November 11th. Be prepared...

November 11th. Be prepared, the alt left are coming at the right and they're going to stop at nothing until you're all dead. THIS IS A WARNING. I've infiltrated antifa and I've been posting shit on here for weeks but non of it gets picked up. BE PREPARED. Good luck.

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't worry, scare, or intimidate anyone.
you move no one turn no one and you are attention seeking larper. no one cares fuck off.
stop making this thread that is not funny or ironic.

Your a pussy and your mother is a Whore

ape gang ooh ooh ahh ahh

larp. just like nov 4th right....LMAO


Right there was like 25 people who showed up lmao losers

So I have been away
what happened on Nov 4th?

Any tasty streams I can watch of the protests?


OP, did you never hear that story about the boy who cried wolf?


I don't think that anybody's gonna take Antifa seriously after the fourth top KEK.

I'm not an antifa member. I'm warning the right that they are going to fuck your shit up. I will be at home preying to joe pesci

NO wait it's the 11th not the 4th or 5th....
ANTIFA bunch of idiots - Proven so on Nov 4.

You missed the date dude. They already did it and failed lol

Come on Soros just bring out the fucking PMC's you have lined up. LET'S FUCKING DO THIS YOU PUSSY

>You missed the date dude.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Right wing people of America, BE PREPARED!!!


gang shit

Do you middle school r/pol incels know that these threads are made by bargain basement Russian shill farms?

It is important to me that you are not so fucking stupid that you all know this.

all the streamers are degenerate.

Don't really give a shit, sorry. Besides... I have Claymores.