Prove me wrong

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You are wrong.
Now prove that I am wrong, I dare you.

Ain't gonna lie, former Jew supporter here. Fucking hilarious watching you defend them but seriously we can't let them get the shekel codes.

Partly true; they are intrinsically more competent but also they have a strong tribal / nepotistic / corruption aspect.

>jewish culture encourages meritocracy
The word is nepoitsm. You don't get 9/10 of your kind in one industry via meritocracy.

So right there your shitty png file has been proven wrong.

I do agree with you guys, actually. All humans have a tendency to be tribal, and it isn't rare that they get pretty fucking overzealous about it. I don't doubt that Jews hire other Jews (probably their relatives or stepsons or whatever, like most people do). I suppose they could basically take over the world. But if that happens, tough shit. Outcompete them then.

"Real nazis" are legitimate in their desire for European nations to be ruled by and for Christian Europeans - because they were in fact built by Christian Europeans for that very reason.
SJW are illegitimate in their desire for European nations to be ruled by the non whites - because they belong to whites - or by the matriarchy - because they we built by the patriarchy.
SJW is not bad, it's bad to pursue social justice in the form of white genocide, it is good in the form of European self determination - which is a God given right.

There's also the fact that the Abrahamic religions are and will always be at war with each other. I don't like religious Jews, but the Jewish community at large is much more secular than Christianity and Islam. If letting the Jews conquer the world means the eradication of Islam, that's a good deal.

>Personally, I've always found that people who hate Jews are incredibly funny.
Nobody wants to hear your "personal" take on anything when making an observation unless you want to come off as subjective. This alone is enough to completely null & void your thought because it is presented as nothing more than a biased opinion from an ideologue.

Do I really need to say more?

You say "funny" as if you are about to make a joke with a punchline, but instead you simply continue to bore the reader with more mundane observation. So, you are implying that your subjective views of other people is funny in its own right simply because you think their views are stupid when presented as a basic strawman. Wow, very intriguing. Next time you want to explain something, try actually explaining it.

Read more, speculate less. You are a pseud.

Apartheid, genocide, banishment = outcompeting, in this scenario(sure as hell is going to be effective). This is exactly how that's going to end when one foreign people hold several vital industries.
What if it also comes with the eradication of Europeans and of everything European culture ever stood up for?

True, we'll always fight over different territories, I suppose. Personally, to the extent that I'm tribalistic, I don't really identify primarily with my ethnicity. If someone shares my values and/or passions, I see them more as my tribesman than I would another white person who has a completely different perspective on life from me.

If I were to go with the ethnicity part, I still don't want Christian Europeans to conquer the world. They can have their "rightful" part of the world if they want to, just stay the fuck out of mine. As far as I'm concerned, our culture was much better before those fuckers sent us missionaries.

>jewish culture encourages hard work

joke of the day

>Personally, I've always found that poeple hate Jews are incredibly funny.

Factually incorrect. You didn't always find it funny, since you didn't always know that people hated Jews.

>that's because Jewish culture encourages hard work, meritocracy and intellect

It's because it encourages nepotism and immoral and exploitive AND parasitic business practices specifically to avoid hard work.

>nazs are more or less the same as the radical sjw left.

Objectively false. The radical sjw left is Jewish.

>non-existng threat

Soon, God willing.

>As far as I'm concerned, our culture was much better before those fuckers sent us missionaries.
How can you say that now when your country is mostly atheistic? Is this even worth mentioning? If anything, you would be better off if missionaries were sent back again.

Too late for that. FEMA CAMPS FOR THE JEWS!

Funny might not be the best word choice, I think what I was going for was "incredibly ironic".

What I'm saying is, sjw feminists and the nazis they so desperately want to punch are supposedly on opposite ends of the political spectrum, but they're both driven by the same motivation: I'm not happy with what I've got, I want more, and instead of personally putting in the effort of taking it, I'm just going to whine and call the people that have taken what they wanted evil.

>What if it also comes with the eradication of Europeans and of everything European culture ever stood up for?
Other than the religious aspect, their values seem to be reasonable and more or less in line with mine.

True, we're mostly secular and atheistic these days, and I'm happy about that. I don't think we're atheistic because we were converted to christianity though, that doesn't make much sense.

Hopefully we'll stay secular, but it's not looking too great...

except that kikes practice nepotism and always have

look at the rate of jewish students being accepted into harvard as the rate of jewish professors goes up. it's disgusting

I was barely aware that Jews existed until I went to a highly-ranked university and found out all I wanted to know and more. Also, "hate" isn't the applicable concept. It's more of an awareness of certain proclivities, the same sort of awareness you'd come to develop after contact with any other tribal group.

One of the key differences between Nazis and SJWs is that Nazis stand up for their own kind, whereas SJW stand up for other groups at the expense of their own. People are driven into right wing identity politics because the left wing identity politics are against them.

The point you are missing is that as far as we know non Europeans might well be biologically unable to truly follow European values (as in values that were conceptualized by Europeans), and especially not consistently over generations, as you may notice when you look at 2nd generation non Europeans in European nations.
To allow this to expand and breed within your nation is a danger not only to the white race, the European peoples biologically, but also to their value structures, whether Christian or not. This is the essence of white nationalism if you don't extremely concerned about genetics.
If you mean Jewish values then that's not how it works. First of all you and your offspring will be either dead or a non European in the scenario I've described, and secondly if messianic Jews take power you'd be a slave. You're a Goy animal for them, not a human being.

That's a good point. Nazism makes more sense than sjw politics. I'm dislike identity politics in general though.

Most replies in the thread bring up tribalism/nepotism/corruption, and that's probably the best argument against the Jews, to be honest.

And sure, tribalism is a shitty thing that basically means people are inherently racist. That kind of sucks. But think about what the alternative would be. How about, say, mandatory anti-racist training? Sounds familiar?

I think we should let tribalism for the same reason that we should let greed be. It's how we are, and it's evil, but forcing people away from it is even more evil. The best example is the main goal of the left. They want us to be charitable and care about everyone else. And they realize that humans are greedy and mostly not charitable, so they want to force people to be charitable by stealing a huge chunk of their income through ridiculously high taxes.

I heard a good summary of how to differentiate the left and the right. Both the left and the right care about equality and freedom, but the left is willing to force equality at the expense of freedom, and the right is willing to force freedom at the expense of equality.

tribalism is fine if you keep within your own land
infiltrating other countries and practicing tribalism there is disgusting

It has nothing to do with the state of my life, it has to do with reality. Only lefties have the narcissism to conflate being upset with the state of the world with being upset with the state of your life.

I've heard that argument before, most notably the whole Daily Stormer "Unlike the white man who feels pity and compassion when he sees a wounded human, the negro is filled with bloodlust and excitement"-thing. That's probably about as hyperbolic and strawman-esque you can get, but still, I think I'm more of a believer in nurture than I am in nature.

Pretty much all of the arabs that I knew growing up turned out to become good adults with good values, actually. Their parents were terrible people though. I think second generation (and later) immigrants have a decent chance to turn out fine as long as they spend more time with their classmates than with their parents.

>I'm not happy with what I've got, I want more, and instead of personally putting in the effort of taking it, I'm just going to whine and call the people that have taken what they wanted evil.
That is a basic understanding of the typical ideologue. You are assuming they can think for themselves. They are so similar (two sides of the same coin) because they are useful idiots, and could have just as easily been representatives of their opposing ideology.

You are also being relative. Humanism and other pragmatic ideals represented by liberals are objectively more destructive to Western society than any right-wing authoritarianism could be because of the former's rejection of absolute truth. Democracy is not a safe middle ground, either. I suggest you study epistemology.

>True, we're mostly secular and atheistic these days, and I'm happy about that.
>Hopefully we'll stay secular, but it's not looking too great
Do you realize that being secular inevitably means you are going to be occupied by zealots? Only this time, the zealots aren't Christian. They're religious bandits.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

If we're funny, why is he angry at us? Checkmate atheist Jews.

That's another great reason to despise the left. I can't recall who the quote is from originally, but it's spot on: "Most leftists don't have any compassion for the poor, they just hate the rich". And it's incredibly common to see people who have been leftists their whole lives suddenly abandon their politics once they get an above average income.

When they say "Take from the rich, give to the poor", what they're actually saying is "Take from the rich, give to me".

That's called conquering. Humanity has been doing that for quite a while. Nuclear technology kind of made the whole thing a bit awkward though. I guess people are wising up to that, using less violent tactics and going for the social/cultural ones instead. But yeah, there are plenty of things about Swedish culture that I dislike (for example that we're not defending ourselves against this ongoing conversion), but overall I definitely prefer our old culture over the new one we're being converted to.



People like Zundel and David cole and other revisionis tried, why? Because they played by the rules like gentleman, did the Jews subvert and destroy Christianity by playing far and outright? Fuck no. They subverted and done the harm under the false god of science



>blaming the jews for my personal problems

Wow, excellent strawman you nigger. The idea is that jews hate white people and want them gone. They are overrepresented in media, which can't all be due to their jew brains, there's gotta be some nepotism in there. Additionally, after they bomb brown countries and destroy entire economies, they have the fucking gall to guilt trip the average white citizen for not wanting to destroy their way of life. It's disgusting and probably the most abhorrent hypocrisy that exists today. Sure, the faggot WASPs started some of this shit before them, but there should be no delusions that jews have contributed a net-positive outcome to our society. Even when you include some of their excellent scientists.

Anyways don't the jews admit to this? Honestly, they have some good reasons for hating white people.

Maybe it's just a coincidence....

There’s nothing hyperbolic about the notion that sub Saharan Africans may have serious issues with abstract concepts, for example, or that the extensive Arab inbreeding may pose a huge challenge to integration - especially when you consider the taboo around the subject(s). It is not hyperbolic to consider the fact that tribalism can very easily be exploited in order to divide a nation completely (see 2nd gen isis recruitment) and that even if it does not being a stranger in your host nation is psychologically damaging enough to pose a threat. There is also nothing weird about the notion that Europeans are the best at what Europeans have defined as sympathy - seems like a natural turn of events. And the fact that multiracial communities are less safe, less wholesome, with less trusting citizenry, who make less friendships - well those are just facts. So you implying that I'm as hyperbolic as the comedy crew of white nationalism is not very fair.
Your friends at school are not exactly a great argument.

>for example that we're not defending ourselves against this ongoing conversion
Why do you think? How is that secular paradise working out for you by the way.

Horseshoefags need to be targeted on the day of rope.

There are only so many ways to do something in the world it's bound for different groups to act alike, but what's more important than their actions is there goals. Some Jews actually do make life miserable for whites, as an example if employment equity didn't exist and it went back to meritocracy a lot more white males would be employed.

Because the nazis are right and the SJWs are wrong.

Dude. As soon as i read this this song started playing.

First sentence made sense, but after that you lose me

>jews have a "culture" that makes them better than white people

>niggers have a "culture" that makes them worse

you've got to be really fucking stupid to believe it isnt in their genes

You're a jew.

>Jewish culture encourages meritocracy

Since fucking when? They're the most nepotistic bunch of people there ever was.

Prove what wrong? the jewish meme that muh nazis always have shitty lives?
>has a great life
>have enough money
>own my own farm and 40 acres
>no debt.

I avoid society because its not hard for anyone with a brain and a little bit of distance to see how corrupt and disgusting it has become.
An intelligent man would try and look for the source of these ideas that are so degenerative.
Finds mostly media and multinational corporations.
Looks at who owns and runs them.
Mostly jews.
Notice jews all over the place.
Notice that every time media-accepted hate-speech is presented, its a kike doing it and its always anti-white.

I prefer my own company than hanging with tv-parrots who hold 0 personal thoughts.

>jewish culture encourages hard work
because of this im pretty sure you are baiting but regardless; thats the biggest load of crap ive ever seen and everyone knows it.
the jew only promote 1 type of "hard work"; how to steal money from (mostly) goyim with least amount of effort and trying to corner the goy so he feels miserable.

being near jews is disgusting. even my friend who proudly proclaim he is 1/16th kike is so much of a kike i cant stand being near him anymore.

So no; people who hate jews usually do it because of their covert actions that always hurt the host-Nation and its people, not because of the fake reasons always presented by the kikes and the media; thats just how they route your brain and tell you that anti-semitism = stupid ignorant people hating on the victims of the world instead of the obvious answer straight in front of you.

>memeflag faggot
>yeah i dont like this type of baby-dick-cutter so its for the best this group of baby-dick cutters + suckers take over the world, dont you agree goy i mean guys??
kill yourself disgusting traitor

I don't think I'm able to entertain the possibility that Africans biologically can't understand sympathy, and another examle Daily Stormer had was that they can't understand time, and that also just seems incredibly bizarre.

I do believe that black people on average are less intelligent than white people though. It wouldn't make sense if they weren't, because in all other aspects (length, physical strength, hair color etc.), different ethnicities are different. I think saying that blacks and whites have the same average IQ is just as reasonable as saying that blacks and asians have the same average height. That's probably why Africa is still as primitive as it is (because it isn't because the white man fucked them over, as the left likes to think. They were not kangz).

But then there's the comparison of black IQ in Africa and black IQ in America. It's huge. So I do believe that nurture plays a big role. And I don't think we should construct society so that only genetically superior people breed. Firstly, that's way too authoritarian for my tastes. Secondly, genetic modification technology is going to make such breeding obsolete soon anyway.

So why is it not reasonable to say that they are bad at grasping concepts, if evidence suggests that? Seems like feels to me. Like you don't like it because it is more dehumanizing when compared to low IQ, and more alien. You can't pick and choose - if you recognize that races are different you recognize that they may in fact be profoundly different and beyond reconciliation or mutual understanding.
And did you consider the fact that a lot of African Americans are in fact bleached and are not full sub saharan Africans? And when you look at the charts, do you see blacks becoming as capable and as successful as whites? Because I doubt it very much.
In any case it is not the responsibility of whites to civilize foreign people. That's authoritarianism - forcing an entire people to sacrifice the future of their children for the children of their tribal enemies, of absolute foreigners.


Because we have no solidarity whatsoever. Literally all of the "Typical Swede" stereotypes that we ourselves talk about are negative things. The typical Swede doesn't care about helping strangers in trouble. The typical Swede hates his job and his boss. The typical Swede is too afraid of conflict that discussing your income or your political opinion is all but banned here. It's not illegal, but no one over 30 does it.

And I'm honestly guilty of lacking solidarity too. I couldn't care less about the average Swede. I care about people who share my perspective on morals and politics, and/or share my hobbies and passions.

Sure, that's part of it. And that's honestly a great argument against white supremacy. If you despise blacks because they're inferior, then by that same logic you should consider Jews superior.

Personally, I think that Asians, Jews and Whites are the three ethnicities that share the top, at least when it comes to IQ. We whites may even be third place. I don't really care. It's just an average. I identify more with Neil deGrasse Tyson than I do with Hillary Clinton. She's white like me, sure, but she's dumb as a rock.

I understand why you hate society in general and the corporate aspect of it especially. Yes, there's a lot of ass-kissing, social games, nepotism, corruption, all that. And yes, they do abuse their customers. Capitalism gives people what they want, but that is not necessarily what they need.

>Be jewish
>Get kicked out of every nation
>Eventually end up in America
>America is great and you can do what you want if you have the abilities to succeed
>We actually try to be inclusive and not discriminate
>While ugly as fuck they are intellectually on par with whites
>One breaks through
>Only continue to hire other Jews, engaging is excessive nepotism
>After decades of infiltration finally consolidate power
>This is only done because whites are benevolent people who give everyone the benefit of the doubt
>Use this benevolence against them to eventually genocide them through demographic warfare

The difference is that kikes are naturally evil, corrupt, valueless. And they are the minority. America is a country founded by whites, for whites and has been tainted by decades of Jewish backstabbing bullshit. American politics should rightfully prioritize the security of the white race.

And as I stated before, Whites and Kikes share similar levels of IQ. There is real oppression on apart of the kikes because it is deliberate, and we allow it (for now). There is no real oppression of niggers/spics because there is a real, measurable difference in IQ/testosterone between minorities and Whites/Jews, which will no doubt limit the success of said minorities on average. Tribalism is inherent in all groups. Only Jews take it to the extreme because they suffer from an insecurity problem.

The left would probably say "Fucking corporate pigs brainwash people to get them hooked so that they'll keep eating their burgers, drinking their soda, smoking their cigarettes, watching their TV-shows, and that makes people first become depressed and then die". And I would agree. I've been that lazy, unhappy, addicted fuck. But I'm not anymore, and I got out of that with my own two hands. Now that I know how both sides of the fence look, I despise the people who are where I used to be and keep blaming everyone and everything else. If they're so unhappy with their situation, they should do something about it.


>, then by that same logic you should consider Jews superior.

No it doesnt you fucking retard.

Intelligence isnt the only way a race could get ahead. And its very obvious jews have a genetic inclination towards helping only their own kind and screwing over everyone else

I have a little bit of jewish ancestry but people like you and leftist kikes all need to fucking hang for being so fucking malicious and hateful towards whites

Fuck you you dumbass cuckold europoor faggot ass swedish piece of trash

Aren't you supposed to be deported by these standards? You do have Jewish blood after all.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but based on my (admittedly not intimate) understanding of how IQ works, it seems unlikely that someone with a triple digit IQ would be unable to understand things like empathy or time.

But even if blacks are considerably inferior genetically when it comes to intelligence, I prefer looking at it at an individual basis. Even if we were going to breed intellectually superior people only, an exceptionally intelligent black person would still have better genes than some white trash hick.

I agree though, it's not our responsibility to do that, and anything resembling things like affirmative action is way more authoritarian than we should accept. The government and the legal system shouldn't care about race whatsoever, neither helping nor hindering people based on race.

As for how much of it is cultural, I don't think the failure of blacks as a whole in America is purely genetic, but sure, it plays its part. I think the largest factor is that their ghettos are all left-wing, victim mentality learned helplessness fuck the police fuck the white man echo chambers. The few who take their lives into their own hands often do manage to get out of there and into the real world.

No it's because of nepotism and hiding behind MUH 6 GORIILIAN anytime anything negative about them comes up. They are purely nation destorying parasites, through and through, why they've been cast out of more countries than any other group since time immemorial. Anyone claiming otherwise is a history denying niggerlover.

I dont give a fuck, id rather die than continue watching the first world slowly turn to shit

and if you deported everyone with as little jewish ancestry as me youd lost like 10% of your whites too probably anyway, youd never fucking know by looking at me, i look more european than modern europeans

im more of a nazi than most of you stupid fucking pussy ass faggots, all i do is lift weights and think about killing commies

I wouldn't care or even notice the disproportion of Jews in higher levels of position if they didn't use that power for anti white goals

>I don't think the failure of blacks as a whole in America is purely genetic

nothing is purely genetic you fucking retard environment has an influence on everyone, no fucking shit

but genetics makes up the biggest difference, and results them even being raised in a worse environment, in poverty, under abusive parents, on shitty food, etc


But you cannot look solely on individuals when you are managing a nation. You need to statistically know what kind of people are benificial to your nation so you could let them in. Evidence shows that breaking hegemony will always hurt a society in almost every aspect - one could argue that this is a crime against the citizenry(this includes ignored race all together). It's not about breeding superior individuals only, it's not eugenics for improvement, it's eugenics for preservation. So the European people and what they stand for will not be wiped out.
And regarding leftwing policies, go look up who's voting for small govt consistently among the races and tell me it's culture

I see what you're saying, but the thing is, everyone has those inclinations. Literally everyone. Tribalism is one of the oldest and most prominent mentalities of humanity. You aren't going to get rid of it by keeping the white race pure and getting rid of the jewish one.

Why do you think I hate whites? I am white. I just don't give anyone preferential treatment for being white if they're otherwise a shitty person. Caring about the white race is similar to wanting affirmative action for hispanics or joining black lives matter in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, you can be prejudiced against races. In fact, you probably should. For example, if someone says "You're going to meet an asian guy tomorrow", I'm going to assume that he's probably pretty short and has a pretty small cock. If he shows up with a 7 inch cock and is 6 feet tall, I'll change my mind about him. There's a difference between thinking "All Asians are at or below 5 feet" and thinking "Most asians are short".

Similarly, I assume that black people in general are less intelligent than white people. But when I meet a black person, I'm going to listen and see how he speaks and behaves. If he seems like a really smart dude, I'll think he's a really smart dude, regardless of his ethnicity.

Yeah I think you'll be glad to know that you're in the situation of a huge portion of Israelis that you probably hate so much. Also, you're not a nazi till you grew up in Jerusalem I tell you what

Just because you treat people on an individual basis, which you should, doesn't mean there isn't a measured standard/average.

And to add to my point here: kikes (minority group) have no - none - nada- zilch - right to govern whites (the majority). And they sure as fuck have no right to dilute the white population deliberately after subverting the country. A minority group has couped the gov with the help of international finance (which isn't a new thing, they've always had wealthy kikes sponsoring coups in countries around the world because of a select few families) and has made a genocide of the majority part of the agenda.

Yes it's up to whites to combat this by educating ourselves and we do; this board is proof of that. But the truth is the media does (or did) hold a lot of power and things were great for a while so nobody was personally affected. Now things are going to shit and naming the jew is becoming mainstream because once again those parasites have bit off more than they can chew.

>jewish culture encourages hard work, meritocracy and intellect.

Funny that "jewish culture" is a thing, yet if you mention black or white culture you're considered a racist.

You 56% are a fucking embarrassment. Sucking jewish cock is your national sport.

Blaming jews for everything is a meme you dip

>"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

>Caring about the white race is similar to wanting affirmative action for hispanics or joining black lives matter in my opinion.
It's not and this is the dumbest things I've ever heard. The former is natural. White lands for white people. The latter is unnatural, affirmative action (prioritizing) for non-whites in white lands.

Seriously I can't tell if you are swedeposting as a joke or if swedes are really this lost. That was a really dumb thing to say. By the way, can you name any non-white countries that have affirmative action to help whites succeed in non-white countries?

>you goyz r so silly! jewz are good, hard and honest workers! look elsewhere for the cause of societal rot, my silly young friends!

I've never seen a bunch of words want to wring it's hands together in duper's delight more than that block of text.

Immigration could be handled on an individual level too. For example, don't let in people who believe in Islam, regardless of ethnicity. Let in secular Arabs. Seems more precise and better than letting in all or none of the Arabic immigrants.

But honestly, this is probably where I'll lose you completely, if I haven't already. Because I have my opinions and values for a reason. I'm a bit extreme on the individual part of the community vs individual thing, I guess. When you care about your nation and your nationality, I care about my social circle. If my acquaintance or my cousin dropped $50, I'd pick it up and give it back to him immediately. If a random Swedish citizen walking by me on the street dropped $50, I'd pick it up and keep it, because he doesn't exist on my empathetic radar. I don't know who he is, I don't plan to find out, and I'll probably never meet him again. A country contains millions of people. We don't have the mental capacity to care for that many, not even close. Black people may have a smaller capacity for empathy than white people. But I'm convinced that all humans have a certain limit for how many people they can care about, and that limit is still attuned to tribal life (as in actual tiny tribes running around with spears). Evolution is slow, and large-scale altruism is probably purely a socially created thing.

Nothing to prove wrong, just a reasonable statement in a pool of inbred degenerates who try to find something they can feel superior to.

Not sure what you mean by 56% but I assume you mean Hillary-voters. In that case I can happily inform you that I did not vote in the American election since I'm a Swede, and my biggest political gripe is that I can't even vote right-wing, because all we have are openly leftist parties and closet leftist parties pretending to be right-wing.

Alright, good point, caring about people with your ethnicity is more natural than caring about people with a different ethnicity. But the thing is, just being white isn't enough for me to care about someone, I'm a bit pickier than that. I don't give a fuck about most people in general, and that includes most white people.

>everyone has those inclinations. Literally everyone.

Are you fucking stupid?

Clearly white people dont because we just cant get enough of throwing our own race under the bus.

>Caring about the white race is similar to wanting affirmative action for hispanics or joining black lives matter in my opinion.

If you're a fucking retard who thinks race is only skin deep

Dude, what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

You sit here and admit non whites are genetically intellectually inferior, and then you bloviate about how "wrong" it would be to treat them like what there are

You're fucking retarded. If you treat dumb people the same as whites, they will use our social programs to out breed us in our own fucking countries and destroy everything our ancestors built

Why the fuck are you unable to think critically about the consequences of treating subhumans as humans?

Why the fuck are you unable to recognize what is happening in society, that non whites are breeding us out of existence, why the fuck do you ignore this and just say "lol yeah well we may be getting replaced by a bunch of savages who will destroy civilization but at least im not going to treat anyone with prejudice because that would make me like the SJWs"

How fucking stupid are you niggers, the SJWs are being racist so we cant be racist because that makes me a literal SJW?

Suck my fucking dick you stupid piece of fucking kike trash

>durr non whites ARE stupid but i dont give a fuck about white people

you are such a dickless fucking cuckold retard

Israel shouldn't have a problem taking them in as refugees then.

White people can certainly act like niggers. It's rare, but it happens. But that's not justification to import more niggers from the third world. Now you just have more niggers. The idea is to try and limit the amount of niggers of all colors and creams in society. Homegrown niggers are hard to counter. Basic border security and vetting programs can take care of the latter.

Not to mention whites are a minority in this world yet we have the best countries by far.

I'm pretty sure the white people throwing white people under the bus are just mad leftists who are throwing a fit because they don't understand why they aren't getting the benefits that people with "white privilege" do. Same thing with feminism, they're trying to ruin femininity because they're usually fat, bitter and sexless.

Like I said, assuming things about races on a general level is fine and logical. Assuming anything about an individual is less so, it's a lot easier to just look at that individual if you actually want your opinion of him to be accurate at all.

As for how we should treat people on a structural level, yes, then generalizing is the right way to do things. But treating ethnic groups differently on a structural level (whether that is affirmative action and priority in college queues, or slavery and sitting in the back of the bus) is just not something we should do. It takes a lot of government control to enforce all that shit, and I think that government control is a necessary evil that should be as small as possible. Make sure people don't starve to death, then get the fuck out of our lives, basically.

I actually absolutely agree with your sentiment. The difference is that I view the ethnic prosperity of my community as a (sometimes the most) vital aspect of taking care of your own. If I want my kids and my neighbors kids to be safe and happy, were going to agree for example that we should not allow blacks in our community. Is this illegitimate?
Also, we do have nation despite the fact that community matters more, and we have them in order to protect and cherish each community within them, and caring for their ethnic interests is simply a part of the job.

I've never in my life heard anyone blame the Jews for their personal life being shit. They blame the Jews for fucking up society, culture and politics.

If Jews control the media and the media spreads lies, propaganda, degeneracy, filth, etc...
Who's fault is that?
Mine? I'm supposed to take responsibility somehow. I see.
Jews control Education and spread brainwashing marxism and anti White sentiment. Who's fault is that?

JEWS FAULT. I don't blame them that they control these things. I don't even care. Good on them. ITS WHAT THEY DO WITH IT THAT MATTERS. And there will be a reckoning.

>Alright, good point, caring about people with your ethnicity is more natural than caring about people with a different ethnicity.
And that wasn't even my point. You're forgetting or ignoring that I'm talking about within the confines of your own country.

Whites in Europe/America advancing white interests
Latinos in Latin America advancing latino interests
Blacks in Africa advancing nigger interests
Asia for Asians advancing Asian interests
Middle East of Mudslimes advancing ME interests
Jews getting shoveled into the oven for covertly subverting aforementioned regions and advancing jewish interests at the expense of the host people

Basically we need ethnic groups with their own people in their own countries.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I am not a fan of the way our country is handling immigration. I didn't hold it in high regard in the first place since I, as we've established, don't really care about my nation or my nationality. But importing half of the middle east is making it much, much worse.

I'm probably a fan of nationalism at least as a temporary flood gate to fix all this shit that's going on. It was already hard finding a job or an apartment here before we imported a bunch of arabs, we need less people for now, not more.

In theory however, I do like the EU and I don't really mind the idea of globalism. As in, we should have the same rules for everyone regardless of what part of the earth they happen to live on. But I'm also pretty fucking suspicious of the people pushing it right now, just like Sup Forums in general is. Globalism with a bare minimum government would be good. Globalism with a powerful government would be a nightmare scenario.

>look at rich people, it's da juden the kikes stole everything
>look at us glorious huwites never stole anything it was hard work and stupid natives who couldn't defend themselves (lives on a fucking frozen peninsula would've been eradicated if anywhere near the mongol hordes)

>secret Jewish supremacist society

OK Mr. Shekelberg.

>hillary voters
no, lurk more

some jews make for unfaithful middlemen
some don't
this one obviously failed

>. Assuming anything about an individual is less so

Dude there are dolphins that are smarter than niggers

Gonna give dolphins human rights?

You are stupid as fuck

>I don't really mind the idea of globalism.

What the fuck dont you understand about how low IQ populations will breed like fucking rats under your welfare programs and make you go extinct in your own countries?

They will slaughter your children in the streets, if not you

Still ignoring the fact that kikes control all against us? What are you doing here then?


nigger's king is off the board

Like I said, barebones government globalism. Socialist globalism would be the biggest disaster the modern world has ever seen. We're talking Soviet Russia, except it's the entire world.

He doesn't need it when he's wus kangz himself duh

I assume you're a Jew, considering you're posting from Israel.
While I'm obviously not a fan of Jews, I have a grudging respect for their ability to get what they want and for their tribalistic nature. Of course, I don't like having them in western society, nor do I like what they're doing to our culture, because their goals and ideals are clearly not in line with those of white gentiles. Still, I understand the motiation behind it, given their history of persecution, and multiculturalism gives them a meat shield full of violent brown people that whites can direct their anger towards.

That being said, I think Israel is a good solution. I don't give a fuck what you do to the Palestinians, and a Jew living in Israel is a Jew not living in western society. My ideal solution would be for Jews to return to Israel and turn it into a Jewish ethnostate. I can accept and respect a nationalistic Israeli Jew, because we have the same overall goal: we want to preserve our own people, culture and nation.

While I'm loath to trust a Jew, I hope nationalistic Jews will at least try to see eye to eye with European nationalists, and that we can somehow work together towards a common goal: ethnostates for our respective people. Nethanyahu calling out Soros is a step in the right direction.

You're objectively wrong about second and third generation Arab immigrants. They have much higher levels of crime than first generation immigrants, and they're far more likely to become Islamic extremists. In fact, Denmark released a report a while back, that proved this statistically, and Norway's SSB is in the process of finishing their own report, which will be released before Christmas. British studies have shown the exact same pattern.

Globalism can only come to one logical conclusion. Your country is quite literally the experimental grounds for implementing it. You need to fragment power between the nations because corruption is inherent in centralized power. Looking at every big government state that's ever existed proves this.Take for example the US. We have the federal government but we also value states rights. The reason the democrats were trying to usurp the constitution and expand the federal government was to consolidate power and override states rights, giving them absolute rule eventually, and they tried to do this with open borders. Every shitskin and their twelve ninos will vote for the government providing the gibs and continually appeasing them. More kids = more money = more Dem voters = big brother gov.

It's literally impossible to have a 'small globalist gov'. You shouldn't advocate for one ever, big or small. From the tone of you post it sounds like you are figuring things out. I wouldn't say your backtracking, but a lot of the logic others have provided has clicked with you. You're swedish so there is a lot of deprogramming to do for you no doubt.

>Not caring about your nation or nationality
Politicized education will do that to you.

Yea, i'll prove you wrong but not now and not here.

I wasn't aware that the stats were that horrible. But I'm not surprised either. Again, on an individual level, keeping the ones who aren't misbehaving would be fine. But I'd love to get rid of the fundamentalists and rapists, regardless of whether they're first, second or eighth generation.

Treating it on an individual level probably wouldn't be effective enough though, I'm afraid. And doing it through the government and our laws would be authoritarian. I guess it's up to Swedish society to make a stand together and just ostracize anyone and everyone who takes Islam seriously. We're not exactly an easy bunch to convince to do anything though, especially not something that takes courage. The future isn't looking too bright.

>hard work
that's a funny way of saying nepotism

I do not view myself as a jew nor am I viewed as a jew by other Jews, but by your standards I suppose that I am. I absolutely agree that Israel is a fine solution to the JQ, and it is also very healthy for the Jewish people to be non nomadic again - I indeed think or at least dearly hope that there will be a cooperation between European ethno statists and Israel. I am personally not a nationalistic jew because I am not a Jew, but I am a nationalistic Israeli. Still this is not really my homeland so idk if my perspective is valid.

oh right so millions of white people need to starve because you know shitskins arent human so we need to treat all of our fellow human kind with absolutely no empathy

another autistic ancap, libertarian who is a complete dickless cuckold trying to throw his own race under the bus because he's afraid to be racist

kill yourself