Why do Americans worship their government, politicians, cops and the military so much...

Why do Americans worship their government, politicians, cops and the military so much? Are Americans the biggest boot lickers in the world? Is it Stockholm syndrome?

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>tfw part of the US Military but a Libertarian


> hur durr America one being! Not nation of varied persons and beliefs!
> hurr OP not mention how much more cucked Europe and Canada is than Burgers

Fucking LARP flags.... slide with a tactic that ISN'T four months old. kthx. Sage.

Our form of government is the most perfect form of government possible
we hate politicians
>cops and the military
their cervix :^)

America is one of the most taxed and regulated countries in the world. Your government extorts 45 percent of your national income and threaten to put you in prison if you violate on of their tens of thousands of laws but you people continue to suck their dick all the time.

>we hate politicians

No you don't. Look at the Trump worship and shilling for Republicans on this board alone. How often do you see Americans discuss their "favorite president" and circlejerk about how Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt or some other president is awesome.


>1st amendment

>2nd amendment


>....Yaz qween.

It's complicated, but in the end, we know that our system of government, and what it took to make America happen is something we should never take for granted. We have ideals worth fighting for, even if it's not to just protect your homeland, the same can't be said for other nations, really.

He's got a point though, your culture literally worships authority. Why is this?

The majority of the population have been taken in by two socialist parties who use wedge-issue politics to pretend that they're significantly different. They collude with practically every large news agency to spread propaganda and twist every report into a suitable narrative, and honestly I'm sure you know the fucking story and are just pretending to be ignorant.

The portion of people in our population who are libertarian isn't large enough yet to be influential, even few are what I'd consider true libertarians, they're still mostly weak "dudeweed" libertarians who just want their particular hedonistic pleasure legalized.

We're young and unfortunately we're repeating a good number of Europe's pathetic and embarrassing failures.

Look into why the Puritans were driven out of England in the first place. They were fucking crazy as shit. Their ancestors are the same.

>Trump worship on this board
they're a bunch of meme loving faggots and kids that care more about trump tweeting and causing butthurt than anything else, they are far from the average person

There's a difference between worshiping authority and respecting authority. If those in the position of power are treating you fairly, then there's no reason to dissent. If you do, you're just being an ungrateful fuck.

EVERYONE is subject to the same laws regardless of their status as well.

Trump is the most liberal republican ever elected, jackson wanted to end the fed (fuck jews), and ol' teddy put more people to work than communism.

stay salty faggot.

I dont, i just deal woth it cuz i dont feel like moving

People fell for the Dem-Soc meme as if Dem-Socs aren't just communists too cowardly to revolt openly.


Your main issue it's that you fail to rally the constitutionalists like you used to.

The crazy stuff just adds to the charm, but a lack of knowledge of american history it's unforgivable.

The reason we defend our officers and others is because we feel as if they're doing their duties the correct way, and their actions are just. Seeing people be ridiculed for doing nothing wrong is wrong itself.

That statement applies to any regime on earth, including despots. The 'if you don't do nuffin rong the man won't arrest u' idea is so flawed even plebbit would dismiss it.

Fact is yank soldiers are basically mercenaries and the citizens thank them for it. It's also considered good to throw people in jail for horrifically long periods of time.

This is 3rd world thinking.

Our personal income taxes are nothing compared to some other countries.

If we don't agree with the laws, then people could get together and get politicians to change them. Attacking the officers for enforcing the laws of the land is wrong, especially since we decide what the laws are. We believe that our laws are just, and that officers are enforcing just laws.


They are the third world, the third world looks like their mirror.

Yeah it's left/right communism, there's nothing more to it. The state owns the means of production already via money printing.

You defend the enforcement indefensible laws for reasons. Got it. So are u guys doing a project by having this thread? Your arguments suck.

That's Germans, you retard.

>TFW you hide behind a meme flag while making shit up

There's so many laws that get passed and repealed every year. Those laws are there because we WANT them there. If you can't follow the law, then sorry!

If you want to change the law, then educate people on your beliefs and be politically active.

This coming from the country that literally murdered Crocodile Dundee in a police shoot-out.

Is there some magical country where breaking the law is not punishable by jail?

>both parties are socialist
They're both very capitalist. The most vocal mainstream politicians here opposed to the current capitalist system are social democrats.
>democratic socialists are communists
Because Steven Crowder said so?

That's not true and you know it mister :^)

He had it coming, no one likes that guy.

>-t. Martha

we live in a fucked up world

How is it capitalist to have the state control the money supply and be the biggest consumer in the economy?

I don't think you actually learned how economic philosophies work, if you did you'd be saying fiat money is socialism, which is true.

Quick test;
>How many usd exist total?
>Why can't you answer that question?
>Who can answer that question?
>What backs the usd if it's not gold?

People aren't fully deciding those laws. The electoral and legislative processes are full of obvious holes like lobbying from corporations, """campaign contributions,""" and repeated incidents where voting just so happens to be physically inconvenient for large blocs of the population that would pose a threat to the status quo if the did vote.

You have no idea.

Australia isn't a functional democracy, it's a colony owned by whoever owns it. Stop believing msm


>not REAL capitalism
There's no such thing as a REAL capitalist country in the last century. There's always some regulatory role the government plays. In some cases governments play an overt directive role too, like France during the Trente Glorieuses.

So call it what it is, a socialist regulated nanny state that actively suppresses the free market. Aka ussr.

Using the correct names for things makes seeing the things for what they are easier. There's no free market, and there never has been, yet it's blamed for the short comings of socialism.

This is why all university graduates are massive retards who are dumber post graduation. This is why they wear the square mortar hat, because that's all their heads are good for.. holding clumps of wet cement.

Functional Democracy is an oxymoron anyways, republics are a bit better but with the US as a case study they have to be ironclad against corruption and government expansion obviously has to be more expressly forbidden in a founding document or you get weasels like modern gungrabbers trying to read "regulation means we'll strangle the right into nonexistence" into the 2A.

"Boot licking" is evolutionarily advantageous. Make friends with the strong guy.

The highest order of logic on this subject is money. You take away unlimited funds for unproductive activities (lobbying etc) and suddenly that activity stops.

The absolute centre of societies rot is in the way unproductive activities are subsidised by the state (socialism)

Btc is correcting this now hopefully. It's hard to go to war using btc as funding when you've spent all of your btc on social justice and you can't print more.

The politicians can get fucked. The cops and the military though are on our side. They kill primarily niggers and mudslimes respectively. They’re the good guys.

Because without authority things would be a million times worse.

The military and the cops are literally /ourboys/. They are family and friends. And the only people they are beating the shit out of are dirty criminal niggers, spics, white trash meth heads and dirty lying taqiyah mudslimes.
Americans are happy to accept anyone from any background as long as they become American, but we now have, more than ever entire groups of people trying to subvert the American way of life.

they don't they just want order to be maintaned

Kim is good at authority too, so is China.

China is a house of cards who's economy seems entirely reliant on producing poor quality everything for everybody. NKorea is a third world mudhole that can't or won't feed it's own people and can barely hold up a functioning power grid, they can barely launch a space capable rocket, and the rest of their military tech is cold war era sloppy seconds from China or Russia or one of their smaller vassal states.

They are in my opinion poor examples of authority, as all authoritarians are.

Are you trolling or do u seriously believe that any economy is any less house of cards than China?

Fact is they're authoritarian and openly socialist, that means they can enact bigger and better bail outs without pretending to be free marketeers.

It's same shit different toilet, obviously this doesn't include India because they don't have toilets but you know what I mean.

>meme flag