Why are White Nationalists such cowards IRL?


$20 says OP is a leaf

Come on OP, lets see that flag


Because most are just larping for the lulz until shit gets real


lol you're right op

You have no power here shlomo

Oh what a surprise, OP left

OP is a leaf and that fag in the video is liberal.
>takes off uniform
What uniform? A fucking faggot ass polo shirt is now a uniform? Thanks (((Spencer)))! If faggots only knew what NatSoc actually is.

This is the average Sup Forums poster

>It's not okay to be a pretend white supremacist
>it's... okay? to be a pretend blm

i wear a MAGA hat daily.
come and take it.

There’s always that one coward, always will be. So what?

Don't worry, I'll pick up where he left off. MAGAts are cowards because they know it's all a lie. They worship a liar and they know he is a liar. True courage is derived from defense of the Truth. It doesn't matter that Russia has turned 1/5 of America into fucking bots, because they are all panicked man-children that run screaming stripping naked in the streets to escape an ass-whooping. The kid in OP's pic was literally standing in front of a fucking police bearcat with a fucking machine gun turret and 12 riot cops inside, literally there to protect him, and he still stripped out of his Donald Trump costume while begging for mercy from the crowd. Fucking beautiful.

Because white nationalism is associated with beta culture (muh stability and order, muh sexual socialism..ahem nuclear family, muh unatural hierarchy, muh white damsels etc.) so betas will fill its ranks. White men that can fight are mgtow and that's why WNs bitch so much about their unchanneled energy.

That right there is what pol is in real life

Nope, pure blooded murican

Why are you guys so upset over a question?

It's the alt-kike faggots who just want funny frog memes without any bloodshed or sacrifice

>men that can fight are mgtow

Most nationalists are not stuck on dogma so much, but principle. They are expecting they can go to a rally and find someone to debate, laying out a series of propositions that lead to a point, and then argue the resulting points.

This is not how groups like Antifa work. They believe that even engaging in a discussion with you validates your "power group's social construct" and so gives you a victory over them if they even allow you to speak at all. Hence all the violence.

Up until now the nationalists (and I'm not really interested in "white" vs whatever other nationalism, the point I'm making is broader than that) have been only aware that violence occurs at political events these days (which is a relatively new phenomenon) but are typically not expecting to actually engage in it.

They don't spend time rehearsing group assault actions. They are not being trained in public disruption and violent protest techniques by paid, professional, full-time agitators who have spent years in southern Europe and South America perfecting their trade.

The Antifa (and related) groups HAVE been trained, organized and supported by paid professionals whose trade is violent disruption of the democratic political process in civil society.

So basically you are seeing normal people who actually have a grassroots-supported cause come out expecting to argue or at least make their point, and they are running into professional thugs instead of fellow Americans who agree at least on some baseline Constitutionalist concept of what the US is supposed to be.

Huge mismatch. It is like expecting Thomas Jefferson to approach a wild pack of niggers in South Africa on their way to murder some more white farmers and persuade them with logic and reason. Sometimes you just need a George Washington to show up with a stiff pack of riflemen and shoot, slash and tomahawk the shit out of everyone until they settle the fuck down.

White people are natural cucks. Have you not noticed the fact that the majority of white countries are replacing themselves with other races?

>why are literal teenagers afraid of a mob of niggers?

Can't fight fair. Fucking pussy. Go suck trap cock on your sub-Reddit, fucktard.
