Amphetamines - a scourge on society, or what?

Is there any benefit to the use of amphetamines? During war time or otherwise?

Should drugs in this category, or all, be legalized?

>Reporting in, currently influenced.

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"Is meth good?

adderal and others make life way easier, but you die inside. It's quite an issue

they are legal

getting adderall from a doctor is as easy as getting asprin

Is meth the white man's crack?

All drugs should be legalized, if you're too retarded to use them responsibly, you would have fucked up some other way if it weren't for the drugs.

Alcohol is completely devastating in the wrong hands, yet it still has legitimate uses.

Fuckin' kill any motherfucker who crosses me, bitch. Even Hitler was on the opioids and the meth. He probably took the cocaine and listened to shoegaze too.

No, that would be heroin.

I wonder about adderall. I don't find it nearly as enjoyable as good blow, lack of euphoria maybe.

It's quite bizarre that it can be prescribed so easily.

>Heroin the upper
You aren't good at context, are you?

I prefer mine with lo-fi hip-hop or synthwave.

anyone else /skeet/?
>you have reached your post limit

I took it for 2 years straight. I've been off for almost a month now and every day I still feel like I am underwater. Time seems to be moving much much faster and it's very difficult to get up and focus on tasks but I think it's mostly psychological. I will say that my boners are much more robust and I no longer feel like a robotic insect person. Feeling actual emotions has been a welcome change.

I wouldn't fuck with it again, myself.

Which substance do you refer to?

So do you think there should be a legal age to use them? Like 18 or 21? Most people are really worried about how if you suddenly legalized everything it would find its way to their kids. I personally believe if we were a far more stringent society that was really against kids using drugs then perhaps we would let out laws be more lax. Or if our people were completely okay with drugs and alcohol being even inside of vending machines like japan, and if you decide to fuck up your life with drugs its your choice.

Don’t fall for the hype.
Adderall/Vyvanse/etc. fuckssssss you hard core in the long term. They prescribed me that shit for 4 years, the first year and a half to two years was smooth sailing like everyone describes, A’s, juggling school and work no problem, laser focus, attention to detail. But after that, it starts to lose its effect so they bump you up a little and it doesn’t do much, bump you again bump you again, but it’s never the same as the beginning. Eventually your dosage just gets so high that all the benefits are basically gone and you turn into a glorified legal speed freak. This causes a secondary problem, where you now feel like you need it to complete most basic tasks, because you feel like you’re more productive on it regardless of if you actually are or aren’t. I’ve been off the shit for a year and a half now and I’m still nowhere close to normal, I’m almost tempted to go back to the doctor and get a script for it again just because I’m not sure what else to do.

It certainly creates a question of welfare and socialized services for addicts and ODs. Does an unregulated society better a war-on-drugs scenario?

I have no doubts about the problems regulation causes. However I also worry about white people deciding to just opt out and kill themselves while all the foreigners flood in and the wealthy elite stay in the gated communities as society collapses around them. I'm worried that deregulation would be the final nail in the coffin for white people in america. I also think it would create more problems. I want to believe that the freedom to do what you want trumps these things but my heart isn't sure.

You retards shouldn't have been abusing stimulants everyday. What the fuck did you expect?

You would have been drug addicts no matter what. At least you were addicted to a useful one, right?

Adderall of course

As someone prescribed adderal and painkillers, I use the adderal sparingly usually when I need to do some work and get in the zone. Adderal has a very fast growing tolerance and its best used at most 2-3 days a week and then trying to a week without it because the tolerance grows quickly and diminishes quickly. Painkillers are terrible because I feel like my tolerance for them grows rapidly and then stay for months at a time, thankfully my doctor works with me and rotates me off of different ones and onto others.

Does anyone actually use adderall recreationally?

>White for me atm

Bad news for you long term adderal users. If you ever make it to middle age your heart will probably need some major work.

My family has a history of high blood pressure and strokes. But even though I should quit, I don't feel like its worth it. I had an uncle die from cancer when he was 40. I would regret it if I suddenly had cancer tomorrow and hadn't lived my life the way I wanted. I feel like that's the only way I can live my life.

It’s not like you’re purposefully taking more than the reccomended dosage to get high.
Keep in mind this scenario isn’t for somebody going to a doctor for legal speed, it’s for someone like me who I would say is an average person, felt like they had a problem, and went to a doctor for advice. Just my experience and unfortunately the experience of more than one of my friends as well.
You’re young, you feel like you have a problem, so you go to the doctor. They tell you that you have adhd so they prescribe you meds, and the shit works at first. So you keep going back and you build a relationship with the doctor and you feel like you can trust them because it’s working so far.
Then they suggest bumping it up a bit and you say okay because you have that trust, it doesn’t work quite as expected so they say okay let’s bump it up a little more, and you say okay, eventually you find out too late that they’re really just throwing medication at you, and at that point you’re already at way higher of a dosage than you should be, and once you’re there you can’t just go back to a lower dosage.
I’m not saying I don’t bear some of the fault, I should’ve recognized that something was up and let the doctor know. But when 40mg works for 2 years and loses efficiency, you think logically that going to 50 is going to be the next step, and people need to know upfront that that’s not how it works at all and you could end up causing some pretty decent damage to yourself.

Its best to pull that band-aid off quickly. Going cold turkey sucks, i've been on benzos and it was really hellish coming off of them after being on them for a year or so. The withdrawal caused me to sweat so much and I would wake up in the middle of the night my bed completely soaked. But if you remember that its temporary and it will get better, you can make it through it you just have to not be a pussy.

This. If you want to drink, say, bleach, go right on ahead. My tax dollars shouldnt be used to stop you. To ban bleach for "vulnerable people" (idiots)/ regulate bleach. Perfectly fine with those tax dollars being used to build hospitals, in case I suddenly feel a hankering for a gallon of bleach. Get it? End the drug war.

You kids would be better off getting the chronic low T up to normal levels and laying off the stems. Your generation has lowest T levels of all time. Done purposely of course.

I would also add that what I do to help my tolerance not be so high where I don't take it for a few days out of the week or I just abstain for taking it for a few weeks is something that doctors are kinda told not to tell you anymore. The entire industry is worried about people selling their pills so much so that they'd withhold information that could help you to prevent that. The alternative is that you'd suddenly decide to take a lot of your pills that you saved and OD and that'd look bad on the doctor. Some places actually demand that you submit a urine test to prove you've been taking those medications every month and can ask you to come in once a month at random to submit a urine test and show them your pill bottle so they can see if you have been selling them.

I take Dextroamphetamine extended release. People say they dislike how robotic it makes them feel. I'm the opposite, I fucking love feeling like a robot. My head spins so goddamn much off the shit that I'd crumble and fail without amphetamine in my life.

lol junkie

I had a prescription until I lost my insurance

I didn't take it recreationally, but I don't recommend it long term.

Your boy Hitler used amphetamines all the time. Perhaps that's whats missing in your lives. Maybe meth is the final redpill.

>Told not to tell you anymore
I can straight up confirm that, not only did my doctor not tell me she told me the complete opposite, I asked her is it a good idea to take the weekends off or whatever because I heard that was the case and it could be beneficial, and she just kind of hummed and hawed and was like “ knowwww if the medication helps you, and you don’t feel bad on it then I meannnn you really have no reason NOT to take it everyday....”

its opens them up for a lawsuit, if you happen to be unstable and you went off of your meds for a day and killed someone then said it wasn't your fault your doctor told you it'd be okay, then that doctor would be in some serious shit.

I got a story. Tyrone was never satisfied in life and he wanted to discover the whole world. Tyrone began to realize that the world is an illusion created by the brain. Few years later Tyrone began working as a pharmacist, he saw many variety of drugs. He started recreationally smoking weed, and the world seem very different while being high. Then it lead to Tyrone tripping on public markets and malls. Tyrone was fascinated with the wonders of drugs. He was a functioning opiate user and was very successful at his career. At times he will use amphetamines to cure his laziness.
Tyrone is very proud of still being alive while having many experiences in life. Be like Tyrone.

I had a prescription. It was nice because you could put your mind to something and do it forever without getting bored. But it sucks long-term.

It'll make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur

>During war time or otherwise?

Not really, there are better alternatives. Modafinil + Caffeine >>>>> Amphetamines for motor functions.

>armchair physicians: the thread

>This causes a secondary problem, where you now feel like you need it to complete most basic tasks,
The reality is that before Adderall you failed to complete those most basic tasks but you had less self-awareness so you didn't realize that you were not completing them.

ADHD isn't fake.

Nothing similar about meth and dextro. One is an inhalant. One is also incredibly outdated. It's like seeing a person still using VCRs because he thinks the Blue Rays are going to watermark his mind, and he only has porno on VHS because the Blue Ray store only has softcore and it's all from his neighbors, so he may as well use VHS on CRT and fry his eyes on better shit and his neighbors are the ones that didn't actually evolve sexually at all. Who wants to watch that shit? I'm sure plenty of Adderol users are also going to develop schizophrenia too, when they've been using it per instructed for 120+ years!

Maybe I'm a cynic.

lol@seeing this thread at 4am when i'm up off a 30mg adderall

Amphetamines are god-tier and immensely positive. I can't fathom how it can be addictive to some people when I regularly forget to take it

Only in USA sadly. I have legit severe adhd (self-diagnosed because according to genius Polish psychiatrists adult adhd doesn't exist *at all*) and my choice is either break the law or RC

When I was a kid the opinion was that ADHD doesn't exist even in kids so I guess in 20-30 years things may come around

and they fell into the soft, soft grass because no roads were constructed in that area

I used amphetamines recreationally on and off for a couple of years. It's not what it's cut out to be. Fun, definitely, addictive, definitely in a way that sneaks up on you. Useful only situationally.

Don't go back, user. Amphetamines are something which are restricted to a certain amount in your lifetime (with interpersonal variance ofc).
Expect to wait another couple of years to get back to normal. Getting another prescription will just f you up more

memantine helps with tolerance.

And then the neighbors make court ordered demands that you watch their Blue Ray films. They're spending so much time convincing you that it's okay to watch their film because it isn't pornography at all, it's some cousin's wedding bullshit. But guess what, they indeed watermarked it with their juvenile porn thinking you would appreciate it, but it just upset your traditional values, cuz you're the old guy here, and you like the extra responsibility. You wasted all this energy looking for decent hardcore to watch away from your family in your personal cellar with a VCR cuz, you're still kind of a sick fuck but that doesn't mean you don't deserve the privacy, you got your hopes up that the new neighbors were the shit, but they didn't meet your criteria for stimulation as it turns out, so you're gonna go back to watching VCR and hope that image they left you dissipates or fry your eyes out on CRT so you never have to see them again. Whichever comes first.

I have seen the effects of meth in a pretty personal way. My best mate (geeky, kinda shy, goofy personality) started hanging out with a bunch of fuckwits and snobbing me. They would go on meth fueled binges for days, weeks at a time. He ended up in debt and fucked in the head. He became what I can only describe as a 'fake chad' - started fucking heaps of girls, grew a massive ego, became ridiculously extroverted (while having no self respect or inner confidence), thought about nothing other than himself and how he would manipulate somebody to get his next fix. He thought he was fucking charlie sheen. Sure, he got to fuck a lot of bitches, but that is about the only positive. His life is fucked now and I don't talk to him anymore

there's benefits to all drugs and yes they should all be legalized to stop drug dealers, use some of the tax money to pay for the fuck ups of retarded people using them wrong

Any drug is okay if used in moderation. Meth is fun when used every once in awhile.

libertarian checking in. i have no problem with nonprescription sales of amphetamines. the issue has to do with the users self control. when use turns into abuse is where problems occur.

I’ve been using amphetamine paste, snorting it, a few times a week for about 2 months now. I’m using it purely as an appetite suppressant because I need to lose weight and I don’t get hungry on it.

I then take one Valium at around 11PM and am out cold by midnight.

I have noticed the appetite suppressing factor is less strong than it was when I first did it.

How fucked am I?

I take it daily for narcolepsy. Game changer and saved me. It continues to work at the same dose over the long haul.
It does have it's uses and can be used responsibly. And before you say it, I know, kill myself.

Ritalin is amazing. I miss it.

I drink about 3cups of coffee a day. I thought I had a problem with caffeine but you fucks are on a different level. I see some class mates on adderal I think, they out perform me by a lot but I still manage to get B’s so I don’t think taking drugs to get A’s is worth it.

it allows you to be a productive nazi

For all the fellas who's doing Amps on regular basis, I recommend you getting hands on Memantine. Several studies point to the fact that NMDA-antagonists reduce tolerance buildup and also makes cravings less when you are off the medication. Google it for more info if interested.


med fag here,

they let females and minorities in disproportionately here regardless of their actual merit

they tailor the course to suit their ineptitude.

i am a minority in my group of peers.

don't trust a female doctor, go see a old white boi