The lies of physics, explained

please read this in it's entirety before posting. please screencap and share.

at all levels of physics, there is only cause and effect. (people do not have free will, but that should not change their lives at all.)
humans do not have, within the bounds of our universe, the capability to see the future.
to do so would require a computer that could simulate ever atom, and thus would need to be larger than the universe
we do not know important variables such as the amount of energy in the universe, which is the same as it was in the initial singularity
to know this crucial variable (to simulate the future), you would have to have been able to observe the initial singularity that spawned our universe
if you were to reverse time to the big bang, everything would play out exactly the same.
the 'timeline' is extraordinarily complex and unimaginable, but still cause and effect, from the creation of life until you reading/hearing this
>random and infinity are two human creations that are constantly projected back at the universe, where they do not physically exist.
physicists claim that 95% of the universe is "invisible" and "undetectable" and it is this force (dark matter) that is driving the accelerated expansion of the universe and causing everything to move away from each other
this is not correct
dark matter:
>not been observed
>claimed to influence the large-scale structure of the universe
the same with dark energy
>unknown force causing the universe to accelerate
together they make up 95% of the universe and 'ordinary matter' makes up 5%
allow me to clear this up for you, because neither dark matter nor dark energy exist

>please read slowly and fully before responding. please bump.


Other urls found in this thread:

i'll bite, hurry up and explain dark matter

please bump, i would like to post the rest of it

can one bump their own thread?

yes. Stop blueballing and post the rest.



okay, now is the part where I explain the universe on Sup Forums

the initial singularity that spawned our universe (big bang) contained 5% of the energy of a much greater universe, which is in full 20x the size of our universe
we do not know how a black hole this size would react, and we never will (within the boundaries of 'our' universe), but let's just say it goes 'big bang'
the greater universe surrounding our singularity would be forcefully expelled by the big bang, and everything would sort of just go straight out (pre-inflationary period)
then things settle down, and the universe surrounding the the black hole begins to gravitationally attract 'our' universe. we have entered the phase of accelerated expansion
our universe hurls in every direction towards the 95% of the greater universe that surrounds us
as we get closer, we speed up
towards reconcilliation
with a place where many species or persons might have emerged out of many 'big bangs'
a place where it is possible to build the computer i described earlier
a place where such computer could be used to simulate big bangs with different amounts of energy (perhaps the physics have to be right)
and those who used the computer would see us
and see that it is good
and might have the capability to 'recycle' parts of the universe to create something new
and let us really live,
but at that scale, would the simulation be any different than it "really" happening? that is a question i cannot answer
but it doesnt matter
because the 'kingdom of heaven' is real
and we move towards it with ever-increaing velocity


the rest of the universe is currently outside the light horizon of the observable universe
but it has interacted gravitationally since we entered expansion

>there is only cause and effect
cause and effect does not exist, you cannot measure the essence of what cause and effect is, there is no apparatus that looks at cause and effect in itself, we can only observe and put into chronological order through human perception that one thing "caused" another, but its not really there.

>On a body as large as the sun, it would be impossible to project a disturbance of this kind [e.g., radio broadcasts] to any considerable distance except along the surface. It might be inferred that I am alluding to the curvature of space supposed to exist according to the teachings of relativity, but nothing could be further from my mind. I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.
– Nikola Tesla, inventor of the electrical grid that surrounds you and comprises 99.99% of modern technology

i do not stand behind all the 'simulation' stuff of course
it could be a naturally occurring 'big bang' event that creates us, and the physics are always the same as the larger unvierse
i dont know
but i do stand behind the theory
a hypothesis that i think physicists might soon begin to seriously consider considering recent observations (see dark flow)

So it's "universes all the way down?"


>duh, siense do things but it do bigger then my head can do.
No question to further discussion. What is the point of this nerd ass thread? Next time write this into your diary before bringing it up here.

painful to read
always beautiful to read anything said or written by tesla. a great genius. i bet he would love the simulation theory.

it may well be. that is not the point i am making. there might always be those questions. this thread is purely about the theory on dark matter/energy in relation to what is currently believed. i am happy to talk about infinity and randomness, etc, but i wont go down a hole like that.

>it may well be


I'll just leave this here.

Where did you get the pot and can I have some?


actually, it might not be.
there is not enough energy in 'our' universe (i think) to create/simulate a universe. youd have to create a supercomputer the size of the universe, which is sort of where one physicist thinks the world is heading (search omega point).
so we might be the lowest you can go
and could the universe surrounding ours be the result of a big bang in a much greater universe? could be.

But then what created that universe? Another bigger universe? All the way down

i wont lie it is really nice stuff. not the crazy potent stale shit you get in dispensaries. a friend grows it.
but it is not the source of the theory, even if parts of its conception were driven by spliffs
maybe someday we will share one

well each universe as you say is created "within" the universe. we were a black hole in a much larger universe. could a black hole in our universe go big bang? no, so there will not be universes "below" us. and man, i dont know about what we might call "initial creation". but the greater universe surrounding ours is much much much much older.

i understand that any physics people might be mad that this theory kind of sends some of your favored equations down the tubes. id love to hear why

PLEASE BUMP you little shits, i'd like to get some visibility. i know all of you are hoping somebody with credentials comes here and and i get BTFO

I'm not a physicist, but you're basically adopting Hindu cosmology

Which is completely irrational

Bump, let's see what you got OP.

I had an acid trip that convinced me we're in a simulation

read these in full

that is only a small portion of the theory. a really cool part, but ultimately just a supposition tied to the much more important hypothesis regarding the absence of dark matter/energy.

Maybe you should spend less time on the computer. If we're in a simulation, then what does the computer that is simulating us exist in?

You're confusing dark matter and dark energy.

if you are reading and do not have a comment, please just give a bump. i know intellectual conversations of this sort rarely become popular threads on Sup Forums, but i believe you guys are the most likely to hear something that is so far from the "accepted narrative" and, in my opinion, revolutionary.

nope! i got them both straight. i am saying they don't exist. but dont get bogged down in that. please, read these posts then talk to me.

>>at all levels of physics, there is only cause and effect
FALSE aspects of relativity and quantum mechanics violate our naive ideas of cause and effect.
>>people do not have free will
FALSE a person can exercise freewill by making choices using a quantum random generator. These choices would be random and pointless, but free.
>>if you were to reverse time to the big bang, everything would play out the same
FALSE quantum fluctuations are random


Dark matter has nothing to do with the expansion of the universe, it's dark energy that is proposed to do that. You don't know what you're talking about.

i'd subscribe to the reciprocal systems theory by Dewey Larson, since time and space make up the physical universe in a reciprocal manner, BUT the quantum realm is the stuff that makes up time itself, and therefor the etheric realm


>FALSE quantum fluctuations are random
No, they are not. We do not have the variables to understand and never will. It is childish people like you, and childish scientists who believe humans will know the "theory of everything". Not in this universe.

Don't worry. I was once exactly where you are. And no, you do not have free will. And no, a random number generator is not, on a quantum level, random.

Objects currently outside of the light horizon (radio horizon) are no longer interacting with us gravitationally, as gravitational waves travel at the speed of light

however, indirectly, the gravity interacts with matter between us and them, so I see what you're getting at. A few posts on Sup Forums is insufficient to claim to have explained away the complexities of existence.


sorry, mate. maybe you could look past that one small error?
sure seems like people are not really understanding the thread

Friendly reminder our universe is imfacy intrapped in a heliospheroid type protecyibe layer and ever expanding, chek them

>initial singularity
Stopped reading right there. There's no singularity at the beginning. That was just an old result due to making approximations with the math.

thank you. i think information like this hurts ones brain if it comes all at once. too much to handle, they keep going on about how i "just dont understand dark matter/energy hey look he made a mistake!!!1"
bump it!
> A few posts on Sup Forums is insufficient to claim to have explained away the complexities of existence.
of course
i will say it for the thousandth time, the most important part of this thread is dark matter and dark energy not existing. in the sense few see the universe in the way that i am explaining it, yes, i am explaining the universe to Sup Forums.


read the rest of the thread, dolt.
i am sorry it does not align with your ideology.
why not? this theory is powerful. any organization that seizes it will hold the power.

fuck have you told them yet you found it?

This isn't about ideology, you cretinous imbecile

they already have it though who knows what they have been doing it fuck they have has it for a long time

good thread OP, my mind is temporarily enlarged

I am releasing this information to the public right now, in this thread. I will probably make more threads at some point. If you want to share it, make sure you stress that the important part is about the universe and dark matter/dark energy, not the simulation or free will stuff.

No, the Hindus never made that idea. Although illiterates frequently assume so. Their idea is that of a cyclical universe that continuously expands and contracts forever.

fuck you might want to ask them first dude, I mean after all they have been holding this knowledge for a long time, they gave it to us to find them not give away right?

>FALSE quantum fluctuations are random
>No, they are not. We do not have the variables to understand and never will.

hence we interpret them as random

>to do so would require a computer that could simulate ever atom, and thus would need to be larger than the universe
nigger are you dumb? we can do computations in batches much like you can do rendering in separate passes (layers). your fucking shitting smart phone can do all the computations assuming it doesnt die which it probably would but regardless your not thinking clearly

batches can contain separate cubes in the 3d grid which is subdivided into smaller cubes and handled left to right front to back top to bottom. everything within handled in a priority arrangement as per the algorithm dictates

also none of this helps you determine the future beyond what star charts would do. your a dumb nigger. *nudges another user with his elbow* dont talk to that nigger because hes dumb. hes a dumb nigger

THANK YOU. some people are getting riled up without even reading. not allowing themselves the moment to even imagine.
shit, they go on and on about how the "narrative" is controlled and shitpost philosophy about free will, which is not what strictly what this is about.
please bump it for others to see

>cyclical universe
I prefer a cynical universe

all logic >>> axiomatic, circular, or this - infinite regress.
give up humans

Yes! that is why i said that random and infinity are human-created concepts. there is not infinite matter in our universe, or any universe. always quantifiable. its just an idea. it exists as a human idea, but not in reality. just like "random" does.

anyone who actually believes this 16 year old edge-lord posting on Sup Forums about science should find the nearest bus to jump in front of

While OP is indeed a special kind of retard, you're missing the point that not all mathematical functions are computable; only an infinitesimal fraction are. Whether strict finitist mathematics (no real numbers, everything quantized) is sufficient to represent the universe is something that has been conjectured to be so (with results such as the Bekenstein bound being good arguments for it), but by no means proven. This means a classical computer may potentially not be able to simulate the universe regardless of its size.

holy shit i dont actually believe a random Sup Forums user would come in and say that. is it a pasta? almost like pandering to Sup Forums. creepy.
not a crazy theory. if there is only cause and effect, if the universe goes big crunch and then a bounce, we will have the exact same universe over again. but i shouldnt bring that. it is completely un-related and unconnected to the theory of this thread, posted here

I think someones been watching a little too much rick and morty

am i making somebody angry? should i not be posting this stuff? too powerful for the goys to handle? you are pandering to Sup Forums

seei have not watched a cartoon in many years

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>to do so would require a computer that could simulate ever atom, and thus would need to be larger than the universe

Stopped reading. You clearly don't know what you are talking about

please bump and ignore the shitposters who dont want to have an actual conversation

95% of the energy exists out there and tesla could touch some of it, but of course they couldn't profit off those ideas

I think you should lower your ego a bit bro, this information has been known for 10's of 1000's of years, and I don't think you should be sperging it out everywhere like this

So, basically, our Universe is one in a long series of infinitely collapsing black holes. The black holes we see in our Universe are just another part of the cycle.

Universe-hopping must be the ability to move your Universe (black hole) in super-Universe space near enough, or into another black hole to either merge, or somehow transmit information.

I never realized our Universe was a black hole. It makes sense especially if you consider what a "big bang" is, matter and energy coming from "no where".

please do not make this a rick and morty discussion thread

i am having connection/posting errors by the way, please bump even if i stop posting

xx% of the e exists out there and t could touch some, but of course they couldn't $ off that

I think you should lower your ego a bit bro, this information has been known for 10's of 1000's of years, and I don't think you should be sperging it out everywhere like this they are supposed to find it

the universe is a single hyper-dimensional object made from consciousness that is seeking to replicate itself through consciousness, I have this on the highest authority, awakening is the highest priority when a civilization loses sight of this it dies because it no longer fulfills its genetic purpose. Gnosis is real it will show you the truth if you can find it.

>it's an '/x/ pretends to understand science' episode
Oh boy! These are always a riot!

if i had an ego, i wouldn't be posting my ideas on Sup Forums. pearls amongst pigs etc
i actually want people to read it, think about it, discuss it because obviously we cannot KNOW right here and now. it is a theory.
here is the theory. please read before posting. this is NOT about the free will/causality stuff. read till the end.

So where does God fit in here?

wot in tarnation

He is here

okay i take that back. lots of egotists post their shit on Sup Forums. i just wanted to discuss, though. it is now public knowledge i hope.

so you're saying we live in a 2D hologram that only exists in God's mind, but God is almost certainly a computer that fell into a black hole a long time ago (in the future)?

kidding i get it

interesting, but all you're really doing is expanding the scope of the same situation. Your hypothesis would only end up asking if the bigger universes surrounding the universe have bigger universes surrounding them. Probably. Let's just call all of everything existence. You say there's no such thing as infinity, and I couldn't argue otherwise, but if existence is not infinite, then it has a border with nothing on the other side. Which is impossible.

read, dude!
the second post is where i go into that

Your thinking in terms of the whole universe having to be rendered at all times down to the smallest detail. Only what the observers observes needs to be rendered and only at the resolution demanded by the observers specs.
>The virtual reality conjecture: that the physical world is the output of a non- physical quantum processing
>The physical world is a virtual reality, generated on demand by processing without which it would not exist at all
7,000,000,000 relatively highly corresponding data streams instead of one self existent universe that we are all acting upon. If there were no consciousnesses, the universe would not be rendered to anyone.

>black hair.


>as we get closer, we speed up
>towards reconcilliation
>with a place where many species or persons might have emerged out of many 'big bangs'
>a place where it is possible to build the computer i described earlier
>a place where such computer could be used to simulate big bangs with different amounts of energy (perhaps the physics have to be right)
>and those who used the computer would see us
>and see that it is good
>and might have the capability to 'recycle' parts of the universe to create something new
>and let us really live,
>but at that scale, would the simulation be any different than it "really" happening? that is a question i cannot answer
>but it doesnt matter
>because the 'kingdom of heaven' is real
>and we move towards it with ever-increaing velocity

The Nexus in Star Trek: Generations? That would mean you're a psyop.

almost hard not to get a little paranoid when every other post is well-thought out shitpost designed to derail a thread. thank you for reading. Sup Forums really is a hell of a drug. bump me

I've been saying (thinking) this for years: there is no infinity, of time or quantity, they only exist in the human mind not the universe at large

>dark matter and dark energy don't exist
You're right. The only thing pulling the Universe is gravity, which has infinite attraction reach, no matter how weak. The spin of the event horizon must have gotten stronger in the super-Universe.

reminder that this picture entirely blows OP out, and that dark energy is purely there to describe hubble flow

The big bang is fake news, the universe is ~6000 years old and was created when God spake it into existence.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums with your blue pilled kike bullshit.

you are not completely wrong. i think you might more be into frank j tipler's "omega theory" in which a computer is created in this universe that can simulate everyone's consciousness or something. you all three might be smarter than i am. but do you deny that my theory is interesting and that the dark matter part might indeed be true? you can honestly forget all the causality, computing stuff that i said. it was an interlude.

>read till the end.
Done! Very interesting stuff user. Threads like these is the reason i am still checking in on Sup Forums despite the mindless cancer that it has become. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

What are your views on the true psychedelics; DMT/Ayahuasca and psilocybin? Without a clear understanding of consciousness, can we truly understand if we have free will or not? Sorry for "derailing" the thread with these questions, but it is rare to get to ask these questions to someone with a understanding of the universe...


posting the theory for those who are late/too lazy to look

forget the causality/computing stuff. either i am wrong or it is causing a lot of trouble, but the IMPORTANT stuff is related to the universe, its origin, future, and why dark matter and energy to not exist

i took LSD a couple times back in the day. i feel like it taught me a new method of thinking. not tempted to use any other drugs like that. it allowed me to think without even remembering all my problems, who i am, etc. beautiful stuff that i would recommend for people college-aged.

No free will prevents me from reading the post