. Go to whichever nation you believe is better.

You have the privallage of being born there. Centuries of hard work and government programs have lead to the world you were birn to. Have some respect for those that worked and died so you could have schools, food, water and opportunity. If you were born a white guy in America be thankful for your forefathers putting the game on easy setting. If you are a white guy in america and still a loser you suck at life.

Excellent post.

>only 8% muslim
Good luck friend, that is, if you're white.
If not then get fucked achmed.

You were only born because your parents fucked and you mom popped you out, events which, as such, could not have taken place outside of a locality, aka the nation--as such, your existence as well as your nation of birth was your parents' decision, chosen for you, the location codependent with your existence as a whole.

Because other nations are and you'll be eaten alive if you don't.

And if you're white you have a lot to be proud of.

Also Jews. Fuck Jews.


Shills new method: Ask stupid questions to slide other threads. SAGE