I spend about 20 pounds a week on crisps and am wondering if there are any red pilled brands or flavours that normies...

I spend about 20 pounds a week on crisps and am wondering if there are any red pilled brands or flavours that normies don't know about? I have been buying the same kind for years (Walkers salt & vinegar), and I am getting a bit bored of them. What are your suggestions Sup Forums?

>see shit post
>it's by a leaf

Fried foods are bluepilled

Your shits must be just liquid

Kill yourself you fat fuck

You made this thread 2 days ago. I hope you're doing it to find redpilled foods and not to waste peoples time.


Flamin' Hot Monster Munch are the goat crispies.

This shit is unhealthy, stop eating it.

Why not have some pringles? It's exquisite cuisine

Since we're here, see what you can do about getting your general populace to stop calling French fries 'chips.' It's very irritating.

>flavours that normies don't know about?
WTF do you care what "normies" know about?
>Oh I cant east these, normies might like them.
Hipster faggot


Branigan's Beef and Mustard are redpilled too.

Try the SAGE flavored chips, leaffaggot


I asked the lads

they said they'd start calling chips "fries" as soon as you start calling the USA "The British Colonies"

How is this even remotely related to politics? Fuck off, leaf.

>Comes to an online imageboard to discuss politics

obvious Burger


>Calling chips fries
>Calling tramps bums
>Calling bums fannies
>Calling fannies pussies
>Calling pussies cats
The perils of democracy.