Are liberals wrong or evil?

Are liberals wrong or evil?

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Evil results from a lack of knowledge.
They are wrong who, as result of their wrongness, do evil.

They worship Government. So they are evil as all hell.



>why not both

They're victims. At some point we will either have to deprogram them or kill them.

>Evil results from a lack of knowledge.

this is what science enthusiasts actually believe

Liberal in what sense? I am socially liberal, I read locke and mills, etc and don't consider myself to be evil or wrong.

Both if they know what they're doing.
But doing evil because of ignorance is still evil

But what if their intentions are meant welll? That everyone deserves equal opportunity to succeed on their own merit?

They're intoxicated by their own egos and their political beliefs are attached to their egos and although their beliefs and actions are harmful to many, very few will ever realize the harm they do or feel any sense of shame for the suffering they cause particularly when it comes to mass immigration and the detrimental effects it has on a nation's working class.


Liberals are culls

i.e. they are those who would get killed off in the wild, but who remain due to the miracle of modern technology.
They are the dead weight dragging down the genome.

Imagine if all the weak gazelles survived, instead of being eaten by lions. How shitty the gazelle population would be in a few generations.
It's happening to us.

I'm a liberal and I'm both thanks.

They are evil.
The reason why I think this, is because they are flooding this country with people that will reliably vote for them. In the near future we will never have a republican president again. This is pure evil and something only a sociopath would do to someone on the other side of the political spectrum.

If I murder you and rape your wife for the best of intentions, does that make it okay?

Actions and results matter, intentions are of the same value as your imaginary friend.

too fucking real

It is Evil to force wrongness on others, though an individual can i guess safely practice being wrong if it doesn't violate the NAP. So they are Evil.

A real liberal would simultaneously lie, dodge the question and accuse someone else of the same thing while popping out political buzzwords.
You're a fucking reverse shill, screw you I'm voting for hillary.

Trips of truth.

Their entire platform is dedicated to flood the country with an ignorant horde that they can manipulate forever. Fucking disgusting.

"More men are guilty of treason through weakness than any studied design to betray.”
François de La Rochefoucauld

They are just stupid like the majority of pol. Both sides push their own horseshit for their own benefits. Only both sides are stupid and dont seem to realise that both sides benefits (((them))). If pol was smart theyd leave the whole jewish smoke and mirrors of politics and just go guerilla on the masses.

There is a certain beauty to this simple explanation. You may have changed my life, user. I must meditate on this.

>Jewish smoke and mirrors

When did smoke and mirrors become a phrase that meant facts?

Just stupid.

>Liberals are culls
>i.e. they are those who would get killed off in the wild, but who remain due to the miracle of modern technology.
>They are the dead weight dragging down the genome.
>Imagine if all the weak gazelles survived, instead of being eaten by lions. How shitty the gazelle population would be in a few generations.
>It's happening to us.

Conservatives are mostly culls too, the elite are in both parties. The difference is that the conservative culls are too stupid to realize that the policies they're endorsing would remove them from the gene pool.

Ones at the top are pure evil

Your average shitlib is just a babbling retard

just go look at a bernie sanders rally, look at the people
these are clearly people who should have been killed off

they are just weak. Physically, mentally, emotionally...etc. They are the unfit

Some are evil, some are ignorant. What they all have in common is they value group acceptance over truth and fear ostracization for the truth over the comfortable lie. All of their philosophy comes from this.

It''s the friggin' chemicals in the water!

Pure evil

Most are wrong, some are evil.

Usually 90% stupid, 10% retarded


I think they're all mis-directed. They're not allowed to believe in God, read a bible, or even entertain the idea of a religion, as per the occultists who fund their education. So.. they've only got ONE perspective.. and it's hard to live a decent life with only ONE side of a story.

Liberals seem to believe that they are the good guys and that they are fighting a righteous fight.
>When it's really the opposite.


Anarchist here, liberals are wrong. You guys are the evil ones.

what is evil depends on your opinion on what evil is

Neither. They are subhuman.


Now give me your opinion on "respectable conservatives," O.P.

Anarchists are going to Hell.

Or more accurately they are mostly everyday decadent and degenerate losers who believe what they are told by popular consensus, and the media.

I think stupid and gullible are the words you are looking for.

No, the babylon system is oppressing god's creatures. I am free in my righteousness.

That's not true. I've met many liberals who have faith, as well as many conservatives who are secular. Look at Europe for example: many of the biggest proponents of immigration/refugees, and other liberal policies, are Christians and religious organizations. And look at that cuck of a Pope, and what he supports.

I agree that the majority of them are misinformed and misdirected, but i think it's much more an issue of widespread propaganda and biased media coverage, rather than anything having to do with religion.

Very few people are the conventional definition of evil. Most communists weren't the conventional definition of evil, but they were because they thought they had the best intentions. So yes liberals are fucking evil

Anarchists are the biggest retards in all of politics.

the construct of evil is something made by ones way of seeing what is good and what is evil and liberal is a broad term. liberalism is a political belief therefore unless presenting facts and not opinion to the table they are wrong and most of the time end up completely dismantling their own argument.

>country people
>city people


something's got to give eventually

nothing more evil than ignorance

In your opinion, but not in reality, user.



But anything more left than liberal has no humanity and is pure evil and needs to be whiped from the face of the earth (along with jews).

Anarchism is only possible in places with infrastructure, Africletus.

>the Kaczynski pill
All he needed was memes inserted in between passages and we could have avoided this mess.

Incidentally anarchism is the only political system that kaczynski endorses.

There is only one good, knowledge and one evil, ignorance. -Socrates
Quit being an ignorant turd

Anarchism is impossible everywhere because any ungoverned pieces of land will be conquered either by a foreign power, or a local warlord. That's why anarchism doesn't exist anywhere, retard.

>Durrr, I'll call him a name, that'll prove I'm right
You need to be 18+ to post here, son.

Are you a Hutu or a Tutsi?

"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." --Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.

Liberals are idealists. A lot of their ideals are noble, provided said liberal is sincere in their altruism. Social benefits for the struggling, a home and a hearth for those escaping war-torn countries, an active interest in expunging discrimination and oppression of those who are marginalized.

However, they operate under the presumption that the world is black & white. They forget about 'sin', they misinterpret 'evil'. Their ideals do not reflect reality. Evil is not an entity unto itself, it simply means 'lack of light' (God's light). This lack of light naturally implies many steps away from God, or few. Reality is shades of grey. The struggling man looking for a hand out is a drug addict, the refugee is also a pathological criminal, and the 'victimized' are masters of manipulation and feed off of empathy. The liberal cannot grasp this.

In their quest for an unattainable reality (especially removing Jesus Christ out of the equation), they take one step into Hell further and further with their 'good intent'. That is the issue in a nutshell.

Evil and wrong. Out of pure evil (psychopathy).

believing in lies makes them wrong, acting on it makes them evil.

>The struggling man looking for a hand out is a drug addict, the refugee is also a pathological criminal, and the 'victimized' are masters of manipulation and feed off of empathy. The liberal cannot grasp this.
It is always seem to me that lot of them cannot grasp that bad things can happen to bad people too or something like that. If you are somehow victim of someone or something then it will automatically mean that you are a good person.

I'm white.

Sociopaths will always claim to be liberal because it is the easiest way to gain power and trust. So yes, many evil people are liberals because it suits their needs best

That essentially already exists in the United States, or as close as humans can get. Leftists want to go to the extreme and blame every problem on someone else and never take a look in the mirror for who to blame.


They're just dumb

Don't forget techno-revisionism.


Sociopaths will always claim to be liberal because it is the easiest way to gain power and trust. So yes, many evil people are liberals because it suits their needs best

If you look at it this way.
Someone who is stupid can be tricked into doing things that are evil.
Someone who is smart will smell the Jews and promptly turn them into pizza.

but liberalism is adopted by those high in openness and agreableness and those traits are a sign of creativity which is an indicator of intelligence. did you even do the 12 steps you bloody post modernist

Brainwashed, but many also harbor a deep hatred for Western Civilization.

Subconsciously (for some it's very conscious) Lefties want to see the entire thing burnt to the ground, and replaced.

Misplaced Daddy issues probably account for a large %.

Obviously they don't truly grasp the hell right on the horizon, if they get their wish.

wrong, indifferent, selfish, causative of calamity.

it's an anti reality cult.


This fella isnt talking about classical liberals like yourself that believes in individual rights, but the people that call themselves liberals and believe opening the borders, supporting big government and the destruction of tradition are good things and somehow liberal.

Also ditch the political labelling it'll stop you feeling like you have to defend what OP is talking about and you'll be more fluid in your beliefs and end up believing what your morals demand rather than following an ideology and what a good liberal believes.

I live my life the way I want to and if anyone tries to interfere with that, they get shot.

It's that fucking simple.


>Obviously they don't truly grasp the hell right on the horizon, if they get their wish.

>was going to ask for a Tl;DR
>read a sentence
>cant stop reading
Fuck it I'm downloading the manifesto now

>The Age of Man, is coming to an end.

We see their basis is lies, always.
Thus they align with the arch deceiver.
Posessed, insane, demonic, perverted, something is always wrong with the liberal(leftist)(democrat), defective, thus they cry that all be accepted as valid, and move society toward destruction and hell.
EVIL, demonically controlled.

They are bullshitters. It's not the liberalism. It was the same for the Bush dynasty and Darth Cheney. They beleive the ends justify the means and that the truth value of statements is not relevant. They are both wrong and evil, but it is a consequence of their ideology, and not sometjing that they take into consideratin at all.
Watch the following:

Read the following:

It is not possible to be evil without being wrong. Morality is the study of correct action. The right action by definition cannot be evil and the wrong action by definition must be right.

Leftists are evil. "Liberals" are only sometimes evil.


All liberals are faggots, no exceptions.

Both. They're definitely wrong about the vast majority of issues, it's like they take pleasure out of being wrong.
Evil depends on how you define evil, and no matter how you define it they fit the bill. A lot of them are motivated by pure desire to see the world burn, others are less cartoony evil in the sense that they're flawed people who are envious, angry, insecure, ignorant and every other characteristic that you would consider evil.


With few exceptions, there's no such thing as an evil person.

They have a hero complex. They think there helping people but there just making life a million times worse.


This. Back in the wild wild west, liberals would have been shot on sight.

>liberals don't have kids
>they die out in 30 years due to heavy drinking/drogs and body abuse
It's a shame thought that we lost a generation to the jewish trickery

With Jew exceptions, you mean.
