


Open the door
get on the floor
everybody walk the dinosaur

If being white is okay
And being racist is not okay
Then being white is not racist (transitive property)

>racism is not okay
Why do you hate entire non-Western societies?



what is actually wrong with racism? What is racism? Its just a mental state, right? So me having certain thoughts is not okay?

Even before my redpill days I never understood the problems with racism, or saying racist things. If you murder someone because of your racist thoughts, that's not okay, but its not ok simply because you killed someone. The racism had nothing to do with it being right or wrong.

If you walk across the street every time you see a black person, what's the big deal? You're allowed to think what you want.

This racism obsession is just another step towards 1984 totalitarianism.




Have a seat user, you racist pig

fuck you nigger




Its ok

Doesn't work against libs since In their logic you cannot be racist towards white people.



racism is a made up term by (((Leon Trotsky))) to mark the communist dissidents. even 90 years ago it got thrown around in this stupid manner that we see today and for pretty much the same reason. (((they))) won't stop until we have a completely policed language and think crime becomes an actual thing

tl;dr NEVER trust an (((anti rasist)))
