Fuck Islam

Come on Sup Forums, help me out in arguments against Islam. Can somebody provide a list of barbaric verses from quran itself (avoid hadiths or some imams teachings)

Use Google you dumb fucking nigger

" Certainly you will find the most violent of people in enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those who are polytheists, and you will certainly find the nearest in friendship to those who believe (to be) those who say: We are Christians; this is because there are priests and monks among them and because they do not behave arrogantly. "

"Muh Jews!" Still better than your goatfucking lot


Accurate information isn't as easy to obtain you dumb faggot

It seems like you are upset.

Nice try, but I'm an atheist. Hate all of your skydaddies equally ;)

Yeah. Jews are atheists whats your point?

Yes I'm fucking tired off these terrorists coming to my country , having more rights than the citizens, leeching on our tax money and then the media shoving their propaganda down our throat

I'd break bread with a muslim, in the end of the day, with all the difference, we both agree that fedora tippers deserve the rope.

who's coming to ancapistan?

>Come to my country
You let them in
>Have more right
Not their fault
>Leech taxmoney
You gave it to them
>Then the media
You're not even talking about mudslimes anymore
TL;DR kys.

No shit you do. You all are the same delusional fucks at the core just with different toppings.

Go to the "the religion of peace" and "Jihad watch" websites. Check out the "Political Islam" channel on Youtube. All the information you need is there.

>shit you do. You all are the same delusional fucks at the core just with different toppings.
No, I understand that religion is made to keep a populace in check, all great civilizations had one, it keeps people in check, and not have women bash the shit out of everything we created, religion is about making taboos that plebs wouldn't understand why it would decay society.

>help me out in arguments against Islam


dumping proof islam is multiculti friendly


>You let them in
They didn't fucking knock on my door asking for my personal opinion
>Not their fault
Yes it is you fucking bigot . They came here illegally and voluntarily participated.
>You gave it to them.
Again, I didn't give it to them. I gave it to the govt, which misused it. Our people are being forced to for these sandmonkeys
>Not talking about mudslimes anymore
Yeah ,cos by forcing propaganda , I'm referring to the weather reports.

So basically being a delusional fuck? Thanks for proving my point

Thank you for this

>I can't read
The amerifat is sleeping through your meme flag