Are you for or against the removal of Confederate monuments?

What is your reasoning?

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keep them up

Remove the Confederate monuments.
Also remove American flags and American monuments.

For. Only because I just watched the Ken Burns documentary, and all those men were incredibly admirable, regardless of what side they were on.

Arguing for Iconoclasm.... That's literally ISIS shit you fucking nigger. Sage this shit.

i think a monument should be erected for the war of 1812 when the ancestors of shitposting leafs kicked your ass.


Remove as many symbols of American pride as possible so the white people will start waking up and realize they are being erased

Or against rather, fug.


>Canadians once again trying to take credit for the British Army's win

General Lee's wife and daughter taught slaves and helped them get back to Africa, there are letters at some of the museums from people in Africa they taught. There are other confederates who helped slaves as well and some even spoke for more rights than just freedom. Most people are barely functioning and can only see "pure evil" and "pure good", and they don't even know what those are. Also no one talks about the French and British going for land grabs, the trade war, the currency, and the Russian blockade. Pretty pathetic.


>The war is over, the Rebels are our countrymen again, and the best sign of rejoicing after the victory will be to abstain from all demonstrations in the field.
>Ulysses S. Grant, Upon stopping his men from cheering after Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House (9 April 1865).
Those are United States Monuments, just as the confederates returned to being citizens of the United States.
To remove them is to claim that you are fine with history of US Citizens being removed.

Against. You don't get to erase history just because you don't like it.

i think its dumb, its nice to see ancient things, theyre not hate symbols either.

I'm with Robert E. Lee. Take them down. Most of them were put up relatively recently anyway.

removing statues is idiotic. statues celebrate the accomplishments of people, they are not celebrations of people as a whole and their entire person or set of values. What those people did clearly mattered enough to the local population for them to want to put down a statue and we should respect that.
Also I see it as erasing history and heritage. You dont have to be proud of everything your ancestors did, but you cant pretend it didnt happen. My ancestors were pirates, im not particularly happy about that one.

its not ok to be white

I'm not from yanksville but I'd say I'd prefer the govt taking them down and putting them in a museum than having filthy commies tear then down and break them

The ones that are dedicated to the common soldier are especially infuriating when they're taken down.

They should all stay up because fuck niggers and fuck white traitors especially

faggot op here. I never said I was for taking the statues down. I was just curious on what other people thought about the matter. More specifically other reasons to keep the statues other than slippery slope arguments.

Oh look, the John Oliver argument.

Many were not "put up recently." The Lee Circle statue in the OP picture was put up over 105 years ago. Many were even erected in the 1800s.

The notion that the statues aren't legitimate unless they were put up in 1866 is some supreme bullshit. It's like saying the World War II memorial in D.C., which opened in 2004, doesn't count, because it came about nearly six full decades after the war ended.

More history has been erased then we'll ever know. Who gives a fuck, man? We'll all be dead soon. I have stopped caring.

First it's this.

Then you lose union monuments too because former slaves fought on their side.

Then it's the vietnam memorial because of the draft that was racist towards PoC

Then you're gonna lose all WW2 monuments because military is facist.

Mount Rushmore is too white. Problematic. Add a woman and a black man over two figures.

Eventually the statue of freedom because america isn't free and the statue is a gift from a country that liked colonialism.

They were the losing side.
They lost for a reason.
Their statues are only for cucks.
Let's uncuck America!

I'd say let's one up the Jews in their game. Let's remove all American flags because nationalism = nazism right? Shit will go down fast that people will immediately wake up to the destruction of this country. Right now we're just slowly be boiled alive.

Against because the retards on this side of the atlantic will inevitably try to knock down afonso de albuquerque or god forbid geraldo


i don't give a fuck if your feelings are hurt over historical figures, niggers

revisionists need to be gassed and people who fail to understand nuance lack empathy and thus need to be gassed

battle flag all the way
t. yankee


Because it is a movement by empowered niggers to take a society they did not build, or succeed in.

>ima take yo statchoo honkey
>best let my keeds in yo scool
>best let my keeds hav grant mawney
>best bus my keeds akross disstict lynes
>best nawht poleece my hood
>best leyt me fuck yawh dawters
>leeve em pregant
>aw dead

well said

>this is all the work of fucking jews
>niggers and race traitors go in the oven too

I think if we put some sheets over them no one will be offended plus it would preserve the statues.

It's a slippery slope. No one is perfect past or present so there is an excuse for taking down anything. If we don't stop it we are going to loose all our historical monuments. Something I'm not cool with.

I say remove them. Personally, I find some of the Confederate figures admirable but the federal government would be foolish to leave monuments to traitors up. This is the United States of America and the Confederates sought to end that union as we know it. For better or worse, they lost, so they shouldn't be rewarded with such favorable public monuments. However, I can see why a lot of individuals from those states would be opposed to the move, but it would be like England building and keeping monuments of George Washington.

Or if you want a meme response:
>letting your wife's bull build a statue in your house

I know I was just fucking with ya nigger lol, I swear It's like I was born with a gift for getting (you's) I never fail lol. But in all seriousness I always just argue it's iconoclasm and the equivalent of violent ISIS barbarianism.

I still thinking they're being removed to raise funds when it inevitably gets placed on auction.

Iconoclasm is as American as ISIS now go bomb a Ziggurat like the barbarian savages you love to emulate.

I think the best argument to keep them is to say that we can look at them as a reminder and to learn from history. I think it's nuanced enough that it wouldn't offend either side.

Many were not, but most were. So let's not pretend they're all ancient. Why? Because then you have people arguing to keep them simply because they're old.

In any case, that isn't my primary reason. This is:

"I think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered."
Robert E. Lee

I think all Civil War monuments should be removed and placed in museums.

Against!, the south was forced to fight after the pre-carpetbaggers sold their slaves to them after they caught wind that emancipation was comming, southe had a booming cotton industry thhat was the envy of the modern world and unknowings bought them up. The yanks then free them all on us....kikery

yes, the statues aren't civil war era but were put up in the 1920s as symbols of oppression. but that's historical at this point too. Destroying them is not the answer- if your that butthurt a museum will suffice.

Against. They were the good guys.

Hell yeah, let's blow up those scalping slaver rapists lost after all right?

I'm fine with it, simply because it will hasten the purity spiral of the left. Statues can be replaced, but having literally every statue go down for the most pathetic shit will be enjoyable to watch, just like watching Hollywood burn due to their "listen and believe" push.

You mean the removal of white history? Because that's all it is.
I disagree highly with Napoleons politics.
Doesn't mean I go tearing down his statues.
Because that would tearing down french history.
Such as it is here.

you got me fucker, I thought i fucked up the title or something

here's another (you)

Can't undo history. And those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it



if anything, we should be building more monuments to Robert E Lee

I'm all for it. They can go back up after the day of the rope.

Why have Americans Leftists fallen so far? They used to preach unity and have zero qualms about these monuments. Woodrow Wilson gave a big speech when Arlington National Cemetery's Confederate statue went up, calling it an "emblem of a reunited people." Lyndon B. Johnson spoke when the Robert E. Lee statue went up in Houston, one which its liberal city councilmen voted to remove a couple of months ago. Congress and President Jimmy Carter posthumously restored Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis's U.S. citizenship in the mid-1970s, saying it was the "last act of reconciliation in the Civil War."

Now liberals just want to divide and tear down historical statues/monuments.

What the fuck happened?

nice flag fag

>Lyndon B. Johnson spoke when the Robert E. Lee statue went up in Houston

I meant Franklin D. Roosevelt, not Johnson.

Communist professors and unionized k-12 teachers.

Remove them from pedestals and put them in museums or exhibits, where they belong.

Notice the wires holding it down? It’s because it’s hollow and not a real statue. It’s a movie prop. Setup to be destroyed during the “riots”.

Keep them up.
It's expensive as fuck to remove them and I don't want to pay for it so some historically illiterate individual can stop shitting themselves over their misconceptions. They're rather majestic pieces of art in person, commemorating men with balls of steel who did what they had to.

Against, they cause too much liberul & colored butthurt for me to support taking them down

Most who want to remove are worried the south will rise again

Its not just that they were put up later. It's that they were put up long after the war as a show of continuing defiance and resistance to tending the wounds of the past.

Because they don't have to keep up the facade anymore. They have hoards of rabid feminists and shitskins to do their bidding now. Also kikes.

I think they should be removed and put in a new, YUGE, Civil War museum so they can stop being vandalized by stupid niggers

God forbid anyone show defiance to the (((United States of America)))

if it is a truley global movement and we blow up mecca first because there was and is muslim slave owners, then yep we can take them down, but only if we blow up mecca first.

>muh niggers

Against, because it's fucking stupid, but hey if liberals wanna repeat slavery history, lets go for it.

Woodrow Wilson had ties to the KKK.

They weren't exactly seceding for a noble cause.

Ken Burns is a Lesbian Faggot.

You’re an idiot.

Klan was necessary after the war cause of carpetbagging and fugitive lowlives

All non-whites, niggers, and brown people need to leave this country. They have to go back.

>Mount Rushmore
Gutzon Borglum was a member of the Grand Council of the Triple-K.

>No one is perfect


The statues were erected in the 1870s to commemorate the Confederate Dead.

Burning cross - divine justice
Redneck - covenanters wore hand kerchiefs around neck to symbolise being beheaded for voting againt the papist
Hillbilly - follower of william of orange protestant who moved down the appalachias with daniel boone

Beyond a doubt, the battle for kings mtn was the first real victory of the rev war. Southern marksman and the north repays them with treachery


Had family fight and die on both sides of the war. Keep them up. Also, put up some statues of worthwhile blacks.

That fought for the confederates kek

Either remove every statue of people born before 1920, or none of them.

What would jappenif someone took lincolns statue down. He didnt care about the slaves anymore then the south. There are letters pertaining to he thought they would starve after emancipation and he didnt care

He also illegally halted elections in tenn. So they could not have democracy. He knew they would vote to secede

It's a slippery slope for the removal of other historical monuments
Remove none of them ever

For, because it triggers limp dicked wh*te shits on Sup Forums to see their racist heroes taken down.


Racists were the north who wanted to emancipate illiterate nignogs and send them into the shantys and starvation after they lost their place and work on the farms. And as far as heroes they were more fathers and grandfathers who fought for a future of their own as they had in the revolutionary war

Against. The Civil War was the worst, bloodiest chapter in American history, our greatest national tragedy. To tear down memorials, whether they were built to honor those on the winning side or the losing side, is to not only disrespect and disgrace the memory of the hundreds of thousands of young men who died in the senseless fighting, but also bears a striking and disturbing resemblance to the kind of blanket disregard and deliberate antagonizing that helped incite the Civil War in the first place.

It also sets a dangerous precedent - if you can tear down memorials based on nothing but the hurt feelings of a vocal minority, how long before those same people start shutting down museums or exhuming the bodies of dead soldiers?

FOR removal, not because of feels but because we shouldn't memorialize the losers of American history. Go ask a Russian if there are any Chechen separatist monuments. Ask a Cambodian if they have any Khmer Rouge monuments....

We got statues to people far worse than the confederates down here

Don’t see cunts complaining

>What the fuck happened?

its cheaper to whip up a base of frothing, angry SJWs than it is to actually fix the problems facing poor and minority communities they pretend to represent.

That's a crock of shit, we do not need to commemorate artifacts of a faction that wanted to rip America in two. The Confederacy was poorly thought out and went on to get their shit pushed in after losing the war they started

guess it depends on the statue? i thought the confederates weren't allowed to build memorials during reconstruction, which is really shitty desu.

Googling, brb.

Statues aren’t built only to remember the winners. The south is what it is because of the confederacy and the civil war. Their mark on history is large enough to justify a statue.

What are they gonna put in replacement?

My reasoning is that the confederates are traitors and everything pro traitor should be destroyed

I was told "a soldiers biggest fear is being forgotten." Leave them up.

LOL but we WON World War 2, most people would agree it was a just war, the CSA just wanted to protect their one-trick pony business model which hinged on a slave nigger workforce. That whole "states' rights" meme rednecks counter with is also a crock of shit, the state's right they were going to war over was the right to keep slaves.

The city of New Orleans is having major flooding problems from normal heavy rains from the broken drainage pumps.

Instead of spending millions fixing potholes, pumps, and infrastructure thus reducing flooding to help the community, emotional damage was a far greater so the statues had to go to protect feelings.