Putin could Nuke America

Get fucked burgers. Putin has the means to distroy America. Russia just develloped the strongest missile in the world that no defense can stop.

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Hopefully he'll bomb Israel.

BREAKING NEWS: Russia now has nukes

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i second this notion for the benefit of all humanity

>Russia can nuke America

This has been a thing since the 1950s. We had a Cold War about it and everything.

Putin is a kike and as such an enemy of Russia.
19-25 year old know-nothing Nazbol children should stfu and stop pretending they know how the world works before they get BTFO.

Why do you think we're getting so fat? It's to protect us from radiation, the U.S. is to big to completely glass, all we gotta do is go to bum fuck Kansas and let our fat cells absorb those sweet, sweet ions. We won't even have to eat since our fat will become cancerous and grow by itself. We'll effectively become what the world fears most.

BREAKING NEWS: America has had nukes that can hit any spot on earth for decades. welcome to the ball game.

>thinking he wants to nuke the West
His family and assets and his friends' family snd assets are there, you mongoloid.

Shelom is old Slavic for helmet.
He isn't Jewish but has ties.

>Putin could Nuke America

Then he should shut the fuck up and do it.


He could, but wont. He would be fucked, just like we would. Get cucked Russian dog.

>He would be fucked, just like we would.

A necessary sacrifice to make the world a slightly better place.

>Russia just develloped the strongest missile in the world that no defense can stop.
It's called SATAN-2

Russia unveils terrifying 'Satan 2' super-nuke with 'power to wipe out whole of UK' at military parade

>Putin has the means to distroy America.
lmao do it faggot

jewish..not jewish.. ties... he's a plague on Russia

Russian engineering is the only missile defense system the rest of the world needs.

>russia and usa mutually destroy one another
chinks win.

>lmao do it faggot
You will do it to yourselves from inside you stupid burgers bloodthirsty warmongers cunts.

Low IQ Nazbol confuse Judaism with Russian Nationalism

There's a difference between respecting another culture and being jewish also if you had the bottom picture and saw the full thing he's pushing them out of the way

Even if he is Jewish so what.
He is smart intelligent and has respect all over the World not like your puppet.


It's almost guaranteed that any nuclear engagement would escalate to global nuclear war.

>Putin has the means to distroy America
Wow fo' SHIZZLE? I had no fucking idea!


you're prbly american, dumb cunt.
nazbol is judaism. stop being 16 years old and get real ideology.

>muh russia
why do leftists just suck, you people are too miserable and no fun

So what?
Go and buy yourself box of adult diapers because looks like you are shitting yourself constantly. kek

But (((they))) don't pull the strings of the world from Israel. (((They))) live throughout the west. Aren't the majority of Israelies basically goyim with the exception of NuttyYAhoo?

Commie flag supporting Putin. How big of a fail shill are you anyway?


>hurrr so what if im an edgy 16 yr old experimenting with his first political ideology
kill yourself. you are the cancer killing Sup Forums.

Are we pretending it's 1962 again?

Nukes are a hoax.

oh what? is this aleksandr dugin, leader of the Nazbol movement, and he's a dirty Jew? who could have seen this coming!?

im going to bed. stop being cancer, OP.

The US has had nuclear powered tunneling machines since the 1970's. Just like Ol Tyme siege warfare the fastest way to win that war is to place huge warheads underneath the enemies cities. The Satan2 is no match for the hell the US can release.

Learn how to deal with reality fat burger faggot not with your delusions of grandness.
The game is over for your bloodthirsty imperium creating wars allover the World just so you can profit from human suffering calling your involvement's: We are bringing democracy to your country.

No the game is over. As many other mighty empires in the past collapsed yours is collapsing as we speak.

Congratulations, you've developed a superior missile that cannot be defended against.

Too bad a hail of 8000 shitty mirv's from the cold war are equally impossible to defend against.

