America's Greatest Ally

Who is America's greatest ally and why is it Japan?

Frankly, only Japanese should be allowed in this thread, but I'll permit Russians, too.

Nations not allowed in this thread:
>Especially not the Arab-mixed Spanish
>Palestinian genociders

Other urls found in this thread:

suck my circumcised cock

This burger eating fat cunt thinks Japan aren't all for China when they destroy the Dollar. You silly bastard, the UK will jump ship and join China too and you will be history. You won't be remembered like the Romans or the British Empire.

I said no fucking Bongs are allow in this thread.

You are literally a worthless island. Go away.

Japan is a real team player, and our new best friend.

Ay Caramba construye esa Pared

Mexico has a ton of potential to be a strong U.S. ally. But you keep letting those fucking people of yours cross our border. Stop letting that shit happen, and we can team up for a U.S.-Mexico Lebensraum against South America. Perhaps even Europe. Europe is fertile land.

I'm tried of the old allies, frankly. I want new allies. The old ones are tired and all have feminine penises. We could conquer Western Europe for Eastern European Lebensraum.

You dropped 2 nukes on them you silly cunt. There aren't many people left in the world who haven't suffered at the hands of the US. Your demise is being anticipated.

Are leafs allowed?


This guy asking permission from his American masters.

All of Trump's suit look so heavenly.
God damn I'm jelly.

This go make your 56% threads you sacks of shit.

France is our oldest and greatest ally

yeah sure dude; we can join forces with Canacucks and make a super country where all the cheapforce and agriculture will be in the South, a place where you can send all your niggers and muslims to be decapitated because we love blood so much.

We had to. But that was a brief moment in time. In fact, it was justified, given that Japan hit us at Pearl Harbor first. But that was just brothers fighting. We know that a relationship our Japanese brethern is essential. Your Empire caused hundreds of years of suffering, by the way, and spread dirty Corporatism - or a "distilled Jewish spirit" - all over the Earth.

Leafs are powerful as fuck. I want Leafs on my team, frankly.

correct without their help in the Revolutionary war we would have had a harder time fighting the Bongs

Truly Americans and Canadians make the best team.

V-42s and Raider badges for everyone!

What have you given the world with your current world domination? The British Empire gave a lot along with our brutality, but what has the American empire given the world?

I'll let you in on a little secret, you have given fuck all. You will be remember in history horribly.

Mad as fuck because Canada divorced your shit-stain island. Fuck off, Bong.

>M-m-muh 56%!

Get your teeth fixed, and continue to let us fuck your sovereignty.

I'm not so sure about France. However, I am hopeful of the Jupiter-ian Presidency.

So, basically, U.S.-Mexico-Canada alliance to defeat the swaths of disgusting Western European faggots, Muslims, and Blacks.

can we make japan our 51st state already

Ivanka stayed in Tokyo. Trump will come today.
I see many news about Trump family these days on Japanese TV.

Jews fear Trump & the Samurai




forget to change your settings?


Yeah, good one American idiot. They still live under the Monarchy of Canada. Good luck having that kind of reach when your empire falls.

Die in a fucking fire you weebs

You are the reason nobody takes this site seriously




Ancient Regime France yes

This is considered a 10/10 in Japan

I thought I made it obvious that it was me answering with the "I'll let you in on a little secret". I forgot I was dealing with idiots, i'll make it easier to understand next time, sorry American.

It is Israel you stupid ass monkey face. They are using your country as an circumcized anchor baby to unleash havock on goyim world wide.


Western Europeans, with their feminine penises, but be done away with before they throw the world into a mass migration Dark Age. GET THE FUCK OUTTTTT REEEEEEE

>Frog poster telling someone they're the reason we're not taken seriously




Frogposting is righteous and good. One day this site will be freed from anime faggotry and will be the best day ever.

Japan is now AM 5:26.
Everybody is sleeping except NEET like me :3

Serious question though, what has the American empire left for the world? All empires come to an end, what have you given the world?

Literally, a fucking African-tier country with an African-tier flag.

Get the fuck out.

Your country is a post-U.S. colony. Goodbye.



>Anime faggotry
>Likes cartoon frogs

retarded burger . die from diabetes you fat fuck

Losing every war you've ever engaged in really makes a nation butthurt, does it not?
>he asks, via two American inventions

I hurt your wee fee fee's lad?


I only like white women
I only like white women
I only like white women
I only like white women

Fuck off retard, Canada invented the internet in 1943.

Japanese NEETS are powerful - far more than Western European scum.

Airplane. Automobile. Most of the elements on the table of elements. Great literature. Nobel Prizes in all things. Microsoft. Apple. Cell phones. You consume our movies. You consume our foods. You consume our everything.

If you think the British Empire lost all wars and became an empire from losing consistent wars then I actually feel sorry for you.

Come home, white man.

Canada wasn't a country in 1943.

I'm not talking about inventions. There are a lot of British inventions that I don't even count as part of the Empire. IT was just intelligent men from a well educated country. But from your world domination, you invasion of many countries, what have you left for them?


>Asahi Mizuno

>home for white men


japanese are the worst. all you dumb fucks with cuckholm syndrome. Japs are worse than nazis. at least the nazis had the courtesy of giving a train ride and offering a shower before death. Nazi's had a few people killing many. The japs? their people willingly in MASS exterminated people with their bare hands. fucking bayonetting babies. those people are fucked and you guys think of them as gods taking that anime dick.

wake up fucktards.

>americans think they are pro-white and not the whore of babylon

Well we can blame Britain for the creation of the United States. Maybe in the next life you will fight harder in the US revolution.

jews are inferior level, Hispanic level.
religion does not determine your status but race.

Half of that is why you are a mutt who exports Jewish trash and degeneracy all across the planet. Science and literature was back when real AMERICA existed not this nu-american globalist trash.

>muh-muh-muh White is the only thing I have!

Fuck off. Japan is our new best friend.

Don't the samurai fear the golem?

you cant even defeat isis without russia doing all the work for you . lazy landwhale



Good one Canada.

Whether you're left wing or right wing, anime faggots need to be removed from this planet. I think we can all agree.

France is America's only true ally. They funded our revolution when nobody else would.

Well, I hope Europe becomes Brazil then, fuck you too, hairy cunt.

Well, America has left facets of its culture in every country on Earth, but that might not be viewed as a positive contribution. As far as what America has left for the world, why shouldn't American inventions count?

Somewhere right now, a beige American is weeping while applying baby powder to his skin to appear Whiter.

Can we just refer to Americans as "The Beige" from now on?

Hey lads whats going on in here


Japanese pussy is purpose built for white cock.

always a leaf

Abe, Ivanka Trump dine in Tokyo


I have a litmus test here.

Only if you’ll be “Mellow Yellow”.

Fuck Jews. Japs are our true friends. Jews are pieces of shit.

>muh-muh-muh White!

Have you seen the population pyramid charts representing the explosion in the male population in Germany? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

Fuck off. Literally worthless.

Hey. Sup. You can join. U.S.-Mexico-Canada-Japan-Russia-Australia



But your country is already like Brazil, you fucking faggot

i literally am 100% let's see what i get

Because any country can count inventions. Einstein split the atom but do Germany claim to be the most influential country the world has ever known?
Only a few countries have had true control of the world, and the US is currently the power of the world, and all you have done is taken away from cultures, you have given nothing back. Even when you have left countries you have left ruin, you didn't leave state of the art tech for them to use and rebuild. Sorry but your country is disgusting.

Can't we just focus on fixing our women? Leave the jap qt's to our japanese brothers.

OP is obviously an antisemitic shill, Israel will forever be the Wests greatest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Praise KeK

Joko Marutei Tsurunen on mainittu?

>Tsurunen toimi demokraattien edustajana Japanin parlamentin ylähuoneessa vuosina 2002–2013 sen ensimmäisenä länsimaalaissyntyisenä jäsenenä.

Ihan helvetin kova saavutus, kun miettii, että kuinka epäluuloisia japanilaiset ovat ulkomaalaisia kohtaan. Toki Suomi on eräänlainen poikkeus, vanhempi väestö tietää ja arvostaa Mannerheimia ja suomalaisia.

Ilmeisesti aika konservatiivinen poliitikko ja sellaisestahan japskit tykkää.

wrong! france is possibly our greatest enemy. they were slaughtering colonists before the usa was created. also they were the ones that forced us off the gold standard when they started liquidating their us dollar reserves in an attempt to crash our economy in the cold war during the 70s

I’m whiter than you are you maple guzzling faggot


Goku = White

Vegeta = Japan