I'm in a political discussion group on FB that is like 80% liberals circle jerking...

I'm in a political discussion group on FB that is like 80% liberals circle jerking. this is an actual discussion happening right now, based on the recent shooting news.

really got my almondos activatoed

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm not convinced that members of a Quran believing Muslim sect that openly declare their actions motivated by their faith were actually motivated by their faith, but have no reason to back this up whatsoever.


>it's followers

why can't americans speak proper english? sigh

The only way to save western civilization is to full leftists and put women back in the home.

The poz is so fucking real. I can spiritually feel their toxic seed in my ass.

>is to full leftists

u wot m8

My religion professor (with a PhD, not one of those adjunct frauds) told the class that islam is unironically the religion of peace and that nothing in the quran promotes violence more than any other religion. He told the story of how, since he got his degrees, family members will ask him why muslims are so violent and he'll have to tell them that it has nothing to do with islam. He closed by telling us to not look down on people who ask questions like that, as it often comes not from a place of hate but instead one of ignorance.

in this case tho, it actually didn't have anything to do with islam

your prof is a fraud or at worst...a muslim himself.

ANYBODY who mass murders people has something wrong with them, so saying that islamic terrorists arent terrorist because they are mentally unstable is like saying a shoe store doesnt sell shoes because other stores dont sell shoes.

dafuq. did he have a theory as to why islam was creating so much terrorism then?

also FYI guys I can post into this thread. If you have a good rebuttal for me to post, i'll do it

Could it be our endless bombing and "democracy spreading"?

>start a religion
>become brutal warlord
>rape and sell men women and children into slavery en masse
>kill all nonbelievers and even their animals
>marry two women and one child

>1400 years later people that you would kill without hesitation fight to prove that you started a religion based on peace

We didn't go much into it but it would have involved marxist theories of oppression structures I'm sure.

>it's white people's fault
Only historically illiterate believe this. Muslims have been the aggressors since day one

what about when they did the same damn things to europe for centuries to the point of provoking men to journey hundreds of miles from home to the holy land to go kick their muslim asses?

He wasn't a Muslim though, he was a commie

this was before the details were out

just change your avatar to a rainbow flag and post "yeah fuck whipepo tho"

>don't bomb snadniggers
>everyone freaks out because you're giving russia and china to much geopolitical power
>bomb sandniggers
>people freakout and blame you for global terrorism

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

"Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame, etc.), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in grades those who strive hard and fight with their wealth and their lives above those who sit (at home).Unto each, Allah has promised good (Paradise), but Allah has preferred those who strive hard and fight, above those who sit (at home) by a huge reward "

Your professor is retarded. Also look at how quickly they spread after Muhammad's death. It also refutes that Christians have the "same god", I fucking hate that lie. They don't believe in Jesus and God does not tell Christians to kill non-believers, he gives them the will to choose. Doesn't that make more sense? Why would you make a world where you have your followers force the others with violence? Fucking retarded sand niggers. Tell your teacher to kill himself.

I love this song. Used to listen to it so much


I post a link to it in every fashy music thread but it never seems to get much love.

Just post pictures. They are idiots.

Another. Bonus kid for muh feels.

wait... this isn't a shop? is this shit for real mynigga?

In the case of Arabs, they are just a shit tier race that is predisposed to savagery and violence, like niggers.

Read a history book you fucking ignoramus. Islam has been trying to conquer the West since its inception. They're only making headway now because our ZOG imports them in by the millions.




>alienated in some way

Why do roasties like elizabeth care about moohamad's mental state after he drove through 50 people because he hated westerners but not about eliot rodger's mental health who was aliented by roasties like herself?

funny how they all shrieked a theocracy was here with GWB and the rethugs want to cram religion down everyone's throat - it's still a given they just prefer i hate drumpf right now - but then when it comes to muzzies it's all very vague, not really part of any equation, a misnomer as far as any death or attacks... totally unrelated...

these people are insane, brainwashed to the core.

so all the clips you can hear them screaming alluhah ahkbar over and over before the big death kill - ask the libturds why that is not related to their religion

The Orlando shooter was not mentally ill. His wife said he was bipolar because she was an idiot. He was never diagnosed with anything.

Justina Ireland is behind this

facebook is an internet ghetto
stay away and stop giving zucc cucc buccs

Actually from my understanding a lot of Islamic terrorism comes from Muslims who grow up with a Western lifestyle, then later on feel like they have become "bad Muslims" or "lost touch with their faith/culture" and end up trying to compensate by joining Islamic groups that they become radicalised by and then commit terrorist attacks. That's why it isn't a case of "Oh it's poor mistreated Muslims who have no choice" or whatever, there are plenty of cases of well-off university educated Muslims becoming radicalised in this way.

So yeah, it actually has something to do with Islam, other religions and cultures don't seem to have this problem in the West. It's not a problem of "racism" it's a problem of radicalisation that the West consistently turns a blind eye too in fear of making Muslims look bad. I think there have even been reports by members of Western Muslim communities about radicalisation going on but they just get ignored.

Does anyone have pics of Devin Kelley's wife? I want to see if she's a spic


just post this faggot

White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words (Full Documentary)

>that's a conversation we should be having
god fucking dammit, why do these libshits believe that nobody is ever talking about anything important? LOTS of people talk about this shit! this "conversation" has been going on for a very long time!


nothing annoys me more than normalfags acting like they're doing something productive by suggesting that 'we should be having a conversation about this' and then never elaborating upon anything or having that conversation, there just this suggestion that 'we need to have this conversation'
these so called people don't deserve to live

A serious response that might get their almonds activating:

>Yes, someone like Mateen (Orlando shooter) might have been alienated and suffering from mental issues. That said, foreign terrorist groups, most notably ISIS, can exploit these vulnerabilities to encourage and guide troubled individuals to execute a planned attack whereas otherwise they might have sought help, or at least festered in their basement. Without the fundamentalist ideology, propaganda, and coaching emanating from extremists, attacks of this nature would be less likely.

CONTINUATION. I started blocking names, pretend i did that before, and don't dox pls kthnx.

wait until the end, there is hope for redpilling these types, you just gotta be slow and gentle and pretend they have valid points



If you want something to be true, you can make yourself believe it. This is true of the left and pretending muslims aren't born to be terrorists.

the pew research is always good:


Murrica doesn't have a gun problem, it has a giving ritalin to little boys from 5 to 18 problem. Foreign policy of intervening, bombing and screaming muh democracy doesn't help.
Of course islum is the perfect software to run terrorism on, but you also excel at damaging brains into accepting this sort of thing with or without it.

nice, i'm going to slip that one in there if the convo keeps going

>glommed onto

Jesus fucking Christ, they probably use amazeballs and awesome sauce in conversation but just for funsies.

Why do you talk with these people OP?

What a retard. Muslims are literally commanded to wage war on us, and as long as their book and teachings exist they will be able to be """radicalized"""

>Yeah, even the guis, who purport to be killing in the name of Islam or any other religion (kek), probably do so because they feel alienated, in some way.
They think killing people is a suitable reaction to being lonely.

Yes it is real, Muslims frequently argue in favor of Sharia law in every country they gain a sizable population in.

It's part of why you have to point out cases like in Texas where some Muslims seriously were wanting to start a Sharia court which subsequently had to be shut down by a Texas court. People typically don't believe that Muslims are coming to the west unless they want to be part of the west, so you have to drill it in their heads that Muslims are always wanting to impose their lifestyle on everyone else.

If it were a case of Muslims feeling out of touch with their faith/culture then you would have a lower rate of terrorism in the Middle East where Islam reigns.

It always has to do with Islam just being Islam.

He also cleared psychological exams for his job

I'm coming to a point where anyone that uses the word folks (plural) is getting punched. 'The folk' is fine though.