The FCC is about to announce a vote on its plan to kill net neutrality

They will be voting in 17 days, Is this the beginning of 1984?

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who cares

Sorry, but here on Sup Forums we're against net neutrality, because Reddit supports it.

>meem flag
>shill thread
Gb2 Reddit

I've heard arguments for both sides. Which is better and why?

Good luck when Sup Forums becomes slow as fuck because it isn't backed/owned by Google. You ignorant faggots lack foresight beyond your tribalism

Speak for yourself, faggot.

>Which is better and why?
I don't even understand which side is which anymore, why do we have to keep having this same battle again and again every other year until the establishment gets the control it wants?

Protip, Google supports net neutrality, same as most big websites.

In 2014 there was no net neutrality, and the previous law giving the fcc rule over the internet expired. and remember all the horror the IP (Internet Providers) caused? I don't because they didn't.

I have a friend who worked for a smaller IP company, that delivered the Internet through satellite only, primarily for those out in low population areas (the country). This company regularly throtelled video and other such things during prime hours because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to deliver reliable internet connection. People who buy this service no that, and are fine with that. But net neutrality works mean that the way this company works is not allowed, and so now they can't provide like they used to.

1984 will never happen because of pol

HAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAA uses defibrillator to get breathing again

We are all fucked...poor assholes that have kids right now, we are all fucked ....we had a flush...the system got Ace High,
Sure (((they won))) but their wins always lead to total fucking chaos. Fuck us all, glory to natural order,

See you all on the other side. True destruction does not have happenings retards. Happenings are to convince you fucking tards that major moves will be chaotic....No dumb asses, you are being convinced that big moves fuck shit up. The small moves are the true winners of wars

The fact that Google, Netflix, and Facebook are in favor of this should tell you what side you should be on.
The whole Russain hacking thing has been a pretense to regulate speech on the Internet so we can join the UK and their online hate speech shit.

because, like the EU, if they don't get the public support for their bill, they'll try to discretely pass it every now and then with a slightly different language each time hoping that no one will notice

and there's fuckall you'll do about it so why would they stop ?

>not understanding net neutrality
you have to go back

First one to lower prices for all services gets to stay on my net

Essentially ISPs want to charge Web Companies for 'high speed' services.

Think of 'Toll Roads'

Which is bull-shit. The Internet should be left alone for what it was meant to do, and that is share information.
(((Anyone))) acting as a gatekeeping threatens this goal.

>they took our video ganes
>they will take our internet
see you on the other side, lads


You know, for you types being all about not judging a book by it's cover, you are not being consistent. If you looked past the innocent sounding title you would find some shit that doesn't fit the title. Stop being a useful idiot dammit.

>reddit spaces
the amount of a traffic a single user can generate is not enough to burden the ISP
but netflix, who does not have the traffic of a single user, is expecting everyone else to shoulder their burden
something has to give

I believe you do not have a clear understanding on what (((they))) can do with this level of control.

Are you perhaps, on (((their))) side?


With this

>>reddit spaces

>>mfw idk what reddit spacing is
>>mfw I have no face
>>mfw trying to discredit my argument based on my typing style
>>still no face
Fuck off, you do not understand the indirect consequences of what this level of control can give them.
Why the fuck do ISPs deserve any level of control when they do not contribute anything to the internet?
Why should they control what I can see at the speed they choose?
They can choose to not show something on their network, do you not understand the consequences of this?

Eventually they will want control over your actual pc by monitoring software, then you're chipped and that's fucking it.

This story needs to die. The reason Comcast and Netflix had the "backroom" meeting was people on com cast weren't able to really enjoy Netflix because Netflix encodes there videos in such a way that Comcast system doesn't see it as a video. So that's what was solved, Comcast can now give more room to Netflix because it now recognizes it as video.

Which (((they)))? The IPs? The FCC? All the websites (google, facebook, etc.)?

>Obama: Thank you, reddit.

ISPs, at least I can choose to go to duckduckgo rather that (((google)))

but (((ISPs))) are limited, Verizon is the only ISP in my area, what choice do I have if what I want to view is on Verizon's slow lane or not on their platform at all?

Good. The Internet needs to be regulated.

No it fucking doesn't, go to China if you believe so.

This, Sup Forums is a purely contrarian board

Yeah, and on the other side are ISPs, whom I trust even less. Say what you want about google, but we haven't yet caught them conspiring with their "competition", unless I missed a bombshell.

These internet companies oppose NN because they could be forced to pay out their ass to ISPs. This does not put them in the wrong, on this case.

Here's a question for you though, if SJWs figured out that ISPs can effectively shut down sites like Sup Forums, do you think they wouldn't act on it? I certainly wouldn't put it past them.

Net neutrality as it exists has nothing to do with neutrality. It was written by Google to benefit Google. All the while they were jacking and blowing Obama.

FCC can't do shit anymore

Obama gave the internet to the UN

I think I would cry if this site got shutdown somehow.


not if we meme it teh way it should go

I hope they get rid of net neutrality so that ISPs can mega-throttle hatespeech sites

>be me
>be leftists soyboy
>want google to ban dailystormer because muh russians
>thne after posting about the racists not getting banned and wanting to protest some random internet server you make posts calling for the protection of net neutrality
>b-but..we need it so we dont get banned from our websites

Google and the others are against it because it would make the ISPs more powerful than they are. It's still bad for consumers, it's just bad for those companies too.

Thanks worst President Osama!

(((netflix))) and (((youtube))) are the ones that are going to be hit by this. With any luck the internet provider jews tear down the silicon valley ones.


ISPs are greedy assholes, but Googles and the others are moral greedy assholes. We can always take out the ISPs since no one likes them, but shit like this is almost impossible to remove.

I'd rather Netflix and Youtube over (((ISP)))


This doesn't actually hurt them significantly. It would just make ISPs stronger. They wouldn't actually challenge google. I think google mostly supports neutrality to help their image as a proconsumer company.

Just introduce laws to allow for greater isp competition then. Google and the rest of the tech corporations need to be taken down.

Sup Forums is a government website at this point, they'll not stall on the bills because they want this place fully operational for maximum intelligence gathering.

>Just introduce laws to allow for greater isp competition then.

LOL you can't even start a municipal ISP without it getting C&D'd by the local monopoly.

The trumps browse here, we safe
>also what provider would block jewtube or any of the sites these reddit nigger use

That's the problem, how much money do you think you need to start an ISP? Millions!
You have to lay down cables, you have to buy equiptment, data centers, it's not an easy thing.
Only another giant can do it, e.g., facebook, google, netflix, amazon, which by the way, they've tried.

this is important Sup Forums we need to make our voices heard

This didn't exist for 30 years without net neutrality laws in place. Really activates the almonds

Getting rid of net neutrality is good for a variety of possibilities: 1) it stops the subsidization of certain traffic, subsidies are always inefficient 2) it makes people more concerned about how ISPs track their traffic making the untrackable internet a further possibility 3) it will create demand for more ISPs and better ISP practices

nigger nobody is fucking blocking jewtube

Literally every major web company did this before netflix threw a tantrum and pushed bullshit NN legislation by scaring normies into tiered internet package disinfo.
I wish they would
The FCC has been enforcing net neutrality regulations since the early 2000s.

That is literally the opposite of what getting rid of net neutrality will do.
1. It does not stop subsidization of certain traffic, it increases it as the ISP now controls flow of traffic.
2. We don't need to get rid of net neutrality to do this, wtf are are you talking about? We can track whatever the fuck we want as the internet currently stands.
3. It actually hurts Internet development, remember Google Fiber? Comcast battled the shit out of Google to end it, still can't expand. Just compare Internet Service prices with U.S. service cost, what the fuck is going on?

Frankly, you're speaking out of your ass.

>Extra fees

Uhm... Sweetie this has been happening for years, net neutrality is basically a reddit meme at this point and won't change shit.

It's not disinfo, this is actually what will happen; Netflix got pissed because (((COMCAST))) was trying to charge them more for users connecting to their site.

The problem I have is that instead of improving internet connection, they'd rather slow innovation by stopping any development so that they can keep their sheckles.
This is a fucking monopoly going against our Capitalist ideals.

I thought net neutrality was already killed by Trump. Also didn't net neutrality die under the Obama and Bush administrations?

When are people gonna stop panicking about net neutrality?

>reddit is fucking retarded and wrong about literally everything, all they do is lie constantly and le down boat anyone who attempts to speak the truth
>Except this time they're totally right


Fucking disgusting. And the mandatory shitty quote and epic music is making this even more rage inducing.

hope they kill it

>(((net neutrality)))
Literally who the fuck cares? I don't even know what this shit is, but I see reddit nerd bugman beta types talking about it like it's the end of the world, so by default I'm all for it. Also didn't that queer Colbert talk about this? Even more of a reason to support it.

Bottom line is, if you want me to support something, tell me ONCE and then shut the fuck up about it.

When the jews at Comcast, Verizon, AT&T keep trying to make this a thing.

Fuck them and their greedy little mitts.

Why do you think those giants are fighting so hard for this?
MONEY! Literally, keep their Monopoly over the internet! How are you not pissed about this?

Why is the internet worth keeping around in it's current form?

This is one of the rare times where we are aligned with companies like Google, as the ISPs are 100x worse.


we already have all that shit here

I believe that is literally the dumbest reason to hate something...

>>Tell me ONCE

we already told Comcast, Verizon, AT&T "no", conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, even libertarians were like, "yeah fuck that."

but they keep coming back. Why do you think you keep hearing about it?
They won't stop trying to kill Net Neutrality.
Ask yourself why.

So that you get to consume extra propaganda with a small discount and a tiny bit less of your private data sold to CIA and FBI burgers goyim.


you are on Sup Forums so no you don't have it yet.

>This is a fucking monopoly going against our Capitalist ideals.
This. Net neutrality is a meme. What we need are anti-trust laws to be applied and enforced on ISPs. Any ill that net neutrality can prevent, the market itself can also prevent if not infested with cronyism.

Because you can shitpost on Sup Forums all day long; or make your own website, and not have to pay out your ass in sheckles to (((ISPs))) to have a fair shot at competing with everyone.

It's not killing network neutrality, it's just killing the fucking Obama administration's "give the FCC insane, overreaching regulatory power" plan

>net neutrality
Yeah, real fuckin neutral after they go and outsource censorship to someone you can't use the constitution against when they step out of line. Fuck that, the internet needs to be either fully controlled or entirely free.

Net Neutrality is a piece required for a platform where capitalism can reign.
The problem is that only big ass companies can enter the ISP market, COMCAST wouldn't let you anywhere near their equipment, sue the fuck out of you, or would just outcompete you anywhere you go.

Because there is no such thing as net neutrality
People who hate freedom use freedom as a tool to take freedom away from you

You have facebook and twitter and jewtube who love freedom of speech when it's applied to them and their leftist ideals, and use it as a shield to protect themselves against anyone who would regulate their shit, but then they block anybody who disagrees with them and there is nothing you can do about it.
Then you try to create your own website to compete with them, but the guy who hosts your address won't host you because you are "racist", so they shut you down like they did with the daily stormer, or how they almost did to gab
And good luck creating a competitor against a multi-million company with decades of work behind them. For example, how do you even compete with google maps at this day and age if you are not a milionare yourself? How would you overtake their service without at least taking pictures all over the world?

Having a corrupt government is one thing, but CEOs and silicon valley today have as much, if not more power than the government. And when most of these CEOs are leftists with an agenda, then you start having problems.

pic related
from the protocols of zion

>Implying internet is neutral and ever will be one

Look around dipshit. Blatant propaganda everywhere, companies making backdoor deals, shitty opportunities for content makers to get money, deplatforming of non-mainstream views and ideas, algorithms banning everyone or showing content which was created to suck you in and leech off your viewership for money, backdoor software being installed and virtually no privacy in the public domain, shitty prices because fuck you. That meme deal won't stop the companies or the EU to take away your rights as they are doing now, IT IS A REDDIT FEEL GOOD MEME.

>Using a phone
>Not using VPN to watch anime or whatever

>TFW it costs more (((shekels))) to shitpost

And you want to make it worse? At least I have a choice right now, and I can use that to tell (((ISPS))) to fuck-off, we should be working towards a free internet, not the other way around.

ISPS already have way too much power, what your proposing gives them even more power.
At least slow them down by forcing them to fight giants such as Google and Facebook.
It's a literal monopoly

Suite yourself. That meme law won't help me due to EU going medieval on our asses.

We can set a precedent, help free us, and then we'll tackle the EU.
After all this, you still don't believe in the power of memes?

JFC everybody in this thread is fucking retarded it hurts.

BTW: I am an employed CS fag who designs and builds distributed computer systems on the internet so I know what I am talking about.

Before you can understand why abolishing net neutrality is very bad, you have must understand the difference between the World Wide Web and the Internet.

The Internet is the global network that physically connects computers. There are some universal protocols that dictate organization (IP addresses) and message passing.

The world wide web is the set of documents (dynamic and static) that are connected via hyperlinks and served to users over the Internet.


Net neutrality is the simple principle that all packets are treated the same (i.e they have the same priority) on THE INTERNET.

Abolishing net neutrality allows ISPs to dictate what you can access over the Internet, what protocols you use to access it, the priority your request has, etc.

This means that, without NN, ISPs can effectively censor any information accessible through the Internet, not just the World Wide Web, by simply denying you access to specific IP addresses and domain names or disallowing specific protocols.

This could result in a TV-like version of the web, where you pay for packages of certain web sites, while simultaneously killing the Internet.

The web already sucks thanks to Google, FB, etc but the web is only a tiny portion of the Internet itself. We can always build a different system. We can distribute files (bit torrent), use messaging platforms (IRC), perform monetary transitions (bitcoin), and more, all without the use of the World Wide Web. Abolishing net neutrality would jeopardize all of this and retard our ability to build and use a better alternative to the World Wide Web.

This is bad for everyone, regardless of political affiliation

Are you fucking stupid?

1. You realize that if we force the ISP to treat all traffic equal (protip, it's not) then we're subsidizing abusive users.

2. Okay buddy

3. You know how we combat government oversight that creates ISP monopolies? Add more government oversight.

Just kill yourself.

> OMFG Conspiratard! REEE

j/k....I've been saying almost the same since before Reddit's blatantly obvious social engineering to push complete fucking retards into, "WEAULLL MAK IT UNTO AH FCEECEE REGALAYTED UTULUHTEE GUYZ! UHTULL BE GARAYTE!"

>Abolishing net neutrality allows ISPs to dictate what you can access over the Internet, what protocols you use to access it, the priority your request has, etc.

did you copy this from some email?

Trump will veto

> looking into your porn habits

ISP's don't want to give a shit about your download habits. They don't even want to track or store that shit. They just want as much of your money as possible for as little product/service as possible.

I'd take no net neutrality any fucking day over allowing the fucking FCC to censor shit. We've done that already, and people got duped into supporting it again.

No, it's because net neutrality is Democratic censorship of the internet. Google niggers finally BTFO.

That's because you're a Democrat

Net Neutrality benefits big companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc. Non Net Neutrality benefits ISP companies like Comcast. Pick your poison, you get fucked both ways.

You're either shills or too retarded to vote.

Wrong, you're a shill.

>abusive users
asside from a ddos attack, how can a _user_ abuse their bandwidth?

Yeah yeah I know that youtube and netflix use a lot of bandwidth, but thats what end users, who are paying their ISPs for an internet connection, want to use their bandwidth for.

I don't see you could qualify legitimate users of the internet, who are using the internet they way they want, as 'abusers'.

does this only affect US or will it also have an effect on other countries?