Lads, I know this was probably already covered, but HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

Lads, I know this was probably already covered, but HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

Clearly the ghosts of republicans possessed the man. He did nothing wrong.

Try again, honeybun.

>america doesn't have enough hate crimes to support the narrative
>fake some hate crimes
>there, that'll fix it

How these idiots think they're doing any good is beyond me.

oh sweetie

I don't understand why they think this is a good idea? Time after time, it's some fake bullshit.


Consider what you just said, user.

Yeah it was covered but an interesting point somebody brought up is that when news stations report the statistics at the end of the year, reneged crimes are still included.

white supremacists in jew york city...LOL.

It's Manhattan, Kansas satan.

I called it as soon as it happened, using logical arguments, and most anons refused to believe me.


I think the fucked up swastika gave it away.

No. It's the fact that he was using graffiti markers, which he no doubt would have because he came off as an urban nig with dubbbzzz on his whip, plus the writing wasn't rushed and detailed, which means he did it in his garage and pushed his car out.

Anyway, i'm not getting into this again.

were you the one that pointed out that it was done using the type of marker used by car dealerships? Can be easily removed and all that

its internalized racism brought on by the white supremacist patriarchy. its really still our fault

No. I said he was using a graffiti marker. It has a pump valve and a large nib, that's how it got the drips going. I know what you're talking about, it's not a dealership marker.

Spot on.

manhattan is in jew york city.

Dude... read the article. Manhattan Kansas is where K-State is.

nevermind, its literally in kansas. sorry,man.


I wonder what his middle name is. I'd laugh if it was something normal like Steven or something.


i thought middle names were father's names though?

Oh you're right, he probably doesn't have one then.