TFW tweeter-in-chief uses a racial slur and doesn't even know the difference between "lead" and "led" in a single tweet

TFW tweeter-in-chief uses a racial slur and doesn't even know the difference between "lead" and "led" in a single tweet

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I knew he was an idiot.

you can't be racist against white people

I know right? Its the fucking best

Wow! You're right! We should admit that everyone who has a shity grasp of English is an idiot! Starting with the niggers, chink, Muslims. Etc

There's plenty worse he could be saying. And it's a typo, literally fucking nothing.

is it even illegal to rig primaries? They're unofficial elections run by private associations

Using a slur against someone who is not even part native american?
you know she has taken that genetic test by now and would have released if it showed something.

They aren't president though, you're the dam leader of the free world. At least spell your tweets

>focuses on superficial trivial details abiut a message
>ignores the content of the actual message
Business as usual for an ignorant Democrat. Facts hurt your narrative so you have to ignore them, and you act like trivial superficial criticism is a viable substitute for critical thinking. Top kek. This is why you dumb faggots lost the election. THIS RIGHT HERE

hey guys ,
remember when the colorado gop shut down the primary election?
no? nevermind

Class bait by Trump

>hey he spelled "led" wrong look everybody!
>wait... did she really say that about hillary?

You fell for it bud

Imagine being this assblasted over tweets.


I love how butthurt this makes you.
Friendly reminder to sage all whining faggotry.

Lurk more newfags. Do you not know what sarcasm is? Stop replying to bait.

> liberal thinks they are mocking trump by pointing out grammatical error
> inadvertendly spreads trumps message to their liberal friends

Oh I'm not butthurt one bit. I'm just ashamed that our president is making our country the laughing stock of the world. I am also ashamed for the people who voted for him. Since they seem to have no moral decency, us sane and smart people have to fill in that gap for you.

What is Fraud and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud. With the amount of money on the line, this could be considered Racketeering and open the DNC up to RICO laws.

>It's almost like you think voting for Hillary would have been moral, sane, or smart.

Fuck Hillary too bro.

This is a shill with proxy, Belgians aren't cucked


So fucking what the average person(specially the black community) cant speak or write in fluent emglish either Yo! Hahllary ahs presahdent fuck trump

Yo fag, when you're ass hurt over bad spelling and grammar in a Tweet, that means you don't have a good retort for the argument itself.

> You think thats code for "nig'd"

There is a difference between calling a black man a nigger because it has a aggressive history of being used in a very offensive way, Pocahontas was just a name of an Indian chick who did some things to save her people and mate with a white man. If anything, trump is using respect addressing her in such a way