Make peace with your father

Make peace with your father


I get along with my dad great. He's a good guy.

I'm pretty sure JBP is the second coming of Christ.

I love the old man, so no need to make peace.

Too late

Let the living take care of the living and the dead take care of the dead. My father will understand.

He died 14 years ago. What can I do?

but my father is a cuck

My dad is a huge democrat/liberal on social media. But whenever I hang out with him, we put our politics aside and just make seinfeld jokes and shit. I try to bring up politics around people who I know are going to disagree with me-instead I want to have some fun and joke around. I love my dad, he's awesome.

Dumping peterson memes


I have


On the real though, how did vaporwave turn into this fashwave meme type shit? It's pretty cool desu

I've had thousands of fathers…

Go clean your room.

my father abandoned me to do drugs and be a degenerate, he can burn in hell.


Yeah but while you think that– he still owns you.

So who is "Yoong" ("yeung"? "yewng"?) and why does he reference him so much?

currently cleaning my room

shut up dad, i'm my own person. i'm nothing like you!




Keep em coming please. Been a long time since I saw some good JBP memes

So did mine.

You're father is no more or less of a human than you are though. You have to be able to forgive him if you ever want to transcend his hell and look back on your life happily.


I unironically resent my father

I don't have that many left. I'll look for more but if you have any please contribute.

some Psychologist guy

I did, last April, as he laid in his deathbed and I held his hand. For those two hours all that existed between us was the complete truth only possible from one civilized man to another. And once that was done and said, the love of a devoted son and a giving father as he left this world. I didn't just mourn the passing of a father that day, I mourned the absence of the best friend I would ever have in this life, my first and most devoted and patient teacher, my model for what it means to be a man despite what the flipid society about me says.

I wonder what Hitchens and Peterson would think of each other.

What do you think a world dedicated to this fellas ideas and philosophies would be like?

no thanks, I hate him

Fuck off you jungian attempt at secularizing Christianity to save kikes.

it is jung, 2/10 bait though come on man

Sorry, I dont have any myself. I always forget to save them

Carl Jung. Uneducated swine

are you a nigger?

: ^ )

Carl Jung.

My father is a fat faggot that had my foreskin chopped off

is it ok if i just learn from his terrible life decisions?

happiness is an illusion... a temporary construct of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose.

>secularizing Christianity

The man is actively saving Christianity and redeeming the sea of lost, young, white men. Because no one else would. Not even their own fathers and mothers.





He's dead. Fuck you.

I like him, but he looks palpably unhealthy. Stefan Molyneux is wiser and offers redpills just as powerful in a more clear way without making a hundred different digressions like Peterson. Molyneux would be the chad in comparison to him.


i was just askin my dudes. i haven't had time to read philosophy so how was i supposed to know


Peterson is just tired because he has to shoulder the burden of enlighting the world

everybody should have at least heard of jung. Unless you are a literal ape

Yeah I'd expect a leaf to say that.

I have respect for Stefan but for someone such as myself that came from just left of center, I think Peterson makes more sense for us.

Well memed

>seeing him at a panel in Vancouver tomorrow
What should I ask him, Sup Forums?

Molyneux is almost mainstream tier he has a limit he wont cross , while Peterson goes deeper into the causes of what's going on and puts an emphasis on the importance of self improvement

As a civilization and a culture, do we still have a chance?

how he is doing

or why muslimes hate each other (sunnis and shias), but stand together when muslims as a whole are "attacked"

Seriously though. Something like that

Ask him if he likes ass or tits better

he should use the term post-structuralist instead of post-modernist

My father ditched children to grow up in a single parent family in a council house on a council estate. He deliberately went unemployed to avoid paying child support and still at the age of 50+ now still lives with his mother. He lives like he's a tramp in a disgusting room and all of his teeth have rotted out.

Pick related, religious or not I know where he is. I met him twice after I turned 18, I of course had to go out of my way to see him. He's never contacted me once in my life.

I will never make peace with him, ever. He will be an eternal stain I will likely mark on a family history with something edgy like "Damnatio Memoriae".

Gee pure coincidence all the girls who've ever liked me are the ones with daddy issues.


My life has been so much better with Jordan Peterson. I don't fully understand everything he says, but I finally feel like I have purpose in my life. I was able to get infront of the pulbit at my church and preach.

I pretended to be Peterson enlighting the youth and I did a "perfect job".

Peterson is really something else. I dont care what people say about him, dude really helped me sort my life out.

Should clarify he ditched 4 young children, I was the eldest. I'm too mad to post sensibly he boils my fucking blood.

My father was an abusive narcissist who couldn't hold a job and treated me like trash while he sponged off my dead mom's SSI. Fuck him

Can somebody post that one video where some dude mentions the father of some femenist/libtard and she immediately starts to cry?

But my father is a Jew.

Homo homini lupus

Jordan of the few things that still makes me proud to be a leaf.

But my father likes to pretend other men's children are his and ignores his biological children.

Molyneux just makes snarky comments about leftists and talks over his debate "opponents" who are preselected retards

Peterson can't seem to understand that there's a difference between an archetypal "truth" and the objective nature of reality and that people care (and should care) about the difference

Molyneaux is an unlikeable, arrogant soyboy prick.

Reminder that only you can save your father from the belly of the whale, bucko.

Why? He's done irreparable damage to our family and left me to look after my mum and brother at 22 which has fucked up nearly 10 years of my life because he's a fucking self-absorbed piece of shit and the next time I see him will be to kick his worthless corpse into a hole in the fucking ground

You can still make peace with him. Death pays for many sins. Give him the old pillow over the face, and forgive him.


Trash b8

Sounds good bong lol

Ur a faget

Its weird how similar I ended up being like my dad. I didn't even realize it until now. I have the same temperament. I get explosive when I get livid. I'm pretty cold and calculating, but I'm charming to people who just met me.

I miss my dad. For the last two years he was still alive, I was a smug, edgy reddit-tier pinko-Marxist who blasphemed and embraced the fall of nations.

Oh, how right he was. Never got to thank him. I wish I could show him Sup Forums. I wish he were still around to see what's happened in the political arena since the 2016 elections.

The recent unfurling of evils has been a delight. I know my father would be absolutely delighted by what's happened. He was suspicious of subversive bullshit in the 60s. It would be cool to hear his take on the JFK files and all these CIA plants.

We finally saw eye-to-eye on things during his last couple months on this Earth. He is with God now and I hope he is proud of me. So much has changed. So many people are dead now. My reality doesn't exist anymore but I fight on, as my father did.


>Make peace with somebody who left you to die from internal bleeding


Proud of you bucko

My father died last year. How do i rescue him?

Ask unironically this

JBP on H3Hjewpodcast just got uploaded on jewtube. Not a huge fan of h3h3, but most of the things Peterson does are interesting

Archive his stuff.
Make his memory never die.

Join him


In a few of his recent interviews in the few days, Rubin, The ex-special forces guy whos name I cant recall, he said this past year or so he has had some serious health problems.

he also mentioned it in one of the lectures on the bible stories. something about major health problems the last year

I wish my dad was still around. He died when I was 10, I'm now 22 and I'm a fucking loser imo. I still have no career, no job that's a skill, just dumb shit like fast food, or customer service. I start to think that maybe being with just my mom growing up is an issue like Sup Forums says, that it fucked me. My mom is a good woman who's been working two jobs for 11 years for 70~80 hours a week as a nurse for two places. But maybe no father figure has hurt me growing up. I'm a skinny faggot who doesn't even know how to fix his car by himself, and I feel like I have no path or guidance. If anything, I feel like I learned more about the world from 4channers and talking to people on here than my own family who give me generic "just go to school" even though I blew ass at school for so much. I tell them I'm really good hands on and perhaps I should just do a trade or military, but they just tell me that's too hard, blue collar, and I'll hate it in the long run. But everytime I do school I just procrastinate and feel discouraged. I dont even want to be there, I'd rather be a mechanic or some shit and feel useful.

Maybe I should cut video games and the internet as a whole from my life, perhaps that would force myself into a direction other than just using it to at least feel happy about something other than my poor excuse of my life so far.

I have peace with my father but we literally think in complete opposites. Like not even about specific things, I just don't understand him and I believe the vice versa is true also. Peace is preferable but there is a gap there that can't be bridged.

Funny enough my phenotype is completely from my mom's side as well.

stop listening to others and do what you are drawn to , most people in this world will try to put you down because the slaves want to keep everyone else enslaved to feel better about their slavery

but I don't have daddy issues.

LOL I did make peace with him but I will never respect him.

Sorry my father is was an alcoholic and when my parents split up he went to Poland to live with some bitch he banged when he was a teenager. He didn't put any fucking effort into working and we were always strapped for cash, my mother was the only one that cared about anything school related, and my father treasted me like absolute shit because i was an accident.

Take your "make peace with your father" somewhere else, i fucking despise who he is and the kind of person he is.