Is Christianity the correct religion?

is Christianity the correct religion?

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The Christianity you're thinking of is the product of centuries of compromise with pagan philosophers to convince them to join a surely not at all cannabalistic suicide cult worshipping a foreign terrorist who led people into treason against Caesar.

Also, we so edgy guys, reject the gods of our parents izz so kewl CACATOR CAVE MALUM QUEQUEQUEQUEQUE

Cuckstians can do all the mental gymnastics they want, but they still believe in a "skydaddy".

It is, yes.

Kill yourselves and go directly to hell

If you're American then go the Mormon path. If you are central or south European then go Catholicism. If you are eastern or southeastern then go Orthodoxy. If you are nippon then choose Shinto-Christian branch. If you are anything else kys.

>treason against Caesar
>literally says to obey government and pay your taxes

>and go to hell
That does not exist.


Christianity is a jewish desert death cult, a religion fit for wretched, illiterate serfs and slaves

Gnosticism is the true path.

>people still believe you get morality from religion


I don't really care but at least Christians have changed with the times. I've got a real problem with Islam because it's still practiced like it was 2000 years ago.

Where do you get morality from?

Anal sex

True Christianity looks closer to Islam than watered down modern "christianity"

> Islam
> 2000 years ago

Still using this half assed argument 2,000 years later. Call me when you're ready to offer a sacrifice tothe Imperial Cult, Sicarius.


Yes. It has faced the strictest criticism and found to be true...Jesus is THE red pill

Religion isn't true, for the social aspect westerners should adopt their folk religion, paganism isn't limited to Odin and Thor as many Americans would believe. But for the moral aspect people should embrace philosophy.

It is. Read the Bible (KJV)

It's blasphemy to tell people to go to hell, only G-d decides who goes to hell.

It's the metaphysics part that is at issue.

t. fedorian

There is literally nothing incorrect about the sky Daddy analogy. Replace "Sky" with interplanar or extraterrestrial or space or omnipresent or whatever you want, won't change what it is.

Either experience makes these things possible or these things make experience possible.

>christfags think this is the apex of wisdom

Mormonism is literally retarded and has nothing to do with christianity. Read their book of Abraham and you will have cancer, believe me.

>shaping the western society

So we know who to blame.

No, Christianity is for cucks and kikes.

As a Pagan, Christians are better than Atheists

Yes. The height of Christianity during the Victorian Era coincided with the height of Western power, influence and culture. Today with it's decline you obviously see the shape the West is in today.

Says the sodomite

da jooooooooos

How the fuck was the Victorian Era hight of Christianity in any way, shape or form? It's even named after a leader of Great Britain - a country that rejected Christianity and started it's own parody Church.

Truly being awake means realizing religion is an expression of morality, not its source but rather one path towards achieving it. What's important is a strong adherence to tradition and sustaining cultural values across generations. Religion can be a useful vessel to accomplish this, but not absolutely necessary in the every case. In Japan for the example we have our "religions" as far as the majority is concerned they are only religions in name only. The reality is our "religion" is "being Japanese" and it's on this basis of strong remembrance of and adherence to the idea of being Japanese that the morality and traditions that entails are able to be kept so long and our kept society harmonious and stable. But in cases like America many of the values the society cherishes have long been interwoven tightly with religion, attempting to throw out the religion strips those values with it and leaves behind a bare, unprotected populace ripe for infection by leftism and marxism, the antithesis of tradition and the literal cancer that destroys human culture.

Marxist atheists often make comparisons, derogatorily, to religion as a "crutch" for humanity. I would agree with the sentiment but without the negative connotations. No one would begrudge a man with a broken leg his crutches, or denigrate him for needing them! America is in a way a victim of its own success, its "broken leg" are the elements within its society who are easy prey to voices who seek to destroy that society, or barbarians who are incapable of living up its ideals yet are granted all its benefits and protections regardless. Without being condemning, I say the crutch is still needed. There may someday come a time when an enlightened populace can as a whole put aside the religious doctrine and superstitions and instead perpetuate its morality based on rationality and more agnostic spirituality, but that time is not here yet. "Fedoras" who try to rush it are doing more harm than good.

You guys still exist

Stop worshipping false, desert gods

Christianity has been the absolute GOLD STANDARD guidepost for the growth of modern civilization. It isn't even about "muh divine being." It's teachings on humanity and civility have been valuable to the furtherance of the modern man, bar none.

Meanwhile atheism gives you...nothing. at. all. Which is probably why so many atheists are such absolute debauched slugs of human waste.

And all other religions, like Islam, are still stagnant in the "OOGABOOGA KILL THE INFIDELS" stage, with no signs of ever growing the fuck up.

No they're just Larping

No, it's Jewish mind control

Buddhism, taoism, and Shinto are the true redpilled faiths

>Either experience makes these things possible or these things make experience possible.
What did he mean by this?

The story of Jesus is the story of the sun through the 12 zodiac. True Christians worship the sun, not as a God but the creator the light giver.

First image was literally from an anti-Israel documentary.

Yes. But I wrestle with the idea of the divinity of Christ so I can't call myself a Christian. My father's major is in Pastoral Theology so growing up I had been exposed to a lot of the heavier stuff.. Went through an atheist phase from about 16 to 21yo and now I would just call myself a Theist.
Don't be this guy.

>implying Christcucks aren’t larping

Hey I recently re-watched Zeitgeist too. It was more redpilled than I remembered.

Except that Christians on Sup Forums actually believe in God of the Bible.

It's a religion of violence.

Was that their religion during the time of the crime?

fuck off larper

Yeah it is. Specifically Catholicism. Read Aquinas.

>it's a larp because I said so

This is the worst Jewish argument after "I saw it first". Execute yourself, Abe.

But Chaim, it’s the exact argument your kosher friends use against pagans

Retarded middle eastern crowd control crap just like Islam and Judaism. You should be ashamed if you're white and christian for following semitic propaganda.

Nonreligiousness is the most sensible introverted position, perhaps there are external reasons to be or pretend to be religious. But a white christian is either a cuck or a descendant of a cuck.

Pagans (polytheistic, orthopractic indigenous folk religions) are the largest religious group, slightly outnumbering all abrahamics.

Unless you believe all communists are atheists, then they're second.

>semitic propaganda.
This doesn't make any fucking sense. Jews were the ones that had Christ crucified, how does that help them?

Mormon's are so well-behaved.

Such ignorance. You have no gratitude for the Stoics, Empiricists, Peripateticists on whose shoulders you stand.

This is why christianity is bad. It disconnects you from your heritage. Instead God done it first lolpagans just...copied God before Heyzeus was even born because...God is so great! And mysterioys, so shut up and burn in h3ll!

you're not building a convincing argument by citing a random anime shitposter from twitter

No, they don't. Not a single one of them.

Christ was a semite. It is a religion formed by semitic peoples, just like Judaism and Islam. This isn't even a mystery nor is it contested. A big hint if you like the religion but not history is that the second testament takes place in the middle east. I don't get it, are you pretending your religion is European? Hands over your ears.

religion is an axiomatic source for morality, and without one there is nothing, just a collective sense of what is moral and what is not. This sense can be more strong and tightly held by a population or not, but without the axiom it will be eroded over time.

There is no amount of rationality that can decide what is moral and what is not.

>There is no amount of rationality that can decide what is moral and what is not.

Yes there is. Even religion was created because at the time it was a rational thing to do.

Have you been in Christian threads?
I unironically believe in God of the Bible.

>I don't get it, are you pretending your religion is European?
Not at all, but what does that have to do with its credibility? Anyway through Paul's travels it quickly spread across the mediterranean. Why would non semitic people adopt it so quickly if it was just semitic propaganda? I feel like other cultures would have put up more resistance, especially after the internal strife Jesus caused among the Jews. Methinks it has more to do with the message than the geographical origins.

Yes. But you have to believe in the Restoration

>Christianity benefited western society with such amazing scientific progress as "if you say the sun is the centre of the solar system we will kill you" and enriching ethics like "its ok to burn people alive if you think they're witches"

we owe everything to the greeks and would be flying about in spaceships right now if it wasn't for your retarded and pathetic jewish arab cult

>religion was created

The morality that comes from christianity comes from god. If you say there is any morality that we "should follow" tell me, who created it and why is it the correct way of behaving?

Yes. Watch this for a good comparison of the so-called 5 major world religions.
Every religion aside from Christianity is for dum dums and street shitters.
Sikhs uses to drink dirty foot-water to join their cult.

Christianity is the ONLY religion that says you cannot (((work))) your way to heaven.

Christian threads are 90% miming about meme Denominations. Like retards who had never set a foot in any church calming that Orthodoxy is the most "based" religion despite the fact that Orthodox countries are also the most degenerate ones (Ukraine, Russia).

>believing that jewish drivel

Larping is honestly better.
>The Nobel Prize is an annual, international prize first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. An associated prize in Economics has been awarded since 1969.[3] As of 2017 Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 892 individuals.[4] According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (427 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]

>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.9% have identified as Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Although Christians make up over 33.2% of the world's population,[8][9][10][11] they have won a total of 65.4% of all Nobel prizes between 1901 and 2000.[6]

There are only two religions one earth suitable for the adult mind: Christianity and Confucianism. However, Confucius never claimed divinity from God, but is an ethical code on par with Christianity. So there is really only one religion on earth suitable for the adult mind: Christianity.

If you're interested in Confucianism, read the 'Analects of Confucius' and 'sayings of Confucius. If interested in the Bible, start with Galatians, Ephesians, etc, make sure to also read Romans I and II, Matthew, Luke, James, and Revelations

>muh Buddhism

Buddhism is a Confucius oversimplification inferior to the thing simplified. The good parts of Islam are essentially a Christian oversimplification inferior to the thing simplified. The Armenians (first Christian empire) have the most extensive history on muhhamed. Most historical accounts state he was a highway-robber baron/merchant who came to wealth when he murdered a wealthy man, and took his wife and money. Later 'spazzed out' in a cave, said he could talk to god, made a fake religion to unite the pagan Arab tribes, then took his new army across the Middle East/ North Africa to spread his shitty religion

>expects to be taken seriously
This is why we laugh at Christcucks.

>who created it
>why is it the correct way of behaving
Because everything else leads to a painful death, mental problems and general unhappiness for you and everyone around you.
There is an actual proof for that. Moral men are happy even if they are unsuccessful, immoral people are in agony even if they are on top of the world. Hollywood "superstars" killing themselves in droves (either quickly by suicide, or slowly by drugs) are the proof.

>As of 2017, people of Jewish descent constituted 36.71% of economics, 25.23% of medicine, 26.21% of physics, 19.77% of chemistry, 13.27% of literature and 8.65% of individual peace awards.

>Jews 14.4–17.5 million
>Christians 2.4 billion

>Buddhism is a Confucius oversimplification inferior to the thing simplified.
this is retarded beyond physical limits.

True. But Christians still have the most overall.

>laughing at anyone else

I think every religion is as good as the spiritual leaders that are preaching it. If you want to have "migrant-feet-kisser" pope francis as a leader then I am sorry but you follow a cucked religion. The orthodox church is no better either. Bartholomew and Ieronimos are migrant lovers. The Baptist church is the epitomy of cuckery in earth. Tbe protestants are having lesbian bishops removing crosses from the churches to not offend muslims and the aglican church is literaly non existing.
Christianity has run its course. Let a new religion be born.

>trusting sand niggers
how about no

Emerald Tablets of Thoth

No, but neither is atheism.
You need to go higher, farther. Yahweh is a fucking joke compared to the real gods.

The only time I involve myself with Christianity is when I'm laughing at white supremacists who, every night, get on their knees with their wives and children and beg the almighty nigger jew for a better life.

> implying materialism isn't a metaphysics
Bald is a hairstyle, if you choose it. The null philosophy doesn't have a special status. Even if it did, you attacked philosophy itself, pretending you didn't have one, when the stance of taking no stance is a stance itself. You aren't coolly above it all, and declaring yourself to not be part of the debate is a stance in the debate.

1Jew > 1 Atheist > 1 Catholic according to Arthur Nobel (who is also a Jewish atheist)

What is a good traditional branch of Christianity to join and find a pure wife? Obviously I’m not retarded enough to actually believe in the stuff, but I’m mostly looking to join to be around people with similar values to me and social network.

I have some family friends who are jehova witnesses and they invited me to come, is that a good branch? They said their group goes camping and stuff.

>pagan cucks

>based on... metaphysics
OK then

Nothing wrong believing in God just stop worshiping them. Your belief in God should show in how you live and treat others, and that goes for everyones God.

Did I say Paganism, you dumbass? Believe it or not, there are higher religions than christinsanity and pagangstanism.

I'm an Atheist but Catholics are the best
>actually organized
>not batshit
>healthy about science
>no writ rule that will ruin your life
Avoid Jehovah's Witnesses like a plague.

Jehova's Witnesses are kinda insane. And there are a lot more niggers than you'd expect. Can't say I've ever known one that wasn't extremely weird to be around.

It's convenient if you really don't like celebrating holidays though.

Personally, if you're just going to larp christianity and are looking for pure waifus, I'd rather cast my lot in with mormons.

Can we get a basic gestalt then?

Maybe in your country, but here Catholics are the least disciplined, least traditional “Christians” I have ever seen


It's better to be undisciplined then batshit.

I thought about Mormons, but I am uncomfortable because they all look like tall, well-dressed aryan gods and godesses, while I am a swarthy Italian manlet

>Philosocucks can do all the mental gymnastics they want, but they still believe that Plato's allegory actually relates the story of people trapped inside a cave IRL

Well I said in my post that I wanted traditional. At the very least the women should be encouraged to dress modestly, something I have certainly not seen catholic girls do. Catholic girls let you see cleavage down to their sternum as long as there is a Christ necklace hanging there

>Jesus rose from.the dead
>The Bible isbthe word of God
>Jewish prophets are true
Deal with these.
