AntiFa/Black Bloc Dox thread. Seattle Nov 4 "Revolution"

AntiFa/Black Bloc Dox thread. Seattle Nov 4 "Revolution"

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gods work

Bump. More pics coming soon

I'd rape her and she would fucking love it

Ohhhhh myyyyyy

Watch Frogs assemble!



Let's get comfy anons.

Oy vey goyim, being mean to scat enthusiasts and pegging connoisseurs is not nice.

Undoubtedly true, but you're probably too weak and beta to act on these impulses of yours.

the nose



oy vey


Seattle user standing by. Don't recognize any of these faggots yet.


antifa in Seattle like to assemble at the Vera Project at Seattle Center (at the base of the Space Needle).

It is some sort of "all-ages venue", meaning they don't serve alcohol so under 21 can come. Undoubtedly one of the grossest venues to see a concert (the bathrooms always smell horrific).

So with a punk vibe and functions as a "teen center", I wouldn't be surprised if people take advantage of the vulnerable teens there looking for their place and some meaning. It is a big space and many open "art" areas where they have things like screen prints. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the semi-homeless teens lived there and got into all sorts of trouble. The sex offender registry lists offenders nearby. Pic related of entrance

wow antifa an anti american group is jews.. picture me surprised. fucking kikes.


if someone dumped a shit ton of ITS OKAY TO BE.... there? holly fuck. the twitter salt.

lol soros is hiring crackwhores for his protests at this point


This fat faggot is like the stereotype of your typical Seattle cuck. I've looked at him for like five minutes because this faggot looks exactly like so many Seattle faggots I know.

Dats a cop






jesus christ, it's like that giraffe professor and Henry Rollins had a lovechild.


>doxxing commies
>in seattle
spoiler alert
it's the entire city

We'd be seeing this...


The Chad Xhe/Xhir


there is no escape

I used to be an anarchist - still sort of am (it's complicating, believe it or not). But even when I was "brainwashed" and believe whole heatedly in anarcho-syndicalism, seeing someone with a soviet flag would piss me off. Still does. Literally makes me want to scream "anti-fascista, kill the soviets". Most poltards prolly won't understand, lol, but you're still my boys.

lol, look at that guy cosplaying as castro

You mean the Stretch Necked Cock Holster who had a profile on a BDSM dating site, right?

doxxing is for faggots


Also, this.


I spent a lot of time around leftist trash in Seattle but none of these faces are jumping out at me...

I have two guesses but they're complete shots in the dark and I don't think it's who I think it is.



This antifa loser showed up to a Seattle event, went to the patriot side, threw up a few Roman salutes (also called "nazi salute"), and then ran away to the antifa, thinking the patriots would not recognize his tactic to make this stupid "nazi" narrative.


Was lollypop guild a male?


faggots actually added the black and brown stripe to their gay ass symbol, yet I don't see a non white in the lot.


We had some of /ourguys/ in texas

this. Antifa is filled with useless leeches anyway, its not like they'd lose a job wgen they don't have any.

I found a TOR link to one of their sites. IGDNEWSdjfmg7kxu.onion

Holy shit those green shirt / white hat guys look badass.

yeah, he had shit on his FetLife profile about seeking a domme to smother and waterboard him and shit. he said he can occasionally be dominant, in which case he calls his partners stuff like "fascist lapdogs."

it really paints a sordid picture of a guy who is a member of Antifa, but is a professor to police cadets.



Chick putting up her middle finger looks like she's got one too many fingers.

lol did this faggot bring his bob the builder playset with safety goggles?


this guy seemed to always be in front. idk what his role is in all of this.

Look at these soyboy faggots

Have the chin of a 12 year old girl
Grow patchy beard to try to appear masculine

The guys in green are pretty cool looking, but everybody else is a fucking joke....

Y'all dress like the recently discharged Airmen who want to pretend they were SOF when they were in.

I'm not 100% positive, but this guy sure looks a lot like one of the ass nuggets from one of the previous riots at Berkeley

They actually did something?


damn. what a cesspool of genetic humanoid waste material.

something seems off about these pics

you don't usually see so many not wearing masks - was there a law against wearing masks where this was taken?

they don't seem like the usual antifa crowd

Shills, fuck off. It puts fear in any others in the future. It's about time the Left gets a taste of their own medicine anyways

Guys with the skull bandanas look like RAM from California.

Bumping by asking if these are pics for a gay dating app?

Only if you consider a couple hundred at most marching around a little then going home "doing something."
No law against masks. There are usually a certain number without masks at any event. Some of them are confirmed regulars some may not be. RevCom was behind this particular event, and a lot of commies don't like them.

I spoke with a source from the leftist activist scene in Austin earlier this week, and he stated that Refuse Fascism had made very little (if any) efforts to reach out to and organize with local leftist groups. So, in Austin for instance, I didn't see any black bloc or masked up Antifa cucks at all today, when I've been to previous protests with tons of them.

Because not all of them were "black bloc"... alot of them were refuse fascism pawn and sheep.

It continues tomorrow

>Check the digits about the frontman aka " chin of a twelve year old girl, grow a beard..."
Bumping to kill commies'

I heard Chicago was nothing, they had a little route set up by police. LA actually had some Trump supporters.

Oh vey

So plaster his face all over the internet as a neonazi. Dox him, let his employer/school know he’s one of those genocidal right wing gun nuts. Harass the fuck out of his parents for raising such a toxic hate monger. Track down and roll up his circle of friends/followers on social media. Out them all as ethnic-cleansing hobbyists and homophobes.

Homeboy needs to learn that there are PENALTIES for larping, that this fucking game he’s playing comes with a king-hell price tag that he just might not be able to cover the nut.


The Soyim Of Seattle Thread
>thanks for the pics, user

He doesn't know how to make a fist....

any olympia fags here? is there any antifa in our faggy capital ?

Because nothing scares "fascists" like a dirty unicorn onesie.
>pic from Austin today

So. two weeks huh. I guess none of them have jobs or school?

that might be from my livestream, actually. chat couldn't get enough unicorn.