We should abolish child labour laws

We should abolish child labour laws.

If you disagree you are an economically illiterate piece of shit.

We already have too many unskilled laborers as it is, this would only make things worse

I meant worldwide.
But whatever desu

how are you going to enforce that in third world countries with weak governments

it is funny because technically speaking if we allowed sweatshops overseas (something the left is really opposed to) then those nations would be better off. children go to work for sweatshops because THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE INCREASES when they do. that's capitalism for you, it makes peoples lives better.
and what happens after the first sweatshops open? more follow! so more jobs! more demand for labor! that means higher wages! now these children are not working for "sweatshop pay" but instead living wages! THE MIRACLE OF CAPITALISM!

but the left will never allow this because they want to continually say "muh sweatshops and muh human rights" because people on the left don't actually give a damn about making the world a better place. in fact, they want to destroy it, they just want to look self-righteous as they do it

bomb them

>it is funny because technically speaking if we allowed sweatshops overseas (something the left is really opposed to) then those nations would be better off. children go to work for sweatshops because THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE INCREASES when they do. that's capitalism for you, it makes peoples lives better.
>and what happens after the first sweatshops open? more follow! so more jobs! more demand for labor! that means higher wages! now these children are not working for "sweatshop pay" but instead living wages! THE MIRACLE OF CAPITALISM!
>but the left will never allow this because they want to continually say "muh sweatshops and muh human rights" because people on the left don't actually give a damn about making the world a better place. in fact, they want to destroy it, they just want to look self-righteous as they do it

Same problem, different scale

of course all of this is presuming a fairly deregulated economy which is something else lefties have fits over because it would ultimately make all of our lives better

it's to prevent the one parent who doesn't know how to use it properly. we have child labor: it's called chores, babysitting, tutoring, lawn work. 16 is young enough to work.

this might work

>absolute freedom of MUHCONOMY
>send children into sweatshops to make useless trash for Meritards

Nothing worse than ancapilibs.

They are quite happy to buy shit from sweatshops. And they are quite happy to let companies on home soil import cheap labour on work visas and undercut locals

The left are corporatists now.

>I want children to be poor and starve
This is literally you right now.

>if you have a farm but no KANGZ ON PAPA you are poor
>if you exchange that farm for A KANG A DAY you are liberal wealthy
Burgercuck education

>be a poor kid
>go to work for pennies but at least you can buy bread
>law passed so now you starve to death

Agreed. I'd rather have children work and make a living on a small farm, shops, or factories than die on the streets.

They don't have to be unskilled laborers. Most of them would be in some kind of school. This would allow them to both have a job and attend school, legally mind you.

I guess you'd rather let the children die on the streets of keep them alive by using welfare.

What a fucking leaf, no wonder canada is full of welfare leeches.

not for nothing leaf but you fail to properly articulate yourself. i highly doubt anybody here can grasp whatever point you're trying to make. i know i don't.

thank you liberals.

t. kike that wants to lower labor costs

but seriously though, banning child workers is all good and everything but the majority of these countries are dirty poor. a family of 5 all working can barely afford food but now you're taking away 3 source of income?

and no, communism will not save these people. they're already poor we don't want them to become ultra poor

>children should starve to death
yeah and I'm the jew

it would literally make the world a better place. can you explain how this would have anything other than a net benefit, particularly in developing countries, other than just "blaming tha joo"?

>they don't have to be unskilled
You do know the definition of unskilled labor is a job that only requires a high school education, right? Also if they are only working part time due to school that would make them far less desireable then an unskilled adult who has looser hours to schedule around.

no. this would make it easier for garbage people to exploit kids on an industrial scale. there should be sensible child labor laws, and government should have a "don't ask don't tell" attitude towards farmers and such, like it works now.

i grew up on a farm, working since i was a kid. i remember hating it at times, but as an adult i am very happy about it because it made me into a man. work is life, and life is work.

So basically you want children to starve to death in third world countries.

Yeah, I mean if children start working where are we adults going to find jobs?

become sex slaves

Its about allowing more laborers not lowering labor costs.

They could be trained to operate shops, manual labor, and manage facilities.
There are plenty of jobs out there where a high school education.

And look at it this way, it would allow the children to have more money, be able to start a savings account at a young age, then spend it on stocks, college, housing, cars, ect with less debt. Its giving them an easier and quicker start in the real world.

I will agree we should abolish child labor laws when all parents can care for their children.

Why does should it be illegal to hire a 12 year old to fill gas in your car?


the thing is that capitalism and industry as we experience it in the US today has to start out ugly. it has to start out miserable. look at the situations in our factories here in the US in times past. they were HORRIBLE. lefties falsely try to credit "muh regulations" and "muh unions" with fixing those issues but in fact those were only impediments to progress that capitalism was able to overcome. what really makes things better is the fact that capitalism is a naturally growing system. so if you open sweatshops with cheap labor all across a country, and send the population to work, even for pennies a day. eventually you do create another consumer class, and you grow your industry even more, and you create more demand for labor, and thus higher wages, and before you know it you'd have all of these little shitskins walking around buying nikes rather than starving and begging for money on late night infomercials.
but the left won't have that. 100% the left stops that and they're actually PROUD of it and then they have the audacity to point to "fat, well fed americans" whilst other people starve
here is a famous quote from a famous marxist named Marcuse who was one of the founders of the frankfurt school of critical theory and one of the creators of cultural marxism
>This society is obscene in producing and indecently exposing a stifling abundance of wares while depriving its victims abroad of the necessities of life; obscene in stuffing itself and its garbage cans while poisoning and burning the scarce foodstuffs in the fields of its aggression; obscene in the words and smiles of its politicians and entertainers; in its prayers, in its ignorance, and in the wisdom of its kept intellectuals.
that's the fucking audacity and depravity of these people. blame capitalism for doing well while societies without capitalism do poorly while you continually push the policies and economic theories that cause the mass starvation and strife in other places in the world

Been working since I was 10 for $$. Washing cars and mowing lawns in Leafistan.

Didnt learn anything in school. So whats the difference?

>libertarian flag
>thinks there should be laws surrounding who you can and cannot employ
I don't think you know what libertarian is m8 -- why should it be the state's business if a bunch of 9 year olds want to work for me?

Imagine you are the manager of a workshop and want to promote someone to supervisor. Do you:
>Train in an adult who is fully mature and likely to stay with the company for years to come
>Train in a child who is likely to leave the position once they are old enough

>Yeah, I mean if children start working where are we Mexicans going to find jobs?
fixed that for you, reminder spics took all the jobs teenagers used to do.

Democrats brought in Mexicans and took the jobs of the younger american population.

He is saying you shouldn't have child labour laws Melbournian

>attempt to train an adult who has already developed habits and certain expectations
>actually train a child from scratch

im pretty sure you completely 100% and totally misread OPs post

yeh I misunderstood m80

More technical jobs that children can't do. Adults will almost always be smarter and stronger. Plus they may be specialized in some field.

Even if there where more possibilities than the ones you listed. I'd still go for the adults, mainly because I fear that the weak bodies of the children (I assume your talking

We already did. It is called school.

Yes, please.
Just last year a construction worker in Brazil lost his kid to the government because he was caught teaching him how to build a house.

>I can only loan money to the Smith family
>I'll know what I'll do, I'll put women in the work field so I can both loan money to Mister and Miss Smith, simultaneously.
>That's not nearly enough ... where could I get some more money from?

I mean, when I was a teenager it was just called 'helping your cousin' where you'd get to do shit with your carpenter cousin because sometimes he needs an extra pair of hands and its not that hard to measure things and then cut them and swing a hammer or hold a ladder.

Then he gives you some money.

>a kid owrking is bad
>but a kid being send away from their family to a mandatory communist indoctrination center for most of their childhood is good and healthy
>t. the goverment
Burn all schools.

almost everyone recognizes the inherent innocence of this and the benefit it has for the child but yet when you talk about actually loosening up the laws then it's "omg fuck no, can't do that cuz muh child labor!"

i can only wish when i was young that i was sent to do something productive and meaningful which would have conferred some kind of productive skill upon me rather than sitting in miserable public schools for the days, and doing homework at nights, all which would prove to be ultimately fruitless, pointless and largely based on inaccuracies and politically motivated "facts" anyhow (i literally had to write a fucking essay on holocaust victims and how they were "turned into lampshades and soap" for christ sakes, because when i was a kid this was as-of-yet still not proven to be a flat out lie and fabrication as it is now)

Imagine the spics though. Holy shit. They wouldn't even go to school nigger.

Part of the problem of getting people to come to the conclusion the child labor is overall a good thing has alot to do with how they think of said workers.

They often see them as working dangerous jobs in textiles, missing a finger or two, have black lung, or have heavy metal poisoning from working around mine tilling.

But due to changes in technology most children would not be working in these jobs, and if they where the job conditions would far safer. Odds are children would be working "odd jobs", restocking shelves, managing hydroponic farms, doing delivery services, data entry, or janitorial jobs.

The thing i have seen in schools is that kids learn what they can at their individual pace. So if we accepted that it would take way less schooling.
But schools follow the "all are created equal" principle so everybody has to sit there for 10 years because it takes some moron that time to learn. And that moron might be a good productive worker who didn't need to learn it anyway.

a standard test to "graduate" or "graduate to the next level" is definitely something ideal. i remember i dropped out of highschool the day i turned 16 and immediately took my GED so i could go to college (at a local community college) at 16. then transferred into uni from there. shaved 2 full fucking years off of my education it was fucking awesome and yet to this day people i grew up with think "i was a loser" because i dropped out of HS, fucking idiots.

>a race to the bottom in standards is good!

I agree
Tyrone, the 21 year old child, should be able to work in a coal mine

Children have a right to work to

A lot of the higher education is promoted with those social stigmas and nonsense.
And the institutions teach you how to fit into an institution and for many that's all they can do.
That is why so many "educated" people are pro state and can't phathom that there is another solution other than bureaucracy.