If we just cut their taxes (AGAIN)...

>If we just cut their taxes (AGAIN), the billionaire globalists and mega-corporations will definitely stop using tax havens

Why do right wing retards believe this?

Other urls found in this thread:


My wife and I make just over $100,000. This tax proposal would help us greatly, it would be enough to remodel our kitchen next year.

Lol your taxes are going up.

No they aren't. 12% on first 90k and a larger standard deduction.

Stupid fucking leaf.

Lol the tax rate is much higher than 12% on the first 90k

Also, why do u think that your billionaire globalist gods like Soros and Buffett need massive tax cuts?

[Citation needed]

If Soros and Buffet gave away all their money, every American would get a grand total of 200 dollars.

>Stupid fucking leaf pays 40% of his income for "free" healthcare.
Rake now!

Why tax Soros and Buffett at all amirite?


Why tax peoples money 3 times?. Who's jewing who here?

Exactly. Taxing them wouldn't do anything to help the people in your picture.

>if you make more money then tax cuts will mean you save more money than those who make less money
Hmm really activates my neurons

Still waiting on that citation btw

Right wing retards on Sup Forums literally shilling for George Soros

You can't make this shit up.

Wow you fucking shills are disgusting.

Taxation is gay and so are you.

Citation for what fuck head? For you not having an argument?

I am sorry my family are wealthy farmers, why should my father pay taxes on his labor, taxes on his investments and why should I have to pay taxes on the wealth he leaves me?

Calling someone a name will surely prove how intellectually superiour you are!

Soros doesnt pay taxes, billionaires have teams of lawyers and wealth managers to make sure they pay like 4% per year.

You suggested the proposed rate on the first 90k was more than 12%.

Prove it nigger

LOL the farmer meme is what Republicans invented to trick right wing retards like you into slashing taxes for billionaire globalist elites.

You exist to serve your billionaire globalist gods. You are a literal cuck.

Our health system isn't that great and will be defunct in a couple decades and no one is willing to talk about it or worn to repair that. The U.S. just needs to pass transparency laws on insurance companies, decouple health insurance from corporations, and ensure kids learn about buying health insurance in school. They're much less dogmatic about it than we are so there's still a chance they'll manage it.

>paying for free loaders
They should either contribute or die. It’s the natural order of things.

He literally didn't have an argument. Are you even following the thread?

hey my dude, you have gone too far
remember our flag is a leaf

I honestly think you believe anyone that makes more that 10,000/year is a billionaire

Even I know that trump isn't bringing in a decrease to the higher rate of income tax.

>Soros doesnt pay taxes

Yes he does. Same with Warren Buffett.

You know what I love about how cucked you billionaire globalist servants are? Your solution is never stricter tax enforcement on your heroes like Soros. It's always to cut their taxes. You're literally a cuck.

Perhaps you should re read it

What's wrong with billionaires?

>If we raise the taxes the rich will start paying them!
Why does the dumb left believe this?

American healthcare system is a total disaster. Even most of their own people admit it. Stop being a retard.

just over $120k/year here with the wife; so far it's looking pretty good for us this year. so nice to have Obama out of office

You think the Trump family only makes $10,000 a year? You're legitimately retarded.

He wants proof to your claims.

nothing except for people who think trickle down economics actually works

He's repealing the estate tax, AMT tax, and many other taxes that the rich pay.

You got btfo so badly that all you could do was squirm like a bitch and say [citation needed]. You didn't even know that Trump is repealing the estate tax. You're literally retarded bro.


>Trump is repealing the estate tax

So what?

Right on brother. Trying to get the wife prego for that credit :D

Obama raised taxes on the rich, the economy soared, and revenues went up every year.

And he reduced the budget deficit by 2/3

Study: Obama tax hikes on rich didn't hurt economy, or rich

>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.

I'm guessing you have difficulty reading so I'll simplify for you. Our health care system sucks, and we won't admit it. Their healthcare system sucks and they will admit it. Therefore they have a better chance of changing it for the better.

Your abject poverty has caused you to lash out at those more successful than you. I feel bad for you

You mean it doesn't?!


Purchasing Power Parity adjusted

That's the best metric.

How retarded are you people?

Paid the ATM last year, I am rich now?

We already established you're here to shill for George Soros and other billionaire globalist elites so fuck off. You're just a typical filthy right wing shill.

You didn't know that Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3? Lol are you mentally handicapped?

You need to re read the thread my syrupy friend

>Paid the ATM last year

You really are fucking retarded

Who the fuck cares about the deficit?

He doubled the debt.

Why should I have to pay taxes on my family s farm?

You got btfo. You're just here to shill for tax cuts for billionaires. Just be honest about your cuckery.

Holy shit you have no fucking clue what a budget deficit is do you?

Obama didn't double the debt u fucking moron.

Most of u children are too retarded to even know that Bush crashed the economy in 2008.

>wife preggo
wew lad. I'm past all that and waiting on the grandkids. Get ready for some sleepless nights and the feeling that you've finally accomplished something worthwhile. There is no greater reward in life than strong successful children.

Like I said before your abject poverty has jaded you. You seem to think anyone that is gainfully employed is rich.

Wow neat "source"

Wow, cool opinion

>Obama didn't double the debt.

Yes he did. The discussion should really end there.

He fucked up on a level that's absolutely unheard of.

I cant wait

The first $11 million is exempt from the estate tax. I get that you're a paid shill but you're fucking terrible at this.

The estate tax only affects the top 0.3% of households. That's why it's being repealed.

Seriously how did you not know this?

I already explained your cuckery to you.

>LOL the farmer meme is what Republicans invented to trick right wing retards like you into slashing taxes for billionaire globalist elites.

Guys this is Obama leaf

You must be thinking of Reagan.

Obama reduced the budget deficit by 2/3. How did u not know this?

You don't even know what the estate tax is do you?

see you got btfo

My family has over 20,000 acres, we have about 10 million in equipment alone.

Why do you hate farmers?

how come america spends by far the most on healthcare and has by far the worst healthcare of a developed country anywhere in the world? Are Americans just retarded? Is it the same with the military they just spend the most but get BTFO'd by rice farmers and shit?

Niggers, because we have niggers

>posts graph showing budget deficit highest during Obama years
>talks about the national debt
>Obama didn't do it
Obama took a market correction and dragged the recovery out for 8 years. So happy to see him out of office and the economy recovering under Trump.

It's mostly old white boomershits but believe what you want

[citation needed]

You're just larping. You're literally making shit up to defend tax cuts for your Soros god.

Why doesn't your graph show Obama?

Oh yeah, because it would make you look retarded.

I see two options
Republican plan:
>Rich people save a lot of money
>I save a small amount of money
>less gibs for poorfags

Democrat plan:
>Rich people get way higher taxes
>I get somwhat higher taxes
>More gibs for poorfags

It seems to me that supporting the democrat plan because I am mad that they get more benefit than I do would be cutting off my nose to spite my face. It also seems to me that the democrat plan has me paying more money so that poor people get to have the shit I work for. I don't see the appeal at all.

What is simplifying brackets and cutting taxes across the board?

The worst Republican REcession since the Great Republican Depression was a "market correction"? Like I said you retarded children are too young and autistic to even know how badly Bush crashed the economy in 2008.

just wait until you see Europe's healthcare numbers in 5 years or so when they feel the full brunt of what they've done. which leads us to
checked and absolutely correct

All you're doing is proving my point.

>LOL the farmer meme is what Republicans invented to trick right wing retards like you into slashing taxes for billionaire globalist elites.

You exist to serve your billionaire globalist gods. You are a literal cuck.

>the people who lost all their jobs were forced to find other jobs and that makes it look as though jobs were created

And those being mostly government jobs. Doesn't actually help the economy, it just let's you get feel good stats for your reelection...

Leaf more faggit

Actually Democrats raise taxes on the rich and cut taxes for the middle class.

Do people understand that you can simultaneously cut taxes for the lower and middle class and raise taxes on the rich?

All Republicans do is gut tax revenues by trillions to slash taxes for the rich, crash the economy and try to bankrupt the country.

Republicans crash the economy. Democrats thrive the economy. No shit retard, that's my argument.

>what is the business cycle?
>Bush crashed the economy
>what is NAFTA and bank deregulation
the events that crashed our economy were put into motion by President William Jefferson Clinton my Canadian friend. too bad your socialized health-services can't cure retardation.

>private sector

>Democrats cut taxes for the middle class

Please stop, this is embarrassing. Come back when you have some decent b8 material.

Gonna need a citation on this one

You made a claim and cant supply a citation or proof to the original poster who asked for one.




Every fucking time.

Republicans are such failures in life that they have to dindu an entire 8 year Republican presidency.

Holy shit it's like u retards get all your news from Sup Forums

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

A huge part of Obama's stimulus was tax cuts for lower and middle class.

You got massacred.

You retards don't know that Trump is repealing the estate tax? This is common knowledge. What is wrong with u people?

>and cut taxes for the middle class
No, they never cut taxes on the middle class.
Especially the increases of the social security taxes of 1977 and 1983, which hit the middle class especially hard.

all these fucking digits

Nothing wrong with wanting people to own their own home desu. It's the American Dream(tm). Wouldn't have been a problem if Bill Clinton hadn't removed the barriers between commercial and investment banks which is what caused the instability

That was Ronald Reagan that raised Social Security taxes bigly you absolute fucking moron.

Even Rush LimpBalls got btfo on this.


Obama repeatedly cut taxes on the middle class.

How do u retards not know this? Holy shit you're been completely brainwashed.


>Republican president for 8 years


Why are right wing retards the biggest dindus on the planet?

Based Bill Clinton left Bush one of the best economies in American history. 3.9% unemployment, a thriving economy, a $315 BILLION annual budget surplus, the national debt set to be paid off within 10 years, the highest labor participation rate in American history, and no wars.

Within 8 years, George Bush and the Republicans left America on its knees.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted with the economy. No matter how good a situation they inherit, they'll fuck it all up and blame Democrats. Every time.


>leafnigger makes claim
>sources: "cuck" "btfo" and unsourcedinfographic.jpg

>why didn't Bush correct what Clinton did? It's totally Bush's fault
This is almost as ridiculous as
>fuck you white people; help us end racism
you guys really need a new playbook