Larry David on 'Saturday Night Live' made Holocaust, Harvey Weinstein jokes

Is he, dare I say, /ourjew/?

>"Curb Your Enthusiasm" star Larry David is in hot water with "Saturday Night Live" viewers after making a joke about the Holocaust that's being slammed as insensitive.
>"I've always been obsessed with women, and I've often wondered if I'd grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I be checking women out in the camp? I think I would," he said in his monologue.

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Some people can't take a joke.

I tried to watch Saturday night live not and it was literally 29 minutes of, not only inaccurate, but just lame Trump jokes.

I was sitting here with a bunch of random Jews, yes I’m one of the chosen people. And it was fucking terrible.

Actually the difference in the Jewish community between conservative Jews and New York liberal Jews is pretty astonishing

Yeah, SNL is complete dog shit.

Least I got a good chuckle out of Larry David making Jew jokes.

He is not /ourjew/'
He is however, /ourgoy/

Honorary goy?

yes, some jews are /ourjews/ like ben's sister and jesus

Timestamp fggt

he was always honorary in my book desu

He also said most of the Hollywood rapists were jews

What about the jewess who poisoned the prophet mohammed?
Is she also /ourjew/?

That did happen.
the prophet of islam did not die peacefully in his sleep, he died a slow and painful not to mention humilitating death.

Holy shit LARRY yer gonna get yourself shoahed!
Absolute madman

Trips of Truth, Larry is the one who will redeem the entire Jewish (((race)))

why didn't jews resist?

He's /Americasturd/

I guess it's a good thing I can't watch it. I wouldn't want to get the wrong idea about Jews.

Wow. Damn Europe.

>handful of most pozzed countries on the planet

>family owned slaves

yep hes /ourjew/

You're all getting cucked by saying wine-steen when both e+i's are in the same order.
It's wine-styne or ween steen. Fuck whatever he tells you it is.
I prefer fat useless Jew cunt, but that's just me.

isn't he the one who made all those lame simpsons episodes?

fuck this guy, hasn't made a buyable product in 30 years

they saw the word "free" above the gate

How is nobody pointing out his Jewish tricks? He pointed out that most of the sexual assault perpetrators are Jewish.... then immediately brings up the holocaust.

Jesus tried to redeem the jews and They killed him for it. If the son of God couldn't do it

>29 minutes of, not only inaccurate, but just lame Trump jokes.
I can only imagine the people on there have nowhere near the skill level that the Myers, Carvey era cast had, can we push this show into the toilet? whats our potential impact on their ratings?

call their sponsors, that always pisses people off and gets them worried about their lost revenues

Jesus was Roman

Some Jews however believe that the event itself was divine retribution for their own faith's failing.

All pop culture Jews make a spectacle of themselves by making shit work while slipping in a subtext of 'love me, worship me, your struggle is the same as mine'.
True for this fag, Howard Stern, Bob Dylan, etc.

The public should have better senses of real talent and perfection. Then the masses wouldn't fall for this half baked, cult of personality exhibitionism.

hi shill, your troll farm already made a thread about it here

No. He is not our guy.

I can't watch it either, as (((SNL))) has not made it available in my country.

Conservative jews believe in God generally yes? Liberal jews just seem to be in it for the benefits. The protective cloak of Judaism and they either worship nothing or moloch. Also you are no longer God's chosen after Jesus so stop saying that Jewish subversion line that started like 60 years ago. Convert.

>Is he, dare I say, /ourjew/?
He is calling out his (tribe) to stop fucking around. Let's pray he doesn't get car accidented, or suicided or you know have some sort of injury or accident at home.

There is nothing goy about Larry, G-d bless him

>He is calling out his (tribe) to stop fucking around.

>Uses holocaust imagery

He sure knows how to get through to his people

it's actually pretty funny

Larry David has always done Hitler jokes, like pic related. He's pretty redpilled on niggers as well, there was that series of Curb Your Enthusiasm where a family of ghetto niggers moved in with him.

He's not /ourguy/ you fucking retards. The jews always do this. They'll give you a little morsel to feed on so you think "Hey guys some of them are cool! They agree with us!"

No mother fucker. Stop falling for this shit.

>there was that series of Curb Your Enthusiasm where a family of ghetto niggers moved in with him.
so? it just showed him being a weak multicultural faggot.

No that wasn't him. He made Seinfeld.

Comedians with talent offend everyone. Hacks desperate for a paycheck offend the right.

Do you have to work at being so retarded that you can't distinguish between a plot complication for easy jokes and a political message?

>a jew cant backstab other jews

>it just showed him being a weak multicultural faggot.
He was laughing at his own faggotry though. Do you remember when he got one of them to snatch a woman's handbag so he could chase them and get it back to impress her? I thought it was funny anyway. His nigger neighbour Wanda is also intolerable and plays the race card at every opportunity.

haha, tell me what the 'political message' was

Larry Davids the fucking man. Its his shtick to point out jewish foybles. While we hear iy and think its devisive, it actually bonds them and reminds them that they are the chosen. SIMPLY PUT, MOST POWERFUL FRATERNITY IN THE RACE GAME

yes it led to some funny scenes and Wanda Sykes is an insufferable unfunny nigger dyke.

Basically, he splits from his wife at the start of that season and the whole season he has to deal with his new black girlfriend and her family. They nig out constantly and he finds it annoying and realized it's a huge mistake, relieved when they're gone and he goes back to his white wife.

There was no message, but the niggers were shown to be as they are - entitled as fuck, taking over his house like parasites while Larry sits in the cuckshed. Wasn't it his SJW wife who invited them, and then she fucked off?

It's slang. Like a lot of people will pronounce it "Joneston" or "Jonestin" when it's spelled "Jonestown"


Just Torquemada & Saint Julian of Toledo are elegible for that.

>Let's pray he doesn't get car accidented, or suicided or you know have some sort of injury or accident at home.
Like I said, he doesn't want to be accidented or banned from Hollywood so he brought up the Holocaust thing afterwards to try and massage things over. Also he did it in a deprecating way so...either way, he was kind of crapping on his tribe a bit.

It’s banned in Canada as well

yeah, but I wouldn't call that a political message. I agree more with him:

Shanda fur di goyim means washing your dirty jew-laundry out in front of goyim.
While it's interesting that so many SJewW's seem to forget that this kind of comedy has a long tradition, oddly enough Michael Savage was just kvetching on his show last week about how Larry David got rich schmeering Jews, Woody Allen single handedly catapulted the Jewish "Schlemiel" stereotype into public consciousness and Harvey Weinstein is like a Nazi Propaganda poster come to life.

botswana? that's some rare flag right there

Like with Polish names
'Levandovski' -> Loowandauski
'Bukovski' -> Bookauski

Even celebreity doctors have to completely change their names because the retarded populace can't process their real ones

Dr Mehmet 'Uhz' -> Dr AHZ!
Dr Noozaradan -> Dr NOW!

They're not upset about the holocaust joke. They're upset because he named the pattern of jewish sexual predators.

Dr Oz needs to get eradicated. I don't even know who the other shitskin is.

Liberal Jews tend usually to cling to it for ethnic rather than religious reasons, which makes it even worse since they bastardize the religion

Learn 2 proxy you utter faggot

go outside and shout the holocaust didn't happen. Love the USA

>go shit in the ocean

That lady just embodied everything wrong with jews in a single statement. "No, don't talk about jews systemically raping people out in front of the goyim. The goyim are lessers and do not deserve justice."

Jesus christ.

not when you have to keep capitalizing on victimhood


Dont be fooled Larry David is one of your typical subversive luciferian kikes


Makes a Jew joke. Reminds us of the Holocaust. Unbelievable

can confirm

I surprised the (((media))) hasn't done something to him yet, they hate talented Jews.

>hey schlomo, schlomo!

I saw this, and actually i thought the holocaust jokes were probably going to be the least TRIGGERING part of the show, lol. It was basically just a little aside about how he would have checked out women in the concentration camps

He actually specifically bought up how a lot of the guys being caught for sex scandals were jews, and another skit he did was about how people were getting upset at old commercials that were discouraging kids from doing drugs by calling them "Retarded and gay" and shit like that

Was pretty funny desu

It's the way the left operates too, which tells us much about the left.

Dr. Oz is the man. Fuck you!

I kveked

That last one is Gargamel from the Smurfs.

Leon is still around, kek.

The only good jew is a dead jew, which means Stanley Kubrick is /ourjew/.

>Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp

Fuck Poles and their concentration camps

Check em

Larry makes me conflicte. Because I see the ramifications of Zionism and liberal kike professors ruining western culture. But then I watch Curb and laugh my ass off.

>pantomimes apprehension; "Weinstein and co are Jewish"
>Holocaust Holocaust Holocaust
Larry padded the shit out of the joke and still it was too much.

Larry has always been /ourjew/

Have you not watched the Palestinian Chicken episode of Curb?

The israelis i knew were literally more disgusted by happy merchant kikery than i ever was. They talked like the nyc diamond district Jews were the most shameful thing on earth and they kinda wanted to shoah them.

That whole Quasimodo bit was pretty good even though you can tell where the joke is headed. Larry is pretty good, pretty good.

Day of the rope soon oven dodger

Could you please,
dare I say it,

This. Pay attention you chucklefucking faggots.

Hooktube that shit.

>"I've always been obsessed with women, and I've often wondered if I'd grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I be checking women out in the camp? I think I would,"

yes he probably would've been checking them out at the camp pool

Replace "watch?v=" with "v/". Gets you around restrictions.

SNL received a lot of heat for refusing to address the recent sexual scandals in msm. They chose the right guy for the job. I wonder who they would have chosen to break the ice if Larry David, currently world's most beloved Jew, were unavailable.

Lord Emperor Trump Almighty
Duke of Los Angeles Larry Jew David
Sir Patrick Stewart

Whom have I missed here?


This. It was a masterclass bit of jewjitsu. The obligatory Weinstein joke that had to be made, nicely cushioned, before quickly transitioning and hammering home the holocaust, which is what everyone is now talking about. Never forget the six million.

He's sure better than the rest of the humourless faggot jews that control Jewood.