How does one succeed off the red pill...

How does one succeed off the red pill? I'm in a rut and can't seem to find the drive and willpower to do anything now that I know the truth. I don't talk to women, I haven't lifted since my injury, I'm at a dead end job, and my parents are dying. What do?

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Create something, it's what we were born to do

Go out and do something to help another person. Anyone. Bonus if it is a stranger.


How is this pol related?

Anyway I've been though a very similar experience and my only real answer is to work as hard as you can and don't fall apart. You're not going to be coming on leaps and bounds while your life is fucked. Reality isn't an inspiration story.

Stay strong, do what you can, keep busy and most importantly don't fall in to any shitty habits or let shitty girls take advantage of you while you're low.

If you finish next year better than you started it you've done well.

That's my job, though. They never seem to appreciate me helping. I find myself walking off once they badmouth. Drunks and junkies are the worst. I know I am being a baby, but I really can't stop doing this. Everything feels awful.

volunteer at your local food bank or soup kitchen. Nice people are there. Interact with them. They will forgive any awkwardness on your part cause 1) you're trying 2)you're helping 3)they are awkward as fuck too

and substitute "awkward" for any generally negative adjective.

Find a new job, find a right wing woman. Work hard, make white children. Do not associate with niggers, ever.

Oooooh look at this guy and his fancy will to live. Must be nice.

this. make stuff.

> give gibs to poor niggers
Thanks this really helped

See here. Leave these shill threads.

Tried it before. The only thing I felt was my feet being tired.

Get back doing something physical (lifting, whatever). Create something - depression makes for good art. Learn a new language - Spanish, Russian, Chinese depending on aptitude

You dun goofed user. Should've taken the Third Pill.

In Oklahoma, most of the people the regional food bank serves are impoverished rural white/hispanic folks. Lots of kids too.

Laugh or cry.


I've tried two jobs since I worked here (5 years now). Everyone is out to get me in trouble just because I'm the new guy. Favorism was ridiculous in both places so I just went back to square one.

Yeah it's called being depressed because your parents are dying.

Look the next 1-3 years are going to be pretty shitty but if you don't fall apart and just keep pushing though you'll be fine. There's no magic cure for grief. You can't just go bungee jumping in Australia and suddenly it doesn't suck you're about to be an orphan.

What advice do you want?

Beat me to it eh.

Just be useful. Somehow.

Go plant a garden. Depending on where it shouldn't be too hard to start some winter crops.

Brew some beer, learn to cook some new shit, foster a dog from a shelter, go play cards at the nursing home, shit man something. It's not hard to be useful.

You haven't actually taken all the redpills. That's the problem. You only took the negative ones. There is a whole other side to Sup Forums. It's about self improvement. It's about changing yourself and changing the world.

The truth drives you towards greater good, not to despair.

Empty your mind. Close your eyes and think about nothing for 1 minute. Then, get up, and go join a gym. Lift, very lightly at first, come home and eat good natural food. No processed foods. Keep taking redpills.

Tomorrow, you will wake up, do the shit you have to do, then go to the gym again. No thinking allowed. You will workout a bit harder than yesterday. You will go home and eat again, no processed foods. Keep taking redpills.

You will wake up and do this over and over again. In 3 months, you will discover that somehow, your life has changed. Without doing anything, you will find hope. You will find yourself NEVER watching TV or Netflix or movies. It will become bland to you. You will understand that the only thing any media does to you is corrupt your mind and soul.

In a year, you will be a different person. You will no longer be recognizable. Those around you will have 2 reactions. They will either like the change in you and try to emulate. Or they will hate you because they keep swallowing bluepills. You will go on and have a great life. Those who don't get it, will have shitty consequences. Hang in there user. There's always pain before reward.

I dunno, man. I'm just venting. I know all of this is my fault and I have the power to change it. Something just stops me from achieving. I can't do medication or therapy either; no money.

If you honestly care about the answers here, I'll answer with my perspective.

I took the red pill, then realised that the real redpill is actually the blackpill. It's all inevitable, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

Move your home country to somewhere new. That's what I'm doing. Fuck living here

take this with a grain of sand because I am not incredibly successful BUT

I think you have to look at what people do when you want to be in their position. Lots of people are quick to buy self-help books about how they can make money and live a comfortable life and they're not realizing that they've been sold something. They could be that guy.
People want to lose weight or get fit and they think there is some secret formula to it, so they waste a lot of time and money trying to figure out what it is, and in that time if they had given an effort they could have solved the problem.

Joe Rogan, though he is kind of a meme, he says that his good life advice is to pretend you're the hero character in a movie about you. What you would see a hero doing in the time leading up to the big moment, maybe that's what you should be doing with yourself. It sounds silly but maybe now think about it and consider how much time you've spent in your life just sitting around and trying to entertain yourself. You could turn that around if you got up and started.

Go into a trade?

Otherwise convince a conservative town to install fiber and promote competition between upstart ISPs.

Small steps. If you set goals, make them achievable.

Start with making yourself get off the computer/phone for x hours/days.

That being said, being injured and not able to exercise fucking sucks. Any low intensity way to get out and move around? lifting is great but its not the form of exercise that can make you feel good.

Take the red pill, not the black pill.

The key is to already be on top financially when you get redpilled. From there, everything falls into place.

>pliable 8/10 aryan waifu with traditional values, pregnant with twins
>2000 sqft suburban starter house in ethnically homogenous low-crime neighborhood with community barbecques

Thought about it. HVAC sounds good. Will use it as a backup or primary plan.

My injury is mostly gone now. I did deadlifts wrong and fucked my back up for a good 3 years. It's just a cheap excuse desu.

Any examples?

Man just be happy with yourself. Why is it that getting the dick wet in some used up cunt is such a big deal? that is just one of the thousands aspects of life.

Not the other user but I think black pill is taking it to the extreme. Every instance I've seen the term black pill used it refers to shootings, murder, terrorism, etc. Not difficult advice to follow, really.


I was in a shitty place mentally a year back. Physically, I still am (no car, no job, no college, no money) but I'm in a much better state to face it all and taking actual steps to make my situation better. Ultimately, depending on how you take it, that's what the red pill does for you. Don't think that the red pill is only negative shit. The good part of the red pill is realizing that you got way more power over your life than you have been led to believe. Even your mental state. This obviously doesn't mean you're Superman but you catch my drift.

Tell chics you're helping CSA victims by blasting meme into pedowood
I literally got a blow job off my Schneider campaign
She got horney for me after I mentioned
Pol hwdus and pedowood
She was blown away that I could explain why Britney shaved her head
And after she inhaled the memes she sucked my dick it was great pretty sure she is a libtard
She sensed my power she sought the live essence

>I don't talk to women, I haven't lifted since my injury, I'm at a dead end job, and my parents are dying. What do?

I don't know, what i DO know is that everything is shit on all sides. Liberals larp about having cash and jobs while studying but they are the ones sneaking into trashcans in the middle of the night, eating what they can find.

The world is turning into shit, and its starting to show. It's worse in Europe than the US. So it has nothing to do with Trump.

Nobody gives a fuck.
Who's that girl?

I was very ambitious until a couple of months ago.

I thought that if I made enough money(I was investing in crypto) then I would have been able to have a family despite the rampant degeneracy.

Then I realized that it's futile. Yeah, I have made some money, but what's the point? She just need to get pissed to divorce me and take the children and the money. I thought being rich enough could have solved the problem, but it likely won't.

It's very likely that I will never have a family. I find myself in an impotent rage all day.

29 posters do. No idea desu.

>things that never happened: the game: the movie

The blackpill is the default of all human existence due to entropy. Humans who rose to create and/or maintain society despite the inevitable heat death of the universe are why we are where we are today.

You swallow the black one.

Your not red pilled enough. The sun is your God, jesus never existed. If you know your made from the stars, then act like it.

>Knowledge is a burden

After red-pilling several times I went through large waves of depression and mental instability. I've taken Red Pills on 9/11, Sandy Hook, Secret Societies, The Money System, The Matrix, Tulpas, Female Nature and now WWII and Hitler. Each time is very painful because you have to face decades of propaganda that you've swallowed. It seems like you nearly die from it.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can tell you what is helping me out of the tunnel of darkness.

>Finding really tasty foods that are unique. Trying new foods from other countries. Not settling for Hershey's Wax or Coke corn syrup. Making the tasting of a new unique food an event.
>Lifting, HiiT and Yoga on a revolving schedule. No, you don't have to go crazy. Set a a Google Calendar and spend an hour a day giving yourself a little resistance.
>Watching old Black and White movies. I watch the old movie channels on TV. They rarely play commercials and it brings me peace seeing women behave and men acting like strong figures. Yes, it's living in a lie but it's better than booze.
>Embracing minimalism. Pick up every object in your life right now and ask if you've used it in a year. Ask if it brings you joy. Ask if it brings you guilt. Do you keep it to keep somebody else happy? You'd be amazed what you "don't need". Getting rid of "things" helps you clear your mind. You'll soon find that the things you own, actually own you. I have one spoon; one fork; one knife and I eat food from the pan I cook it in. I wear five tee-shirts during the week and have two pairs of pants. I do one load of wash a week.

(will be a part 2)

I want to chop up that girls ass put it in a pipe and smoke it.

(continued from part one) >Spend time in nature as nature heals. The more we spend time in artificial constructs like cities, the worse we feel. It sounds cliche, but nature has an energy force that can heal your mind.
>Start practicing a complete shutdown of information for a hour or two a day. If you feel more and more depression, shut off the TV and computer and start the purge. I lay down and listen to binaural beats or my favorite Spotify list. It's important to stop "taking in information" when you head hurts. Realize that information on the internet is a "drug" and as so, must be moderated.
>Find like minds on the Chans. I know I'll get shit for this but I see some of the brightest and strongest minds here. Look past the shills and the children calling for attention and find like minds. It's food. You may even run a thread one day and make it positive. I've put hard work into 300+ comment threads before and I think the readers were genuinely thankful that I contributed to a subject they wanted to discuss intelligently.
>Write and learn our "language". You'll notice that the Autismos here on the Chans have a certain language. Some call it "Sperging", especially during Happenings. It's a certain permission to say anything on your mind, no matter how retarded it sounds. Often it's funny. But you can also write on your own time. It's like pouring out the bullshit in your mind. Just start writing words. Whatever word is on you mind. Write that word! Then another and another. It will be gibberish shit. Doesn't matter. It will get thoughts out of your mind so you can find peace. I write pages of gibberish sometimes and it feels so good.
>Experiment with new music. I use a Spotify Discover list each week to constantly experiment with new music. Don't get stuck in one genre or artist. Branch out. I also want to learn music soon. Music is a great healer.

(may be part 3....)

(Continued from part two ) >It is so important to seek out new hobbies. This could be marshal arts; kayaking; rock climbing or building birdhouses. You are seeking out meaning but also the subtle that you're seeking out groups of people who want meaning. Half the battle is moving past the Zombies of society. Don't look for a girlfriend on OKCupid. That is like drinking the coffee dregs. There is no sustenance there. Find a hiking group where the "subject" is hiking but eventually you have a high capacity to meet some quality people who you can confide in. Another user said to volunteer at a soup kitchen. That may work. Some like to go to church. Choose your avenues. You may have to navigate a sea of liberals and zombies but don't give up completely on meeting like minds.
>Fidget Toys (pic related). I got one of (pic related) along with a whole basket of fidget toys like spinners and other mechanical things to work with my hands. Amazon has a huge selection of these. It's mindfulness therapy. It helps you break free of an obsessive thought. That is what haunts most Anons here, those cycling thoughts in their mind that became poisonous with time (eg: What if the world ends next Tuesday? What if I never find a woke woman? What if nobody likes me?). A fidget device is designed to make you focus on a "simple task" like turning; clicking or moving an object that will alter your focus away from poisonous thoughts. I must say, it actually does help me get out of the various mental breakdowns during the day. Sometimes I need a beer. Sometimes I use the device to break out.
>Taking walks whenever you have a depression wave helps greatly. Keep Moving. It's very important. It gives you a task to focus on.

I used to be a beta, browse reddit all day, thought it was cool to not believe in God, thought that it would be cool to fuck as many girls as I can, watch porn for hours on end, thought Socialism was the shit and I used to let people talk over me. Now after a while I'm a changed man. Being redpilled did hit me hard at first. I couldn't cope with it at first, for a couple weeks after first finding Sup Forums I was even slightly depressed. But after a while, it settles down. I realise I am my own man. Your family and you're culture is all you have to live for, nothing else matters. You're the only one that can change anything. This user gives good advice. Do some exercise, boast your confidence, get rid of destructive habits and after a while you will realise that everything will be alright.

This thread is going to die. user, you have to nurse the thread until you get to like 150 comments or so. It's like making pottery from mud. Answer all posters until more come in and share the burden of birthing the subject. That will stave off the time-out goblin.

I may run this subject matter one day. It's near and dear to my heart. If you run the thread again, put more positive thinking into the intro like offering ideas like I did. This will stimulate conversation.

poo in loo


Start beekeeping. I've recently obtained some second hand hives and I've restored, sanitized and prepared them for the spring. A few more things to do for the bees and I'll have a two hive apiary in my own back yard. I don't even have the bees yet but I'm already motivated after preparation.
I am going in with the thought of possible failure due to nature taking over and the bees swarming someplace else or just getting knocked over by a bear. However, I am also prepared to help them flourish and be their steward.

If you were truly redpilled then you know capitalism is the only way America will prosper. Go get a job, earn money and save it. Pay your taxes, pay attention, warn others who are off course. Contribute to society.

you shit in the street faggot