CNN makes fun of church shooting

Jesus christ they really need to go out of business already

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I mean these people were racist reactionaries who probably voted for trump. Rural hicks

this guy that got shot look like sam

sam make more content please you fucking asshole

i fucking love this meme
i wonder if sam actually catches shit from the cops from this kind of stuff

Holy Fuck

Anybody have the screenshot showing that devin patrick kelley was searched 75 times by virgina/maryland 6 weeks ago? google trends fails

this cant be fucking real, surely your medias not that shit

It is all real

please be fake. like are they playing 25d chess here and reverse trolling us. they cant be that incompetent can they?

Is this real?

>who's telling you that, was it officials

This is real, the guy has the IQ of a congressman.

AHAHAHAHA for fucks sake, that cunt must be on a dozen watch lists

Sam Hyde MUST be stopped.


How do you guys do this? how is this possible? This is magnificent

you just have to get in early when no one knows anything. Eventually people on twitter will see it in whatever # the happening is in. Then they fall into the trap

>surely your medias not that shit

What do we have to do to prove it?

so just spam it's sam hyde when something happens? hehe

i swear the god for all the shit hes talking about the jews he will get thrown in something finnaly

this is ridiculous. funny. but why are reporters failing for it??

He's mentioned that he's been interviewed by the fbi before.

they have no idea who Sam is. So they see people talking about this dude & posting his picture & he looks like he is a bit crazy and why would they lie!

hes a victim and the perpetrator, sam is playing 8d chess

He cant keep getting away with it!



here another one

holy kek that pic of him

pretty sure at this point the guys in the editing room are from Sup Forums

How does Sup Forums keep getting away with fooling the Media? thats the real question here.

because the media are incompetent

because we'll always be a bunch of fringe retards that they're too ashamed to talk about, truly, being disgusting is our true force here

my sides are gone

CNN very fake news

surely by now they would know the name Sam Hyde and what he looks like. Is it just because Mass Shootings are so frequent but a still always hot news that they just rush out any old garbage they think makes the story?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this meme?

everytime there's a mass shooting we said it was sam hyde the shooter, most of the time, the media eat it up, then we sit back watch and laugh, rinse and repeat

Sorry, phone posting and put up the wrong flag. Fixed!!

They're desperate to be "first" with things, even if they're not true.

Oh I see. How long can you keep getting away with it? Surely they would have caught on by now.


so far it's been a year or two and we dont really and end to it

i really need an explanation for the bloated corpse in this picture. Was he hanging upside down? is this some severe allergic reaction?

how the fuck did sam make himself look that fucked up

did he intentionally give himself an awful allergic reaction for meme points

I think he is just hanging upside down and putting all the pressure onto his face

¡Él no puede seguir saliéndose con la suya!


Who can stop him?

Because the MSM is full of retarded jews.

He can't keep getting away with this

The meme that keeps on giving

because they lie all the time. they need to keep dumbass sheep glued to the idiot box. so they just make shit up as they go to keep them from changing the channel.

>was it officials

oy vey

If only they knew..

Holy shit CNN
Fakest of news

You realize at some point someone will find you and hurt you right?

It stopped being funny a long time ago bitch,
just shut the fuck up with that childish shit already

it is that shit
especially CNN and MSNBC

>this is what i've been told by officials
what a fucking liar

wait was that a congressman getting publicly memed on or did some Sup Forumstard call CNN and they just took him at his word he's a congressman?

what the fuck, even mexican news sites confirmed that it was sam hyde

People with culture, yes. Your moral, cultural and ethical betters.


I was this meme plenty of times, but when and why did it start?

Journalists average at an IQ level similar to construction workers. They're idiots, the media apparatus is INCREDIBLY susceptible to trolling, which makes it inevitable that they will be trolled, hilariously, until they are no longer taken seriously.

This is the reason that the legacy media must collapse. It is a dumb, slow, blind animal that is easily baited by swifter and more flexible opponents. We've been systematically humiliating the entire media complex with impunity for about ten fucking years now and they haven't adapted to it AT ALL. The system is too rigid to adapt and too inept to survive, so survive it will not.

We are the future. A formless scythian horde demolishing any pretense at respectability that the Jewish press attempts to put forth.

I've had no internet for a while after move, thought I was almost going to be normiefied again. Ahhh Sup Forums I missed you.

Does anybody have a link to the stick thread about the shooting?

That pic kek

Get comfy

How the fuck does Sam keep getting away with this shit? The worst mass shooter in world history.

the fat hand is a nice touch