/SPA/ the catalonian issue

The Spanish Embassy in the US of A, asks the Jew York Times to rectify about their Junqueras feature, and hell breaks loose in normieland

Meanwhile the judge in charge just disclosed that the mossos spied on the Police and National Guard, and framed them during the fake elections, putting them in a violent situation, and not defending the cause

8 goons from the Puchi squad just slept in jail. the rest 4 and Puchi himself still at large in Brussels

Meanwhile, the dilusional madman keeps larping: Puchi just declared that "I MANDATE that they are freed"


Other urls found in this thread:


Barcelona major, the biggest commie this country has seen in years, looks concerned, to say the least, and plays the victim card
>muh fascism

Meanwhile, catalonians are memeing on english now, after realizing NOBODY in Spain supports them. Not even basque citizens

After all this mess, NEET numbers in Catalonia at a new record

But the real question is:
who is going to win?

God, catalans are fucking mongrels


> nobody in Spain supports them

Then why would they stay?

because Catalonian separatists are a minority in catalonia

>Puigdemont "demands" that his colleagues imprisoned in Madrid be released
Kek, is he actually retarded or something ? The warrant for his own arrest is expected to be out today, he'll be arrested by Belgian authorities before sundown

>Spain sued the Jew York Times for sedition before the United States

fuck this gay "president"

>he said we have to keep acting normally

¡Viva España!

¡Viva el rey!

¡Viva el estado de derecho!

Evole live now, exposing how after interviewing Puchi, he is getting bullied and called "Espa;olista"





"As much as the fuck us, they are Spanish"

A disgrace to Sowell fans. Can't even say "Besa mi culo fascistas" correctly.

Thank you may I have another

Why are they all named Jordi? It's hilarious.

>Junqueras vice president. Puigdemont president. Espanya francoist dungeon.
Why are catacucks so delusional? They want their own country yet don't want to fight for it but expect some help from abroad. Instead of forming militias they are larping and whining on twitter. Wtf?

>beso mi culo
Is that negro plastic man?

I don't know the answer, but my guess is they think the more international support they have, the better their negotiating leverage when they try to demand more autonomy. Or maybe they want delusional Americucks and Eurocucks to donate to their parties going into the elections?

>Meanwhile the judge in charge just disclosed that the mossos spied on the Police and National Guard, and framed them during the fake elections, putting them in a violent situation, and not defending the cause
nice fake news from the caliphate of españistan



>don't worry Oriol
>come back to Spain, and I will command from Belgium
>everything is going to be fine, man


why the salt?

>Puigdemont is a CNI agent with the mission of destroying the separatist movement in Catalonia
It's the only thing that makes right now lads.

>are you believing the puchi lies?! what??


I love her.




They can leave if they want. The clay stays. So does the infrastructure.

Catalans don't have the right to unilateral secession according to the UN and international law. So either they win a war of national liberation or they can fuck off.

viva españa

Real question for Spaniards:

I know you’re enjoying the salt from the catalonians getting crushed by the boot of the Madrid government and it’s EU overlords. Yet living in 2017 it will be hard for you to keep the boot stamped on them perminantly with all the “human rights laws”.
How do you expect to motivate the cash cow that is Catalonia if they are denied the indipendence they want?
Are you happy for them to always view Spain as their enemy? Won’t this just cause issues in your parliament as the catalonians will always vote against the Spanish?
There will be divisions all along the political and social landscape of Catalonia is rejected their independence perpetually.

So far the only tactic I’ve seen from the Spanish is to stamp the boot on them and keep catalonians as their beaten slave. This does not sound like a logical long term plan. Have you thought this through?

first of all, Catalonians wanting independence is a meme
no more than 40% want that, and even that figure is too optimistic
second of all, this is not Madrid government, this is Spains government
third, Catalonia is Spain's country, resources and territory
fourth, Spain is using the laws against the separatists that has ignored democracy and the constitution

All this is not against independentism. All this is to restore the legality of Spanish territory

wtf happened with Jordi Évole? He's gained like 30kg since I last saw a documentary with him.

he is getting a fair amount of shit from his fellow separatist catalonians, for keeping it cool and not going full blown pro independence

He's always been controversial, no matter what. Literally, el Follonero. But he's aged so badly. I love him for the Salvados por Qatar Foundation documentary.

Castille will take their money and they can just suck it, like they did before '75.

This guy is Santi Vila
The only Puchi goon that is free from prison, on a 50K bail
He resigned from his position in the Catalonian Govern the same day they declared the memepublic

while his old squad is taking care of not dropping the soap in the showers, he is having some pancakes at home, with his dignity intact, and will probably get a new job soon

smart guy

Do you thibk if I tan her and pretend to be a rafugee she'd let me cum in her cunny?

here, Santi is giving some interviews
in a matter of minutes, he went from virgin separatist to Spaniard chad
just compare the two pictures, and taste what integrity feels like

You are so fucking blind my son.

Achtually, he's still separatist, he's just not that stupid to think Catalonia will be a country without Spain's agreement.

He's still going to be destroyed by his own party, as they think he's a traitor.

his twitter profile
you can see the effect living in real life does
while Puchi and his goons keep living in Narnia, he has chaded his way out of Narnia and into reality
He is the only guy that is acknowledging the jury decisions, exposing the larp

Can you give any solid proof about that 40% number you stated?
The biggest protest Europe has ever had in its entire history was recently for Catalonia independence. If so many Catalonians hate the idea of being independent, surely there would be more than 10% NO votes, even when you consider some will boycott the referendum.

Any sources on this beyond anti-indie news sites?

I agree, but he is still in the side of legality
ideology is one thing
but becoming a criminal is a really different thing
Puchi is dilusional

>surely there would be more than 10% NO votes, even when you consider some will boycott the referendum.
that referendum was illegal
people voted in 4 different places the same day
you can't be this stupid, lad


All catalans want independence, don't lie Manolo. If you're so sure we're a minority then let's vote and the NO will win it's that easy.
Btw it's pathetic that you have more than half the posts in your own thread.
PD: you have to go back.

Translate that shit nigger
Not all of us are 51% Hispanic "white"

you should stop living in your grandparents Spain

>junqueras will keep been spanish for the next 30 years
it is a reference to the penalty they could end up getting when they get prosecuted

Hmmm he
does seem to have a point. If Madrid was so sure that they did not want it, then they would give a free and fair referendum to the Catalonian people like Westminster did for Scotland and also Brexit.

>does seem to have a point. If Madrid was so sure that they did not want it, then they would give a free and fair referendum to the Catalonian people like Westminster did for Scotland and also Brexit.
21 Dec, Nigel

We could say he didn't see that coming, at least with one of his eyes.

That "joda" is more "bother" in that context.

It’s Spanish clay, not Catalonian.
If I rent out an apartment from a building I ‘own’ my home but only for as long as I respect all other tenants by paying the condo bills and take good care of the property I’m allotted.
It’s not actually mine legally as it belongs to the administration; so I can’t fucking trash it or extricate it from the complex; I can’t run off with any pre-existing furniture.
How do these cucks not get that IT’S FUCKING SPANISH CLAY so it belongs to all Spaniards.
They’re free to emigrate if they want, by the land is not theirs except by a decision of all Spain, the owners.
The faggots forget that by the same logic that Madrid Spaniards have part of the ownership of Barcelona, the Catalans also have claim over Madrid, and Galicia and whatever else because they are also SPANISH.
All the country belongs to ALL constituents. You can’t decide what part you want for yourself and unilaterally leave, not legally. Always, the only way you can do that is open war of secession.
And these commie cucks don’t have the balls to do it, so they cry ‘help us EU’ when he union is, again, made of no more and no less than its constituents, I.e. Spain included.
I have never seen greater political idiocy.
Puchi will get extradited if need be and rapes in prison, by Catalans if need be, for ruining their chance at proposing a proper, legal secession in national (read: Spain-wide) referendum; all because he jumped the gun with his ‘muh feels trump constitutional law’

Fucking retards.

>Btw it's pathetic that you have more than half the posts in your own thread.
I don't know where is the problem with that
I am just happy your goons got jailed
I also particularly want people to know the truth, because your criminals are spreading lies everywhere, and calling OUR COUNTRY a fascists country
and you know that is not true

That’s a vote for the regions first minister (like Scotland have theirs), not for indipendence. A first minister is just a role what had the limited powers same as before. Even if a pro-inde first minister of Catalonia wins, according to Madrid they still can’t have a referendum until Madrid says so...

once again, separatists should STOP LIVING THEIR GRANDPARENTS SPAIN

>Comparing Scotland with Catalonia
This meme again. Catalonia is not Scotland trying to leave the UK, it's Yorkshire (or some other english region) trying to leave England.

>being this much of an autist
Next thing you will hear is that the planet belongs to every human so everyone has the right to migrate and live where they want. Wait, they are already doing that.
Catalonia literally means the land of the catalans. It belongs to us only, non-catalans can fuck off.

can any catalonian user tell me if there's any street performance right now?

Why pretend that Spain isn't a fascist country? Why not be proud of it?

It is the Spain government, voted legally
you can't vote for independence because it is against the our current constitution
also, if by any means, we end up changing that constitution, you still need to have THE SUPPORT OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY

it is not that hard to understand

Catalonia has the highest autonomy of any region owned by a central government across Europe. They have more autonomy than Scotland so how is anything of what you said true?

>As much as the fuck us

>I also particularly want people to know the truth
So you're admitting you're a spanigger propagandist? I bet you even do it for free. Pathetic.
PD: go back and get a job you useless NEET.

Scotland =/= England
Catalonia =/= Castile

This is simple.
Clay is earned and fought alongisde centuries. A nation cannot give it for free cause of a bunch of citizens desire it at that exact moment.
People´s mind changes too fast and should not be taken seriously in matters of this size.
And this is regardless of Catalonia, Asturies or even my own region.
Spain, as almost every nation, paid this land with blood and hunger. And some decades of brainwashing won´t take it away.
If they want to spend decades whining about it, so be it.

So we go back to my original point. How do you expect a functional region by stamping the boot on catalonians perpetually? Also there will come a point when “human rights” comes into it.

If there is such a strong desire to remain part of Spain, then why are pro-Spain protests at a time when their region has declared independence a multitude times smaller than the pro-independence protests?

The Spanish Constitution forbids secession, like the American constitution. If the government itself made this move, it would contradict the very reason why it's our government in the first place.

There are ways to reform the constitution, there are ways to call for referenda, but Puigdemont's government decided to ignore them and go forth after being warned thousands of times that they were breaking the law. What finally rustled the central government's jimmies and pushed the judge to send riot police was using public funds for the memerendum.

>So we go back to my original point. How do you expect a functional region by stamping the boot on catalonians perpetually?
nobody is doing that, and the best example is how independentists have ruled catalonia democratically for years
the problem is when they started going against the law
the only ones showing a strong desire for anything, is separatists kidnapping a region of spain for their own good, ILLEGALLY

This thread is a good reminder that most Spaniards are not white. Here we go with a Spanish junta state

The brown people of Castile require gibs from nations who actually work. Catalonia has been paying for their welfare for decades and will continue to do so.

Or what are you gonna do, Jordi?
At least the basques were willing to fight, you're just a pussy calling people nazi.
You can fuck off to France if you hate Spain, you are not getting our clay.

>being this much of a retard
Except people don’t do that fuckwad, try waltzing into North Korea or US without a passport and see what happens.
In fact, try it with a Catalan passport and see what happens. You get barred faggot, because countries exist and land has owners.
If you’re not Spanish you aren’t shit.
Catalonia is a part of Spain where a bunch of Spaniards live, who happen to speak broken Spanish and are a bunch of faggots.
You’re no more a separate people than any other cultural group in Spain.
‘Catalonia literally means ‘Catalonia, a place in Spain’, moron.
It’s ‘catalan’ that refers to the people who live there, not the other way around.
Which is why any Spaniard who moves to Catalonia is effectively a Catalan, if he makes his life there.
And who will make “non-catalans” fuck off? You, faggot?
The proof he land doesn’t belong to you is that any Spaniard can just waltz in without showing so much as a drivers license for ID. Hell, once I land in Madrid even I can just drive to Barcelona and none of you cuckolds can stop me, because I am moving within Spain and there are no borders. You will never have any more autonomy than you have, only less if anything.
I can walk all over your ‘land’ anytime I want and in fact I have done so before. You get no say, bitch.
You’re having be most pathetic and whiny attempt at secession in history.
Grow a pair and do it like we did or shut your cuck mouth, because you’re only getting laughter from all us observers.

So what do expect to happen when catalans don't want to be part of Spain and you don't give any legal way to let the people vote?

Having the biggest demonstrations in European history kind of makes this a bit bigger than whining.
It’s fairly logical to assume more action will be taken to resist the boot stamping, for example continued protests, industrial action, blockades and intense hate for Spain will only give birth to more Separatists. The boot remains firmly placed in Catalonia, while not being able to use full force (coz of human rights), this will give birth to whole new generation of separatists. It won’t be as easy as ignoring “whiners”.

Scotland had a free and fair referendum, they decided to stay, so the separatist movements find it hard to use any “we are oppressed” rhetoric, Catalonians can until they are given a legal referendum.

While I've got a lot of spaniards here, I need pictures that show that Spain is in fact white.

We'll send more CHAD SPANIARDS and put the jewdies on gas chambers. The international community allows us to.

What a load of bullshit. Plus why are you so angry? Control your behaviour moor.
Btw there are no borders in the EU, so according to you Spain doesn't exist because you can drive directly to Paris and none will stop you.

Are you asking me to kill your people?

Then fight for your freedom, you unbearable faggots. Many nations freed themselves from our yoke. The Netherlands did it. Portugal did it. Mexico did it. Even fucking BOLIVIA did it. You chose to break the law and whine instead of fight.

Every single relevant country in the world has stated explicitly that they are on our side. Your precious EU, the UN and international law are on our side. So fight us like Croatia fought Yugoslavia, like Bangladesh fought Pakistan, or shut the fuck up. Whining and crying has only led you to being ruled by Soraya of all people.

Here you have an example of the supposed based fascist spaniards. Tell me what you see.

I'm asking you to try it, Jordi.

>While I've got a lot of spaniards here, I need pictures that show that Spain is in fact white.
i posted a bunch of spaniards here

We're fighting but not violently, obviously we're not going to do that if we can't win that way.

I have terrible news for you amigo.

Most of those have already been amerindianed.

>>Puigdemont "demands" that his colleagues imprisoned in Madrid be released
>Kek, is he actually retarded or something ? The warrant for his own arrest is expected to be out today, he'll be arrested by Belgian authorities before sundown

Yes, retarded like the rest of the world have catalonian secessionists, they almost caused another civil war in Spain so their corrupt politicians can get on with their corruption with total impunity.

> Your precious EU

Catalonians really are like Scottish but a bit more intense. Scotcucks mostly love the EU and support the notions of taking in the boards of Muslim migrants yet think they are nationalist by going against UK.

Although Scotland is a financial drain to UK and Catalonia is a financial benefit to Spain so it’s a bit dif in that way.

Because weak cucks smarmily crying ‘fascists!’ whenever they don’t understand basic law annoys me.

And no you dolt, you can’t just cross into France just because it’s in the EU without showing your ID.
By agreement of the COUNTRIES in the union, they all trade free passage with one another mutually, so you don’t need a passport - but you do need an ID proving you come from a member COUNTRY.
It is by authority of your nation that you are allowed in, not because of some gay socialist idealism.
So much so that any member state can shut its borders down at any time, because they do retain that sovereignty as Hungary proved quite well.

Grow up and understand that countries exist, and if you don’t like the one you’re in you move out.
You don’t take anything from anyone who lives there though, except by force.

Oh and..
> Asking to kill

Hahahahahahah, you don’t even have a standing army and the mossos bowed to the guardia civil like the good dogs they are

Go spray some more antifa tags in building walls, it’s the only rebellion you’ll ever have

Truly my ancestors

>And no you dolt, you can’t just cross into France just because it’s in the EU without showing your ID.
I think you never left Moortugal.

Then you can't win at all. Read pesd.princeton.edu/?q=node/254

tl;dr according to int'l law, minority nations have the right to self-determination and secession if one or more of the following are correct:

> 1) it's a colony
Decolonisation is the most obvious example for the creation of new countries like Kenya, India or Djibouti.

> 2) it's a constituent part of a federation that agrees to dissolve
Czechoslovakia split up against the wishes of Czechs and Slovaks, but the Slovak and Czech parliaments agreed to dissolve the federation so it's legal in the eyes of the UN. Serbia and Montenegro were federated but parted ways as well.

> 3) it's subjected to inhuman oppression or even genocide
Atrocities by the parent country in South Sudan, East Timor or Bosnia & Herzegovina have led the international community to accept them as sovereign states. Other nations like Western Sahara and Cabinda haven't been so lucky.

> 4) it's not represented in national institutions (controversial)
This point is not accepted by many nations as a reason to secede, and the only example is Kosovo, which is not in the UN and is not accepted as a separate country from Serbia by half of the world.

Catalonia is not a colony. Catalonia is no constituent part of the Spanish federation because Spain is not a federation. Catalonia is not oppressed by a tyrant, on the contrary, Spain is a European democracy with minority rights. On top of it, Catalan regional parties are represented in the Spanish parliament and Senate.

So either start a war of national liberation like Bangladesh or forget about it.

You don't have the RIGHT to secede. You must take this right by force or forget about it.

it's not even close to the 40%.
from around 7.000.000 people, only around 2.000.000 voted on the illegal referendum (obviously the ones who intended to vote NO didn't bother to participate knowing the risk of revolt)
Then when you see how they voted for the YES it's not hard to find the lack of control... they found more than 1000 votes from a little town of just 400 inhabitants... catalonia as a whole is a fucking meme.

I think you’ve never left your mom’s basement.
You show ID on any airport on arrival, and borders are clearly marked if you cross by car and they may have you stop at any time.
>there are no borders in the EU
How fucking underage are you to not know this?

Also, us barbosas have long adopted the moor title as a war prize for the reconquista, so if your idea is to be offensive by reminding us that we have fought and won our land from many people, in contrast with you weak ass millennial independisfs, it isn’t quite working catacuck.