Delayed guys.

Will have to be tomorrow.

Stay tuned.

But I made so much bread...

Why did TNG make Q so obviously gay for Picard?

Well there you have it goys

Good job letting Bergdahl off. Now justice is left to the people. Justice system is a joke

fuck off and die in a fire, LARPER


It was in the script. Spielberg paid for the tapes.


Give us something solid here Q
Quantifiable prediction

Why was it delayed?

I’ll believe it when I see the roundups of the criminals, and not a moment before.

Bergdahl held state secrets used as negotiation piece.

Relaaaax, this is part of it.

send more milk

Larping. Kys

Because it didn't happen, but he wants the 'happenings' to continue. He probably generated several thousand responses, feels good man.

I'm no longer a member of the Continuum. My superiors have decided to punish me!

someone dropped on twitter that podesta name leaked as indictment....

why no notice in msm?

pic or BTFO

We are recruiting wizards, warlocks, and mad hatters. Witches and ovens that make toasty bread.




A LARP wouldn't do this
Let's be real
If any of you LARPEd and your predictions failed, would you make a new thread as the same "character"? Or would you give it up? I, for one, believe Q. I don't know if I believe this gentleman. There is plenty of time left in Hawaii until POTUS leaves. He could easily have denied larping until then. But here he is, telling us now. I think this man here is a fraud, but original Q is not. We need to reassess the situatin lads. Ler's get a consensus

Eugenics Wars when
Just end my suffering

Who are the only people with q level clearance?
How many of q level people are fags?
How giant is Q's sphincter?
Why does the letter Q look like a cock going in an asshole?
What would happen if Q got doxed?

3841-b jgAz1 3895767 b-888797

Alice sucks cocks


It is a joke - joke on me, joke of the universe. The king who would be man.

Guys, its a bot that just quotes star trek.
Fuck us.

Just now on NBC breaking news:

"It has been leaked that a plane owned by the Podesta group was escorted by military fighter jets right into Q's anus. There was plenty of room for all three planes"

You have no idea what you're missing. Foreplay with a Q can last for decades.

lol.. im so hapoy i found pol.. lol


My stunning girlfriend wants to fuck but I told her I'd rather watch rats feed on breadcrumbs on Sup Forums



top kek

Well, let's see... You've managed to get slapped by one woman, a drink thrown in your face by another and alienate your two best friends. Doing pretty well so far.

Youre crazy user! Tap that cutie!

so clever

Good to know, I can't think of how bad it would have been if we were off.
Get in here //S4VV3U&=9th
t. BigGuy

Not a very challenging field of study, I grant you.

OP sounds like AI
every post reeks of a bot



Yes. And you are a very interesting woman.

You must return to your world and put an end to the commies. All it takes are a few good men.

Nigger. Nigger nigger nigger. Nigger nigger, nigger nigger. Spic spic, nigger nigger. Chink spic, nigger nigger. Nigger you.

digits confirm much bread was made

The holocaust was a lie

wow you really know all about me do you ?

Wasted effort considering human intelligence.

I will only believe you if post Happening! threads throughout the day tomorrow

ignore larping faggot OP, stay in CBTS threads for good info. when Q returns you will know it

I suppose it's my fate to be the galaxy's whipping boy. Oh, heavy is the burden of being me.

You seem like a shill.

Is all of Sup Forums so gullible?

I see now, it was too simple a puzzle. Generosity has always been my... weakness.

Oh. Well, you may not trust me, but you do need me. You're not prepared for what awaits you

Man, I was in my office today and my phone started going nuts with an amber alert alarm. I thought it was the emergency broadcast system. I was so disappointed when it wasn't.

If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.

real q doesn't reply to shills like me


Of course. Bringing the innocent to trial would be unfair.

Stop your LARPing.

Hey guys, I'm a unicorn! I shoot rainbows from my ass!

Yeah. You're definitely a shill. You talk nothing like the other person. Fucking attention whore.


Worst thread on Pol in awhile but it's still better than Star Trek Discovery Affirmative Action in Space

As you wish.

Well, don't just stand there, say something.

Oh, the philosopher speaks.

V P U 2
Fallen mountain, NK.
Aerial assets-Operation Through the looking glass.
There is toasty bread in there to be made. Don't be afraid.


Actually I thought this had a chance of being true.

I figured nobody would write all that shit just for keks. But they would if they're on the clock being paid. My feminine penis was erect all day waiting for this to come true.