I wish I was born white and have everything come easy to me. Instead, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs...

I wish I was born white and have everything come easy to me. Instead, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs, the odds stacked against me since birth. Now I grow up after being told that the future will be alright and slowly watch this world fall into the hands of nazis. It's disgusting! You could reach out and lend a hand to help your fellow man, but instead you want to drag us down and watch us burn. We all want utopia, but there is no utopia for you that wouldn't have us in it and vice versa. The best we can do is learn to live together, free of hate. Why do you resist this?

Cool. Nobody cares. This isn't your personal blog.


>I wish everything come easy to me.

As a non-white how can you consider yourself a nazi? LARPing scum, you won't be spared in the revolution.

The most pathetic "I am a massive loser" speech I have ever read. You should recite it to the homeless as charity to make them feel better about themselves.

Who said I'm a Nazi?
Also, you'll be brown and Muslim before the "Revolution" kek.

>reach out and lend a hand to help your fellow man

based indian

>instead you want to drag us down

You should learn to vote for a party that doesn't keep your people poor just for votes.

>watch us burn

Quit your bitching

Utopia is impossible. Humans are irreconcilably selfish. You don't feel what your neighbor is feeling, nor do you feel what some distant person is feeling. You are as disconnected as anyone else. Just an animal out to feed itself. Whatever you do, don't make more of you.

As for me? Nothing was "easy", and there has been plenty of meaningless bias levied against my interests.

Neither of us asked to exist, and neither of us needs to exist. Class conflict is manufactured by the ruling class for their security and entertainment. Our roles could be switched and the story would still be the same: The grand pyramid scheme that is society needs winners and losers. The losers just happen to have dark skin, and the runners-up only appear to own houses and cars (all debt, all of it).

>there is no utopia for you that wouldn't have us in it

Kill yourself. Sage

>Why do you resist this?

I'm a non-white and I'd rather throw my lots in with the Nazis than you disgusting soy-boys.

>Why do you resist this?

Fuck off nigger

>is learn to live together,


>No hand-outs
dum ghetto azz nigga u get social security up ur azz 24/7 wtf u on about??

>free of hate

So many intolerant assholes here. You deserve to be wiped out! Can't wait to show my discord server this hate


>, I was born a person of color. No hand-outs, the odds stacked against me since birth.
They're not. You have a nigger/commie mentality.

This nigger is richer than most people in America (regardless of color)
Do you know why? Because he actually tried to do something productive instead of bitching like a welfare nigger.

you should wish your ancestors and parents gave a shit about you instead. all the handouts in the world wont fix the fact that your race are thieves, liars, and invest absolutely nothing in the future of their children and never did. my wish is that you get sent back so you can stop living off the backs of people whose ancestors cared about them who pay for everything you have you ungrateful monkey piece of shit.

>No hand-outs,

>odds stacked against me since birth

>I was born a person of color
>No hand-outs
Nigga pls

>It's disgusting!

>everything come easy to me

>The best we can do is learn to live together, free of hate

So why do you allow niggers to have weapons then? it's because Muh free to shoot amedement?

So many of you cry about a fucking typo. You're pathetic, no wonder your women no longer want you.

It because this mental illness known as whiteness. It corrupts white peoples mind thinking they are better then other color people. I stand with you BLM!!!


Thanks comrade! I'm just glad to know that in 3 generations, most of these inbred naturally-born turds will be gone since their either too pathetic to reproduce, or their offspring will breed with the superior races.




Yeah 2042 is coming and these racist pussy are scared. You can't change it. And i decided to reject whiteness and spend my life fighting white supremacy in any form

Yeah, every race has a few idiots. What's your point?

How does it feel knowing the smartest man on Earth is a person of color?


>no hand-outs

you lost me here

>a few idiots

And white people did way worst then this to POC all throughout history

I couldn't imagine how pathetic a person would have to be to force themselves to watch this garbage every day to convince themselves they are right. There is a real world you know, try participating in that to get a real understanding instead of basing your worldview off of cherrypicked cam footage!

Pasty imbeciles.

>high crime rates
>up to 8 times more likely to carry STD's
>ruin schools

There is no way to live peacefully with your people unless it involves living in africa-tier shit.

>a few idiots...

>a few idiots

Understandable. White people can only read what they want to read. They lack empathy.

Im tired of niggers stealing everything! They stole BLM, it used to stand for integrity amongst the community and love for your fellow man!
Bring back BRRRAPPP Lives Matter!

White people steal but its legal and hurts people way worst then a few broken windshields

>a few idiots...

Ghetto trash isn't all black people. Ever seen whites in the ghetto? Far worse than any person of color you'd find anywhere.

>a few idiots..

>no hand outs
What's wrong, boy? Grand mama steal your gibs?

>a few idiots
isn't all black people

only if you really knew what the 'Nazis' were

>a few idiots
isn't all black people..



>a few idiots
isn't all black people....

thoughts on the bell curve?



>a few idiots
isn't all black people

race based slavery, stolen land on multiple continents, colonization and genocide. White people have done wayy worst

this is what I don't like the most in you niggers, instead of getting knowledge from whites you just sit and consume goods in whites countries while your own people suffer in poverty
this is your fucking job as educated member of your race to get best white civilisation offers then come back to your shitholes and make them less of a shithole
but life of a parasite is easier than this

nigger :^)

>a few idiots
isn't all black people

That cave ape hit the black girls daughter so stfu. My dick got hard watching this

>muh poor me meme.

>no hand-outs

Whoooooa now....wait a minute.

pseudoscience, been proven it all junk over and over and over again

why arent you in prison you fucking useless nigger?
how about realize not everybody is born on a fair playing field nigger. my family WAS middle class but my mother pissed away my dads hard work. hes 65 noe and works in construction with his cousin. he lost his 401k cuz of my mom. im lower class econ wise and i work 2 jobs to sustain my truck, house, kids, utilities and support my wifes growing business.
tldr you are a lazy fucking nigger. get out there, work, improve, and better yourself. stop being such a god damn nigger.

ps id love to shoot you in the chest with buckshot and plant a knife on u while my wife says u came at her with rapey intentions. it would be justified and one less nigger in this beautiful white world

Is that why they lost the war? Master race sure do loses alot of wars

>race based slavery, stolen land on multiple continents, colonization and genocide. White people have done wayy worst
who is still practicing slavery today?

Because the Nazis weren't snowniggers and neither are we
You and your family still need to be led into the street and shot though


>a few idiots
isn't all black people,,

Whites, have you seen the weath gap bewteen whites and blacks, and it sure ain't because black are lazy.

i love this shit keep posting more.

>a few idiots
isn't all black people

Mathematics is white supremacy!
Blacks should check themselves. You bully black kids who do well in school, and call them "not black enough". Blacks real problems are black, not white.

White trash, you won't survive the revolution and I'll piss on your grave using my big black dick.

>i love this shit keep posting more.

nice 1 hitter quitter!

shit doesnt come easy to us,we simply work harder

stop being a lazy nigger

that was actually sad.

kys nigger

Denied education to blacks for centuries. Then as soon as they get a foot in the door. Trump want s to take away affirmative action

>i love this shit keep posting more...

lend a hand? thats the problem we have been trying to lend a hand for decades but you dont want it your people just like to bitch and complain

you dont want to climb up to meet the white man,you want to drag us down with you



>a few idiots...
isn't all black people

This thread again.... You're so clever.

You are black, and therefore incapable of leading a civilised life.

Yeah these alt right guys just have the same talking points and junk science they always push