HOLY SHIT. They are airing commercials for IMPEACHMENT on MSNBC. This is nuts


Just like a pharma ad.

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Like the NFL, vote with your pocket.

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fucking lefties

>290 votes in the House needed for impeachment
>193 Democrats in the U.S. House
>They need nearly 100 House Republicans to vote for impeachment; not one has said they will
>They likely need even more Republican votes than that, as there are many red state conservative Democrats in the House, who likely won't follow California Democrats off the cliff
>Remember Bill Clinton was impeached by the House, and it meant jack all, as you still have to be convicted and removed by a super-majority vote in the U.S. Senate too
>Republicans hold a majority in the Senate

I'd say you have a better chance at winning a nine-digit sum in the lottery than President Trump being impeached and removed from office by the 115th Congress.

I get that but I like to watch the bullshitters so I know how to dismantle the bullshit I'm about to hear from everyone else.

Please make this catch on! This will further push the Dems into the woods just like the screeches of "No up armored hummves" from code link on W.

Just when DNC is burning, tell me about timing.

they just can't stop losing

>violated the constitution by taking money from foreign governments

is this a reference to his DC property?

I seriously can't even track that one

it's okay to be white

It's gotta be the same director


This billionaire spent $60m+ on democrats during the election and is wasting another $10m on muh impeachment memes. Total garbage waste of money, wouldn't be surprised if he diddles kids.

old Donny will be impeached and him and Donna will be sent to jail by tomorrow morning.

Then our girl Hillary will take her place at the Commander-in-Chief's chair

Good idea. We need a transcript of this for analysis/dissemination. I'm sleepy, though. Cheers, future user.

I fear Trump is going to get JFK'd if he's not careful.

Oh wow well would you look at that. Every time.

Video: "Help us impeach Trump before he destroys us lefties"

Yeah. That dude doing it is lucky he ain't in Russia, China, Iran, etc.

How is this allowed?

He's trying to stir up an uprising, coup.

You'd think the secret service would put a bag over the dudes head, take him to a black site and question him.


What is Tom Steyer doing? It's too damn weird.

Why isn't Trump...

- getting the IRS to audit him
- putting him on a terrorist no-fly list
- making him an enemy of the state?
- why isn't the Secret Service/FBI/CIA on his ass?

Billionaire asking for impeachment. That's how civil wars start... ask the plantation owners of the Confederacy.

This is different from birtherism and all that. This guy is actually asking for a coup, overthrow of government. He's demanding Trump get railroaded on cooked up charges.

this. it's not happening, and no amount of shilling will change that

As soon as his face appeared it was painfully apparent.

What's the problem? First amendment right

Guess we know where Soros' 18 billion is going

Shit, that stuff is on network NBC here (Cali).


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1) contrary to lefty belief trump is not hitler
2) why make him a martyr when his fanatical rhetoric only cements yours as the platform of reason

>American people of Jewish descent

Only thing to do user

>Sign Petition
>Do it under Hitler Didnothingwrong

>Sullivan & Cromwell.
Absolutely CIA.

>Tom (((Steyer)))
>Tom Steyer was born in 1957 in Manhattan.[7] His mother, Marnie (née Fahr), was a teacher of remedial reading at the Brooklyn House of Detention, and his father, Roy Henry Steyer, was a partner in the New York law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell.[8][9] His father was Jewish and his mother was Episcopalian

citizens united. the first amendment. keep crying orange orangutan

Can we just incinerate like 95% of all Boomers?

>Guess we know where Soros' 18 billion is going
yup. and will be donating to the broke-ass DNC through his shells.

>t.regular citizen
>..... who is a billionaire and has raised millions for the DNC

Libs are burning through $$ out of desperation


dem flaps

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This is why we need to fight for a White Nation. Dismantle the system. It wants to dismantle you. Don’t worry about it being uncomfy. If you do nothing, things will get very uncomfy on their own.

Sorros’ hair brain scheme will be some kind of November 5 uprising like VforVendetta. Too bad shit is hitting the fan big for Democrats this week.

Where can we sign a petition of deport Jews to Israel?


i will never listen to what a white man tell me to do about politic.

as simple as thaté

when someone goes nuts and decides to check out with a bang, consider offing kikes like him instead of cops, black church goes, etc.

that's because a shit ton of them are going down soon. they are getting really really desperate and want the far left nut jobs to start rioting but they might not be dumb enough. we'll see

And he deserves it.
Go fuck yourself OP

That is to make them more desperate and irrational and more likely to lash out.

>His father was even a jew
Can't make this stuff up

soooo. the republican stars. being upside down and the democratic ones not. except. for democrats now

Comment on this one, screencap them before they disable comments.

delet this

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Time to do a little digging.

oy vey

And how do they plan on impea-
>they have a petition

>290 votes in the House needed for impeachment
You're right that it'll never happen, but only a simple majority in the House is needed to impeach, meaning they only need 20ish, assuming every Democrat agrees to political suicide. Two-thirds is only needed for the Senate conviction.

This has got to be a honeypot for lefties.

This commercial is way fucked up. This is a total psyop piece but got pulled once the sand nigger ran the truck through nyc.


I honestly knew he was the moment it started.
Goddamn I've grown to hate kikes so much. They are going to push people to a real holocaust by the time this century is out.

>Father was a New York law partner

>Trump is the President, he has the powers that come with the office, that's grounds for impeachment

Why do these rich people just throw their money away on nothing campaigns all the time. Like if you have money at least enjoy it or something.

That's a rare Trump OP. Do you have a source on it?

They need to find a legitimate on-the-books reason for impeachment first.

>never gonna happen

It also airs on FOX in the mornings sometimes.

Their money is worthless without power and it seems like with every passing day it's finally slipping further and further out of their hands.

Why do they think this is something they can just do? Trump hasn't done anything worthy of impeachment. It's not like they can hold a referendum or public vote or something and just remove him from office. He has to fuck up really hard to get impeached, and even after being impeached, he has to then be removed from office by Congress with a supermajority vote which will never happen because republicans outweigh democrats by a ton right now.

I'm also surprised that the Clinton fiasco didn't tip these dumb motherfuckers off to the fact that throwing money at their problems does not solve them. The democrats are WAY, WAY, WAY more well-funded than the republicans from a local to federal level, and yet republicans are still winning on every single level. Now they're going full minority-pandering while whites are still over 60% of the population, spics are getting deported, niggers don't vote, and asian men vote majority republican.

I have never seen a political movement fail this hard out of sheer stupidity and ineptitude. They have the funds, they have the means, they have the platform, and all they do is say shit nobody wants to hear except the most extreme fringe of their own group and are shocked when they lose election after election. The DNC isn't dying, they're already dead, we're just watching rich kikes move around a corpse on strings.

>He has taken money from foreign governments.

And WTF was Hillary doing? All that god damn Saudi money and they say nothing?

I asked a lefty coworker who had the impeach bumper sticker what he thought would happen if they got their wish. They're delusional as fuck, they think Trump and all of his followers will just quietly go away.

Video reported for blatant anti-semitism. You goyim know what to do.
>Look at me Tom Steyer
>I am the Jew now

Plus where the fuck are the "high crimes and misdemeanors?"


Let alone the fact that, if a dully elected president is impeached, especially this one, you will have some seriously violent riots by people who have plenty of guns and a long list of enemies. In some ways, that might be best for the country. It's long past due for some purging of commies.


Wise user

Well said doge. Well said.

Nvm, he's an established Hill Shill who is probably mad his government kickbacks have been cut.

Reminds me of all those libertardians standing outside walmarts and post offices for eight years with petitions to have Obama impeached.

This is the funniest one because every single politician in Washington who are supposed to be acting in the fiduciary responsibility of the American people are guilty of this except for Trump.


Nice whataboutism you Russian shitlord. What was that? Jimmy Kimmel? I doNt CaRe aBoUt the television, stupid bean fuck.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a commie
Go neck yourself.

>violently defending a criminal and a traitor
If Obama had done even half the things Trump has done you would have demanded he be impeached and you would have been right.

Please note he said they have a moral responsibility and not a LEGAL one. impeachment occurs when a sitting prez has committed a crime, this is masturbation for the frantic, looney left who is witnessing their Russian collusion narrative crumble and the DNC cannibalize itself.

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Juicy bait bby.

whats nuts is the putin troll in the white house

238 days into his term and hasn't nuked anyone yet. I don't think you need to worry.

I like the part where he was so serious about what he had to say he needed a teleprompter

Wait... pence would take over...

Well this can't be. Jews are only 2% of the US population. Not possible that yet another one would be spearheading something like this. Must be some mistake.

How would Donald Trump look like in a prison jump suit? Better.

>represents a clear and present danger


>asian men vote majority republican.

Accusals of "whataboutism" is a nevermindist tactic

But Hillary's not in the white house, user. Thank god too. All that uranium her and Mueller were giving to a foreign nuclear power and all.

> mentally unstable and
> armed with nuclear weapons

and you want to impeach him? nooooooo

These subversive niggers need public execution.

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