So Sup Forums

So Sup Forums,
How is it possible that you can be racist towards white people?

>inb4 muh dictionary definition

>inb4 one post by this ID

come on redpill me

Blepe a shit.

I mean true

>how is it possible to be racist towards blue pepes

I’ll bite

Because fuck your own sister that’s y mate.

Thanks for the meme

Yeah, right, cuz, muh nigger definition matters so much.
You don't get to just change the meaning of a language that is older than you and does not belong to you.

Not sure if you're implying that the whites who frequent here can be racist towards other whites, or if non-whites can be racist towards whites.
Which, in either case, yes.

Yeah m8 but
This is practice people come on

You can leave the thread now. You've posted your nonsense.

OP is a faggot. Don't waste your time dude

Just because liberals changed the meaning of the word in their "social sciences" indoctrination programs at university, doesn't mean the rest of the world is going to ignore the traditional (dictionary) definition and accept doublespeak

Dictionaries use an over simplified, and/or partial definition for something, that WILL result in the incorrect application or interpretation of the word, due to a lack of nuance and understanding.

Racism is a complex and nuanced thing, that has academic study done on it. This means that WHEN you talk about racism, the dictionary definition SHOULD NOT be used because it is incorrect, incomplete, and does not hold the nuance that the discussion on the topic requires.

Racism is a forced meme and I don't subscribe to the idea

In the case of white on white: The evidence is pretty overwhelming.
Can I not post an image on mobile?
Help a fucking newfag out here.

You right

It's probably just your phone, i can post images on mobile

>white person says something racist towards black person

now flip the races around. there ya go


As soon as someone uses the word nuanced in a argument you know their argument isn't worth the smeg on my cock

m8 gotta ague against it that's all they know, can't redpill them like that

Gotta practice for the real thing

That's that sorted
It's simple not fucking nuanced I despise that word can we start a campaign to make the word nuanced associated with nazi ideology so the left fags can't use it to make shite fucking arguments that defy common sense any more ????

Yeah, instead we should use the obvious frankfurt school version that says it's ok to be racist towards white males to further our communist agenda

By your logic, racism is whatever an "academic study" says it is. To hell with hundreds of years of tradition, common sense and logic. You must go with the definition that was made by some pretentious "philosopher" at a college, who never had to interact with anyone outside his academic circle, because clearly they are your superiors. Everybody who lived before you was wrong. Thank god we have these enlightened patrons of reason to guide us into a better society!

Just below geographic location

True mate ! I think we need to steal that word though make it a hate symbol then we can slowly steal all there other shitty words they use to craft shitty false arguments and they won't be able to make shitty arguments again because all the words they want to use will make them a nazi if they say them ( by their own logic of course ) what a great world it would be

>inb4 you define a thing based on the actual definition of a thing.

What did he mean by this?

Because my neighborhood was a nice, Italian neighborhood and then we got inundated with central American trash. Crime is out of control now.

Nice bait

>mfw i'm reporting shit threads too fast and the site won't let me

It's easy. Just assert yourself, then punch


>ask any nigger that can read his own name,

Because racism is basically the hatred of others based on racial differences. This is how most people in everyday life understand or experience (to use lefty speak) racism.

That the Sociologists came up with a definition somewhat alien to the way that those they study use it is rather strange. And it should be strange to you, OP.

Why should their understanding of a social problem be so far removed from that of the people they study?

And their definition of racism? Racism = Power + Prejudice. And it is so constructed to make it impossible to argue against it, and to argue that only Whites can be racist. But, lets examine at least one element of that: Power.

If a single or few white persons were to go somewhere, and a greater amount of non-whites were to come up and bully them, wouldn't the non-whites have the power, due to their numerical superiority, and thus acting against their white victim with racism?

>B-but, non-whites can't be racist! They don't have institutional power!

Ok, lets try Dominican Republic. If some number of Dominican kids overpowered some Haitians because they were Haitian, wouldn't the Dominicans be acting with racism?
Even worse, the Dominicans have institutional power in Dominican Republic. According to your definition, Therefore, according to Prejudice + Power = Racism, The Dominicans are being racist.

But, logically, the same would be true if Dominicans happened to be in Haiti, but were set upon by Haitians. After all, it's the Haitian's country, so they should have the power of institutions on their side. Therefore, according to Prejudice + Power = Racism, The Haitians were acting in a racist manner.

And if the victims were White, then either of these people were being racist against Whites.

>But Whites have Global power.

And here we return to the issue with the Sociologists. And the issue is: Who even thinks that way about themselves? all people are just experiencing their own lives.

And blocking off definitions, thus blocking off means of explanations is a faggot move OP.

If racism=prejudice+power, does racism towards whites exist in places like Africa or Memphis? Where a poor white person is a minority, his teacher is black, the lunch lady is black, the police are black, the people at the DMV are black, etc?

Probably yes. But it becomes absurd and That's the problem. It doesn't mean that. It's not supposed to mean that. That way lies madness.

It's just allows people to keep the same problem, but act enlightened by directing it elsewhere. This, when the truth is that it something that should be done away with. It's the probably even the same garbage in a different package. It doesn't encourage actual change.

Stick to what it is, and don't let the lefties change it: "Racism is hatred of others based on racial differences."

Did you just assume my race? I'm slavic under the guidelines of your nazi laws! REeeee gib gibs

I mean are we going to split hairs here you fat little nigger?
Racist means you want to harm people because of their skin color.
And I'm the magic fucking genie that says that's the definition.
You're a bait faggot so you get a sage.
Praising KeK to have niggers beat OP for making this post.

>Explain a thing without defining it
Are you legitimately retarded or something?