Opinions on Randian Objectivism

I just finished Atlas Shrugged and am starting the Fountainhead. I'm wondering what your guy's opinion on Ayn Rand's Objectivis.

Does it hold up philosophically?

Can a country/nation function under it?

>and yes I know she was a jew

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Ayn Rand died living off of welfare

Somewhere between "Pokey Little Puppy" and "Green Eggs & Ham."

Heroic going through that snooze fest

She's one of my personal favorite writers, and through her work I feel I truly found what I was lacking in life. If someone sent me down the path away from leftism (I read We the Living while unironically saying things like "but was it Communism") and put me on the path to caring for myself. I suggest looking through some of her nonfiction as well.

Also to answer your questions. It holds up philosophically. It's very much about individualism, and any self-thinking man could agree with many of her points. I know quite a few leftists whose only arguments against her writing is "IT'S FICTION" (they don't know about the nonfiction) or "IT'S ABOUT WHITE MEN NEEDING TO BE IN CHARGE" (Also ignoring that Francisco d'Anconia is Argentinian).

Can a country/ nation function under it?
Meh. I'd say small communities could yes. Its harder on a larger scale because of how Rand views social interactions with Objectivism. The focus is primarily on the individual, and the individual taking care of their own needs. The state gets in the way of that. It would take everyone growing a thicker skin for sure, and valuing their work more.

Read Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. Attack irrationality at its root: epistemology.

The one big thing I disagree with (and someone mentioned this in the other thread) is her disdain for the family unit. I think this is best illustrated through Rand herself; she was a loose whore who had an absolutely horrible relationship with her husband and never had children. I like some of her ideas and I can separate the person from the message, but if everyone were to live like Rand did society would fall apart in no time.



Objectivism is moral and civic poison. You are not John Galt and no-one will give a fuck if you shit off to the mountains. No-one in a company bigger than about 20 people is indispensable, not even the owner. Only spoiled faggots who can’t fathom teamwork and cooperation give a shit about Ayn Rand.

Yeah I disagree with her on religion. She's super against it, but I think part of that comes from the Soviet teaching she had for 20 years. She absolutely loathed it but wouldn't drop the atheism or family thing. Hated the gays though.

Ever since I was young I've only ever heard nothing but attacks against Rand and her books, just constant angry rhetoric trying to shut down anyone from even talking about them before they could even have a discussion. I coasted along with it back then, but knowing what I know now about how leftists and marxists and kikes act............

yup. Here's a great rule for judging a philosophy: what was life like for its adherents? Were they happy people, or bitter? Were they honorable? Did they support their family and community? Did they die surrounded by lifelong friends?

If adhering to objectivism 100% grants you a life like Ayn Rand's, count me out. It's pretty obvious that she was not a happy or well-adjusted person.

You missed the point.
They did work together, the entire book is about finding people to work with who are worth a fuck.
It's about how you can't do it alone all the time. Maybe you should actually read it.

Ayn Rand was literally a jew you dumb weeb

Ayn Rand lived on welfare and died in poverty. Clearly her philosophy didn't translated into the real world for her. Either that or she was an untermensch who deserved to be exterminated.

Nice quints but the Pokey Little Puppy is the greatest philosophical work of the modern era.

The point of the book is that spoiled little faggots will buy the book. Every objectivist I’ve ever worked with was a fucking retard. They’re completely uncooperative and dumb, but they think they’re geniuses.

It's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

(((Ayn Rand)))
ffs you kikes repeat the same shit decade after decade endlessly. Get some new material. Holy fuck. Ayn Rand was a deconstructionist kike devil doing her part in disassociating western man & woman from their people.

Fuck off kike

Guys, what about an "argumentation ethics objectivist"?

1) Justification is propositional justification.
2) Argumentation presumes life.
3) Therefore, no one can justificate rationally your position if he doesn't presumes life — the fundamental objectivist value.

I think "life" is so much better than "self-ownership" as an fundamental value.

What about?

>Dunning-Kruger Effect
Literally the Jews. See a perfect example located here


dick.exe has stopped responding

Why it's a perfect example?

I've heard you can skip straight to the back and read John Galt's speech and understand the whole book. Is this true?>

Emperor Titus was being the ultimate individual when he ordered that shity temple in Jerusalem demolished in 70AD. We don't need crooked eye Ayn Rand's interpretation of original thought processes. Titus stuck his dick all over that Jew Temple for months and basically raped the Jews for 2,000 years from his grave. Now that's what I call objectivism.

Fucking die you hipster faggots.

>Green Eggs & Ham
this book was about marxist subversion tactics. the idea is if you destroy everything of value in somebody's life they will become more open to new ideas. sneeches on the beaches was about capitalism being the natural solution to communism's class struggles. horton hears a who was about the US occupation of japan. dr seuss was pretty cool.

Believing those kikes cared about class struggle and didn't use disinfo to foment hostile coup environments against their historical adversaries. How many Israeli pamphlets were dropped inside Syria discussing the various angles of class struggle and how evil Assad was holding the black man down.

You fucking faggots are so stupid, yet you believe you're so smart.

wow ty user pol actually taught me something today

Objectivism is the communism of right wing philosophy (though not in terms of potential or actual harm to society). It's pretty simple so the contradictions are very subtle and long down the road of logical derivations.

Other than that, it's utterly non-factual. Just listen to this: youtube.com/watch?v=MdeI9NfbfT8 It's definitely dated in terms of scientific plausibility, as most 19th and early-20th century political philosophies are.

>Jews suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect
>Jews own all the power and institutions in the west and have acquired them through cleverly executed subversion tactics
Literally pick one. I'd go with the latter.

>Objectivism is the communism of right wing philosophy
Confusing Jewish conservatism with Western Traditionalism. Neck yourself, you unaware clumsy revisionist.

It's shit. It's basically written by an autistic.

>Book is about TRAINS
>One character goes into an 80 page monologue (I'm serious)
>All the characters are bland, no personality. It's really hard to tell them apart when they're having conversation during parts without the he said she said stuff
>Good characters have sharp and angular faces, bad characters have soft and rounded features
>The characters are cartoonishly simple. No complexity in them.

It's seriously how an autistic person sees the world. Autistic people don't understand people. Their views on anything socio-economic are worthless.

The ideology itself is shit.

Your personal favorites? Have you not ever read any other book before?

u wot? i was just pointing out that thiswasn't actually as insane as it seems. there actually was some philosophy behind dr seuss's fiction.

What the fuck is Jewish conservatism? Anarcho-Capitalism? Capitalism in general? Your posting style is like 20% substance and 80% angry ad-homs.

>Deciet is equivalent to intelligence
Any society based on an honor system can replicate Jewish deceit. The honorable culture refrains from doing so. Which is why we historically see the Jews gain power and wealth quickly throughout history, only to have it confiscated followed by an edict of expulsion.

This clash of culture has repeated itself 190 times in 2,000 years? Yet the Jews never learn. Clearly, Jews are retarded. Only a criminal would confuse deceit as intelligence.

>What the fuck is Jewish conservatism?
Another pseudo-intellect full of bluster and attitude dishing out only the most generic of surface level drivel. Jesus fucking christ what are you some retarded Ted Cruz voting Mormon? You stick out badly.

Jewish conservatism would be...
- Zoinism
-Ted Cruz

In it's weaponized foriegn adaptation, it is Trotskyism and any of it's more modern offspring.

Fuck off back to The Blaze, idiot.

i think she makes a number of good points about personal motivation, what wealth is and how leftists think. i just think her writing is horrendous, especially the first two parts of atlas shrugged. fuck dagny.

i really preferred the fountainhead over atlas shrugged.

look at the objectivist movement today. pretty kiked up

Holy strawman, dude. There's absolutely nothing "conservative" about globalist neoliberal/neoconservatism. It's nothing but degenerative and chaos-inducing evil.

When you said "Jewish conservatism" I thought you were referring to the hands-off economics types like Murray Rothbard, who I actually think had some great ideas regarding hierarchy and anti-egalitarianism. Hoppe is arguably one of the greatest political philosophers of our time and he studied under Rothbard.

>I was proved wrong, therefore strawman because I don't know what else to say.
You're fucking retarded and you're going hysterical because you realize it. There's a high chance you're an actual homosexual due to your emotionally based focus and reaction.

Many homosexuals get into this "individual", "libertarian" area. We have already established your false intelligence is 100% bluffed by smug attitude. Also, an incredibly homosexual trait. observed time and again.

No, you idiot. Jews have their own Conservatism.

Mind blowing stuff... lol, fucking hysterical retard.

she just explicitly stated the implicit, and that's a big no-no. one must never do that, it only brings trouble. however knowing the implicit helps you advance