This is not all right. It's just like after Charlottesville, where President Trump called white murderers swell guys...

This is not all right. It's just like after Charlottesville, where President Trump called white murderers swell guys, while simultaneously condemning black NFL players for peaceful protests, all over again.


no because the guy died you dumb nigger

that guy GOT the death penalty on the spot though

>Dumb as fuck
If the shoe fits..

he's dead dumb nigger cunt

It's this thread again

maybe he would if he wasn't dead

did anyone point out this salient point to the fuckstain negress?

>Be like user
>Be more like user
>Act Smart like user
>Say thanks to user

Thank you

Holy Shit!! He wasn’t the shooter! The real one is still at large! That’s what she meant!

>killing the dead

Paddock was already dead. Hard to give death penalty to a corpse. It's kind of already done. You know cause they are already dead....

Niggers have a significantly lower average IQ than Whites

came to say this

Nevada has death penalty, New York does not.

Vegas shooter blew his brains out is she retarded?

All 50 states have death penalty under federal law.

Being executed under state law has to be the most low energy shit. Go federal or go home.

Fuck niggers. White power. Sage all nigger shit posts.

a media Jew joined in, now it's officially a meme



She's pointing out that SLRRRUMBPF didn't order him executed immediately like he should have.


>Death Penalty
>Already dead

Why didn't drumf use our new Orleans black voodoo magic to resurrect the las vegas and call for his re-execution at gitmo. Why does he use ancient Egyptian chaos from meme magic who was our ancestors cuz we did kings thus appropriating black culture.

Niggers truly are the dumbest race on earth.

>it's real
I'm more disappointed than anything

what a dumb fucking nignog


Pretty sure posthumous executions are a thing of the past.