Study: Nearly Half of Millennials Would Rather Live Under Socialism Than Under Democracy

Why don't they just move?

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>socialism and democracy are opposites


They mean shitskins in the millennial age group.

Shitskins don't care about ideology, they care about gibsmedats.

It's all according to (((plan))).

Because that would require from them to really do something not just whine and protest.

Socialism only works in countries without gibmedats


Because they don't want to actually live under socialism.
They get their information for those insane communist professors and idiots like Bernie Sanders, and think Socialism is some kind of land of dreams wherein they get everything they want for free and get free money and whatever else.
Because if it's not a perfect wonder land, it's not real socialism.

In reality, they're just lazy bums with no idea how the world works and are living in a fantasy, because no one ever told them that sometimes, they really can't live out their dreams, especially if they half ass it.

>Nearly half of millennials: "Our parents are too old to take care of us, we want the government to do it."

At least they'll lose weight

>90% of millenials cannot define socialism and democracy properly

>Would Rather Live Under Socialism

That's because they are detached from reality...
This is how they'd be treated under the socialist regime (not that i'm not ok with that)

socialism is a form of redistribution imposed by a government. democracy is a form of government. the 2 arent mutually exclusive

not sure how dumb that "journalist" is but they seem pretty dumb

>This is how they'd be treated under the socialist regime (not that i'm not ok with that)


Millennials are the most God awful pussiest generation we've ever seen. If you're a millennial do us all a favor and kys now

>nearly half of the millenials
>no source
>shows a picture of an old woman holding a leftie sign
ye sure bois.

>nearly half
so the majority of millenials don't want to live under socialism?

Because as a economic nationalist, I do not want to leave, I want to do my part to make America great again.

Then again, (((democracy))) does cause more problems than socialism...but that's mostly because the JewSA is a democracy.

>live under socialism
>arm becomes cock
The communists have gone too far this time.

Fine. They can live in a Republic.

God bless the US

Millennials are literally the worst generation to have walked upon this planet. They are so ill-informed but think they know it all.
I blame the smartphones.

Socialism might be the solution then.
Living through hell would at least toughen them up

maybe not opposites but mutually exclusive

Yes. Just like cats and dogs are opposites. Didn't you know?

You thought you could use your arms just for a single purpose like in capitalism? In communism your arm is to be used for whatever dear leader tells you.

No waste of resources.

>also housewives under communism

Central planning is the most wasteful system. Central planning needs to re-create what the distributed market does on its own.

>Why don't they just move?
Where? cucked europe? Pay insane taxes only to have your govt. cuck you with Islam hordes? Cuck-canada? Communist china? Or bankrupt South America?

Ultimately, they don't want socialism. They simply want their tax dollars to start going towards helping them instead of being wasted and distributed out to enrich the wealthy. That's not much to task. Since democracy in its current form doesn't work for or listen to them, they're upset. Once upset, they look for a target ...

If democracy was used to stop faggots from overpricing real-estate (people's #1) bill, used to improve the country's infrastructure, and provide solid healthcare.. people would praise democracy.. since their tax payers go to things that fuck them over, they're mad.

So, back to topic: Why are Millennials so retarded? Is it youth? Has that age group always been this stupid?

Shouldn't they be grown up by now and read some Sowell?

it amazes me how confused you burgers are

America should really try having a full-blown Marxist-Leninist for 5 years or so to see if these spoiled brats wouldn't beg on their knees for the return of capitalism - or for the commissar not to shoot them for being petit burgueoise, whatever comes first..

The US should just create a mandatory exchange program with China. That way, kids see how shit it is, learn Chinese to prepare for the coming takeover, and can be more productive in US society.

They just think Socialism = free shit, they don't actually want Socialism; they don't even know what it is.

You're asking why kids who live in their parents basement don't just move to a place with socialism?


Nearly half of all millennials would accept a FREE helicopter ride

One of the worst characters in Broforce

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy. Alexander Fraser Tytler
socialism is the voting for largesse part.
i guess democracy could be more stable if there would exist strong culture of following the law and there would be constitution in place that somehow would limit the voting-for-largesse part.

please explain to me how i'm wrong then, enlightened leaf

also many kinds of govnernances could be made to produce somewhat functional societies. if they were supported with suitable culture - and the culture relies heavily on demographics.
USA and Liberia have pretty much 1:1 constitutions but are rather dissimilar countries

I would just to get off this planet.

"Democracy" was undermined a lot by USA&co in the recent ~20 years.

Almost all millenials live under both democracy and socialism. This headline is retarded.

Is her arm photoshopped to look like a dick or am I fucking insane?

"Nearly half of millenials"

There's your answer. Wait until they get a job, and then they'll stop spouting oral cancer.

They think socialism just means 'sharing' and having govt services. They think having a fire dept, police dept, standing military, etc is socialism.

Democracy always leads to Socialism, I live in a Republic

This guy gets it. The young aren't rejecting democracy, they are rejecting US democracy, which isn't democracy at all but rather capitalism run rampant.

They want to trade in the "American dream" which is a myth anyway for some basic concepts like healthcare and a modest social safety net. And who can blame them?