Here is one thing I do not get at all. Why on earth are women more susceptible to liberal propaganda than men?

Here is one thing I do not get at all. Why on earth are women more susceptible to liberal propaganda than men?

They have a caring/nurturing nature, are more naive, emotional>logical. Single women without kids are far more likely to fall for liberal shit as it takes the qualities that they should be using on their husband/children and exploits them for liberal causes like refugees, oppressed people ect. Also they care far too much what the crowd thinks of them so are more likely to go with what keeps them included and accepted within society.


reminder that rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm

women think with their feelings, men think with logic

It's roastie brain at work. If you deprive a female dog of children, it will start taking care of anything, even adult animals, as if they were babies. So it is with leftist roasties. They see refugees as children they need to take care of.

It’s gentics. Women are biologically built to be far more empathetic than men due to the fact that they are the primary care taker for newborns. They think with emotion not reason.

Same reason there arent any women plumbers. They only want to look at nice pleasant things and think nice pleasant thoughts

for you

false, murder also works

Already mentioned but yeah, far more emotional/feeling-based thought processes than logic/reason. That's
Pretty common knowledge.

Also second for the herd menatality that's so common among them.

We need to use our red pilled women now more than ever to reach out to white women and bring them home.

liberal propaganda appeals to emotion and altruism, which women are particularly susceptible to.

Women have stronger empathy circuits

Liberal propaganda is all about exploiting empathy and turning it into a suicide poison

>look at this poor brown person, his name is Ahmed

>Ahmed wants to be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer or an astronaut when he grows up and we need those things, don't we?

>Ahmed is stuck in the middle east and tormented daily

>How can we help Ahmed? How can we give him a future?

>See, here is a closeup shot as a single tear rolls down Ahmed's cheek as he thinks about his dreams, isn't there a way we could help him fulfil his dreams?

How much to blame women for this? Well, somewhat I suppose, they should override their empathy because their reason should tell them they are being abused and exploited. A lot of blame also on liberal media who turn empathy into suicide poison.

China is learning from them, and would never allow their citizens to succumb to this. Result: a world with no empathy, just because leftists had to abuse ours to kill us.

Women are higher in trait agreeableness. Therefore they are more susceptible to marxist notions of fairness. Marxist fairness equates to "to each according to their needs", rather than "to each according to their means". Women are also higher in trait neuroticism, which means they are higher in apprehension and negativity. Hence you have fear and anger, which corresponds to all hysteria of the left. Coincidently, Hysteria comes from the latin root word hystera, or "womb" validating the long held belief that women are generally nuts, and rarely capable of making important decisions.

if I take that leaf off, will you die?

also, to conformism. So if a certain image can be created in the media as "socially acceptable", women will conform over night. Lack of conformism triggers neuroticism.

Psychological warfare is based on exploiting the emotional tendencies in order to short-circuit reasoning. Women are by nature more emotional (and that's not a bad thing).


This, i think it has to do with motherhood

They are family driven. There are things, like socialism, that can exist with a family unit but fail in society. Females can't realize that the family is not society.

women are supposed to be more nurturing, for the survival and propagation of our species. the leftists are so reprehensible that they exploit this tendency for political gains.

Because liberal propaganda is based on feelies.

Most women's brains are wired for emotion.

Pic related: I can watch this entire commercial and give zero fucks.