Reminder that there is no (((space))) and nobody is leaving Earth

>(((NASA))) fooled you
>nobody went to the moon
>nothing is going to mars
>nobody is colonizing shit
>you arent christian if you believe in (((evolution))) and (((space)))
It's flat and no amount of cgi will disprove it

Other urls found in this thread:

> The church is retarded and hates science
What is up with all these marxist brainlets lately?
Read a book


I've personally witnessed an amateur balloon launch with an unaltered camera enter space through a livestream but I'm sure you'll do some sort of mental gymnastics to refute it, something like "targeted projection onto the camera lens from a government satellite" but I felt like talking so here's a (YOU)

100% wrong on all bible verses. Well done.

The commies killed all the people who could read. What's left are emotional knee-jerk retards who couldn't read a book to save their life.

Alright wheres the edge of the earth? How far right or left do I need to travel to get to the dome? I cant go up but I have the resources to reach the edge if it exists.
Help me user, how do I get there

And that dude that skydived from 124 miles up. That was amazing.

He's not a flat earther. He's mocking the bible.

You are replying an awful lot in this thread, whats got you triggered user?

Quick break, not a lot of time to post.

>A book written 1800 years ago is more likely to be right than extremely provable science of today

Genocide of flat earth cucks when?

Terrible example. Fish eye lense.

God tends to be more intelligent than human beings.

True or false.

......that showed all 7 continents?

No it doesn't you faggot

>implying the bible was written by god

>looks up verses
>doesn't say flat anywhere
>liberties taken

FFS don't drag us down to your level retard.

>implying the Bible was not inspired by God

>Space isnt what you think it is
>lel look at this flat earth brainlet

Isaiah 14:12-18 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house."

Christians LOVE to call science their invention , while at the same time being completely unscientific . Christians are on some next level hipocricy . WE WUZ SCIENTISTS N SHeeeiitt

All 7 continents.. Imagine being so dense



>Goat herding peasants
>year 0
>understanding science

We have telescopes. It takes 5 seconds to prove that flat earth is bullshit. At this point you are all just pretending. You can't possibly be dumb enough to believe in FE


>We have telescopes. It takes 5 seconds to prove that flat earth is bullshit.

Yet the curvature and the spin of the earth is still not observable.

The Bible is a collection of already existing stories which are really just different means used by tribes to explain their origin. God may have built the universe but it's laughable to suggest that we are the largest things in the universe when you have google sky

>that were ispired by God

Also that guy you're relpyi g to said it wasn't flat you retard



If you dont believe in the bible turn away from it. There will be a cup of indignation waiting for you. I pray you reconsider. If your passions lie in exploring the stars you are deceived, this was said so you could rebuild the tower of babel, babylon.


tfw the actual conspiracy is they did figure out artificial gravity in space but have to seem like they didn't.

They aren't provable? Ok why is Mars round? Why is the sun a ball (you can use a telescope to identify the rounded surface)
I was doing gravitational equations for astronomy back in high school, no... people who don't believe in space are truly retarded


>still doesn't know the relentless flat earth (((campaign))) is a perfect example of disinfo

You should actually try and look through a telescope one day. What you see is not like the nice cgi renderings nasa provides


>meme flag
whatcha doin rabbi?

Moonlandings were faked

>flat earth
pls stop, you can only be so retarded before basic life sustaining brain functions are effected


>implying telescopes don't have a fish eye lens

>caring about the bible
o i am laffin


Except the bible literally says none of that

Fucking retard

>that pic
Define lowest

>lowest point

Jesus is based off the sun's trip through the 12 zodiacs. If you worship Jesus Christ your a true pagan so fuck off.

>pulls him down on the leg causing him to go down
>pulls him back up so he doesnt fall out of shot
>must be conclusive evidence we havent been to space
the fucking mental gynmastics of this guy

>Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

Matthew 4:8

if the world was flat how the hell can you see all kingdoms from one mountain?

>muh bible said so
Oh for fucks sake, christfags...

>Reminder that there is no (((space))) and nobody is leaving Earth
So how did I get up there?

show me the north star in the southern hemisphere or the southern cross in the northern hemisphere .... you can see the ISS with your own eyes: ...