So I'm thinking about moving to London. It always looked so Comfy in the TV Show Mr.Bean

So I'm thinking about moving to London. It always looked so Comfy in the TV Show Mr.Bean

My question to all the Londoner's: Does it still look like 1990 or did it change a lot ?

thanks for helping bruv

>putting salt on the wound

come on now, if you actually FINISHED your fucking job back then, we wouldn't be having this.

It look like Germany, you will feel like at home.

London is a shithole even if you're rich enough not to live around pakis. Stay away. It's worse than it was 5 years ago.

London is the epicentre of evil, do not go there

Its basically the same but instead of Mr Bean riding a mini its a muslim riding a truck through a crowd of people

The Mr Bean episodes if done now would be him looking bewildered and mumbling as he was raped to death by Muslims. Sometimes you might see a shoe fly off or something.

Oh it changed alright, most of mr bean’s london was relatively safe and affordable

The owner of the reliant converted to islam and beat Mr Bean to death for offensively eating bacon in front of him.



I was there 16yrs ago and even back then it was sketchy

Don't go little Bernd

In his neverending quest to destroy the Aryan the eternal Anglo has started destroying himself

london sucks. but smaller towns and villages are wonerful

why would you wanna live among an*los hans? they're your racial enemies

just seeing that magnificent (((bastard))) makes me miss everything

Please Blitz us again bomber Heinrich



Is it true that Brits don't actually like Mr. Bean?

I assume this is sarcasm.

If you want to see comfy go to somewhere like York, Harrogate or Whitby.

>Islamic terrorist attack with a Robin reliant



Liked it when I was about 9 years old, it's cringey as fuck


I guess I just like brainlet humor I don't have to think about sometimes.

I love Mr Bean, movies where shit though.

I'd Prop move someplace outside London in the countryside like Cornwall or Bristol, thought the'll prop still hate you coz of EU and brexit shit.

Is Mr Bean actually popular in America?

Underrated, kek


My children like it. It's for simpletons.
That said, I'd rather live in a world of Mr. Beans, than in modern day London.

It would crumple up once it hit one of the fat slags walking out the chip-shop with a kebab.

This is accurate. It's why I'm ashamed of my capital city.

First movie was shit, but I liked the second one, seemed to be more fitting.
It's well known, at least. It's what Atkinson is most known for here. I like Blackadder too though.

You need to remove that stick up your arse

Wew. I'd rather watch Seinfeld tbqh

Lmao its a fucking shit hole m8 like proper fucking 3rd World

Oh yes it still looks the same except it is literally filled with niggers and muslims.
It's a not a meme the cunts are everywhere.


Seinfeld is my favorite show, but I usually like Atkinson's stuff too.

Thats Camden Town
I grew up around there. It used to be a great place
now its fucked

If you want to move to the UK, avoid the South East of England.

If you want to move to London now, you better hope you're earning £60k a year, minimum, so you can afford to just about live in the Middle Class/White areas.

Even then, London is pretty sketchy. I lived in London for 23 years. Now I live elsewhere in the UK, never been happier

just move to Bournemouth

>Middle Class/White areas
Where are the Middle Class/White areas ?

>go to London
>detest the brown people but the white peoples are the most interesting and friendly people
It’s nicer than my home town for sure. 70% of towns in the UK are shitholes filled with human waste, the other 30 is occupied by snooty middle class wankers and then the few good places up north where people are friendly

> Moving from one Islamic stronghold to another

Yeah. Most of my friends have moved to Sussex, Brighton or gloucester. They are all Londoners

>has a terrorist attack every week


In all fairness, some of the areas that were sketchy back then have become more gentrified/safer. But the city is definitely a shithole and going downhill fast.

>So I'm thinking about moving to London

>don’t like living in expensive London
>all move to the same places near London making them cost the same to live as London but now locals can’t afford the housing
What did they mean by this?

You can tell by the quality of the buildings. but trust me, the property prices do not justify it. Just pick another smaller town/city in the UK and youll be closer to 90s london. All the major cities are brown towns now.


That's it.

We can't talk. We're full of chinks and poos.

Ive only one relative left in London
He used to live in Shepherds Bush but now hes in Essex inniiit !. London was a great place back in 80's / 90's fucking loved it. started to go downhill when the Somalis arrived after that Blackhawk down war. now its fucked

very comfy 4u as a muslim
why do you muzzies always leave your native lands for a better life?


Where do most of the Celebrities live in London ? Like Lewis Hamilton

It’s a house you yuppie tosser

Fuck off Mohammed. We're full


I lived a year in London after High School.All I can say is some parts of the city are strictly non white.

This is not a meme it is actually true.I lived near Brixton,where most blacks/jamaicans live,and there have been times where I was the only white person in a bus of like 20.

Some parts of the City are just like little Baghdad/Mogadischu you will not see any white europeans it really is that insane.

You probably can find places that aren't this (((progressiv))) but I think you have to pay a lot for it.

The rent in London is truly disgusting,you basically have to share a flat,even in zones that aren't that near to the center.

If you have a very good salary you probably can live better,with more space and less shit skins.

holy shit why do germans love mr bean so much

I don't think Mr Bean was filmed in London. In any event, unless you're a t*rk, you'll find nothing of value in London. It's a pit that should probably be nuked.

I spent two days in North West London a cou[ple of months back, and seen 4 white people for the entire two days.

london is more like an economic free trade zone than a capital city, Nice place to earn money and the parliament/london eye/ museums area is pleasant but step foot otuside it and you're back into a shithole.

>Is it true that Brits don't actually like Mr. Bean?

The Nigels seem to like it, no other cunt does tho.

Because he is autistic as fuck, just like we are

What does that mean? Translate into less English pls.

Delete this

its like entering the 3rd world
do not move to any major city in any 1st world country
Find a nice white town

London is brown. We've given our capital city away to the 3rd world shitshow. It's an utter disgrace, I live in London and I wonder what a time traveler from the 1950s would make of it now, they wouldn't believe it was the same city.

Might as well move to Afghanistan mate

>If you have a very good salary you probably can live better,with more space and less shit skins.
those areas are fairly well segregated and the police move on any muslims quickly, theres no reason to be hanging about on the street as they can't afford to live there and nothing is open at night.

There are still white areas. If you can pay 1200 for a studio instead of 900, or 800 for a room instead of 600 you can live in hampstead or Belsize park. A little less brings you to Chiswick, a fairly white area in west london. Otherwise upminister is the whitest area, but its too far away in my opinion.

When I lived in London, I could literally walk from my flat in central London, to the local high street, into a shop, buy something, walk back to my flat and the only English I would hear was the shopkeeper saying "thank you" (with an Indian accent mind you) when I bought something.

It really is too late for Britain, isn't it? There's no way back from such a cucking. How could they possible ever come back from it?

why would anyone move to a city if they didnt have to
is this some mental illness people have were they enjoy being surrounded by overcrowding/noise/traffic/run down buildings/diversity

Notting hill, Kensington, Chelsea, the west end, Hampstead, Primrose hill. Some others as well..

oh look it's the butthurt romanian gypo with folders and folders of british tabloid headlines

please kill yourself

oh yeah and high cost of living

Upminster is a suburban hellhole. I hate the suburbs they are fucking weird.

Kensington & Chelsea. If you can afford to live there London is still a pretty good city.

There is culture and things to do. On a weekend I can enjoy free food, free exhibitions and a host of quirky events that you will never see in the rest of the shithole uk. If you tastes outside the banal of fucking video games and Netflix and perhaps the pub - your brain will wither and die in all the crap towns in the uk

I mean fucking hell there weren’t even fucking clubs for adults for simple interests in any other place I’d lived. Not a painters club, a book club, just fucking nothing. I wanted to kill myself every day - there was nothing to do but drive around

I've lived here for four years, and in that time I have gone from being an anti-BNP leftie to a pro-Hiter, statistic-orientated racist.

Do NOT move here unless you have the money to live in one of the more expensive areas (South Kensington, Fulham, Hampstead etc).

I have lived in Clapham, Elephant and Castle, Bermondsey and I'm now living near Old Kent Road, and this city is lost to the niggers and other non-whites. None of my 7 landlords have been white. I have lived with Mongolians, a Bolivian, an Italian, a Pole, several Turks, a French-Algerian, an American, a French, a German (pro-refugee blonde actress slut who slept with the landlord to avoid rent), an Indian and now three Koreans.

If I walk outside my flat right now I will see 10 niggers and arabs for every one white person (either very old or subhuman white trash) I see. The girl I fell in love with two years ago, the most beautiful English Rose you could ever imagine, is now engaged to a rich Jewish investment manager from a wealthy family.

Avoid London if you can. I am only still here because I have no family and there are no jobs in my hometown.

& yet we laughed all the same




kingston twickenham richmond wimbledon

It's alot browner now


I am 38, two uni degrees, I earn 23k in London. Absolutely hate my life :/

We can't. I pray we get nuked

>muh culture
i hate when this is used a vague buzzword
99% of things people like to do, you can do in a town

citys have things you you would very rarely do, like museums

> Not a painters club, a book club, just fucking nothing. I wanted to kill myself every day
i think city people need other people much more than the average person

whites moved out to surrounding areas and black/ shitskin remained the last 10/15 years... A bit like detroit.

Is Leeds ok? I was thinking on moving there. Seems affordable on salary of 25k per year

Degrees in what? And what job?

Just curious is all. I earned £20k in my first full-time job in London and I was lucky to get it.


Most live out in Oxshott, Richmond and generally on the south-west Waterloo train line.

I earned that much in london 6 years ago at a customer service helpdesk.

The fuck?