Is evolution real, Sup Forums?


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God created us all but niggers are sub-humans.

Animals using tools creep the fuck out of me.
But yes, evolution is real. At this point only "all one in God, evolution is racist" american protestants denny it.


He created them to serve a different purpose than ours, no need to look down on them.

Where did our monkey tails go? If they fell off then where's all the monkey tail fossils?



micro yes, macro no

the even bigger lie you'd have to believe is what happened during big bang. you came from hydrogen gas.

thanks, time to freakout the kids.

If evolution is real, then why are there still niggers?

>gorillas have tails

Yes, the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria proves this.

It makes sense.



Why do you think macro-evolution isn't real?
What is your explanation for the origin of species?


Of course, what else?

That Somali looks unusually intelligent.

No it's not. Here's a great book looking at the science and history of the theory.

not for you,we evolved and started using toilets,pajeets in the other hand POO

Crows are fucking bros


you already know the correct answer in your heart - God

top kek

Nope. ADAPTATION is real. Evolution is bullshit.

Most people don't think about it, but crows are actually about the smartest birds in existence.
They are extremely inquisitive, and experiment with their world to understand the relationship between cause and effect. Basically, crows are smarter than most liberals.

the angels at the background could not stand such faggotry that they closed their eyes

wrong thread facepalm

Not you tho

That's there no god?


Proving once again, you republicans are dumbfucks


>They are extremely inquisitive, and experiment with their world to understand the relationship between cause and effect. Basically, crows are smarter than most liberals.

Niggers can also unlock locks. they do it all the time because they steal.

I got niggers in my neighborhood that wouldn't pass that test

>implying there is a better choice

I would like to believe evolution is real. It makes sense. Its a good theory.

Here is the problem. It seems even more unlikely than the existence of god. How did a bunch of atoms spontaneously begin the process of life which lasted for billions of years and eventually spawned creatures as complex as you and I? Isn't it unbelieveably unlikely that this would happen?

The only way I can explain this is that it is a natural, fundamental property of atoms that they should form together and begin processes that result in life.

If that is the case, there are still so many questions. From whence do atoms come? From whence does anything come? Why does consciousness exist seemingly only for humans? Why is it a property of existence to create things that are capable of comprehending existence?

>i'm free to choose between neocons and neolibs
I wish one day we too can achive this kind of freedom.

I only know involution, men being niggered, music being niggered, art being niggered, culture being niggered...

>How did a bunch of atoms spontaneously begin the process of life which lasted for billions of years and eventually spawned creatures as complex as you and I? Isn't it unbelieveably unlikely that this would happen?
Evolution =/= abiogenesis
Evolution explains how life changes over time, not how it came to be. You might as well claim that gravity is bullshit since it doesn't explain how the universe started.

Evolution is real and simple as shit.

Things change slightly over time. If the tiny change is beneficial the tiny change becomes a big change over hundreds of iterations. Eventually they become unrecognizeable to what they were when you last checked.

If there is no pressure to change they dont change, like crocodiles.

Adaptation is you fucking mong

Evolution isnt about the origins of life, it's about propogation and survival in changing environmebta. The first life could have come from god taking a steaming dump on earth wouldnt change evolution.

But the process of life coming to be is part of the process of life changing over time. Evolution doesn't make sense if there is no beginning. Its incomplete.

bullshit caviar right here

God could have made life and then made evolution. One does not require another even if abiogenesis has already been shown to be plausible in lab environments.

The limitations of the human mind doesnt represent the limitations of reality. God did it is a cop out when you should be asking how he did it

Yes. Sup Forums is unironically ironically extremely anti-science so expect a lot of bizarre answers.

Are you sure about that?

The theory in itself isn't incomplete just because it doesn't cover the start of what it is describing.
All scientific theories would be incomplete by that logic, because they fail to describe how the natural laws they are describing came to be.

It's literally one of the most simple concepts we've ever come up with. "Evolution = shit changes". How much simpler can it be made? People only ever deny it because it goes against the story of the old testament which jews dont even believe is real and christians were told not to follow over 1500 years ago.

Evolution can't explain the origin of life. They try and try to no avail

Possibly, I'm not sure desu

You tell me.

Not an argument

The point is most evolutionists are secular, naturalists.


Well I agree with what you said actually. All scientific theories are incomplete because they fail to explain the fundamental laws that govern them. The only truly complete theory would be a theory of everything. Is it possible to even have a theory that verifably encompasses everything?

This bird IQ test is clearly culturally biased toward crows. Vultures from the desert can't be expected to understand water displacement.

it's just complex chemistry.

we are biological robots.

Don't you feel the need to explain the beginning from a naturalistic materialist point of view?

Of course a creation "intelligent" designed show sign of intelligence. Though what animals lack is intellect... many humans as well.

Yes, usually.

Evolutionists argue that we are closer to chimps and other tailed tree monkeys than we are to gorillas and other big apes.


Why do people think god cant exist if evolution is real ?the abrahamic religions are horseshit eitherway

Its not simple as shit there is still much research to be done such as environmental factors during male life influencing dna mutations of sperm. More cold>more cold resistant children.

We already know fetuses of unborn babies influence gene expression by unwinding or coiling dna after influences of environment and that these changes are heriditary.

I agree, so how did we become that by chance? The probability of one protein forming by chance is amazingly low. Amazingly low even if it's assumed that the necessary amino acids are present under perfect conditions for formation.

>chimps and other tailed tree monkeys

yes but long term progress isnt
thats some small trace amount of the blue pill left in you what your thinking of is development we develop towards the most efficient means for our situation. and as situations change so does that short term end goal. the long term ultimate state of human progression is bullshit. but you need to think of things that way in order to fall for their nwo ultimate solution to humanities problems. like any cult they need to have a monopoly on the solutions to the worlds problems.

I believe that evolution is true, but that evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe (which you can call 'God' if you want, but I won't, because that word has religious connotations that I would rather avoid) which cranks out life anywhere and everywhere. Also, humans are BILLIONS of years old and are NOT NATIVE to Earth. Start watching this video from 10:27 (ignore the whole 2012 thing, because Wilcock is still right about how evolution really works):

I also don't like the term 'intelligent design', because 'intelligent' is a loaded word and somewhat anthropomorphic. I prefer using the term 'self-aware design' or 'intentional design'. And what I'm advocating is not magic, as it can be described in a purely scientific way. There you go. Evolution is correct, but (((Darwinian evolution))) is false. Evolution is never random.

This is not necessarily true.

Biological evolutionist consider only 1/10000 - 1/100000 of random mutation for beneficial. In order that random mutation wont be actually harmful for a species its population size has to be gigantic, its body size small and the generation cycle short.

Random mutation, therefor the theory of evolution mathematically lacks the explanation for the origin of species and speciation.

I think liquid water is key. it's a perfect solvent for covalent bonds to form, no?

panspermia makes sense.
I too believe in a creator/higher power, but not God per se.

Correct answer.

I've asked many PhD students at world class universities, some of whom are reading Evolutionary Biology the same question - none of them have been able to answer it:

1) Animals with different chromosome pair numbers cannot produce offspring
2) According to Evolutionary Biology, if I go back far enough down my ancestory, eventually I reach an ancestor with a different number of chromosome pairs
3) That means in one generation two parents have different chromosome pair numbers to their children
4)If such a mutation is possible, it must be exceedingly rare due to it not being noticed in modern history (spanning ~100 years, over populations that are 10,000 times larger than 'normal')

What is the probability that this mutation occurs in two animals of the same species, of opposite sexes, and that they will find each other and mate before one dies?

Evolution is a scam.
Notice how common ancestors of any species are just never there. You have to blindly believe that they existed. If you believe in evolution bullshit you're not a real Christian.

>All scientific theories are incomplete because they fail to explain the fundamental laws that govern them
Ok, if you want to go with that, fine. But do you then also say, that because of this incompleteness, the theories don't have any values? Do you think the laws of thermodynamics are incorrect, because the scientific theories that try to describe them fail to explain how they came to be?
>Is it possible to even have a theory that verifably encompasses everything?
No idea. I'm not a physicist. All i know is that they really try for several decades now.

>Don't you feel the need to explain the beginning from a naturalistic materialist point of view?
Sure. That's what physicists are working on. I have no idea if they ever succeed, but it'd be nice to have an explanation for the existence of the universe. For now we have reason to believe that the universe literally came from "nothing". We have to be careful with the concept of nothing though. Since time itself started with the big bang, the whole notion of something being/existing "before" the big bang, doesn't even make sense. Causality at that point breaks apart. It'd be equally correct to say that the universe is 13.5 billion years old or whatever or to say, the universe always existed (since there wasn't anything "before")


>the long term ultimate state of human progression is bullshit
Evolution has no goat you meme flag retard. It is ALL about short term solutions. This is why shit like recurrent laryngeal nerve exist.

>based Ivan


What is a coccyx bone

uhm but it's quite obvious that there were creatures 2 million or 30 million years ago that don't exist anymore and creatures who did not exist 2 million years ago.
After the dinosaurs and sabertooth tigres have died out god decided to create guinea pigs and normal sized wolves?

Rock hyrax are relatives of elephants btw.

>Being adapted to both air and water at the same time.

that's because the last universal common ancestor was probably a microscopic invertebrate gelatin blob.
These don't tend to fossilize

>Animals with different chromosome pair numbers cannot produce offspring
Actualy not true.

Yes. Black people are the missing link


>panspermia makes sense.

I have no doubt that panspermia is true, but I don't think that panspermia is the origin of life itself in the universe.

>I too believe in a creator/higher power, but not God per se.

Me too.

>I believe that evolution is true, but that evolution is caused by a conscious, intelligent field of energy underlying the entire universe

So pantheism, in other words.

Nope - It is a fairy tale for atheists. The more vocal they are in their atheism, the bigger asshole they happen to be.

There is literally NO real evidence for evolution, none. It is bullshit.

the one in the middle

So you'd agree that we can speciecation in bacteria, because they fulfill your requirements.
How does this not apply to more complex life, just on a far longer time scale?
Where you can see the origin of new "species" of bacteria within a few years/decades, the same processes lead to new species in animals over hundreds of thousands of years

So it's like with your nationality?

Here is merely SOME evidence (though DEFINITELY not ALL of the evidence) suggesting not only a human presence on Earth BILLIONS of years ago, but also suggesting complex human civilisations on Earth BILLIONS of years ago:

* A human skull fragment from Hungary dated between 250,000 and 450,000 years ago
* A human footprint with accompanying paleoliths (stones deliberately chipped into a recognisable tool type), bone tools, hearths and shelters, discovered in France and dated 300,000 to 400,000 years
* Paleoliths in Spain, a partial human skeleton and paleoliths in France; two English skeletons, one with associated paleoliths, ALL at least 300,000 years old
* Skull fragments and paleoliths in Kenya and advanced paleoliths, of modern human manufacture, in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, dated between 400,000 and 700,000 years
* Neoliths (the most advanced stone tools and utensils) in China of a type that indicate full human capacity, dated to 600,000 years
* Hearths, charcoal, human femurs and broken animal bones, all denoting modern humanity, in Java, dated to 830,000 years
* An anatomically modern human skull discovered in Argentina and dated between 1 million and 1.5 million years years (eoliths -chipped pebbles, thought to be the earliest known tools- at Monte Hermoso, also in Argentina, are believed to be between 1 and 2.5 million years old).
* A human tooth from Java yielding a date between 1 and 1.9 million years years
* Incised bones, dated between 1.2 and 2.5 million years, have been found in Italy
* Discoveries of paleoliths, cut and charred bones at Xihoudu in China and eoliths from Diring Yurlakh in Siberia dated to 1.8 million years
* Eoliths in India, paleoliths in England, Belgium, Italy and Argentina, flint blades in Italy, hearths in Argentina, a carved shell, pierced teeth and even two human jaws all bearing a minimum date of 2 million years (end of part 1)

that's what i said your literally agreeing with me
im saying people believe that because it offers hope. and itll be easier to swindle people to fall for globalism if they believe in an ultimate solution.

(start of part 2) Curiously enough, several of the very earliest artifact discoveries display a truly extraordinary level of sophistication. In Idaho, for example, a 2-million-year-old clay figurine was unearthed in 1912. But even this discovery does not mark an outer limit. Bones, vertebrae and even complete skeletons have been found in Italy, Argentina and Kenya. Their minimum datings range from 3 million to 4 million years. A human skull, a partial human skeleton and a collection of neoliths discovered in California have been dated in excess of 5 million years. A human skeleton discovered at Midi in France, paleoliths found in Portugal, Burma and Argentina, a carved bone and flint flakes from Turkey all have a minimum age of 5 million years.
How far back can human history be pushed with discoveries like these? The answer seems to be a great deal further than orthodox science currently allows. As if the foregoing discoveries were not enough, we need to take account of:
* Paleoliths from France dated between 7 and 9 million years
* An eolith from India with a minimum dating of 9 million years
* Incised bones from France, Argentina and Kenya no less than 12 million years old
* More paleolith discoveries from France, dated at least 20 million years ago
* Neoliths from California in excess of 23 million years
* Three different kinds of paleoliths from Belgium with a minimum dating of 26 million years
* An anatomically modern human skeleton, neoliths and carved stones found at the Table Mountain, California and dated at least 33 million years ago
But even 33 million years is not the upper limit. A human skeleton found in Switzerland is estimated to be between 38 and 45 million years old. France has yielded up eoliths, paleoliths, cut wood and a chalk ball, the minimum ages of which range from 45 to 50 million years.
There's still more.

>Actually not true

(start of part 3) In 1960, H. L. Armstrong announced in Nature magazine the discovery of fossil human footprints near the Paluxy River, in Texas. Dinosaur footprints were found in the same strata. In 1983, the Moscow News reported the discovery of a fossilised human footprint next to the fossil footprint of a three-toed dinosaur in the Turkamen Republic. Dinosaurs have been extinct for approximately 65 million years.
In 1983, Professor W. G. Burroughs of Kentucky reported the discovery of three pairs of fossil tracks dated to 300 million years ago. They showed left and right footprints. Each print had five toes and a distinct arch. The toes were spread apart like those of a human used to walking barefoot. The foot curved back like a human foot to what appeared to be a human heel. There was a pair of prints in the series that showed a left and right foot. The distance between them is just what you'd expect in modern human footprints.
In December 1862, The Geologist carried news of a human skeleton found 27.5 m (90 ft) below the surface in a coal seam in Illinois. The seam was dated between 286 and 320 million years. It's true that a few eoliths, skull fragments and fossil footprints, however old, provide no real backing for the idea of advanced prehistoric human civilisations.
But some other discoveries do.
In 1968, an American fossil collector named William J. Meister found a fossilised human shoe print near Antelope Spring, Utah. There were trilobite fossils in the same stone, which means it was at least 245 million years old. Close examination showed that the sole of this shoe differed little, if at all, from those of shoes manufactured today.
In 1897, a carved stone showing multiple faces of an old man was found at a depth of 40 m (130 ft) in a coal mine in Iowa. The coal there was of similar age.
