It should be perfectly fine to rape a woman of your own race, debate me

It should be perfectly fine to rape a woman of your own race, debate me.

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>of your own race
Why contain it?

Do you really want to inflict another mongrel on this planet?

They're gonna be raped either way, better the spawn be whiter than not

>a woman can deter a rapist by pooping

fair enough but most people cannot generate poop on command unless they already need to go

Because both male and female reproductive selection strategies are important.

By forcing copulation, you're ensuring that your own race becomes weaker and weaker over time.

Then throw the sheboon down some stairs after you're done.

I hate to tell you but I'm certain some of your ancestors were conceived from rape.

Some were, yes, but as culture and genes have refined, that kind of behavior has been further bred out of the human condition.

We're at our most advanced point as a species and rape per capita is at an all time low.

And look what has happened to western society, rape brings fear, fear brings civilisation.

False. We have degenerated as a species for centuries now. Allowing women say in reproductive matters is rollercoaster to extinction.

World population, average lifespan, and cultural advancements disagree with you.

Don't get panicked because things are shaky at the moment as we yell at women to get their shit together rather than getting it together for them.

Please rethink this comment and write it again, it's not coherent enough for a reply.

Rape was fine when humans were stupid hunter gatherers. Now there's so much political mental gymnastics that people have to look out for their careers.

>World population, average lifespan, and cultural advancements disagree with you.
no they agree with him.
you're just listing things that men pay for

There's a simple solution to this problem: they hold it in during the day and when they get back home they finally go to the toilet.
This of course doesn't protect them from the 2nd and 3rd rapist on their way home but at least they'll be able to survive with one less dicking for that day.

Not surprising, men work more given their nature. This effect used to be even more exaggerated the further back you go in history.

How is this bad that we've helped women become closer to being our peers than they've ever been?

Rape cannot exists.

See this webm

We should probably install tracking devices on people to make sure the same person is not being raped too much however. It can be an app for your phone, take a picture of someone to see if its ok to rape them.

IQ has dropped for centuries straight, our bones and skull thickness have dwindled to the thinnest on record. Men's testosterone has never been less. Letting women choose has turned the human race into beta losers.

Conquest over women is nature's way of choosing genetic fitness. Allowing men to breed women who they could not even rape due to lack of physical or mental ability is dysgenic as it gets. You turn the whole human race into a bunch of cucks.

>IQ has dropped
>bone thickness and testosterone has dropped
Sure, totally nothing to do with the industrial revolution and the rapid growth of desk jobs.


Only fat neets who can't get laid any other way say this shit

Why would you need to rape when yo game good enough to get any pussy you want

Kys u fat tub of pimple ridden lard

Its well known IQ has dropped for centuries straight, especially on the left hand slope of the bell curve. Men specifically have degenerated genetically, well known, well researched studies have concluded this.

Domestication is horrible for the Y chromosome.

>Its well known IQ has dropped for centuries straight
So what's the Flynn effect, then?

>Domestication is horrible for the Y chromosome.
The Y chromosome contains very little of interest. Mostly, it's just a trigger to be male.

Practically all relevant variation has migrated off the Y chromosome. If it hadn't, there would be no way for women to latently transmit manly traits from their fathers to their sons.

I think its our era's best example of Dunning-Kruger effect. We have become dumb enough to believe we are better than our predecessors, and we will game all kinds of studies to prove this out even when reality stares us in the face.

Christ I can't focus with those knockers

When your ancestors were literally serfs it isn't hard, you only remember the best and not the average

So in other words, by "Its well known that..." you mean, "I believe, with no evidence and against both common sense and mainstream scientific finding, that...".

Yeah that's a subliminal propaganda technique that poster is using, bypasses the conscious mind. The argument presented was fallacious.

I think your average 17th century serf was physically more vigorous, with a superior immune function, psychologically more stable and half as dumb as we think they were. If you took you average burger today back to the 17 century half of them would keel over and die within the year. I think that same peasant would thrive in todays society.

When cunts dress the way they do and you aren't raping them? Well, that's horribly emasculating and we are all feeling the effects of such emasculation.
At least Egypt is still somewhat rational.

Plenty of delusional schizoid white knights in the comments since that is a kike site, so I wouldn't bother.

it should be perfectly fine to steal a wallet of your own race


>the human species
>rape per capita is at an all time low
wait for the African baby boom

Believe what you want. We didn't need books before they were invented because many had photographic memories. The Seven Wonders of the World were built without computers without calculators. Robert the Bruce had a 135 IQ and skull thickness twice than what any human alive today has. Believing we are better than past human beings because we managed to cobble together a computer to do the work for us is the very definition of Dunning-Kruger.

>So was going to kill your neighbour and taking his shit, while also taking their women as slaves, as productive and efficient tribes had over time more men then women.

The whole Roman economy was build upon conquring other nations taking their shit and then forcing them to trade.

That doesn't make the killing, stealing and raping of other people a "fine" thing.
But guess what nor does an eagle shoving its claws inside a pigions and riping it's heart out to feed its babies.

Nature is cruel, we were part of nature.
But now nature is our hand, the future is in our hand, at a press of a button we can destory the whole world.

This is our destiny and our fore-fathers saw it comming 4000 years ago.
It's time to grow up as rulers of the earth and fucking take care for it.

That doesn't mean solar pannels and green energy, that means more production, more infrastructure, more growth until we can control every aspect of the earth.

This way we can ensure that the earth is truly safe, wonderful and amazing.

For this reason, rape is not ok, killing is not ok, theft is not ok.

I like 1 and 11. Especially 11, if we did live in a real rape culture, would feminism exist? Are middle eastern countries considered 'rape cultures'? If so, they are great examples of how treating women like second-class actually does stop feminism from existing in those spaces. Therefore we can conclude if feminism is present, it must be born in a state where rape culture does not exist.

Someone find the flaw in the above for me, because there is no way this is 100% sound im not smart enough for that

So Demushkin got raped as a kid and has a micropenis and dresses up as a women? Disgusting.

*rapes OP's mom in every hole*
oh wait shit I'm not supposed to rape nonwhites my bad

these threads are a jew op to keep women from posting their opinion on /pol

62% of women have rape fantasies. They are literally hard wired to be taken by force and conquered. Its natures way of insuring genetic fitness. It is literally one of the most massive red pills there is.

pls send address so I can rape your mom, sister and wife next week pls also am white

kek'd check'd and agreed

modern men is garbage

It wasn't fallacious.

Besides, tits are nice.

The third world has the perfect conditions to test your argument, they live in as bad if not worse conditions and are just as hard working in areas lacking gibs.

What about raping a man?

Yeah, just like men in the military that wake up strapped to their bed with some guy undoing their pants in the dark. Because they get hard and cum and that means they're just hardwired to like getting sucked off by another guy, right?

A lot of men have incest fantasies. That doesn't mean they actually want to fuck their family members you imbecile.


Sure; as long as you can get past the 38 Cal. vasectomy

Yup. Mexican labourers jump the wall and do jobs where whitey cant compete. I reckon a 17th century peasant would take that Mexicans lunch and do it without antibiotics or running water too.

A lot of women don't report rape because their rapist made them orgasm. Its fucked up for sure.

That would probably explain why Muslims are so inbred. But that's the thing, when the genetically inbred breed its bad. But when the genetically superior do it it is called line breeding, and resulted in 2000 years of aristocracy.

We didn't need books before they were invented and just look at all the technologies that era produced: fire, rocks to dig with.. am I missing anything?

You don't get it. They didn't need technology. They knew it as the fools errand that it is, and probably long term dysgenic for the human race as a whole.

And how many Aristocrats have been completely batshit insane, likely due to all the inbreeding? You don't generally get Caligula's from a normal healthy bloodline

No, they were simply to stupid for their own good. And you speak of the time before books as if there's literally anything of interest we know of from that era. Why do we know so little about the stone ages? Oh yeah, no writing to pass down their knowledge for generations

kill yourself degenerate scum

I'm should be my right to forcefully buttfuck and murder any weaker man that I'm capable of overpowering. See you soon op

Photographic memories don't need books. Ancient Megaliths tell me that these people were far from stupid. Quite the opposite.

No doubt, tending to a line takes patience and careful selection. But in the end there is a dysgenic cycle that none of us can beat. If you want to understand what I am talking about from another perspective read Spengler, or Volker Weiss.

> Allowing men to breed women who they could not even rape due to lack of physical or mental ability is dysgenic as it gets
you do realize anyone could rape any woman nowadays?
that is the exact phenomeneon which ended aristocracy ultimately

Your average ape can make a bed out of rocks. Ancient man carving a some giant rocks isn't some grand accomplishment. Space travel is a grand accomplishment. And no, I'm not talking about that cringey Tower of Babel

Ancient people werent any smarter or more stupid, but forming civilisation allowed people to specialize, allowing for greater organization. For example, what is more complex, a beehive or a spiderweb?

technology is a slef accelerating phenomenon, it's only natural that the first 1000s of years was low on progress. It doesn't mean people back then were stupid, it takes a little longer to evolve like that.
Additionally to that we haven't evolved but degenerated, due to moving away from our natural lifestyle, human biology just didn't keep up with us changing ourt environment.

>technology is a slef accelerating phenomenon, it's only natural that the first 1000s of years was low on progress. It doesn't mean people back then were stupid, it takes a little longer to evolve like that.

I admittedly can't argue that point.
>Additionally to that we haven't evolved but degenerated, due to moving away from our natural lifestyle, human biology just didn't keep up with us changing ourt environment.
I simply don't understand how you are continually saying humanity is degenerating? Humanity invented a particle accelerator for God's sake. We're unraveling what makes the universe tick

Most 'men' today are incapable of maintaining an erection or over powering the ham beasts amongst us.

Spengler ended the aristocracy. There is dysgenic cycle to it all. We are in the Kali Yuga otherwise the 1000 year Reich would have been into its 8th decade.

You believe we are further along technologically than at any time before and that it is somehow proof that we are the most intelligent man that has ever walked the planet. Yet we still don't know how or why pyramids in the same style and building technique were built all over the planet 5-10000 years ago. I am not confident enough to believe that other people before us were not as or even more superior to us in intellect and technological advancement. The Great Flood very well could have washed it all away and left the survivors with an amnesia we are just recovering from.

Further to all this and back to the OP. Allowing women consent is always found on the back half of any civilizations cyclical lifespan. It is what leads to eventual collapse.

>You believe we are further along technologically than at any time before
Because we are.
and that it is somehow proof that we are the most intelligent man that has ever walked the planet.
That's a valid point. The two things admittedly don't necessarily go hand in hand. Technology seems to be the best measuring stick available for intelligence
Yet we still don't know how or why pyramids in the same style and building technique were built all over the planet 5-10000 years ago.
Pyramids were built for royalty burials. And were designed as such as a "funnel" for the soul to the afterlife. Pyramids are hardly some huge mystery that proves intelligence.
I am not confident enough to believe that other people before us were not as or even more superior to us in intellect and technological advancement.
Again, I can't argue that. Merely that our current intelligence seems pretty high given the circumstances.
The Great Flood very well could have washed it all away and left the survivors with an amnesia we are just recovering from.
I can't give a response to this that isn't completely condescending. We've discovered nothing on this planet to suggest that's correct, including the stories passed down from that time period. Unless you consider big boats a sign of high iq

Explain me why rape is natural for women

>Putting women on a pedestal

women enjoy rape by strong handsome men

ugly men going to jail over "false" rape claims are just a byproduct of natural selection

>is just peen and vag no big deal hee hee hee

Kike/shitskin detected. Go back before we gas you. You don't belong among Anglo-Saxons.

Why debate exactly?

physical degeneration and stark progress are not mutually exclusive.
Look at any animal's teeth then look at ours, do you by chance notice something?

you dirty kike, it's not about that and you know it, it is about law and order. I suppose that is hard to grasp for anarcho scum.
If you stop intervening when women get raped, civilization will crumble.

No, rape is never okay but the definition of rape has been unjustly expanded. Rape is not "forced sex" it is "sex with a cunt another man owns". You can not rape a cunt you own(wives and daughters) and a cunt on it's own that no owns can not be raped.

let me explain the phenomenon of degeneracy even further to you, so you understand it is widespread today:
>physical degeneration
our bodys are not adequatly developed, due to bad nourishment. Our food got soft + we use knifes and forks, so we don't use our teeth as much as our ancestors did. Therefore our teeth are shit, lot's of people have underdeveloped jaws, leading to not enough space for all teeth, leading to wisdom teeth nedding to be pulled. Or did you think it's totally normal for your teeth to totally fuck you up if they aren't surgically removed?
Next is posture, sitting is unhealthy and it fucks up your spine. Modern people usually don't do adequate amounts of exercise either.

>mental degeneracy
We are heavily degenrating morally and psychologically. Faggotry and similar illness of the mind is widespread. Depression due to our society losing grasp on a lot of its functions.
And of course general antisocial behaviour.

>it's okay to rape your daughter
kill yourself

That nose

No, it's okay to use your daughter as you please. You own her.

no it isn't you inbred scum, just because your father did it doesn't make it right.


This ^ lol
Yes If you are a weak man , you need to know it through domination.

Woman is a property is man. Before marriage she belongs to her father who transfers his suzerainty to the husband later on. Rape is nothing more than an attack on one man's property and should be punished accordingly.

t. Obese neckbearded virgins posting from their parents' basements

I can guarantee you that 99% of you faggots are exactly as described. You'll never get a woman so instead you shitpost on this shitty board and pretend that rape is okay, or that women are 100% retarded apes. Truly pathetic. Every last one of you.

>every pol fag falling for this shill
this only works when you want women to be able to work and be free and vote
the second you take that away all we have left is our wombs and rape destroys that value so no one wants us, no one wants us? no white babies, just starving white girls

your move good goys.

It's really quite disconcerting how many feminized cucks on this website post their lame opinions here. Starting to think you are all shitskin tranny feminists.

Because that's how they naturally get pregnant.

Some recent report said that the probability of pregnancy is greater with rape than consensual sex.

Male strategies, maybe. You trust women to make a decision, not based on immediate gratification and whatever can provide them with the best time during the moment, but on what is the best decision in the long run?

Change, yes. Crumble, maybe a bit of exaggeration.

Anyway whose job is it to intervene? Not mine, unless you're referring to my wife. It's cops' job, or her boyfriend or husband or father's.

It seems to me that's an issue between him and his daughter, and what you do is between you and your daughter.

It's disrespectful to the woman's owner, if applicable.
Who are we if we don't respect each other?

It should be legal for man to rape unmarried woman above 18,any sexual contact with married women should be punishable for both woman and man.

also marriage should be legal at age 16.

Good point, but the ownership argument is still logically consistent.

It just means the amount of the theft is very great, and the punishment may be death. Certainly death to the offspring if there's a rape baby.

And already in our society it's extremely rare to find a virgin. So let's not asssume that a little sex or a rape in the society we're imagining disqualifies a girl.

It's okay in certain circumstances. If there is a shortage of women, for instance.

*above 16

Story behind this?