Oh wait, the shooter isn't Muslim.
Never mind lol not a terrorist attack after all

Other urls found in this thread:


>the shooter isn't Muslim.
we don't know who the shooter is yet.

We can safely assume it is a wh*te drumpftard

Why do Asians look like they have Down’s syndrome?

You forgot to change your meme flag
Also, again terrorism requires you that you're doing it for a political motive. Fuck off

We would have been told by now if he were.

The shooter is obviously ISIS since there can be no breaking details yet.

Coulter's law, numbnuts.

The heels ruin it for me. I worry she is gonna snap those things.

c'mon, user, you know what that means

why else would the FBI be on scene when the shooter is dead


surgery to widen eyes to look more like white people/anime.

... terrorist attacks mean an attack on innocent civilians by means of a political or ideological means. If its just a mentally ill loser then thats not a terrorist attack. All muslims are terrorists.

Coulter's Law is in effect

I remember the good old days when my friends here at Sup Forums laughed at this retarded bitch. Guess things are different, now.


Nah, just to look more attractive. Western fags literally have surgery on their buttholes to make it tighter. I'll take the eye thing over that degeneracy.

No we still do. The only ones who like her are alt light redditors who dont see how fake and utter schizo she is. I mean fuck... She is married to a paki muslim

>Not knowing coulter's law


>basing crime off race not motives
Move along faggot

We can safely assume you're a worthless POS

post sauce

Shooter going to be a spic.

>Oh wait, the shooter isn't Muslim.
Except we have no idea if it was a Muslim.

plz post sause

But that's what everyone here does! I'm only trying to fit in... Am I doing it wrong. Oh, and praise kek! lol


>We would have been told by now if he were.
no, lol 99% of the media is anti right wing. they wouldnt tell us

so you're saying that it WAS a terrorist attack? Confusing!

Terrorism by definition has to have a political motive.

"no, lol 99% of the media is anti right wing" say those on the right
"no, lol 99% of the media is anti left wing" say those on the left

What state/government was this man trying to terrorize?

> married to a paki muslim
she has never married. assumed to be bisexual, and has only been confirmed to nigger dick

> Coulter's law
used to be true, but they're wise to this now
milking all the people "don't let him be white!"

my man

The media already know his identity. If he were a Muslim this would have been called a terrorist attack by now, as always. Why do you think it always takes so long for the attackers to be identified? Manipulation. It takes some time to come up with a good story to feed to you sheeple. Rile up the alt right, rile up the left. Divide and conquer, you know the rest.

Keep rubbing your cock to your dictionary and ignore the bigger picture.

I just came to this post to zoom that fat ass. UMA DELICIA !

Still may be a Muslim sleeper agent.

...do you know what terrorism means? Random nut-jobs committing massacres aren't terrorists otherwise most terrorists would be niggers, not Muslims.

Random nutjobs are not the same as terrorism. You should know Ahmed.

A lot of Muslim "terrorists" were wackjobs. Didn't stop the media from labeling them otherwise.

Civilians should never have access to military pistols and rifles. The 2nd amendment was meant for muskets, not machine guns. Americans really need to do something about their gun problem, for the betterment of society. Ban guns.

Terrorism is an act committed to further a political ideology. That is the definition of the word. It doesn't just mean "super evil bad guy" like leftists think it does. Muslims are by definition terrorists, random shooters are not, unless they have some manifesto with political reasons for their actions.

the soul crushing sadness of that post

Americans don't have a gun problem. They do however have a major, major stupid people problem.

Keep missing the point. As long as you win the argument, right?



97% chance Hillary wins this
Yes our media is certainly leftist.

Yes, but they aren't random. Please educate yourself on the definition of terrorism before shooting your mouth off.

Anyway, they have taken far too long to release a name for it to be some random white guy with no discernible motive.


>alt right

god your new.

>>Keep missing the point. As long as you win the argument, right?

What does that even mean?
The OP literally implied that there is a bias toward calling muslims attack terrorists and not doing the same with white people.
The guy answered that thats just correlation and the causation is actually the motivation behind the crime. Muslims 100% of the time commit mass murder as a mean to achieve a political objective while white people do that for different reasons, usually shit and giggles.

You'd be an idiot to say American media isn't leftist as hell. Every single major media source with the exception of Fox


The media will say and act however it must in order control. You're a fool if you think it has some necessary political alignment.

>What does that even mean
It means that he is missing the bigger picture.

You mean how when a paki rapes a bunch of your countries children the media reports him as an "Asian man?" :^)

The media loves nothing more then to make white people look bad and put their pet monkeys up on pedestals, the longer this goes without he race being reported the more likely it is minority.

Oh lawd dat asian ass

Sameul Atticus Barber abandons reason for madness.

The death of potential

>You mean how when a paki rapes a bunch of your countries children the media reports him as an "Asian man?" :^)
Yes, the media does that for a reason too. Everything is for a reason, and getting you riled up over it is exactly what they want. Played like a fiddle, as always.

more like fetal alcohol syndrome

>the media wants you to be racist
What the fuck is this logic

Nope, can't possibly figure out who was behind this attack.

>British "intellectuals"

Classic show.

Terrorist attacks aren't based off race. It's based off whether or not the attacker had political motives.

nope it's fake and gay

I'm absolutely certain that your country is the most degenerate, vulgar den of evil in the world. Even your fucking royalty are baby-eating pedophiles. Jimmy Savile is your god. Please God, nuke the UK. Nuke it into a pile of ash and glass so that the rest of the world may rejoice.