I'm debating a guy from my uni about the holocaust and I need some proof it never happened...

I'm debating a guy from my uni about the holocaust and I need some proof it never happened. I'm convinced already and I've got some decent arguments but I'd love some rock hard arguments it was a (((lie)))

Other urls found in this thread:


there's still jews alive today

Debates in (((university))) are the most pointless waste of time. Try not to be screwed like Faurisson did

hitler was a good guy

It's an unofficial debate, I wouldn't risk revealing my power level

That's not it works. People making the claim have to prove it happened. Regardless Jewish communists exterminated tens of millions of Europeans in the 20th century and deserved to be removed from Europe. Even Rabbis agree.


... If this wasn't justification for deporting every last Jew from Germany watching Jew NKVD head Gengrikh Yagoda, Stalin's right hand (Jew) Lazar Kaganovich, and (Jew-married) Minister Molotov (yes that Molotov) famine 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's was certainly justification for full internment and deportation. The Cheka/NKVD which was almost entirely Jewish from the outset had murdered any halfway intelligent gentile in Russia/Ukraine and it's hard to dispute this was the plan for Germany and the rest of Western Europe.


>I need some proof it never happened
You can't just prove that, because it did happen. However the numbers are grossly overestimated.

How can the holocaust be real if our eyes aren't real?

Gas the kikes or kike the gas... That is the question

>inb4 I have to blow out the JIDF counter meme

How many time do we have to see this slide thread?

No such thing as "redpilling the masses" exists, they'll just laugh at it or get pissed, everything you say will fall on deaf ears. In my opinion, it's absolutely not a thing that you should do, for how unfortunate that is


Right, a few hundred thousand inbreds died during WWII. None from gassing, almost all of them died from either starvation, disease or a bullet to the head. The hoax was invented not for reparations or for guilt purposes but rather to hide the tens of millions of European Christians exterminated by Jewish communists.

“You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.”

- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Nobel-Prize-winning novelist & historian.

Legit not a slide thread, I'm trying to prove to some 19 year old cunt in my uni it never happened

Jews died during WWII. Quite a few of them. That's not the salient point.


(((6 million))) an argument for more than a century now
pic very related

if you're coming here for help you're already done for. don't stand on mount stupid.

Talk about the Havaara agreement.

>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

When you answer these i'll give you four more. I have twenty or so here that need answering. I still like to focus on why Jews deserved/deserve to be removed from Europe for their crimes against humanity.


The holocaust definitely happened. What's in question is the scale.

dont debate the holocaust.
nothing good can come of it in this current cultural zeitgeist .

JIDF has a really shitty counter meme to all of these. So i'll just post this now.

Everything you will ever need to know about the Jews, Hitler, the Holocaust, WW2, communism, etc is all in this documentary. It isn't the most important compilation of history that exists today I would say. Please, everyone please watch it. Despite having less than 3k subs, Jewtube still flagged the videos. Some you have to find re-uploads, like part one.

Here is the channel:

Here is a re-upload of Part 1:
youtu.be/g5cN2oA2IMg [Open]

These threads happen too often

>i'm convinced that thing happened but i need you guys to give me the proof to back up my feelings
That moment when you realized /newpol/ was identical to sjws.

All good shit, thanks lads.

They did die via gassing. Focus on the number. Not whether they were gassed or died/lived. Those things happened.

Every American must listen to this 1961 speech about the world wars and kikery by Jew B. Freedman.


Are the French allowed to deny the holocaust? I thought that was illegal in most European countries.

Watch this documentary by David Cole--a Jew.
It will hit most points.


I promise you, if you watch this documentary, you will not regret it. Please take time to watch it when you can. Thank you. Also, quads of truth

I'm absolutely sure it never happened, however, I did not have the proof for it because I changer computers and jewgle fails to deliver. Also fuck off I've been here since 2008

Technically yes. In practice no one cares as long as it's not in writing.

Nobody was gassed. Communist kikes were either executed or imprisoned on sight. The other kikes that weren't deported to Palestine (at least 80k) or fled to the USA/UK (hundreds of thousands) were rightfully interned in camps once the war broke out. They turned on Germany at the end of WWI and almost destroyed it. Their communist coup was successful for 72hrs and forced the abdication of the Kaiser. Hitler had just watched kike NKVD head Yagoda famine millions of people around the Black Sea. etc.


The real redpill is the jewish appropriation of the holocaust.
Many more million non jewish people died in the concentration camps and still they're treated as a sidepage of the history book.
This is the real shame.

This documentary should be require viewing by everyone. I almost cried at the end of Part 3, learning about the gloriously Third Reich, how Hitler built the most perfect and morally just nation in history, only for the Jews to destroy it because they could no longer control Germany after almost wiping it out completely. I beg each and every one of you to watch it. It is truly life changing, the end all be all of information about the Jews and Hitler and the holocaust and more

As soon as he starts talking about the wannsee conference all your arguments will be crushed.


> In November 1944, with the Soviet Red Army approaching through Poland, Himmler ordered gassing operations to cease across the Reich. The crematorium IV building was dismantled,[70] and the Sonderkommando were ordered to begin removing evidence of the killings, including the mass graves.
>removing evidence of the killings, including the mass graves.
>mass graves
How the fuck do you remove evidence of massive grave pits of thousands of people, within a few weeks, during winter, while being understaffed, with a massive army of communists rampaging towards you, in the midst of a war on all fronts.
Not only that, but nearly every source on the Hall Of Cost is a kike. Just go to the bottom of wikipedia and look at all those (((sources)))

Not quite. The real redpill is that they deserved to be removed from Europe for their crimes and that they've been assbooted 359 times in the past. The 20th century Jewish exterminations didn't even start in Russia. It started when the Donmeh crypto-kikes in the Ottoman Empire funded/facilitated/led the Young Turk movement that deathmarched millions of Europeans Christians.

Hitler was in the process of relocating them to Palestine, at great cost.

I could easily present a number of arguments against the holocaust based on nothing but common sense and basic historical knowledge off the top of my head. The fact that you need to rely on sketchy infographics to "prove" your beliefs is not a point in your favor.

Most of the holocaust laws came in right as the Soviet Union was collapsing. There was a big truth movement in the 1990's but they shut that shit down with 9/11.


Typhus is a horrible way to go.

>Donmeh crypto-kikes in the Ottoman Empire funded/facilitated/led the Young Turk movement that deathmarched millions of Europeans Christians.

You forget the 4 billions the roman empire genocided in Bethar.

Deaths happened. But it was war and the country was being bombed.

But an "organized genocide", nope. So no, it didn't happen, german didn't organize a genocide of the jews.

David Cole's work is excellent


You never say that in real life, you idiot. It's a fucking meme. It did happen, just not to the outlandish degree that the Jews in the media and Hollywood have pushed. So when you make the claim you look like a fucking moron and a racist. Congratulations OP, you've already lost the debate by making the claim in the first place.

Keep the debate framed by clear definitions. Ask for corroborating documentary (plans/orders) or forensic (mass graves) evidence for any points they make. You want to focus on the camps. What happened on the Eastern Front was between the Nazis and the (((Communists))). That's not what we're taught the holocaust was: a government conspiracy to genocide 6 million Jews (partly) in gas chambers.

Lack of mass graves at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor is the go to argument. 2.5 million Jews were allegedly killed there. There should be over 6,000 (2.5m x 5lbs) tons of very easy to find human remains at these sites, but none has ever been found. There is no documentary evidence either.

Occasionally they might pull out a document that will leave you stumped. Of course, they're all bullshit or insufficient evidence to support their narrative, but you might not know how. Just ask for corroborating evidence and steer the debate back to the camps.

The only evidence is witness testimonies, Jewish, German, or Polish. Actually reading these is one of the quickest ways to redpill yourself on the holocaust, they are so absurd or contradictory. They might namedrop and cherrypick and you might not know how to respond. Just ask for corroborating evidence and steer back to the camps.

Eventually you will get to the point where all parties agree there is no evidence, and they will fall back on their last and most retarded resort and you win: where did all the Jews go?

Firstly, the fact that I have seen countless hoaxers ask this retarded question shows that they cannot answer it themselves by showing evidence for the holocaust. THEY are the ones with the conspiracy theory. The burden of proof is on THEM to answer this question.

Secondly, the Jews went wherever Jews are. Some died from war/typhus/execution/starvation/Allied bombing, some emigrated to Israel, America, the USSR, or elsewhere. There's no evidence for government conspiracy, gassings, or 6 million.


Two key pieces of evidence upon which they jews built their holocaust lie are confessions extracted in exchange for a stay of the death penalty at Nuremberg and the soviet's "rebuilding" of gas chambers. The same soviets famous for pioneering photo editing techniques to change historic facts, such as the very existence of communist party members that pissed off Stalin.

So when the Jews forbid anyone from searching the grounds around concentration camps for mass graves, it kinda makes one wonder.

There is no documentary evidence for the holocaust.

No plans. No orders. No indication on camp blueprints. No documentation. The nazis kept records and issued death certificates for each and every camp death (till society collapsed in 1945). These numbers are also corroborated by the itemised death tolls mainly from typhus transmitted from the camps to Berlin that London could listen to after we broke their codes (and that Himmler ordered to be reduced at all costs). In order to believe the official, legally enforced holocaust narrative, one has to assume that there was an off the record conspiracy to gas around 3 million extra Jews that left behind no paper trail. How was this possible without telepathy?

>Bad Arolsen contains 30 million documents on survivors of Nazi camps, Gestapo prisons, forced labourers and displaced persons. It rivals Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust centre and the Washington Holocaust Memorial Museum in historical value.
>The Red Cross (ICRC) had managed Bad Arolsen since 1955.
>“At death camps like Sobibor or Auschwitz, only natural causes of death are recorded - heart failure or pneumonia,” said spokeswoman, Kathrin Flor. “There’s no mention of gassing."

Post the rest of your questions, please. These are good.

>he fell for le "the nazis dindu nuffin" meme

The Holocaust:


Wrong. It needs to be not only debated but debunked. Jews have ammassed FAR too much power by browbeating the rest of the world with "Oy vey, we're so persecuted and oppressed! The horrors, goyim! THE HORRORS! The lampshadings, the 45 second cremations, the masturbation machines! Filthy goyim, don't you dare question anything we ever do, ever again!"

Shit needs to stop.

'6 million' news articles were in circulation long before the holohoax.

what documentary?

This is the best documentary evidence the Merchants Guild could come up with. Let's have a look.

>A 1955 article about a 1922 fake news interview with Hitler.

>A quote from Goebbels diaries """""discovered""""" printed on glass plates in Soviet archives in the late 1980s and not even published till 1995.

>A single mistranslated word from a single unauthenticated speech that clearly talks about "evacuation."

>A scrap of paper """""discovered""""" by the Soviets in 1979 about uncorroborated events in the Ukraine.

>And a letter sent to David Irving in 1996.

Is this convincing enough documentary evidence to support the magnitude of the claims? Or does the poor quality of this """""evidence""""" rather arouse further suspicion of the claims? This is what they're talking about when they call the holocaust "the best documented event in history." Where are the plans and orders? Why don't camp blueprints show evidence of gas chambers? Where are the receipts for the insane amount of coal that would've been required for cremation of the numbers claimed? Etc.

On case it wasn't posted yet.


I hate to burst your bubble but it did very much happen. The documented fabrication is the millions of Gentiles killed in the Holocaust. That's a bunch of bologna to try to gain more sympathy. I'd start with that angle.

If you need to ask for help, you shouldn't be debating. Kill yourself fuckwit.

Good luck OP. Please do tell us later how it turned out!

I happened. 6 gorillian goyum

Please quote where in here it talks about a holocaust. It cleary talks about resettlement and deportation, but not a holocaust.

Can you please read this yourself. Witold claimed that the Nazis threw Zyklon B off balconies at rooms full of Jews at Auschwitz. Does that agree with the offcial narrative? Or is he just making it up?

Giving the benefit of the doubt that this is genuine, what is it evidence for?

>it did very much happen


There is no forensic evidence for the holocaust.

It is claimed by the official, legally enforced narrative that around 2.5 million Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor. This would produce over 6,000 tons of human remains. Yet not a single mass grave has been found at any of these sites. Where are the remains?

At the smallest gassing centre, Majdanek, it was claimed by the Soviets at Nuremberg that they found the remains of 1.7 million Jews. The death toll at Majdanek was subsequently revised by the Majdanek museum over 50 years later to 78,000, roughly the amount killed by typhus at Bergen-Belsen. There are photos of the mass grave there. Why were no autopsies to ascertain cause of death performed like in the Western occupied zones?

Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the camps in Western Allied occupied zones. He described this experience in his book.

>Crime Doctor: Dr. Charles P. Larson, world's foremost medical-detective, reports from his crime file

As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors on his findings.

In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.

>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.

>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...

>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations.



>i need proof that something didn't happen

impossible. can't prove a negative
the burden of proof is on the person claiming the holocaust did happen

One important piece of the puzzle about the Nuremberg trial: German prisoners who did not admit guilt, either real or imagined, were threatened to be extradited to the soviets. In the political climate of the time it was a death sentence. The soviets didn't have access to any more evidence and certainly didn't care about giving a fair trial. If they were handed over a prisoner and told it was an enemy soldier, they would just hang them by the testicles, use them as a punching bag, and then send to the gulag whatever was left. Absolutely nothing that came out of the Nuremberg trial was remotely legal. The same can be said of the general treatment of post-war germans. When they were not threatened with death in broad daylight then the danger of the extraditions to russian was employed, which was the exact same thing as certain death but disguised under a layer of pretty words.

Massive redpill but still not really related to holocaust bullshit.

>600,000 Jews of Germany

The claim has never been that most of the Shoah'd Jews were German

Show him this ultra normie friendly holochaust video.
Also. STICK TO THE CREMATION TIME. Don't let him sidetrack you with other bullshit propaganda and string you around. See it's actually very easy to disprove that the holochaust ever happened. Because it takes 1½-3 hours to cremate a body with state of the art cremation ovens. For even the 1.1 million at auzwits to be true, forget the 4 million they originally claimed, they would have to cremate 1 person every 15 minutes, 24/7 through the entire span of the war. The claim then became "ah they threw more in at the time so it's faster" no again this propaganda was thought up by people who knew absolutely nothing about cremation, because the more mass, the longer it takes, it's not a set time. Also you can clearly see the ovens could only fit one. They were used to dispose of sick people who died of diseases etc. They were NOT used to cremate 6 million jews, because that's not even physically possible to do.

Zyklon B was a common cyanide pesticide. During WW2, Germans purchased 750 tons of it to delouse fabrics at all concentration camps because of the typhus epidemic originating on the Eastern Front in 1941, and 5% of which was allegedly used for industrial scale homicidal gassing.

Typhus, also known as "jail fever," is a deadly disease for which there is still no preventative vaccine. It was the primary cause of death in German WW2 concentration camps, the vast majority near the end of the war as German society collapsed. For example, Anne and Margot Frank died from typhus in the camp hospital at Bergen-Belsen in March 1945. Otto Frank was liberated from the Auschwitz camp hospital where he was also ill with typhus in January 1945.

15,000 of the 50,000 Jews who died in Bergen-Belsen died from typhus in the 2 months AFTER it had been liberated by British troops.

>Nearly 14,000 prisoners would die after liberation.

The Americans used Zyklon B to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border.

>Zyklon B arrived in El Paso in the 1920s courtesy of the US government. In 1929, for example, a Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the materialhydrocyanic acid in pellet formas a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez.

The British Empire used Zyklon B for fumigating passenger ships and food granaries.

>During the past three years various products such as Zyklon B have been used in Colombo in the fumigation of vessels, lighters, granaries, rat burrows

>A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels

-Convinced it didn't happen
-No proof

Fucking what the fuck

yes, muslim....it seems Hitler took the Jews out for picnics and they went roller skating afterwards

Just ignore all the pictures and testimony

>Holocaust deniers are iranian shills.
>Takes a special kind of dumbas to think your math is right.
pic related, your train of thought

As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B gas deposits a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure. The Prussian blue is clearly present after 75 years in the Majdanek delousing chamber, but not in the Auschwitz main homicidal gas chamber. Extensive testing has been done on the Auschwitz gas chamber walls, both by independent researchers and the Auschwitz museum authorities. They all returned the same result. They were found to contain only trace amounts of cyanide, as much as one would expect to find in a room that had been fumigated, but not a homicidal gas chamber.

Fred Leuchter was "The nation's leading adviser on capital punishment" in America according to the New York Times (October 13, 1990). In 1988, he tested the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber at the behest of Ernst Zundel and found only trace amounts of cyanide. It was this scientific proof of a gas chamber hoax that brought holocaust revisionism into the mainstream (1:23).



The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum


and Germar Rudolf, a chemistry PhD student at the Max Planck Institute.


The main homicidal gas chamber on display at Auschwitz museum is in fact a Soviet reconstruction of an air raid shelter, including fake holes in the roof (pic related) and fake chimney. The Auschwitz museum did not inform the public of this deception for 47 years.

>The crematorium I building was adapted as an air-raid shelter in 1944.

The only reason we know this is because of an interview between Jewish American historian David Cole and the head curator of Auschwitz museum, Dr Franciszek Piper, in 1992.


Do you have any evidence that there was a government conspiracy to genocide 6 million Jews in whole or part in gas chambers, or not?


There is a youtube video of a person who tracked down a physical copy of the old newspaper who mention six million jews before WW2. He reads them aloud and zoom on them.

It was atrocity propaganda by the communist, that then jews after the war being promised reparations from germany if they were survivors of it, made up all kinds of stories that many of them have been proven total frauds. There were many survivors of the death camps because they weren't death camps they were work camps. Did hitler put the jews there during the war? Yes, to fuel the german war machine, almost everyone got drafted during the end of the war.
Did hitler hate the jews? yes, did he cremate 6 million jews? after gassing them? no never, cremating 6 million jews is physically impossible even with state of the art ovens designed for cremation. Also they change the numbers at auswitz from 4 million to 1.1 million after the fall of the commies in soviet union. But the number stays the same 6 million.


>I won't reveal my power level
You've already revealed your powerlevel when you decided to debate that the holocuck didn't happen.

There's about 10 newspaper articles that mention the jews saying that. 6 is a magic number for them has nothing to do with historical accuracy of how many jews died during the war or anything. It's why they can change the number at auswitz from 4 to 1.1 million during the years but it's always 6 million 6 million 6 million. Realize how baloney that is. Also some of the stories these "survivors" make are so ridiculous, but since it didn't happen they have to use their imagination and since many of them don't know a shit about how cremation worked they come up with the rollerchaust pic related. Which is completely physically impossible but even if you pretended an oven could cremate people that fast, which it can't then according to the rollerchaust they would have cremated 31 million jews just at auswitz.
It was atrocity propaganda by the commies and when the commies made up death camps, all of a sudden all the jews thought they had maybe seen something, and few of them couldn't help themselves to make up ridiculous stories whilst recieving monthly compensation from the german state.

Jewish media did indeed try to hoax holocausts of 6 million Jews years and decades before WW2.


>before ww2
They didn't know about the holocaust until the end of the war you kike

You don't get it.. 6 is a magic number for the jews. 6 million is 6 and 6 zeroes. They were talking about it "muh 6 million" before hitler even was elected.

The star holocaust witness at Nuremberg was tortured and his story contradicts the current official, legally enforced holocaust narrative.

Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz, Affidavit:
>I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946.

From the memoirs of Rudolf Hoess:
>I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear.

From an interview with Captain Bernard Clarke, officer at Rudolf Hoess's arrest:
>The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'

>Hellstorm (1:09:02)

Read more carefully. He's referring to Jew media fabricating several "muh 6 million" stories before WWII even started.

Library of Congress search results for the term “6000000 jews” appearing in newspapers between the years 1836 and 1922. 132 results


>be op
>have some decent arguments against the holocaust
>but nothing rock hard
>believe holocaust is a lie