Why do right-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

Why do right-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?



Do you believe that there is a genetic component to Intelligence?

I don't know why do left-wingers have fucked up, scrambled brains?

It is undeniable scientifically verified fact that conservative movements have more tribalism in them. Tribalism is based on creating strong in-group and out-group distinctions. In order to do this you have to irrationally demonize any out-group and out-group "beliefs" (like the scientific method) and heap false praise on in-group idea (like penile slicing, as practiced by American conservatives).

Because they don't realize the majority of what they consume is pure propoganda

why do lefties always project?

>your a Nazi
>rural and suburban retards
>all white people are evil
>muh Russia
>685.75 genders

Fuck off kike

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.


Last I checked, and I am a left-winger, feminists were trying to tell us that there is no biological difference between the races and sexes, that gender is a social construct, and that white males are privileged. They label all white folk racists, they discuss something called patriarchy, they want to strip men and white folk of their rights, they want to end freedom of speech. All this and they are BACKED BY A BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY based on tax payers money, donations, and corporate hand outs. These pukes are the establishment and they are well integrated in academia, politics, and the media.

This is name calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracy, and anti-science. It's all on the left wing.

Now why are you playing the game of right vs left politics again? It's divisive.

While leftists have no cult like behaviors right?

They never answer this one because it leaves them BTFO
I also wonder if this is why scientists stopped researching the correlation between neanderthal admixture and IQ so suddenly

Left wingers do all these things. Very few right wingers actually do these things.

Sage this faggot

This and saged.

So just the ones on this website?

Why do left-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

These types of people exist on the left and right

You just don't see it on the left because you're an idiot

It must suck living in that imaginary world of your's.

>So just the ones on this website?
vs. evey outlet everywhere spewing this 24/7

You can't barely say anything even remotely right wing without a clamoring of soybois and femacunts. where as even the most flamboyant left wing get cheered on and unchallenged.

>tend to gravitate towards name-calling

Like "racist", "deplorable", "teabagger" etc.?

>hatred, bigotry

Does talking shit about white men, Republicans, and gun-owners?

> conspiracies

Like the "glass ceiling", "institutional racism", and "the old-boys' club"?

>and anti-scientific beliefs?

Like believing the races are equal, and men can magically change into women?

because pseudointellectual niggers like you come here and shit up this board with awful threads.
sage and neck yourself

why can't leftist understand there are only 2 genders and cutting off a dick doesn't make a man a woman?

check mate bitch

Really motherfucker? Really? Anyone who disagrees with you mindless drone's, you call a Nazi. Please do the world a favour, kill yourself.


It's funny that nowadays leftards are more radically anti-science than the Catholic church ever was.

Wow, what a racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic statement.

Why do left-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

Why do left-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

Name calling
>"Nazi scum" "capitalist pig"

>violence towards people with different opinions


>"Big Brother is watching you" "White patriarchy"

Anti-scientific beliefs
>"Women are equal to men"


>Why do right-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

Because you faggots are so retarded you don't see the inherent hypocrisy in this accusation disguised as a question.


Oh Christ.
I used to be a liberal, a hardcore black cock sucking liberal, and name calling is all about liberals when they're not protesting some stupid shit on a college campus.
Yeah, it's true that conservatives do the same shit, but don't act like liberals have any higher level of maturity.

trips don't lie

Whats up with the dark ages? Did the Catholic Church create a fictional epoch in order to convince Northern Europe to convert in response to the Islamic Invasion that they created? Seriously, seems like 450 ad and 1350 ad line up perfectly with nothing in between.

Tell me again how there are 600 genders?

Words are weapon for smart people, calling numales a soyboys or cucks is way more effective than violence. word racist efectivity is start to wear of when lib left invents a new word.

Seems to me leftists do their fair share of scientific denial also.
The difference is right wingers don't have dominance over university culture.
And scientific papers that could potentially damage the Democrats narrative do not get funded.

I'll take the bait, but first, it's interesting how the image has the guy with the scrambled thoughts on the left.

Which side has called the other called a racist, nazi, evil etc for the last 2 decades?

Which side has been considered evil for at least the last 2 decades?

Which side has shown nothing but contempt for whit people for the last 2 decades?

Which side invented a conspiracy from nothing to claim cops were openly harassing black people?

>anti-scientific beliefs
Which side invented a shit ton of useless college courses, like gender studies and marijuana studies? Which side had to fake its evidence to prove global warming? Which side refuses debate? Which side gets violent when there opinion is challenges?

I don't know, the left seems pretty guilty of projection here.

bigot! homophobe! racis! antisemite!
whites dont deserve a homeland!
youre a fucking white male!
muh russian troll factories!
>anti-scientific beliefs
there are 86 genders!

Anti science... get fucked. No one here is anti-empiricism. The left is all feels and is incapable of changing their minds with new evidence. The left got Dr. Watson fired, and countless other people who dare say thing that counters the lefty feely mind fog. The problem is that the left accepts anything that they agree with and accept nothing which proves something that run opposite that dogma. The right holds the position that new evidence continually rolls in and to assume we "know" because the science is "settled" is foolish and limits progress. The right also has the capacity to endure unpleasant truths and deal with the consequences instead of waiting for a techno fix.

Because they're human.

>Pot meet kettle

Why do leftists project so much?

Because we’re not euphoric enough

To our credit we generally do try fact-based reason first but leftists aren't really interested so we have to shift down to their level

You seem to grativate towards projection.

>Why do right-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

Open any hiliray Clinton won thread.
You’ll see direct proof that you’re wrong. Go to normie news, like yahoo. Find a thread about Trump, more direct proof you’re wrong.

>scientists stopped researching the correlation between neanderthal admixture and IQ so suddenly

>Why do left-wingers tend to gravitate towards name-calling, hatred, bigotry, conspiracies, and anti-scientific beliefs?

listen up u bitch it happens on all sides u idiot. ain't nobody a saint when u get them all riled up with ur half assed screechy knowledge.

sage this trash

It's true, I irrationally prefer my own people, just like I irrationally prefer my own friends and irrationally prefer my own child. This further causes me to desire to kill everyone who is not my friend and to murder every other person's child. Because I am irrational and full of hate, as evidenced by my senseless tendency to prefer certain people, which carries no real world function.

Why do left-wingers tend to gravitate towards moralistic bloviating and then completely ignoring their own standards and pretending like they can't comprehend what you're saying when you call out their hypocrisy?

I'm not sure why anybody would gravitate towards it all????

Racist! Sexist! Xenophobe! Islamophobe!
>Hatred, bigotry
All White people are racist!
The Russians hacked the election, even though there's no evidence.
>anti-scientific beliefs?
Populations separated by tens of thousands of years of evolution have equal levels of intelligence!

slide thread. saged


Not to mention
>natural process that has happened many times in the history of Earth THIS TIME is totally humanity's fault!