Generation Z's drug problem rears its ugly head

>The rate of teen drug overdose deaths in the United States climbed 19% from 2014 to 2015 and continues to rise
>Most of the overdose deaths were primarily by opioids, including painkillers such as oxycodone and illicit drugs such as heroin and street fentanyl
>Studies have shown a correlation with marijuana use and eventual harder forms of drug abuse
>For many marijuana users marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs
>As marijuana is legalized younger teens perceive it to be less harmful and report using it more
>Of teens in grades 9-12 nearly 1 in 10 say they smoke marijuana at least 20 or more times a month
>This represents an 80 percent rise in monthly marijuana use among teens since 2008
Well well well
First weed
Then pills
Now they are starting to shoot up
Guess Generation Z isn't so based after all.
How do we solve Degeneration Z's drug problem?

What fucking high school kid has the cash to be able to smoke weed 20+ times per month?

The under 40 depression crash is almost here. I'm hype af.

The dealers

The ones who can't handle the truth die, not hard to understand really tbqh

t. Gen Z

I'm sure that if I lived in America I'd rather OD on heroin than carry on living there.

>degenerate lefty kids offing themselves
>a problem

Make your choice, now!

Blame it on weed, not the ((( doctors ))) pushing opiates on everyone. Such is the nature of opiate addiction, you're either dead within five years or you were never really addicted.

Why does nobody here talk about (((doctors)))

>climbed 19%

Reminder that ALL gen z are based memes originate from a study of British children. It's not surprising that Muslim children have conservative views on drugs, women, gays etc.

Because doctors aren't the ones selling illegal drugs to teenagers. Its the high school drug dealers who are supplying the drugs. First the dealer gets them hooked on weed. Then they hand out a few pills as samples. The pot head then switches up and starts doing the hard stuff.

They're taking too many redpills at once

>How do we solve Degeneration Z's drug problem?

WHY contain it? Let them all OD and remove themselves from society. Junkies are never productive anyway so we might as well let them wash into the sewers with the other rubbish.

High school kids can work you dumbass. Also now weed is cheap everywhere

You're able to get a job at 16 I believe, so quite a few can afford it especially without having to pay for housing, medical, and other stuff thery're parents are paying for.

The last time deaths spiked this hard was in 2003. After 2003 is when it rose hard to a peak in 2006. The OD rate dropped off steadily for several years and now its spiking again. As Gen Z comes of age and gains more access to drugs the OD trend is projected to continue to rise.

I wasn't necessarily talking about that. The (((doctors))) are the ones behind all the "mentality ill" and "depressed" teens.

We need a purpose in life, something more than just pleasure.

If you know any opiate addicts, its almost always injury/surgery recovery that got them started using opiates. Then you start buying pills on the street and eventually move to heroin to save money.

>muh gateway
>muh weed
When will this tardshit argument end? Its been proven to be bs numerous times. People use drugs as a form of escapism and then they use whatever is available. The reason people are dying more now is because of the easily accessible and often times legal RC drugs.

Boomers didn't OD as much because you can't OD at all on weed or LSD

It is a gateway drug though.
If I had never smoked weed I wouldn't have ever been confident enough to try any other drugs.
It took smoking weed to realise that drugs aren't all big and scary.

How long have you been a user? What drugs are your go to these days?

Millennials are ultimately poisoning the so-called conservative generation. Most drug dealers, legit (aka (((Big Pharma))) ) or not (aka (((drug cartels))) ) and middle men are from Gen Y and some (((boomers))). Just goes to show how threatened the real degenerate generation (Millennial) truly is. The solution is to "deal" with the dealers and the (((suppliers))), with "natural causes" and "accidents" (like accidental drone strikes, for instance). It's no coincidence that Afghanistan (ultimately the global opium source) is (((under control))), marijuana is legalized, and (((Big Pharma))), then this drug problem surged. It's akin to the crack epidemic happening mostly in inner cities, and you know who ultimately controls inner cities... And what if some GenZers are ODing and dying? It's natural selection at work. Those who truly are worthy shall not succumb to "druggery" and eventually full-blown degeneracy. They shall die along with the Millennials when The Day comes. They carry the same genetic flaw that the Millennials have and they must be purged from the gene pool.

You let sand niggers invade your country and now they are erasing your culture. You don't need drugs as an excuse to kill yourself.

I think weed as gateway is because when you start smoking its because of your friends, so you try and possibly start smoking regulary with more people and eventually u have a friend that does other drugs and theyre like come on, try it, its good and youre like why the hell no, i know how high feels. I started smoking weed, then went on coke and mollys, because of hanging out with people that do it too. Im off everything now though

>Gen Z is gonna rise up and start killing

High quality weed is now at $10/g or less.

have you seen America you fucking retarded?

>It is a gateway drug though.
It isn't though, its illegal so you get in contact with other people that do illegal stuff. If it was legal it wouldn't be more of a ''gateway'' then alcohol or coffee.
>If I had never smoked weed I wouldn't have ever been confident enough to try any other drugs.
Nice anecdotal evidence there bud.

There was another study by a researcher from Arizona State or something that had similar findings, but it was REALLY badly designed.

It's solely from fentanyl, the amount of it it takes to OD is about the amount the same size as a single grain of rice, or even less

So if it's simply not mixed well with real heroin it can kill you with "hotspots" of high dosages of fentanyl

Also people are probably trying to do fentanyl itself a lot on purpose and kill themselves

Yeah because most of people that do other drugs also smoke weed

Public service announcement: Marijuana is not the gateway drug, CIGARETTES ARE.

I would bet a cool million that over 90% of these kids who died had a mom who smokes cigs. Their own parent(s) treated her/thier body/ies like a dumpster, why would a dumbass teen do any better?

They have a square shaped out on the back board so the nogs know where to hand push the bouncy orange thing so it goes in the prolapsed rope

These kids almost certainty started out pinching their looser Boomer parent's pain pills

>>For many marijuana users marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs
oh god their serious
the only way weed is a gateway drug is because you have to deal with a fucking guy who sells drugs and he will more than likely offer you extra shit when you buy x amount of weed.

And the injury/surgery stemmed from bad physical conditioning and/or obesity

>Millennials being depressed fucking faggots and using too many drugs is an issue
Nah. Not really. Anything to escape fixing the economy they love to bitch about and blame for everything. I mean, baby boomers. Basically the same thing, really. Old druggies, young druggies. Neither want to do anything but bitch about shit and kill themselves. Anything to avoid responsibility.

>guy who sells drugs and he will more than likely offer you extra shit when you buy x amount of weed.
Exactly. Regardless of the circumstances once a pot head the move to harder drugs is inevitable. How a pot head makes the move is on them. The circumstances surrounding the move are moot. Weed is still the gateway.

AIDS, ODs, childlessness. As always the degenerate problem cures itself