If you're an atheist


Your life is meaningless, kys.

If I hear one more atheist laugh about Christians being killed im going to go full deus vult tomorrow with my megaphone at my local college.

I'm speaking out against christian persecution tomorrow.

Im going to fuck people up with free speech.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao angry delusional christcuck tantrum

>Going to go full Deus vult
Your religion is a literal prank from the Jews to get nonjews to worship their god through a Jew that probably never existed (Jezus)

Its a cuck religion

Not that you all deserve to die or something laughing at that is mean ok

>triggered christshit
loving every laugh


Not very christian of you to say such things, surely you have committed huge sins.

>Christian prosecution

Made me kek

Skeptic community fags can show themselves out. Your community sucked, and still sucks. Some of the most vapid, shallow twits I have ever met.

>I'm speaking out against christian persecution tomorrow.

By all means, please feel free to larp pols memes about the atheist Sunday school teachers who killed his wife and child in the church that they attend.

Do it somewhere that you'll be going back to in the future.

anyone who is an atheist and believes life is suffering should seriously kill himself. it's that simple. on the other hand, if a person is an atheist who enjoys degenerate behaviour then he may live but is definitely a retard

If Chr*stians don't listen to reason, maybe they'll listen to bullets.

You're not a Christian, stop lapring.

I would Tell you Christians to kys, but apparently I don't need to.

you're not a heterosexual, stop lapring

>christian persecution
Are you going to talk about how christians persecuted gnostics and pagans?

Go kneel before your jew god, you faggot. I hope you get assraped by a train.

Christianity is a religion of violence. Judging from your post, it sounds like you're indistinguishable from isis. Kys

>Christianity is a religion of violence.
Christians come tell us how great christianity was for Europe and the western world and the truth of those days was that if you weren't deus vulting 138 times per second you would be burned at the stake. There was no freedom even to pee.

you have a caricature conceptualization of religion and spirituality, are you an african refugee?

Definitions for people needing them:

Theist is a view that a deity or deities exist.

Agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist. It later became popularized as the view that you don't know whether God exists. Even later is became characterized as a subgroup of theist and atheist that you do not know whether this position is right but you think one or the other ("Agnostic Theism" and "Agnostic Atheism").

Atheism is a term for "ungodliness" or immorality. In the 18th century it became a view that deities do not exist. In the 20th century is became not a view at all but an absence of belief in a deity.

>Christianity is a religion of violence.
Shit man, anti-Christians can never get their story straight. We were cucks just earlier today. Now we're violent.

Cucks who are so cucked that they are trying to violently spread their cuckoldry on decent people.

>this guy
That was actually somewhat creative.

Jesus ist the most powerful argument against Judaism.

Why do you think you get cucked?
For being violent.


You are violent and insane, you need only watch the history channel.

>Im going to fuck people up with free speech.
And people in return will fuck you up with facts and mockery of your Jewish fan fiction.
Enjoy worshipping (((Jesus))), King of the Jews

Go ahead and preach christcuck. You'll be the laughing stock of your campus, nobody older than 8 years old should believe a water walking zombie kike.

Sure thing, Reddit.
Seriously though, tell me once you have an actual argument and not rhetoric.

Slave religion

Lonely atheist, didn't get many replies huh? D;

>A group of Christians were quietly worshiping God in their Church.
>Then a leftist atheist stormed in and gunned them all down.

Really makes you think.

Are you telling me that being dripping blood from all thoughout your history is not a good argument?

Ignore all the bloodbaths, you have to tell me something new and exciting every day!

Western World, tell Christianity how great you are wobbling in the wind without your foundation.

You are still only responding with rhetoric. No points or evidence are presented. At best you are trying to get me to imply an argument for you. Stop being stupid.

Come on, user, reveal your power level.

Says the follower of Hitler.
Hello pot, meet Kettle.

The western world is fucked because of christianity, Merkel is a christian and is doing charitable works.

I don't follow Hitler, I wear that flag because I'm a gnostic and it is similar to the gnostic cross.

>God is real

Could I get some evidence for that claim, champ?

I mean actual, physical evidence. If God has been performing miracles for the past 2000 years -- and the Bible promises that he'll move mountains on your behalf -- then it would absolutely leave behind physical evidence.

Catholics realize this, which is why they at least have the sense to proclaim a number of miracles every year.

And yet, you're judging another follower of Christ?


I don't follow shitty demiurge commandments.

Awesome. Have a bible give-away. People today need to read some of the bible.. it's like reading the exact reason we're in the situation we're in, because it is and because people haven't.

Well, the western world is fucked because they lost sight of the Christian God when they chopped the world to pieces with scientific reductionism. Just look at the never ending cycle of communists.

How is rethoric referring to the whole bloodthirsty history of the christian church?

>the western world is fucked because they lost sight of the Christian God

No, the western world is fucked precisely because of the christian god. The more christian values (actual christian values) are practiced in spite of the general atheism, the more it goes badly for the general populace.

So, your particular view on Christ is he's a pawn of the demiurge?
If not, I remind you that of the passage of the mote in thy brother's eye found in the Gospel of Thomas.

Yeah, strange that following the Law doesn't work without Faith as a guide, isn't it?

I don't believe in god either, but atheism is pure cancer.

Yes, and I find you a pawn of the demiurge too, since you're trying to tie me up with doctrinal laws.

Merkel has faith.

Christianity is a fucking leftist ideology. Jewsus was gay and jew. There is no god. Cry me a river, faggot and go pray for your Dog.

Ah yes, it's good that this shit in church was killed. It's a revenge for the dark ages.

Jesus smell ugly

I'm just wondering why you attack Christians with such vitriol.

Hello Putin.

>The amount of Reddit in this thread.

Sure thing, m8.
Three part post on a basic introduction to theism. First part introduces major concepts, second part is the proof itself, and the third part is a response to common criticisms.


>The western world is fucked because of christianity
The hardest traditionalism you can get in the west is a return to Christendom, user. All progressivism and liberal individualism begins with the rejection of Christendom with the Reformation and Enlightenment. Tolerance as a western virtue comes from the Enlightenment.

Because you are not providing evidence or argumentation but just colorfully begging the question constantly.

>asked to reveal power level
>does nothing

>whites being slaughtered on a daily basis
I sleep

>christians get killed
reeeeee muh kike on a stikk

I'd have to look into her. The fact that Germany is forcing other countries in the EU to submit to their will is worrisome.

>Galatians 3:28

>worshipping a dead rabbi on a stick

Deus Vult Brother in Arms!!! I hope you had a Blessed Sunday.

>Christianity is a fucking leftist ideology.
Under no circumstances can this be seen as true. People can interpret it in a leftist way butthats about it.

>whites being slaughtered on a daily basis
>I sleep

What? Are you new to Sup Forums or something?

Nietzsche's view of Christianity has been refuted already.

Are you going to say that christianity is about denying entrance to migrantes while at the same time you will deny the violent history of christianity?

You want to be the badass bloodbathing warrior while denying to be the badass loodbathing warrior?

starting to like Lithuanians more every day

So this is how the Catholics are going to convert the baptists....neat

also Iran isnt white.

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Correct, there is a human dignity that is beyond race, ethnicity, or gender. However that does not mean that race, ethnicity, or gender do not exist. You are imagining an argument in your favor that isn't there.

You are violent cucks. Such a thing is possible. Its a trait of leftists. Yes, christianity as it was formed was a mass movement of non-europeans and women who overthrew traditional european faiths in a gigantic insurgency not unlike modern leftist idealogies. The christian cancer was only later contained by wise clergy who brought in rituals of "paganism" and formed the catholic faith. However, this shit was fucking pozzed since the underlying basis was still globalist, egalitarian, and abstract. Christianity is like the Ring in lotr, you think you can use it for good, but its foundation is rotten and semitic, and it will always betray you.

Would you welcome a wolf into your flock? Would you give quarter to an enemy soldier that has sworn for your death?

"When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed."


>proof itself

Learn what a word proof means, you Christian faggot. Educate yourself.

Love your enemies.
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.

>still hiding
To quote from an article on a recent cardinal:
>“The ideology of liberal individualism promotes a mixing that is designed to erode the natural borders of homelands and cultures, and leads to a post-national and one-dimensional world where the only things that matter are consumption and production,” Cardinal Sarah said.
>Echoing Pope Francis, the cardinal said European nations must take part of the responsibility if they have destabilised the countries that migrants are travelling from, however that does not mean changing themselves through mass immigration.
>Cardinal Sarah also lamented the secularisation of Europe, saying the continent has been in an unprecedented civilisation crisis for the last two centuries, beginning with Friedrich Nietzsche’s words “God is dead, and we have killed him”.

Except the religion has historically been inherently pro-hierarchy, pro-subsidarity, and rationalistic (as in the Scholastic tradition).
You have no idea what you're talking about. The lies of neopagans are easy to see through.

Pic related is for you.

The proof in part 2 is literally a formal proof. You don't have any idea what a formal proof is, do you?

>calling me uneducated

Not only you are a moron in a general sense, you are ignorant and sinful in Christian sense itself, despite trying to sound like a little righeous deus vult LARPer in this very post.

Congrats man.

you better get your megaphone ready, pussy.
christian cuck, too dumb to find own values in life.

Let me proof.
>turn other cheek
>forgive everyone
>don't be rich, if rich - give everything to everyone
>refugees welcome
>abandon your family if they are against your faith
>love those who makes you evil, don't act evil to an evil.
ProtoCommunism as is. Now go fuck yourself and read that fucking book finally.

"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith."
A stranger approaches me and I try to be charitable. But should we openly let in any one? Even the ones that are hell bent on our destruction? I make no claim that an actual war should be waged. Though it is inevitable. This is far more than just a war between people though.
You never did answer my question.

Its not. Christianity is a religion of acceptance, just like beer makes you accept your terrible life, christianity makes you accept the virgin faggotness in yourself by saying that together we are strong. Really, this religion is a beta circlejerk. Convert to islam my friend and make Allah proud!

>1 post by this (((ID)))

Christian-Atheist Alliance will eat Israel.

Kys Ahmed. Islam is a shit, just like all religions are.

christcucks get what they deserve.

Here's your jewish god rewarding you for LARPing as if you can partake in their religion, lmfao

Wonder what their sliding?
Well, see ya Gnostic that hates Christians. Not going to hang around in a slide thread. Hope you have a good day.

t. insecure jewstick cuck

Wouldn't Life being the only exisistence give it even more meaning?

All infidels will die in the holy jihad. Prepare yourself or convert!

Premise 1 misunderstands turning the other cheek. It isn't being a doormat, it is simply not fighting evil with evil. Hence why it is mentioned as a counterpoint to "an eye for an eye" in its context.

As such the "proof" falls apart.
To love is not to let them do what they wish but to will what is good for them for their sake. The whole post is uneducated shit, user.

you weakling
it's like you're already dead

Christians are basically cucks who never keep the commandments and want you to keep the same idiotic belief that they don't even practice.


>implying they will survive without whiteys to leech from

clean your eyes from the semen and take a good look at the truth

That implies that meaning is wilfully made, which is just begging the question.

jajaja lol stupid chriscucks getting killed. Where is your god now?

Christianity was never about family values nor upholding of a material empire here on earth enjoying wealth.
It's a minoritary religion for the few people whom will render themseleves into the ultimate spiritual cucks selling ar they have and becoming omega males in front of everyone to show the mercy of Jesus to the world, you don't do this and you are a hypocrite.

>the absolutely disgusting levels of Reddit in this thread

I'm out.

>I'll repost nonsense that was refuted 1000s times in hope someone don't know about it and get confused by wall of wordplay
Christcucks everyone




>All infidels will die in the holy jihad. Prepare yourself or convert!
Well, that's a hard choice:
1. Convert and end up burning forever in hell.
2. Don't convert and end up in heaven as a martyr.


Christianity is an apocalyptic judaic cult that said the world was about to end, christianity didn't say: wait for thousands of years and the world will eventually end, and the day isn't know but only by the father, but rather: "before all my apostels die, I will come back and everyone will be given according to their works, with heaven and hell according to what you deserve.

Jesus said he would be back with the rewards before the apostles died.

Christcucks want to confuse people by saying that the day is only know to the father, but Jesus was very explicit in letting us know that even tough the day is known only by the father, the end was nigh and all would happen before the apostles died.

So the christians that came before the first century up until now are playing pic related.
