Why are so many Jews in the US ? Where did they all come from ?

Why are so many Jews in the US ? Where did they all come from ?


Rats breed like rats

white people convert yearly. same with europe. most jews are not semites. what happens is some one decides its time to read the bible . maybe some one said something they dont think is in the bible maybe they just gad some free time what ever

when you get to the end of the old testament assuming you can make it that far its clear there is no room for the new testament. it ends in such a clear way that the entire new testament is bullshit. jews do nothing but break the rules from day 1. dont eat this "food" from this 1 tree do what ever else you want but dont do that bam day 2 niggers are eating it. and no your not all descended from adam and eve thats a distortion of the bible only semites are. fast forward many generations after god had said none are to be worshiped but himself and niggers are making a golden calf . fast forward even more generations and they demand a man king to lead them and god is sick and tired of these niggers it looks like god had cursed them to be incapable of governing themselves. then they finally corner god after many had proven themselves to be evil fucks and ask when they get a messiah. god says something thats a equivalent to when pigs fly (some cryptic shit about a 4 legged animal leaping over the moon) and declares a end to the age of miracles and wanders off. its so clear they were suppose to follow god and not expect a human who would abuse their position of authority to be a just ruler but they would reject god who they had seen and walked with so jesus is the worst false profit in history having lead many astray with his faggotry about peace and love like some god damn hippie

they were comped to us

>Where did they all come from ?

Many are Russian and Polish Jews. The worst kind.


America is a Country of immigrants -- Jewish immigration is divided into three times periods: >Sephardic Jews:
Arrived New Amsterdam in mid-1600s.
>German Jews
Came to America in significant numbers in the 1840s from Germany.
>European Jews:
Arrived because of overpopulation

How many People have German Backgrounds in the US ? Like can they speak German ?

>(((America is a Country of immigrants)))


...of white European immigrants.

The depths of hell.

they are sick of germany so they need to invade something else

Will typical Jew deception: with the Federal Reserve established a decade before, a debt leveraging lobby the immigration law was changed Early 20th century, creating a flood of Jews in the US. Many more were expelled from Germany by Hitler and they came to NYC.

The us has been one of the few non-hostile countries to Jews going back centuries

There are people that thing Jefferson was Jewish. There is an estimated 40 million people in the us that are”jewish” by blood but either don’t know or choose to forsake their Jewish religion/identity

The whole point of birthright trips is to try to reinvigorate a Jewish pride in the USA and it’s working a lot.

The only problem with Jews is that they are Jews first and foremost and that leads to chovanism and suspicion by the broader community

It’s why Jews get targeted over and over, because they openly support themselves at the expense of others and live tribally within whatever nation they inhabit.


Western European expulsion in the 1490’s.

The Jews that came over to the new world were Slave masters.


They come from another planet and rule us all.

They are Xenu.


imported from Europe after WW2
